Why Trumpers love Trump

Trump never said the Virus was nothing.
As a leader, he tried to calm the nation down, told them that a virus would come soon. not to panic, try and live normal lives.
That's what leaders should say.
Dems on the opther hand were like, "Death.......Dark Winter.....Hydroxichloroquine doesn't work........No way can we get a vaccine in under a year......wear two masks......swab your ass."
I know which one I prefer.

Now Biden is saying we should be wearing masks for the rest of the year.
It's a societal panacea.
A crowd control measure.
Cuomo's actions were baffling.
There was a huge fully staffed medical ship in New York waters.
All he had to do was pass the buck to them.
There must have been some financial benefit in using the old people's homes.

Not financial benefit, but political benefit.

Had Cuomo used those facilities Trump created, Trump would have gotten the credit. The DNC called Cuomo to ask WTF did he think he was doing? Let those people die. They need to get rid of Trump anyway possible, even at the expense of tens of thousands of family members. When the ship got there, the Javits center was retrofitted, he obeyed his masters. In one sense, he really wasn't directly responsible, but he is responsible for obeying commands.
A lot of people really, really, really liked President Trump because:

1. He kept us out of foreign wars (let our international "friends" use their own boys as cannon fodder).

2. He wanted to enforce the immigration laws.

3. He executed about half a dozen bad guys.

4. He refused to kneel to BLM.

5. He showed how biased and corrupt the mainstream media are.

He is very much missed.

Also, no jihadist terrorist attack happened in the US under Trump. How many instances of Muslim jihadis shooting up gay night clubs, Christmas parties or Army bases did we have under Trump vs. Obama-Biden? Trump did the sensible thing to ban people from countries that represented the biggest threat to bring that to US. Biden is undoing that to go back to the way it was with him and Obama.
This is a group psychosis that will be studied for decades. Or longer. This country has never seen this before.
Who gives a fuck.
I do. I think it's absolutely fascinating from a historical / psychological / cultural / sociological / anthropological perspective.

I probably will for a long time.

And better yet, I require neither your approval nor your agreement to hold that opinion.
This is a group psychosis that will be studied for decades. Or longer.

This country has never seen this before.

This is true, but the commies are telling us Trump is responsible for all American deaths due to a worldwide pandemic. Tell them this is all new to us.
It’s too bad his numerous negatives far outweighed any positives. Trump won’t be missed. Most Americans are glad he’s done.

Is that why the Nazis are so scared he'll come back that they had to create another phony impeachment to try and stop him? Sorry, but Donald Trump will be back, and he will likely be our President in four years from today.
Oh brother. You’re crazy and don’t know it. No one capable of thinking wants Dumb Don back.
Biden's commie cronies are going to make him look like Washington....Not that he's anywhere near that strata, just that this is going to be a fucked up ride.
This is a group psychosis that will be studied for decades. Or longer.

This country has never seen this before.
Indeed....The group psychosis of irrational hatred directed toward one man, whose politics are hardly discernible from the democrats of a mere 30 years ago, will be quite interesting.

You'll make a marvelous lab rat.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.

You’re the one living a lie.

We like him because he doesn’t lay down and surrender to lefty lies and attacks, he calls them out and makes them look stupid.

Of course we really like him for his pro-America policies:
Standing up to China where every other Pres surrendered jobs to them.

Better border protection and immigration policies to keep cheap illegal labor out as well as bans on Muslim Terrorists.

Not starting any new stupid wars against countries that never attacked us. Also reducing our forces in the ME drastically.

President Trump paved the way for a vaccine by the end of 2020 like he promised, when every Dim was saying it would be impossible.
Oh brother. You’re crazy and don’t know it. No one capable of thinking wants Dumb Don back.

Let's see here. Who would want a President that kept invaders out of our country, that gave us a booming economy, that kept our fuel prices low and steady, that stopped little Un from shooting off test missiles, that gave us a new high in median household income, that kept us out of endless wars, that gave us the lowest unemployment figures for women and every minority group since records were kept, that was endorsed by the border patrol, ICE and most of our police unions in the country.

Why would we want to return to that? Only a person not capable of thinking would what that situation again.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.

Mostly he tells them it's ok to hate people who are different from them, be it skin color, religion, nationality, or politics.

Like this:
He told me he would build a wall, stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more negroes from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the Left daily
it's ok to hate people who are different from them, be it skin color, religion, nationality, or politics.
your little party is like that too....especially with politics....
A lot of people really, really, really liked President Trump because:

1. He kept us out of foreign wars (let our international "friends" use their own boys as cannon fodder).

2. He wanted to enforce the immigration laws.

3. He executed about half a dozen bad guys.

4. He refused to kneel to BLM.

5. He showed how biased and corrupt the mainstream media are.

He is very much missed.
I hear this accusation about the mainstream media a lot. Even my 16 year old grandson parrots it. So I ask him who he relies on for his info. Good buddies on the internet is about all he can say. I'm wondering the same thing about all right wing. Where do they get all their info.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.

Beth Daley =Joke
I hear this accusation about the mainstream media a lot. Even my 16 year old grandson parrots it. So I ask him who he relies on for his info. Good buddies on the internet is about all he can say. I'm wondering the same thing about all trump lovers. Where do they get all their info.

Limbaugh, Fox, OAN, just a number of honest reporting sources.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.


Dr. Love has a "CRUSH" over Donald Trump, he can't stop talking about him!

Print this, paste your home walls with it, maybe that will help you?


Or you can just drop your partisan attacks of a man who is out of office for over 3 weeks, the man YOU and other trump obsessed democrats (who have a crush on him) wanted gone long ago and out of your life.
It’s too bad his numerous negatives far outweighed any positives. Trump won’t be missed. Most Americans are glad he’s done.

Is that why the Nazis are so scared he'll come back that they had to create another phony impeachment to try and stop him? Sorry, but Donald Trump will be back, and he will likely be our President in four years from today.
Oh brother. You’re crazy and don’t know it. No one capable of thinking wants Dumb Don back.
no one capable of thinking should want kamalla harris as the next president either....
A lot of people really, really, really liked President Trump because:

1. He kept us out of foreign wars (let our international "friends" use their own boys as cannon fodder).

2. He wanted to enforce the immigration laws.

3. He executed about half a dozen bad guys.

4. He refused to kneel to BLM.

5. He showed how biased and corrupt the mainstream media are.

He is very much missed.
I hear this accusation about the mainstream media a lot. Even my 16 year old grandson parrots it. So I ask him who he relies on for his info. Good buddies on the internet is about all he can say. I'm wondering the same thing about all right wing. Where do they get all their info.

I think that many people got their info from social media -- until Big Tech banned them, including the President of the United States of America.

I also manage to get some censored news by checking England's Daily Mail website.

I also listen to the much aligned talk radio programs here in Los Angeles.

And, of course, I watch a few minutes of FOX, which tells us things that the mainstream media ignore or downplay.
I hear this accusation about the mainstream media a lot. Even my 16 year old grandson parrots it. So I ask him who he relies on for his info. Good buddies on the internet is about all he can say. I'm wondering the same thing about all trump lovers. Where do they get all their info.

Limbaugh, Fox, OAN, just a number of honest reporting sources.
How do you know Limbaugh is telling the truth? Other than spending his entire life behind a microphone and playing golf, what are his bona fides?. You do know that he was a drug addict, right?
How do you know Limbaugh is telling the truth? Other than spending his entire life behind a microphone and playing golf, what are his bona fides?. You do know that he was a drug addict, right?

What does that have to do with it? He got hooked on drugs after taking prescribed pain killers for his back. He wasn't out on the street like Hunter getting dope for thrills.

The things we bring up from our sources are seldom refuted. Some try to post off the wall sites that nobody heard of before, but they all fail. I watch CNN and MSNBC every weeknight on the Laura Ingraham and Hannity show. They play clips of all their lies.

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