Why Trump people will not let go of Trump (or 2020)

I loved the videos at this site.. don't care for Roger Stone's idea that Trump supporters should move on from 2020 so as to think about the next election.

That doesn't make sense to those of us who like justice and see that a terrible injustice has been done and we are told to just forget about it..

Forget about one injustice and another will rear its ugly head and when you move on from that 2nd one, another one will rear its ugly head

and pretty soon there is no justice at all..

now how many times did sicko al gore demand a recount of the florida pres election
and being judgmental of others make you an axehole
I should be half as judgemental as axeholes that inhabit the left-hand side of the block on this here street!

Just go ahead and try to embarrass me by calling me what I already happily admit that I am.

No hurry.

I can wait.



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Some good reasons to not let go of Trump:
Joe Biden :cuckoo:
Kamala Harris
Nancy Pelosi :cuckoo:
Chuck Schumer
The Fake News
The DC Swamp
Fruitcake liberals
30 million illegals
Enough Fentanyl pills to kill every American
$5 gas
The coming Biden job layoffs
The coming Biden recession
Dems threatening to RIG the SCOTUS
You want to talk about garbage? The Daily Signal is garbage. Biased garbage. "The war on parents" ? Seriously.? Inflation is a world wide problem related to Covid and the Ukraine and please explain how he is to blame for crime. Biden never said that we should defund the police and few local governments have done it. He blames guns and covid and rightfully so.

How about the war on democracy? How about the war on the environment, or the war on women's health. The war on voting rights? The war on education?. The war on the working and middle class.? Trump may no longer be the president but he laid the groundwork for all of that and more. How about the war on truth and reality? And now he continues to cheer on his moronic minions and sycophants in congress and the courts-particularly the SCOTUS
1. You asked me for the reasons Biden has such a shitty approval rating, and why 75% of voters say the US is on the wrong track. I gave you a link. You whined about the link instead of disproving the 7-points it raises. Disprove the seven reasons Biden sucks, or STFU.

2. The "war on parents" is real. The FBI is investigating parents who speak up at school board meetings. Its also the reason Youngkin won the VA governor job. Its REAL.

3. Inflation is a worldwide problem that Biden is making worse by his outrageous spending. He is president, he gets blamed for the outrageous prices at the supermarket, and at the gas pump.

4. Biden and the democrats are to blame for the spike in crime. Democrat DAs refuse to prosecute criminals, so we get more crime. Its simple. Democrats want to defund the police. Biden wants 100,000 more cops? Why would anyone want to be a cop when DAs don't prosecute?

5. Guns do not cause crime. Criminals cause crime.

6. There is no "war on democracy" only a "war on voter fraud".

7. There is no war on the environment, or war on women's health. Women can drive to a neighboring state if she wants an abortion.

8. There is no war on voting rights, just on voter fraud.

9. There is no war on education, just on bad educators. Private and parochial schools don't teach stupid dumbed down racist nonsense.

10. The democrats and their "fake news" outlets started the "war on truth". Who says so? Harvard.

If the democrats had a good product voters would support it. We'll see in November how many voters like the democrat policies.

I loved the videos at this site.. don't care for Roger Stone's idea that Trump supporters should move on from 2020 so as to think about the next election.

That doesn't make sense to those of us who like justice and see that a terrible injustice has been done and we are told to just forget about it..

Forget about one injustice and another will rear its ugly head and when you move on from that 2nd one, another one will rear its ugly head

and pretty soon there is no justice at all..

I agree with you...

Don't just move on, learn how you have been fooled...

Trump has played you and many others for chumps.

He was incompetent and blamed Democrats, Media, RINOs.... for most of his failings..

I always think it goes back to the inauguration crowd size, no one told him the truth, it was a test of loyalty of facts. He wanted yes men and that what he got...
Your party is insane: Unable to move past the 1800's into a post-racial world, unable to accept the fact that socialism has never worked, that "climate change" is a hoax, that murdering unborn children is "women's health", that government creates wealth, that increased taxation stimulates the economy, that masks work, that the vaccine is "safe and effective", that "Republicans want Grampa to eat dog food and push Granny's wheelchair off a cliff", that there was once some magic "liberal switcheroo" that caused the Democrat and Republican parties to change places, that women and men can become each other through surgical mutilation, than men can have periods and give birth, that the left is curious, open-minded, and accepting of new ideas, that Trump paid Russian hookers to piss on a bed Obama slept on, that Al Gore really won in 2000, that God doesn't really exist, that mankind evolved from pond scum, that COVID came from some "wet market", and that the Iraq War was started by "Big Oil Companies."

Move the fuck on, yourself. I'm staying right where I am and there's not a fucking thing you're going to do about it.
Have a good rant there...

Have a good old attack on socialism... So you want to privatise all Roads, Poilce, Millitary, Schools....

I loved the videos at this site.. don't care for Roger Stone's idea that Trump supporters should move on from 2020 so as to think about the next election.

That doesn't make sense to those of us who like justice and see that a terrible injustice has been done and we are told to just forget about it..

Forget about one injustice and another will rear its ugly head and when you move on from that 2nd one, another one will rear its ugly head

and pretty soon there is no justice at all..


What "injustice" is there?
The "injustice", as far as I can tell, is that the electoral system SUCKS, doesn't, and never has, represented the "will of the people", forces people to vote negatively, ignores half the population, gives a small number of states huge power simply because they have a mix of voters, and completely ignores third parties and other views people might have.

And here's you doing a boohoo over a guy who literally set himself up to fail, and failed but can't get over it and is throwing his dummy out of the pram, as the English say.
I agree with you...

Don't just move on, learn how you have been fooled...

Trump has played you and many others for chumps.

He was incompetent and blamed Democrats, Media, RINOs.... for most of his failings..

I always think it goes back to the inauguration crowd size, no one told him the truth, it was a test of loyalty of facts. He wanted yes men and that what he got...
We want science to bring reanimator technology to reality. We just can't get enough of McCain. We want some McCain...Oh yeah! There are Mavericks and then there are Mavericks.
1. You asked me for the reasons Biden has such a shitty approval rating, and why 75% of voters say the US is on the wrong track. I gave you a link. You whined about the link instead of disproving the 7-points it raises. Disprove the seven reasons Biden sucks, or STFU.

2. The "war on parents" is real. The FBI is investigating parents who speak up at school board meetings. Its also the reason Youngkin won the VA governor job. Its REAL.

3. Inflation is a worldwide problem that Biden is making worse by his outrageous spending. He is president, he gets blamed for the outrageous prices at the supermarket, and at the gas pump.

4. Biden and the democrats are to blame for the spike in crime. Democrat DAs refuse to prosecute criminals, so we get more crime. Its simple. Democrats want to defund the police. Biden wants 100,000 more cops? Why would anyone want to be a cop when DAs don't prosecute?

5. Guns do not cause crime. Criminals cause crime.

6. There is no "war on democracy" only a "war on voter fraud".

7. There is no war on the environment, or war on women's health. Women can drive to a neighboring state if she wants an abortion.

8. There is no war on voting rights, just on voter fraud.

9. There is no war on education, just on bad educators. Private and parochial schools don't teach stupid dumbed down racist nonsense.

10. The democrats and their "fake news" outlets started the "war on truth". Who says so? Harvard.

If the democrats had a good product voters would support it. We'll see in November how many voters like the democrat policies.
You're sources are a joke
You are clearly brain washed
Harvard said that the news was biased, it did not say that it was fake. The shit that Trump and his moronic minions spew is fake.
I am not chasing afeter bullshit that you yourself proboblt don't believe
2. The "war on parents" is real. The FBI is investigating parents who speak up at school board meetings. Its also the reason Youngkin won the VA governor job. Its REAL.
Here is just one example of the pathetic bullshit that you egarly lap up and swallow whole from your fake news sources\

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