Why Trumpers love Trump

Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.

Mostly he tells them it's ok to hate people who are different from them, be it skin color, religion, nationality, or politics.

Like this:
He told me he would build a wall, stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more negroes from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the Left daily
it's ok to hate people who are different from them, be it skin color, religion, nationality, or politics.
your little party is like that too....especially with politics....
Lol, no.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.

Mostly he tells them it's ok to hate people who are different from them, be it skin color, religion, nationality, or politics.

Like this:
He told me he would build a wall, stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more negroes from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the Left daily
Attributing lies to Trump because you couldn't deal with a Patriot that hasn't been seen in Washington since the likes of some of our most valued historic president's of all time, uhh is typical of the leftist who have lost their minds ever since the hippie age of the 1960s.

You all tried to change America into something wild and crazy back then, but it couldn't stand, and the same will be found out again. Has nothing to do with color, but it has everything to do with character, culture's, lifestyle's, values, standard's, and unity. There is a formula in which the country seeks, but it's not the one being mixed up by a mad college scientist in the science class in which effects the students brain's in the worse way's imaginable.
I hear this accusation about the mainstream media a lot. Even my 16 year old grandson parrots it. So I ask him who he relies on for his info. Good buddies on the internet is about all he can say. I'm wondering the same thing about all trump lovers. Where do they get all their info.

Limbaugh, Fox, OAN, just a number of honest reporting sources.
If you think those are honest reporting sources then you are a total joke.
This is the point of this entire thread, you are a total brainwashed lemming, and you believe any of these fabricated lies that you are told. You need to live in this alternate reality in order to deal with the total failure of Bush and Trump.

George Bush completely and totally fucked up the Mid east wars
George Bush completely and totally fucked up Katrina
George Bush totally fucked up the economy and a mega crisis occurred 7+ years into his presidency and he is most responsible for that.
Trump completely and totally fucked up covid, and lost the election because of it.
Trump was completely lying when he said "we're rounding the curve" as US cases were skyrocketing.
Trump was completely insane to hold 100+ maskless super-spreader events, rallies, holiday parties, during a pandemic that was destroying the country and costing tax payers $trillions.
Trump is completely and totally lying when he says "We Won in a landslide" because he lost the election and there was no fraud and all courts and officials have proven this.

These things happened, you can't admit they happened. That is a big, huge problem. You need to live in a fantasy land void of facts because the things I listed are too devastating for you to handle. You must run and hide and lie about them at all costs because the GOP is a complete and total failure, Much bigger failure than any democrat ever.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

[Snip the rest of the nonsense and the childish labeling of Trump supporters as "retards."

It is so funny when Liberals try to get into Conservative heads. You aren't capable of it, just like I can't get into your head. We are wired differently, and our understanding of just about everything is different - science, freedoms, Capitalism, the Constitution, justice, etc.

It's pretty arrogant of you to get on your soapbox and declare in childish terms why you think Trump supporters support him. It's like me claiming that you support Biden because you are a wimpy feminine male living in your parents' basement wanting free stuff and offensive words banned while you smoke weed all day. See how ridiculous that is?

All you have to do is ask why we support him...

In four years, Trump achieved things that many prior administrations promised, but failed to deliver.

– Replaced NAFTA with USMCA.
– New trade deal with China, replacing TPP.
– Built 450 miles of The Wall.
– Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord.
– Must cancel two new regulations for each one passed.
– Three new SCOTUS justices that are Constitutionalists.
– ISIS pretty much devastated; don’t even hear much about them anymore.
– Immigration restrictions for certain countries where a significant fraction of the population is likely to desire harm to the US.
– Obamacare is no longer mandatory.
– Tax bill passed & hundreds of companies invest in the US by hiking wages and giving bonuses.
– Stock market rocketed.
– Fake media is being recognized.
– President shames NFL kneelers.
– US negotiates from a position of strength again.
– Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel.
– Manufacturing coming back after Obama said it would never happen.
– Lowest African American unemployment ever.
– Lowest Hispanic unemployment ever.
– Lowest female unemployment in decades.
– Terminated Obama’s Iran deal, resulting in their economy collapsing.
– Obliterated Iran’s top commander, Soleimani, who orchestrated an attack on the US embassy in Iraq and was planning more.
– North Korea releases US hostages and returns remains of 55 soldiers.
– North Korea has not launched long-range rockets nor set off atomic weapons.
– NATO members are paying more.
– Millions of Americans off welfare and food stamps.
– America is leading in energy production again, even exporting oil to China.
– Military and law enforcement are respected by the executive branch again.
– Close to flipping the 9th circuit court, by appointing 10 judges to it, (Obama appointed seven)
– Normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE Bahrain & Morocco. Maybe more countries to come.
- Operation Warp Speed, where the Trump Admin invested in six vaccines, resulting in two remarkably-effective ones in less than one year, an accomplishment the MSM said “would take a miracle.”

Promises kept. Miracles achieved. Putting America First. Putting you & me first while contributing to global peace and prosperity for all.


The only thing surprising about this study is that Dems are only about twice as likely to have mental issues. Source included...


Cuomo's actions were baffling.
There was a huge fully staffed medical ship in New York waters.
All he had to do was pass the buck to them.
There must have been some financial benefit in using the old people's homes.

Not financial benefit, but political benefit.

Had Cuomo used those facilities Trump created, Trump would have gotten the credit. The DNC called Cuomo to ask WTF did he think he was doing? Let those people die. They need to get rid of Trump anyway possible, even at the expense of tens of thousands of family members. When the ship got there, the Javits center was retrofitted, he obeyed his masters. In one sense, he really wasn't directly responsible, but he is responsible for obeying commands.
It's why investigation's into the DNC, and all of their nefarious action's to undermine the government and Trump for 4 years straight, has got to take place now. Impeachments should be flying all over the place, and the evidence should ensure those impeachments big time. We see how the Democrat's have used every decent thing that this nation has given us, and how they have perverted everything in order to get a desired outcome. They are exposed now, and it's not looking good.

The impeachments of Trump in an attempt to commit a coup in a long line of activities suggesting such a thing (a preponderance of evidence suggest it), is going to be hard to wipe clean. The speak, the video's, the writings, the action's are all on record. It just takes the right unbiased lawmaker's to finally put the puzzle together.

Won't be no bleach bitting, hammer's, and etc this time. The stakes have gone to high, and American's demand the truth.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

[Snip the rest of the nonsense and the childish labeling of Trump supporters as "retards."

It is so funny when Liberals try to get into Conservative heads. You aren't capable of it, just like I can't get into your head. We are wired differently, and our understanding of just about everything is different - science, freedoms, Capitalism, the Constitution, justice, etc.

It's pretty arrogant of you to get on your soapbox and declare in childish terms why you think Trump supporters support him. It's like me claiming that you support Biden because you are a wimpy feminine male living in your parents' basement wanting free stuff and offensive words banned while you smoke weed all day. See how ridiculous that is?

All you have to do is ask why we support him...

In four years, Trump achieved things that many prior administrations promised, but failed to deliver.

– Replaced NAFTA with USMCA.
– New trade deal with China, replacing TPP.
– Built 450 miles of The Wall.
– Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord.
– Must cancel two new regulations for each one passed.
– Three new SCOTUS justices that are Constitutionalists.
– ISIS pretty much devastated; don’t even hear much about them anymore.
– Immigration restrictions for certain countries where a significant fraction of the population is likely to desire harm to the US.
– Obamacare is no longer mandatory.
– Tax bill passed & hundreds of companies invest in the US by hiking wages and giving bonuses.
– Stock market rocketed.
– Fake media is being recognized.
– President shames NFL kneelers.
– US negotiates from a position of strength again.
– Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel.
– Manufacturing coming back after Obama said it would never happen.
– Lowest African American unemployment ever.
– Lowest Hispanic unemployment ever.
– Lowest female unemployment in decades.
– Terminated Obama’s Iran deal, resulting in their economy collapsing.
– Obliterated Iran’s top commander, Soleimani, who orchestrated an attack on the US embassy in Iraq and was planning more.
– North Korea releases US hostages and returns remains of 55 soldiers.
– North Korea has not launched long-range rockets nor set off atomic weapons.
– NATO members are paying more.
– Millions of Americans off welfare and food stamps.
– America is leading in energy production again, even exporting oil to China.
– Military and law enforcement are respected by the executive branch again.
– Close to flipping the 9th circuit court, by appointing 10 judges to it, (Obama appointed seven)
– Normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE Bahrain & Morocco. Maybe more countries to come.
- Operation Warp Speed, where the Trump Admin invested in six vaccines, resulting in two remarkably-effective ones in less than one year, an accomplishment the MSM said “would take a miracle.”

Promises kept. Miracles achieved. Putting America First. Putting you & me first while contributing to global peace and prosperity for all.


The only thing surprising about this study is that Dems are only about twice as likely to have mental issues. Source included...


Great work.
If you think those are honest reporting sources then you are a total joke.
This is the point of this entire thread, you are a total brainwashed lemming, and you believe any of these fabricated lies that you are told. You need to live in this alternate reality in order to deal with the total failure of Bush and Trump.

George Bush completely and totally fucked up the Mid east wars
George Bush completely and totally fucked up Katrina
George Bush totally fucked up the economy and a mega crisis occurred 7+ years into his presidency and he is most responsible for that.
Trump completely and totally fucked up covid, and lost the election because of it.
Trump was completely lying when he said "we're rounding the curve" as US cases were skyrocketing.
Trump was completely insane to hold 100+ maskless super-spreader events, rallies, holiday parties, during a pandemic that was destroying the country and costing tax payers $trillions.

These things happened, you can't admit they happened. That is a big, huge problem. You need to live in a fantasy land void of facts because the things I listed are too devastating for you to handle. You must run and hide and lie about them at all costs because the GOP is a complete and total failure, Much bigger failure than any democrat ever.

For one, I don't lie about anything; I'm not a leftist. Two, your post is a lie.

Bush offered help with Katrina just like Trump offered the communist cites help with their riots, but they all refused their help.
The bank guidelines for home mortgages started under Clinton who's goal was more black home ownership by reducing criteria needed to secure a loan. Bush didn't help, but he couldn't stop it either. It was the housing collapse that fucked up the economy, nothing else.
Trump lost the election due to mail-in voting. Mail in voting gets all the politically ignorant and stupid to vote since they have no idea WTF they're even voting on. You know, the Obama money and Obama phone people. Politically ignorant people generally vote Democrat. Trump grew his voter base by 12 million more people.
Trump didn't fuck up anything with Covid. If he did, tell us what that is, because none of you commies can ever cite that outside of Trump said this or Trump said that. You want to see who fucked up Covid? Look no further than New York where thousands of helpless senior citizens were executed under the order of Andy Cuomo.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

[Snip the rest of the nonsense and the childish labeling of Trump supporters as "retards."

It is so funny when Liberals try to get into Conservative heads. You aren't capable of it, just like I can't get into your head. We are wired differently, and our understanding of just about everything is different - science, freedoms, Capitalism, the Constitution, justice, etc.

It's pretty arrogant of you to get on your soapbox and declare in childish terms why you think Trump supporters support him. It's like me claiming that you support Biden because you are a wimpy feminine male living in your parents' basement wanting free stuff and offensive words banned while you smoke weed all day. See how ridiculous that is?

All you have to do is ask why we support him...

In four years, Trump achieved things that many prior administrations promised, but failed to deliver.

– Replaced NAFTA with USMCA.
– New trade deal with China, replacing TPP.
– Built 450 miles of The Wall.
– Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord.
– Must cancel two new regulations for each one passed.
– Three new SCOTUS justices that are Constitutionalists.
– ISIS pretty much devastated; don’t even hear much about them anymore.
– Immigration restrictions for certain countries where a significant fraction of the population is likely to desire harm to the US.
– Obamacare is no longer mandatory.
– Tax bill passed & hundreds of companies invest in the US by hiking wages and giving bonuses.
– Stock market rocketed.
– Fake media is being recognized.
– President shames NFL kneelers.
– US negotiates from a position of strength again.
– Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel.
– Manufacturing coming back after Obama said it would never happen.
– Lowest African American unemployment ever.
– Lowest Hispanic unemployment ever.
– Lowest female unemployment in decades.
– Terminated Obama’s Iran deal, resulting in their economy collapsing.
– Obliterated Iran’s top commander, Soleimani, who orchestrated an attack on the US embassy in Iraq and was planning more.
– North Korea releases US hostages and returns remains of 55 soldiers.
– North Korea has not launched long-range rockets nor set off atomic weapons.
– NATO members are paying more.
– Millions of Americans off welfare and food stamps.
– America is leading in energy production again, even exporting oil to China.
– Military and law enforcement are respected by the executive branch again.
– Close to flipping the 9th circuit court, by appointing 10 judges to it, (Obama appointed seven)
– Normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE Bahrain & Morocco. Maybe more countries to come.
- Operation Warp Speed, where the Trump Admin invested in six vaccines, resulting in two remarkably-effective ones in less than one year, an accomplishment the MSM said “would take a miracle.”

Promises kept. Miracles achieved. Putting America First. Putting you & me first while contributing to global peace and prosperity for all.


The only thing surprising about this study is that Dems are only about twice as likely to have mental issues. Source included...


George Bush and Donald Trump were complete and total failures. They were failed presidents that left office with the country in total crisis due to their fuck ups. They left office in total shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings.
You need to live in an alternate reality void of facts in order to avoid this reality.

Your entire existence is based on making fabricated excuses and lies to explain the great failures of Trump and Bush. Trump and Bush are the 2 worst presidents we ever had and all you can do is make excuses for their failure, instead of accepting it and condemning it.

You people believe in Pizza-gate an outlandish lie
You believe Trump when he say's "We're rounding the curve" as covid cases are surging, an outlandish lie
You believe Trump when he says "We won in a landslide" because it is easier than just admitting Trump lost the election, like a 3 yr old child...

Everything I just said is 100% accurate and a devastating truth for you to accept.
I hear this accusation about the mainstream media a lot. Even my 16 year old grandson parrots it. So I ask him who he relies on for his info. Good buddies on the internet is about all he can say. I'm wondering the same thing about all trump lovers. Where do they get all their info.

Limbaugh, Fox, OAN, just a number of honest reporting sources.
If you think those are honest reporting sources then you are a total joke.
This is the point of this entire thread, you are a total brainwashed lemming, and you believe any of these fabricated lies that you are told. You need to live in this alternate reality in order to deal with the total failure of Bush and Trump.

George Bush completely and totally fucked up the Mid east wars
George Bush completely and totally fucked up Katrina
George Bush totally fucked up the economy and a mega crisis occurred 7+ years into his presidency and he is most responsible for that.
Trump completely and totally fucked up covid, and lost the election because of it.
Trump was completely lying when he said "we're rounding the curve" as US cases were skyrocketing.
Trump was completely insane to hold 100+ maskless super-spreader events, rallies, holiday parties, during a pandemic that was destroying the country and costing tax payers $trillions.
Trump is completely and totally lying when he says "We Won in a landslide" because he lost the election and there was no fraud and all courts and officials have proven this.

These things happened, you can't admit they happened. That is a big, huge problem. You need to live in a fantasy land void of facts because the things I listed are too devastating for you to handle. You must run and hide and lie about them at all costs because the GOP is a complete and total failure, Much bigger failure than any democrat ever.
Obama/Biden caused a Civil War in Syria. Another in Ukraine, Another in Libya. Lost Crimea. to Russia. Helped bring back slavery to africa. Caused a massive human exodus to Europe across the Mediterranean. Gave birth to ISIS. Gave birth to BLM. Dividied America on racial terms. Increased poverty.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

[Snip the rest of the nonsense and the childish labeling of Trump supporters as "retards."

It is so funny when Liberals try to get into Conservative heads. You aren't capable of it, just like I can't get into your head. We are wired differently, and our understanding of just about everything is different - science, freedoms, Capitalism, the Constitution, justice, etc.

It's pretty arrogant of you to get on your soapbox and declare in childish terms why you think Trump supporters support him. It's like me claiming that you support Biden because you are a wimpy feminine male living in your parents' basement wanting free stuff and offensive words banned while you smoke weed all day. See how ridiculous that is?

All you have to do is ask why we support him...

In four years, Trump achieved things that many prior administrations promised, but failed to deliver.

– Replaced NAFTA with USMCA.
– New trade deal with China, replacing TPP.
– Built 450 miles of The Wall.
– Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord.
– Must cancel two new regulations for each one passed.
– Three new SCOTUS justices that are Constitutionalists.
– ISIS pretty much devastated; don’t even hear much about them anymore.
– Immigration restrictions for certain countries where a significant fraction of the population is likely to desire harm to the US.
– Obamacare is no longer mandatory.
– Tax bill passed & hundreds of companies invest in the US by hiking wages and giving bonuses.
– Stock market rocketed.
– Fake media is being recognized.
– President shames NFL kneelers.
– US negotiates from a position of strength again.
– Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel.
– Manufacturing coming back after Obama said it would never happen.
– Lowest African American unemployment ever.
– Lowest Hispanic unemployment ever.
– Lowest female unemployment in decades.
– Terminated Obama’s Iran deal, resulting in their economy collapsing.
– Obliterated Iran’s top commander, Soleimani, who orchestrated an attack on the US embassy in Iraq and was planning more.
– North Korea releases US hostages and returns remains of 55 soldiers.
– North Korea has not launched long-range rockets nor set off atomic weapons.
– NATO members are paying more.
– Millions of Americans off welfare and food stamps.
– America is leading in energy production again, even exporting oil to China.
– Military and law enforcement are respected by the executive branch again.
– Close to flipping the 9th circuit court, by appointing 10 judges to it, (Obama appointed seven)
– Normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE Bahrain & Morocco. Maybe more countries to come.
- Operation Warp Speed, where the Trump Admin invested in six vaccines, resulting in two remarkably-effective ones in less than one year, an accomplishment the MSM said “would take a miracle.”

Promises kept. Miracles achieved. Putting America First. Putting you & me first while contributing to global peace and prosperity for all.


The only thing surprising about this study is that Dems are only about twice as likely to have mental issues. Source included...


George Bush and Donald Trump were complete and total failures. They were failed presidents that left office with the country in total crisis due to their fuck ups. They left office in total shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings.
You need to live in an alternate reality void of facts in order to avoid this reality.

Your entire existence is based on making fabricated excuses and lies to explain the great failures of Trump and Bush. Trump and Bush are the 2 worst presidents we ever had and all you can do is make excuses for their failure, instead of accepting it and condemning it.

You people believe in Pizza-gate an outlandish lie
You believe Trump when he say's "We're rounding the curve" as covid cases are surging, an outlandish lie
You believe Trump when he says "We won in a landslide" because it is easier than just admitting Trump lost the election, like a 3 yr old child...

Everything I just said is 100% accurate and a devastating truth for you to accept.
Trump did win in a landlside and Covid deaths are criminally overstated.
Only 4% of deaths are of Covid alone.
If you think those are honest reporting sources then you are a total joke.
This is the point of this entire thread, you are a total brainwashed lemming, and you believe any of these fabricated lies that you are told. You need to live in this alternate reality in order to deal with the total failure of Bush and Trump.

George Bush completely and totally fucked up the Mid east wars
George Bush completely and totally fucked up Katrina
George Bush totally fucked up the economy and a mega crisis occurred 7+ years into his presidency and he is most responsible for that.
Trump completely and totally fucked up covid, and lost the election because of it.
Trump was completely lying when he said "we're rounding the curve" as US cases were skyrocketing.
Trump was completely insane to hold 100+ maskless super-spreader events, rallies, holiday parties, during a pandemic that was destroying the country and costing tax payers $trillions.

These things happened, you can't admit they happened. That is a big, huge problem. You need to live in a fantasy land void of facts because the things I listed are too devastating for you to handle. You must run and hide and lie about them at all costs because the GOP is a complete and total failure, Much bigger failure than any democrat ever.

For one, I don't lie about anything; I'm not a leftist. Two, your post is a lie.

Bush offered help with Katrina just like Trump offered the communist cites help with their riots, but they all refused their help.
The bank guidelines for home mortgages started under Clinton who's goal was more black home ownership by reducing criteria needed to secure a loan. Bush didn't help, but he couldn't stop it either. It was the housing collapse that fucked up the economy, nothing else.
Trump lost the election due to mail-in voting. Mail in voting gets all the politically ignorant and stupid to vote since they have no idea WTF they're even voting on. You know, the Obama money and Obama phone people. Politically ignorant people generally vote Democrat. Trump grew his voter base by 12 million more people.
Trump didn't fuck up anything with Covid. If he did, tell us what that is, because none of you commies can ever cite that outside of Trump said this or Trump said that. You want to see who fucked up Covid? Look no further than New York where thousands of helpless senior citizens were executed under the order of Andy Cuomo.
Thank you for proving my point perfectly.

You can't even admit Trump lost the election.

You can't even admit Trump fucked up covid, and made insane claims like "We're rounding the curve" even though cases continued to skyrocket?? HOW IS THIS EVEN DEBATABLE?

Bush, the most failed president ever, but none of that was his fault, blame the guy that was predient 8 years earlier it was his fault...

Reality, the big boy world, it is just too harsh for you to accept. You retreat into your alternate reality where Trump, Alex Jones, Limbaugh Fox feed you the lies you need to hear to keep on drinking the Koolaid.

How can you say "We're rounding the curve" as cases continue to skyrocket?????????????
Trump politicized mask wearing and held 100s of super-spreader events, rallies parties etc.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.

Mostly he tells them it's ok to hate people who are different from them, be it skin color, religion, nationality, or politics.

Like this:
He told me he would build a wall, stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more negroes from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the Left daily
it's ok to hate people who are different from them, be it skin color, religion, nationality, or politics.
your little party is like that too....especially with politics....
Lol, no.
lol yea.....like i told you before....you cant see it because you are one of them....
It's why investigation's into the DNC, and all of their nefarious action's to undermine the government and Trump for 4 years straight, has got to take place now. Impeachments should be flying all over the place, and the evidence should ensure those impeachments big time. We see how the Democrat's have used every decent thing that this nation has given us, and how they have perverted everything in order to get a desired outcome. They are exposed now, and it's not looking good.

The impeachments of Trump in an attempt to commit a coup in a long line of activities suggesting such a thing (a preponderance of evidence suggest it), is going to be hard to wipe clean. The speak, the video's, the writings, the action's are all on record. It just takes the right unbiased lawmaker's to finally put the puzzle together.

Won't be no bleach bitting, hammer's, and etc this time. The stakes have gone to high, and American's demand the truth.

The phony impeachment is all about fear. They not only realize Trump's ability to succeed, but also realize what Dementia is going to do to this country in the next four years. Gasoline is up 30 cents a gallon since the election, and this is only the start. If he gives into this new minimum wage, over a million jobs will be lost or more. He's already killed thousands of jobs already with the prediction that the Keystone could have created tens of thousands of jobs.

Biden has pissed off our military, pissed off our border patrol, pissed off ICE, pissed of the citizens of New Mexico, pissed off our northern friends in Canada, pissed off an American Indian tribe, pissed off parents who have daughters in school athletics, wrote the most executive orders than any other President during the first month, he's just a disaster and all this in less than a month.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

[Snip the rest of the nonsense and the childish labeling of Trump supporters as "retards."

It is so funny when Liberals try to get into Conservative heads. You aren't capable of it, just like I can't get into your head. We are wired differently, and our understanding of just about everything is different - science, freedoms, Capitalism, the Constitution, justice, etc.

It's pretty arrogant of you to get on your soapbox and declare in childish terms why you think Trump supporters support him. It's like me claiming that you support Biden because you are a wimpy feminine male living in your parents' basement wanting free stuff and offensive words banned while you smoke weed all day. See how ridiculous that is?

All you have to do is ask why we support him...

In four years, Trump achieved things that many prior administrations promised, but failed to deliver.

– Replaced NAFTA with USMCA.
– New trade deal with China, replacing TPP.
– Built 450 miles of The Wall.
– Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord.
– Must cancel two new regulations for each one passed.
– Three new SCOTUS justices that are Constitutionalists.
– ISIS pretty much devastated; don’t even hear much about them anymore.
– Immigration restrictions for certain countries where a significant fraction of the population is likely to desire harm to the US.
– Obamacare is no longer mandatory.
– Tax bill passed & hundreds of companies invest in the US by hiking wages and giving bonuses.
– Stock market rocketed.
– Fake media is being recognized.
– President shames NFL kneelers.
– US negotiates from a position of strength again.
– Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel.
– Manufacturing coming back after Obama said it would never happen.
– Lowest African American unemployment ever.
– Lowest Hispanic unemployment ever.
– Lowest female unemployment in decades.
– Terminated Obama’s Iran deal, resulting in their economy collapsing.
– Obliterated Iran’s top commander, Soleimani, who orchestrated an attack on the US embassy in Iraq and was planning more.
– North Korea releases US hostages and returns remains of 55 soldiers.
– North Korea has not launched long-range rockets nor set off atomic weapons.
– NATO members are paying more.
– Millions of Americans off welfare and food stamps.
– America is leading in energy production again, even exporting oil to China.
– Military and law enforcement are respected by the executive branch again.
– Close to flipping the 9th circuit court, by appointing 10 judges to it, (Obama appointed seven)
– Normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE Bahrain & Morocco. Maybe more countries to come.
- Operation Warp Speed, where the Trump Admin invested in six vaccines, resulting in two remarkably-effective ones in less than one year, an accomplishment the MSM said “would take a miracle.”

Promises kept. Miracles achieved. Putting America First. Putting you & me first while contributing to global peace and prosperity for all.


The only thing surprising about this study is that Dems are only about twice as likely to have mental issues. Source included...


George Bush and Donald Trump were complete and total failures. They were failed presidents that left office with the country in total crisis due to their fuck ups. They left office in total shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings.
You need to live in an alternate reality void of facts in order to avoid this reality.

Your entire existence is based on making fabricated excuses and lies to explain the great failures of Trump and Bush. Trump and Bush are the 2 worst presidents we ever had and all you can do is make excuses for their failure, instead of accepting it and condemning it.

You people believe in Pizza-gate an outlandish lie
You believe Trump when he say's "We're rounding the curve" as covid cases are surging, an outlandish lie
You believe Trump when he says "We won in a landslide" because it is easier than just admitting Trump lost the election, like a 3 yr old child...

Everything I just said is 100% accurate and a devastating truth for you to accept.
You say these things, but are lying about who is to blame for it all. If you think American's are this stupid, then either you are a troll, foriegner or leftist working to hopefully give some kind of credibility to what we have now. Pssst, it ain't working, so go play with those who might buy your snake oil, because it ain't selling here.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

[Snip the rest of the nonsense and the childish labeling of Trump supporters as "retards."

It is so funny when Liberals try to get into Conservative heads. You aren't capable of it, just like I can't get into your head. We are wired differently, and our understanding of just about everything is different - science, freedoms, Capitalism, the Constitution, justice, etc.

It's pretty arrogant of you to get on your soapbox and declare in childish terms why you think Trump supporters support him. It's like me claiming that you support Biden because you are a wimpy feminine male living in your parents' basement wanting free stuff and offensive words banned while you smoke weed all day. See how ridiculous that is?

All you have to do is ask why we support him...

In four years, Trump achieved things that many prior administrations promised, but failed to deliver.

– Replaced NAFTA with USMCA.
– New trade deal with China, replacing TPP.
– Built 450 miles of The Wall.
– Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord.
– Must cancel two new regulations for each one passed.
– Three new SCOTUS justices that are Constitutionalists.
– ISIS pretty much devastated; don’t even hear much about them anymore.
– Immigration restrictions for certain countries where a significant fraction of the population is likely to desire harm to the US.
– Obamacare is no longer mandatory.
– Tax bill passed & hundreds of companies invest in the US by hiking wages and giving bonuses.
– Stock market rocketed.
– Fake media is being recognized.
– President shames NFL kneelers.
– US negotiates from a position of strength again.
– Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel.
– Manufacturing coming back after Obama said it would never happen.
– Lowest African American unemployment ever.
– Lowest Hispanic unemployment ever.
– Lowest female unemployment in decades.
– Terminated Obama’s Iran deal, resulting in their economy collapsing.
– Obliterated Iran’s top commander, Soleimani, who orchestrated an attack on the US embassy in Iraq and was planning more.
– North Korea releases US hostages and returns remains of 55 soldiers.
– North Korea has not launched long-range rockets nor set off atomic weapons.
– NATO members are paying more.
– Millions of Americans off welfare and food stamps.
– America is leading in energy production again, even exporting oil to China.
– Military and law enforcement are respected by the executive branch again.
– Close to flipping the 9th circuit court, by appointing 10 judges to it, (Obama appointed seven)
– Normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE Bahrain & Morocco. Maybe more countries to come.
- Operation Warp Speed, where the Trump Admin invested in six vaccines, resulting in two remarkably-effective ones in less than one year, an accomplishment the MSM said “would take a miracle.”

Promises kept. Miracles achieved. Putting America First. Putting you & me first while contributing to global peace and prosperity for all.


The only thing surprising about this study is that Dems are only about twice as likely to have mental issues. Source included...


George Bush and Donald Trump were complete and total failures. They were failed presidents that left office with the country in total crisis due to their fuck ups. They left office in total shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings.
You need to live in an alternate reality void of facts in order to avoid this reality.

Your entire existence is based on making fabricated excuses and lies to explain the great failures of Trump and Bush. Trump and Bush are the 2 worst presidents we ever had and all you can do is make excuses for their failure, instead of accepting it and condemning it.

You people believe in Pizza-gate an outlandish lie
You believe Trump when he say's "We're rounding the curve" as covid cases are surging, an outlandish lie
You believe Trump when he says "We won in a landslide" because it is easier than just admitting Trump lost the election, like a 3 yr old child...

Everything I just said is 100% accurate and a devastating truth for you to accept.
You say these things, but are lying about who is to blame for it all. If you think American's are this stupid, then either you are a troll, foriegner or leftist working to hopefully give some kind of credibility to what we have now. Pssst, it ain't working, so go play with those who might buy your snake oil, because it ain't selling here.
You can't factually refute anything I said.

This is the point of the entire thread. The truth is too much for you to handle because the truth is George Bush was a terrible president, a failed president and when he left office America was in total ruin, and we can pinpoint the Bush fuck ups that caused the total ruin. There is no running and hiding from this fact.

Trump is another Bush. A total failed president, with failed results. We can pinpoint the long list of Trump fuck ups with regard to covid. Trump lost the election because he fucked up covid and the majority of Americans aren't stupid and they rejected Trump's lies and your alternate fabricated reality of lies.

This is why you need to live in an alternate reality.
Last edited:
If you think those are honest reporting sources then you are a total joke.
This is the point of this entire thread, you are a total brainwashed lemming, and you believe any of these fabricated lies that you are told. You need to live in this alternate reality in order to deal with the total failure of Bush and Trump.

George Bush completely and totally fucked up the Mid east wars
George Bush completely and totally fucked up Katrina
George Bush totally fucked up the economy and a mega crisis occurred 7+ years into his presidency and he is most responsible for that.
Trump completely and totally fucked up covid, and lost the election because of it.
Trump was completely lying when he said "we're rounding the curve" as US cases were skyrocketing.
Trump was completely insane to hold 100+ maskless super-spreader events, rallies, holiday parties, during a pandemic that was destroying the country and costing tax payers $trillions.

These things happened, you can't admit they happened. That is a big, huge problem. You need to live in a fantasy land void of facts because the things I listed are too devastating for you to handle. You must run and hide and lie about them at all costs because the GOP is a complete and total failure, Much bigger failure than any democrat ever.

For one, I don't lie about anything; I'm not a leftist. Two, your post is a lie.

Bush offered help with Katrina just like Trump offered the communist cites help with their riots, but they all refused their help.
The bank guidelines for home mortgages started under Clinton who's goal was more black home ownership by reducing criteria needed to secure a loan. Bush didn't help, but he couldn't stop it either. It was the housing collapse that fucked up the economy, nothing else.
Trump lost the election due to mail-in voting. Mail in voting gets all the politically ignorant and stupid to vote since they have no idea WTF they're even voting on. You know, the Obama money and Obama phone people. Politically ignorant people generally vote Democrat. Trump grew his voter base by 12 million more people.
Trump didn't fuck up anything with Covid. If he did, tell us what that is, because none of you commies can ever cite that outside of Trump said this or Trump said that. You want to see who fucked up Covid? Look no further than New York where thousands of helpless senior citizens were executed under the order of Andy Cuomo.
Thank you for proving my point perfectly.

You can't even admit Trump lost the election.

You can't even admit Trump fucked up covid, and made insane claims like "We're rounding the curve" even though cases continued to skyrocket?? HOW IS THIS EVEN DEBATABLE?

Bush, the most failed president ever, but none of that was his fault, blame the guy that was predient 8 years earlier it was his fault...

Reality, the big boy world, it is just too harsh for you to accept. You retreat into your alternate reality where Trump, Alex Jones, Limbaugh Fox feed you the lies you need to hear to keep on drinking the Koolaid.

How can you say "We're rounding the curve" as cases continue to skyrocket?????????????
Trump politicized mask wearing and held 100s of super-spreader events, rallies parties etc.
Your new president will make you look like a fool, and already is, but you want to rehash old bullcrap as a distraction somehow. You laughingly attempting to bury Trump and Bush in bullcrap, uhhh won't hide the elephant crap that's already plopping down all over the place with this new circus of an administration. Hope you like the smell of elephant crap.
Thank you for proving my point perfectly.

You can't even admit Trump lost the election.

You can't even admit Trump fucked up covid, and made insane claims like "We're rounding the curve" even though cases continued to skyrocket?? HOW IS THIS EVEN DEBATABLE?

Bush, the most failed president ever, but none of that was his fault, blame the guy that was predient 8 years earlier it was his fault...

Reality, the big boy world, it is just too harsh for you to accept. You retreat into your alternate reality where Trump, Alex Jones, Limbaugh Fox feed you the lies you need to hear to keep on drinking the Koolaid.

How can you say "We're rounding the curve" as cases continue to skyrocket?????????????
Trump politicized mask wearing and held 100s of super-spreader events, rallies parties etc.

Trump never politicized mask wearing, yet another leftist lie. In fact on several occasions, Trump said that people should wear masks. Need the video, just ask. He also frequently allowed Drs Birx and Fauci to address the media during his news briefings. He signed a contract with Moderna for the first 100 million doses of the vaccine, with a rider that we get an additional 500 million doses on demand because he wanted to make sure Americans came first. Like I said, you people are brainwashed. You are told what to think but not why you should be thinking it.

When did I say Trump didn't lose the election liar? Quote that. Furthermore yes, I get a lot of information from Fox news. They tell us things your MSM doesn't tell you. For instance, did you know the commies threatened Trump's defense lawyer? They told him if he brings up the US Constitution to defend Donald Trump, they will motion to have him disbarred. Imagine that. Threatening a defense lawyer if he uses the document that made this the greatest country on the planet. Bet this is the first time you've heard of it. Why? Because you don't watch Fox news.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

[Snip the rest of the nonsense and the childish labeling of Trump supporters as "retards."

It is so funny when Liberals try to get into Conservative heads. You aren't capable of it, just like I can't get into your head. We are wired differently, and our understanding of just about everything is different - science, freedoms, Capitalism, the Constitution, justice, etc.

It's pretty arrogant of you to get on your soapbox and declare in childish terms why you think Trump supporters support him. It's like me claiming that you support Biden because you are a wimpy feminine male living in your parents' basement wanting free stuff and offensive words banned while you smoke weed all day. See how ridiculous that is?

All you have to do is ask why we support him...

In four years, Trump achieved things that many prior administrations promised, but failed to deliver.

– Replaced NAFTA with USMCA.
– New trade deal with China, replacing TPP.
– Built 450 miles of The Wall.
– Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord.
– Must cancel two new regulations for each one passed.
– Three new SCOTUS justices that are Constitutionalists.
– ISIS pretty much devastated; don’t even hear much about them anymore.
– Immigration restrictions for certain countries where a significant fraction of the population is likely to desire harm to the US.
– Obamacare is no longer mandatory.
– Tax bill passed & hundreds of companies invest in the US by hiking wages and giving bonuses.
– Stock market rocketed.
– Fake media is being recognized.
– President shames NFL kneelers.
– US negotiates from a position of strength again.
– Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel.
– Manufacturing coming back after Obama said it would never happen.
– Lowest African American unemployment ever.
– Lowest Hispanic unemployment ever.
– Lowest female unemployment in decades.
– Terminated Obama’s Iran deal, resulting in their economy collapsing.
– Obliterated Iran’s top commander, Soleimani, who orchestrated an attack on the US embassy in Iraq and was planning more.
– North Korea releases US hostages and returns remains of 55 soldiers.
– North Korea has not launched long-range rockets nor set off atomic weapons.
– NATO members are paying more.
– Millions of Americans off welfare and food stamps.
– America is leading in energy production again, even exporting oil to China.
– Military and law enforcement are respected by the executive branch again.
– Close to flipping the 9th circuit court, by appointing 10 judges to it, (Obama appointed seven)
– Normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE Bahrain & Morocco. Maybe more countries to come.
- Operation Warp Speed, where the Trump Admin invested in six vaccines, resulting in two remarkably-effective ones in less than one year, an accomplishment the MSM said “would take a miracle.”

Promises kept. Miracles achieved. Putting America First. Putting you & me first while contributing to global peace and prosperity for all.


The only thing surprising about this study is that Dems are only about twice as likely to have mental issues. Source included...


George Bush and Donald Trump were complete and total failures. They were failed presidents that left office with the country in total crisis due to their fuck ups. They left office in total shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings.
You need to live in an alternate reality void of facts in order to avoid this reality.

Your entire existence is based on making fabricated excuses and lies to explain the great failures of Trump and Bush. Trump and Bush are the 2 worst presidents we ever had and all you can do is make excuses for their failure, instead of accepting it and condemning it.

You people believe in Pizza-gate an outlandish lie
You believe Trump when he say's "We're rounding the curve" as covid cases are surging, an outlandish lie
You believe Trump when he says "We won in a landslide" because it is easier than just admitting Trump lost the election, like a 3 yr old child...

Everything I just said is 100% accurate and a devastating truth for you to accept.
You say these things, but are lying about who is to blame for it all. If you think American's are this stupid, then either you are a troll, foriegner or leftist working to hopefully give some kind of credibility to what we have now. Pssst, it ain't working, so go play with those who might buy your snake oil, because it ain't selling here.
You can't factually refute anything I said.

This is the point of the entire thread. The truth is too much for you to handle because the truth is George Bush was a terrible president, a failed president and when he left office America was in total ruin, and we can pinpoint the Bush fuck ups that caused the total ruin.
Trump is another Bush. A total failed president, with failed results. We can pinpoint the long list of Trump fuck ups with regard to covid. Trump lost the election because he fucked up covid and the majority of Americans aren't stupid and they rejected Trump's lies and your alternate fabricated reality of lies.

This is why you need to live in an alternate reality.
No, you just believe leftist BULLCRAP as if it is the gospel truth, and everyone is laughing at you. LOL
You people believe in Pizza-gate an outlandish lie
You believe Trump when he says "We won in a landslide" because it is easier than just admitting Trump lost the election, like a 3 yr old child...

Everything I just said is 100% accurate and a devastating truth for you to accept.
There you go trying to get into my head again. The irony is that what you believe that I believe is actually the lie.

I don't believe in PizzaGate or other Qanon BS.

Obviously, Trump did not win, because sadly for me and the future of America, Biden is my president. Whether he won due to mail-in voting and other fraud is highly debatable.

Instead of telling me what you falsely think I believe, why don't you instead tell us why you support Biden without mentioning Trump or Republicans, similar to how I relied to your original premise?


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