Why Trumpers love Trump

Oh brother. You’re crazy and don’t know it. No one capable of thinking wants Dumb Don back.

Let's see here. Who would want a President that kept invaders out of our country, that gave us a booming economy, that kept our fuel prices low and steady, that stopped little Un from shooting off test missiles, that gave us a new high in median household income, that kept us out of endless wars, that gave us the lowest unemployment figures for women and every minority group since records were kept, that was endorsed by the border patrol, ICE and most of our police unions in the country.

Why would we want to return to that? Only a person not capable of thinking would what that situation again.
LOL. You are completely delusional. Trump accomplished little of what he campaigned on. Be honest. Open your mind.

He did enrich the rich, expand government, blow up the national debt, enriched the MIC enormously, continued the Empire's imperialist treatment of any nation who did not bend over for the Empire.
He told me he would build a wall, stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more negroes from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the Left daily, put the U.S. back in command of the world, bring troops home from overseas, demand peace in the middle east, give me a tax rebate, drive my investments off the charts, drive my income through the roof, ride the asses of biopharmaceutical companies to promptly formulate a covid vaccine.....He did all of that....What didn’t he do that he said he’d do?
You can't even admit that Trump's 100s of maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties etc were an insanely stupid idea. That is one of many reasons why Trump failed to get covid under control.

Debating you is so easy, you just prove my points over and over. Now you are trying to argue that Trump was pro mask, republicans and Trump didn't politicize mask wearing "Be Brave!!!" "My body my choice" and his maskless super-spreader events were no big deal....

You have concocted a big grand lie. A web of lies all because you can't accept that Bush was a terrible and failed president who fucked everything up, and Trump was another Bush, who fucked up covid badly and incited an insurrection based on lies. Trump and Bush left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings, and the country in total crisis. They were failed presidents, and go down in history as failed presidents...

That happened, those are the facts, and you can't accept those facts...

Calling your claims facts don't make them facts. I presented facts and if you want undisputed proof, just ask, like above, I have videos and links. You have nothing. Trump failed to get Covid under control because of his rallies? Do you see how stupid that sounds? Bad news champ, a President cannot control a microorganism. It does what it does. A US President does not have the constitutional authority to force people to wear masks. Learn something about our government.

I posted four FACTS of how President Trump couldn't possibly have incited the riot, and you just keep lying in spite of being proven a liar. Amazing. I mean......I understand how brainwashing works, but even when the most brainwashed people see facts that they are wrong, they snap out of it. You don't. You can't. They way they have you programmed, you won't even debate one of my many points.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.

I don't think most Republican voters love Trump, or even like him much. But they've fallen for the "lesser-of-two-evils" con, and they can't see past it. They don't like Democrats and think that their only option is voting Republican.
[Snip more rants about Trump and the GOP.]

PS Trump administration only administered 9M shots of covid in the entire month, a very low number.
LOL the vaccine was approved the prior month! In one month, Trump exceeded Biden's weak 100-day goal of administering 1M doses per day, doing an average of 1.2 per day the final week, and 1.6M per day his final day.

Facts apparently don't matter to you. It's absolutely remarkable.

Every time I ask you to list the reasons you support Biden, all you do is post stuff about Trump. You have issues. Trump is not president anymore, and Dems control all three branches of government, yet, you continue to suffer. If I was in your shoes, I would be ecstatic. I think your suffering is easily explained by my prior post about the Pew survey.

Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.

I don't think most Republican voters love Trump, or even like him much. But they've fallen for the "lesser-of-two-evils" con, and they can't see past it. They don't like Democrats and think that their only option is voting Republican.
Your post reads so silly...You realize that only one of two parties can win...right?
Where's this "con" you speak of?
It’s too bad his numerous negatives far outweighed any positives. Trump won’t be missed. Most Americans are glad he’s done.

Is that why the Nazis are so scared he'll come back that they had to create another phony impeachment to try and stop him? Sorry, but Donald Trump will be back, and he will likely be our President in four years from today.
Oh brother. You’re crazy and don’t know it. No one capable of thinking wants Dumb Don back.
no one capable of thinking should want kamalla harris as the next president either....
Agree 100%. Did you think I'm a supporter of her? I hope not. There are way too many small minded wingers on this forum.
just making a follow up statement is all....
You can't even admit that Trump's 100s of maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties etc were an insanely stupid idea. That is one of many reasons why Trump failed to get covid under control.

Debating you is so easy, you just prove my points over and over. Now you are trying to argue that Trump was pro mask, republicans and Trump didn't politicize mask wearing "Be Brave!!!" "My body my choice" and his maskless super-spreader events were no big deal....

You have concocted a big grand lie. A web of lies all because you can't accept that Bush was a terrible and failed president who fucked everything up, and Trump was another Bush, who fucked up covid badly and incited an insurrection based on lies. Trump and Bush left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings, and the country in total crisis. They were failed presidents, and go down in history as failed presidents...

That happened, those are the facts, and you can't accept those facts...

Calling your claims facts don't make them facts. I presented facts and if you want undisputed proof, just ask, like above, I have videos and links. You have nothing. Trump failed to get Covid under control because of his rallies? Do you see how stupid that sounds? Bad news champ, a President cannot control a microorganism. It does what it does. A US President does not have the constitutional authority to force people to wear masks. Learn something about our government.

I posted four FACTS of how President Trump couldn't possibly have incited the riot, and you just keep lying in spite of being proven a liar. Amazing. I mean......I understand how brainwashing works, but even when the most brainwashed people see facts that they are wrong, they snap out of it. You don't. You can't. They way they have you programmed, you won't even debate one of my many points.
This is my point, your so called facts are all lies detached from reality, with no factual basis.

You claim trump promoted mask wearing because he said "wear a mask" 3 times, then said and did 1000 things completely contrary to promoting mask wearing... This right here explains my point perfectly, you are making a false claim rooted in fantasy, void of facts. A total lie because you need lies to survive.

You just altered my words as well.
I said this and it is 100% fact:
You can't even admit that Trump's 100s of maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties etc were an insanely stupid idea. That is one of many reasons why Trump failed to get covid under control.

DO You think it was ok for Trump to have all those repeated maskless super-spreader events with covid cases surging to all time highs ???? ??????? ????? ????????????????????????

You can't even admit and criticize Trump for that.

You have posted nothing of merit, and I have refuted all of your lies. I just refuted your "Trump was promoting masks" lie. A laughable claim.

Can you admit there was no voter fraud???

You can not admit reality. Admit this:
There was no voter fraud.
Trump did almost nothing to promote mask wearing, and hundreds of thing completely contrary to mask wearing
Trump was completely wrong when he said "We're" rounding the curve" as cases were skyrocketing...
A lot of people really, really, really liked President Trump because:

1. He kept us out of foreign wars (let our international "friends" use their own boys as cannon fodder).

2. He wanted to enforce the immigration laws.

3. He executed about half a dozen bad guys.

4. He refused to kneel to BLM.

5. He showed how biased and corrupt the mainstream media are.

He is very much missed.
He also lowered taxes
Lowered the cost of medicine like insulin
Did what he promised
Made our foreign allies mooch less off us
Arranged for Mexico to keep the south american illegals out of the US which was hillarious as hell.
Took care of our military
[Snip more rants about Trump and the GOP.]

PS Trump administration only administered 9M shots of covid in the entire month, a very low number.
LOL the vaccine was approved the prior month! In one month, Trump exceeded Biden's weak 100-day goal of administering 1M doses per day, doing an average of 1.2 per day the final week, and 1.6M per day his final day.

Facts apparently don't matter to you. It's absolutely remarkable.

Every time I ask you to list the reasons you support Biden, all you do is post stuff about Trump. You have issues. Trump is not president anymore, and Dems control all three branches of government, yet, you continue to suffer. If I was in your shoes, I would be ecstatic. I think your suffering is easily explained by my prior post about the Pew survey.

What are you talking about I posted the reasons why I support Biden right up there??? stop making stuff up

You are changing the subject and you never answered my quetions:

In addition I'm sure you support all the other standard GOP lies about nothing being Bush's fault or Trump's fault.
Can you admit Trump was wrong for saying "We're rounding the curve" as cases continued to rocket?
Can you admit Trump was an insane fool for holding 100s of maskless super-spreader events and parties and rallies?
Can you admit Bush fucked up the wars in mid east big time?
Can you admit that Bush is most responsible for the financial mega-crisis that occurred 7+ years into his presidency??
Why does Trump keep repeating the lie of election fraud, when there was no election fraud?????

Enjoy living your lie, your alternate reality. You people are so predictable and you all proved my point repeatedly. You live a life of lies. Lies because Trump and Bush were failed presidents with failed results.

I'm sure you are going to be real upset with Biden's booming economy and the new roaring 20s, another Clinton Golden age.
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" - Donald Trump

He was right. I've never seen anything like this level of devotion that Donald Trump has among his base. History books will not be kind to this man and we will find ourselves asking how we allowed this man to become the leader of our country.

My explanation for this is that Donald Trump tapped into a growing segment of our population that is very angry, very uneducated, and very hateful of minorities.

Along with that, running against a wildly unpopular candidate and lashing out against a feeling of white guilt, helped create the perfect recipe for one of the biggest mistakes that our country has ever made - Donald Trump.
Just wondering, ARE ALL LEFTIST TROLL THREADS NOT TROLL THREADS? Or does that only apply to Trump supporters?
Your post reads so silly...You realize that only one of two parties can win...right?

I realize it seems that way to you.
Where's this "con" you speak of?

The con where they get you to believe that only "one of the two parties" can win.

Enlighten us...what viable third option is there?

I can't enlighten you, BL. You're beyond hope.

Even if I could, I wouldn't - because I don't like you much. You should stick with Trump.
You claim trump promoted mask wearing because he said "wear a mask" 3 times, then said and did 1000 things completely contrary to promoting mask wearing...

And out of the 1,000 things you can't bring up one. I asked, and you dodged.

DO You think it was ok for Trump to have all those repeated maskless super-spreader events with covid cases surging to all time highs ????

Yes I do. Walmart was open, movie theaters were open in many places, restaurants were open, bars were open. Why would Trump's events all of a sudden be any super spreader? They were no different than any other crowded place people went to and go every day today.

You have posted nothing of merit, and I have refuted all of your lies. I just refuted your "Trump was promoting masks" lie. A laughable claim.

What I said is that he wasn't against masks, and that yes, he told the public to wear them whether he said it one time or a hundred times. Where do you get this notion that if Trump says to wear masks, all of a sudden people who hated them would start wearing one?

Maybe you look at government as your mommy and daddy, but we on the right don't. We make our own decisions. As long as we're not breaking any laws, it's nobody's business how we conduct ourselves. Mask wearing is a choice. There are some people who listen to experts like Fauci, and others who believe in experts that said masks won't do any good for something like this. Nobody really knows. Even at the beginning the CDC themselves said masks would be a bad idea. They changed their tune a few months after the virus hit our country.

Can you admit there was no voter fraud???

You can not admit reality. Admit this:
There was no voter fraud.
Trump did almost nothing to promote mask wearing, and hundreds of thing completely contrary to mask wearing
Trump was completely wrong when he said "We're" rounding the curve" as cases were skyrocketing...

No I cannot admit there was no voter fraud. I can post a video of Colonel Waldron who testified that the Dominion machines not only have the ability to be hacked, but they tell you how to do it in their own manual. Rudy gathered over 1,000 signed affidavits from poll workers and observers stating they seen some very suspicious and fraudulent things. Or how about that truck driver that picked up a trailer of ballots in New York, dropped them at another post office in Pennsylvania, and the trailer disappeared? There was all kinds of strange things that no other election had going on. But unless any of Trump's people can inspect those ballots and machines, I can't say for certain that the election wasn't rigged, and neither can you.

Once again you dodged my question: If Trump said thousands of things against wearing masks, then why don't you post six of them. Six out of thousands can't be that hard to come up with if what you said had an ounce to truth to it.

I looked up Trump's statement of rounding the curve. Supposedly he made that statement at the end of September. This is probably why:


As this clearly shows, there was a decline in new cases from the middle of July until Trump made that comment.
He was right. I've never seen anything like this level of devotion that Donald Trump has among his base. History books will not be kind to this man and we will find ourselves asking how we allowed this man to become the leader of our country.

I doubt it. History books may ask why we elected him a second time in 2024 though.
Bush's fault
Bush f.....d up
Bush is
Bush ... failed
You really have issues. Bush term is long over, but if you ragged on Obama, that might be slightly relevant. Who cares.

The past is the past. It is history, and you can't change it. Trumpsters, the subject of your OP, would prefer Trump lead our future, and that is why we support him. I gave you dozens of very specific reasons. His policies are better for America's future, and his accomplishments and ability to fulfill his promises is outstanding.

I asked you why you want Biden to lead our future. You named two - COVID, and he's not Trump. I even tried to help you by listing a whole bunch of specifics about his 52 EOs. But you are virtually speechless.

I can always articulate why I like the candidates that I vote for, giving positive examples of what their policies are. Biden likes masks and vaccines, and he's not Trump. Got it.

I'm sure you are going to be real upset with Biden's booming economy and the new roaring 20s, another Clinton Golden age.

That is so funny. One of Biden's urgent issues to address on day one, was to cancel about 1000 existing jobs, and tens of thousands of secured future jobs. These hardworking American citizens went straight to the unemployment line, and Biden Admin has no replacement jobs for them.

What do you think about that? Cancelling Keystone was a great example of Biden's effective leadership? Answer the question, please.

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