Why Trumpers love Trump

I don't think most Republican voters love Trump, or even like him much. But they've fallen for the "lesser-of-two-evils" con, and they can't see past it. They don't like Democrats and think that their only option is voting Republican.

We don't vote our personal feelings on the right. We vote for who will (or did) the best job. Now that our borders are a problem again, our gasoline and energy are going up, boys now allowed to compete in school female athletics, hopefully people will wake up and realize how stupid they were for voting that dementia patient in. This is just the beginning. It's only going to get worse from here. The commies are now trying to devise a bill to take our guns away, or make it virtually impossible to buy ammo.

So you have no idea how much we miss Trump already, and it's not because of his nice smile or cute ties.
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" - Donald Trump

He was right. I've never seen anything like this level of devotion that Donald Trump has among his base. History books will not be kind to this man and we will find ourselves asking how we allowed this man to become the leader of our country.

My explanation for this is that Donald Trump tapped into a growing segment of our population that is very angry, very uneducated, and very hateful of minorities.

Along with that, running against a wildly unpopular candidate and lashing out against a feeling of white guilt, helped create the perfect recipe for one of the biggest mistakes that our country has ever made - Donald Trump.

"I've never seen anything like this level of devotion that Donald Trump has among his base."
After eight grueling years under the Kenyan, good, real, core Americans were desperate for an Americans First president and Trump delivered BIG TIME.

"Donald Trump tapped into a growing segment of our population that is very angry, very uneducated, and very hateful of minorities."
Yes, good, real, core Americans were very angry after eight long years of the Kenyan.
Trump voters out earn Hillary voters..they can't be that uneducated...Remember, minorities are the least educated in the nation, nearly ALL vote Dem.
Trump voters HATE illegals...all good, real, core Americans do.
"Minorities" thrived and prospered like they never have before under Trump policies.

"running against a wildly unpopular candidate"
The candidate was a Clinton with a billion dollars, a vagina and a blatant hatred for America...she was perfect for the Dem Party.

"helped create the perfect recipe for one of the biggest mistakes that our country has ever made - Donald Trump."
Anybody even half sane and not suffering from a hardcore case of TDS knows Trump did more good for the good people of this nation in a shorter period of time than anybody before him.
He was right. I've never seen anything like this level of devotion that Donald Trump has among his base. History books will not be kind to this man and we will find ourselves asking how we allowed this man to become the leader of our country.

I doubt it. History books may ask why we elected him a second time in 2024 though.

The way he conducted himself in the last month of his presidency will be highlighted in that chapter.

Claiming fraud in our democratic process, the flagged false posts on Twitter, the call to Raffensperger looking for more votes to overturn Georgia, the Supreme Court and numerous court rulings against him in challenging the results, his throwing of Mike Pence under the bus, his refusal to pay Giuliani, January 6th, his statement to violent insurrectionists that they're "special" and he "loves" them, his refusal to call off the rioters, his demeanor as the riot happened, getting banned from social media, his refusal to welcome the incoming president, his second impeachment, the fact that he's the only president to be impeached twice including the most bipartisan impeachment ever. All of it.

That's Trump's legacy. All unprecedented for the United States of America. If you don't think that will be tarnished in history books written by educated scholars (not uneducated Trump supporters), then I think you're wrong.
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" - Donald Trump

He was right. I've never seen anything like this level of devotion that Donald Trump has among his base. History books will not be kind to this man and we will find ourselves asking how we allowed this man to become the leader of our country.

My explanation for this is that Donald Trump tapped into a growing segment of our population that is very angry, very uneducated, and very hateful of minorities.

Along with that, running against a wildly unpopular candidate and lashing out against a feeling of white guilt, helped create the perfect recipe for one of the biggest mistakes that our country has ever made - Donald Trump.

"I've never seen anything like this level of devotion that Donald Trump has among his base."
After eight grueling years under the Kenyan, good, real, core Americans were desperate for an Americans First president and Trump delivered BIG TIME.

"Donald Trump tapped into a growing segment of our population that is very angry, very uneducated, and very hateful of minorities."
Yes, good, real, core Americans were very angry after eight long years of the Kenyan.
Trump voters out earn Hillary voters..they can't be that uneducated...Remember, minorities are the least educated in the nation, nearly ALL vote Dem.
Trump voters HATE illegals...all good, real, core Americans do.
"Minorities" thrived and prospered like they never have before under Trump policies.

"running against a wildly unpopular candidate"
The candidate was a Clinton with a billion dollars, a vagina and a blatant hatred for America...she was perfect for the Dem Party.

"helped create the perfect recipe for one of the biggest mistakes that our country has ever made - Donald Trump."
Anybody even half sane and not suffering from a hardcore case of TDS knows Trump did more good for the good people of this nation in a shorter period of time than anybody before him.

Like I said: Angry, uneducated, and hateful of minorities.
Your post reads so silly...You realize that only one of two parties can win...right?

I realize it seems that way to you.
Where's this "con" you speak of?

The con where they get you to believe that only "one of the two parties" can win.

Enlighten us...what viable third option is there?

I can't enlighten you, BL. You're beyond hope.

Even if I could, I wouldn't - because I don't like you much. You should stick with Trump.

"I can't enlighten you, BL. You're beyond hope."
Which means you concede there is no VIABLE third option...got it.

"Even if I could, I wouldn't - because I don't like you much."
Trust me, I'm good with that, I take great pride in being hated Lefties.
Your post reads so silly...You realize that only one of two parties can win...right?

I realize it seems that way to you.
Where's this "con" you speak of?

The con where they get you to believe that only "one of the two parties" can win.

Enlighten us...what viable third option is there?

I can't enlighten you, BL. You're beyond hope.

Even if I could, I wouldn't - because I don't like you much. You should stick with Trump.

"I can't enlighten you, BL. You're beyond hope."
Which means you concede there is no VIABLE third option...got it.

No, it just means I think you're too fucking stupid to understand, or admit, that you've been fooled.
You claim trump promoted mask wearing because he said "wear a mask" 3 times, then said and did 1000 things completely contrary to promoting mask wearing...

And out of the 1,000 things you can't bring up one. I asked, and you dodged.

DO You think it was ok for Trump to have all those repeated maskless super-spreader events with covid cases surging to all time highs ????

Yes I do. Walmart was open, movie theaters were open in many places, restaurants were open, bars were open. Why would Trump's events all of a sudden be any super spreader? They were no different than any other crowded place people went to and go every day today.

You have posted nothing of merit, and I have refuted all of your lies. I just refuted your "Trump was promoting masks" lie. A laughable claim.

What I said is that he wasn't against masks, and that yes, he told the public to wear them whether he said it one time or a hundred times. Where do you get this notion that if Trump says to wear masks, all of a sudden people who hated them would start wearing one?

Maybe you look at government as your mommy and daddy, but we on the right don't. We make our own decisions. As long as we're not breaking any laws, it's nobody's business how we conduct ourselves. Mask wearing is a choice. There are some people who listen to experts like Fauci, and others who believe in experts that said masks won't do any good for something like this. Nobody really knows. Even at the beginning the CDC themselves said masks would be a bad idea. They changed their tune a few months after the virus hit our country.

Can you admit there was no voter fraud???

You can not admit reality. Admit this:
There was no voter fraud.
Trump did almost nothing to promote mask wearing, and hundreds of thing completely contrary to mask wearing
Trump was completely wrong when he said "We're" rounding the curve" as cases were skyrocketing...

No I cannot admit there was no voter fraud. I can post a video of Colonel Waldron who testified that the Dominion machines not only have the ability to be hacked, but they tell you how to do it in their own manual. Rudy gathered over 1,000 signed affidavits from poll workers and observers stating they seen some very suspicious and fraudulent things. Or how about that truck driver that picked up a trailer of ballots in New York, dropped them at another post office in Pennsylvania, and the trailer disappeared? There was all kinds of strange things that no other election had going on. But unless any of Trump's people can inspect those ballots and machines, I can't say for certain that the election wasn't rigged, and neither can you.

Once again you dodged my question: If Trump said thousands of things against wearing masks, then why don't you post six of them. Six out of thousands can't be that hard to come up with if what you said had an ounce to truth to it.

I looked up Trump's statement of rounding the curve. Supposedly he made that statement at the end of September. This is probably why:

View attachment 456740

As this clearly shows, there was a decline in new cases from the middle of July until Trump made that comment.
Sometimes in life it is easier to just live a grand web of lies, the premise of this thread.

First you say Trump promoted mask wearing, then you change it to he wasn't anti mask, then you change it to he had the same policy as Biden.

The reality is Biden has been much stricter than Trump and the GOP (Be Brave) about mask wearing and social distancing. Whether you want to admit that or not, which you don't. AND Trump's maskless super-spreader events were incredibly stupid and irresponsible and led to increased spread of the virus, and you can't admit that.

Biden then comes in with a plan that is simple, effective, and the complete opposite of Trump's plan. Biden fully endorsed and commits to mask wearing and social diostancing and suddenly the cases decrease rapidly...

The first time cases have actually dropped, and what has changed??? Biden...

Just another example of the web of lies you have created to explain Trump's failure.

Bush was a failed president with failed results. Trump was a failed president with failed results. Trump and the GOP have fed you a web of lies to pass all the blame away, so you can continue to live the lie and blame others for their failure. The results of Bush and Trump speak for themselves, total failure. And that will never change no matter what lies you tell. Trump feeds you the lies you need to survive in your fabricated fantasy land, and that is why you love him. "We're rounding the curve" "we won in a landslide"
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The way he conducted himself in the last month of his presidency will be highlighted in that chapter.

Claiming fraud in our democratic process, the flagged false posts on Twitter, the call to Raffensperger looking for more votes to overturn Georgia, the Supreme Court and numerous court rulings against him in challenging the results, his throwing of Mike Pence under the bus, his refusal to pay Giuliani, January 6th, his statement to violent insurrectionists that they're "special" and he "loves" them, his refusal to call off the rioters, his demeanor as the riot happened, getting banned from social media, his refusal to welcome the incoming president, his second impeachment, the fact that he's the only president to be impeached twice including the most bipartisan impeachment ever. All of it.

That's Trump's legacy. All unprecedented for the United States of America. If you don't think that will be tarnished in history books written by educated scholars (not uneducated Trump supporters), then I think you're wrong.

People can believe that, or they could believe in the truth. If the commies don't disallow the truth to come out, people will realize that both his impeachments were based on lies and un-impeachable charges, just like the un-impeachable charges we are going to level on Biden when we get control of the House back. You have a lot of nerve bringing up Trump claiming election fraud after hearing four years of Russia, Russia, Russia from your side. Don't like when the shoe is on the other foot, do you? This is not to mention the election fraud still being claimed by you guys in 2000 and 2004 that we still hear about.

As I posted earlier, there is more than enough evidence that Trump had nothing to do with the riot, so you can put that lie to rest anytime now. Not paying Rudy? First I heard about that. Even if so, that's a business matter between those two, and not us voters.

Dementia Joe is going to F-up this country so bad, that if Trump decides to run, the American public will welcome him with open arms.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.

Why Americans LOVE Trump and why Commies Hate him.

There, fixed it for you Komrade
As I posted earlier, there is more than enough evidence that Trump had nothing to do with the riot, so you can put that lie to rest anytime now.

Most bipartisan impeachment ever. That's a fact.

If you don't think that and the rest of this train-wreck will be detailed heavily in history books, that's your problem.
Think it's true we all have lost a little of our grip on reality. Every administration has made mistakes some bigger than others. Neither party has all the Answers to everything. What I have a hard time understanding is why we are unwilling to admit this SIMPLE fact.
Sometimes in life it is easier to just live a grand web of lies, the premise of this thread.

First you say Trump promoted mask wearing, then you change it to he wasn't anti mask, then you change it to he had the same policy as Biden.

The reality is Biden has been much stricter than Trump and the GOP (Be Brave) about mask wearing and social distancing. Whether you want to admit that or not. AND Trump's maskless super-spreader events were incredibly stupid and irresponsible and led to increased spread of the virus.

Biden then comes in with a plan that is simple, effective, and the complete opposite of Trump's plan. Biden fully endorsed and commits to mask wearing and social diostancing and suddenly the cases decrease rapidly...

The first time cases have actually dropped, and what has changed??? Biden...

Just another example of the web of lies you have created to explain Trump's failure.

Bush was a failed president with failed results. Trump was a failed president with failed results. Trump and the GOP have fed you a web of lies to pass all the blame away, so you can continue to live the lie and blame others for their failure. The results of Bush and Trump speak for themselves, total failure. And that will never change no matter what lies you tell. Trump feeds you the lies you need to survive in your fabricated fantasy land, and that is why you love him. "We're rounding the curve" "we won in a landslide"

Cases are dropping because of the Trump vaccines. That's why they're dropping. Biden did nothing, and will do nothing different than President Trump. To make some claim that Biden is responsible for lower cases being in office for three weeks is as stupid as stupid can get, especially when he didn't do a damn thing. The people that are wearing masks today are the same people who were wearing masks last month. The people not wearing masks today are the same people that weren't wearing them last month. Nothing has changed except for the fact 40 million Americans got the vaccine already, and close to 17 million got their second dose.

Yes, when the President says people should wear masks, he is promoting it. This is simple English; not too hard to follow.
Think it's true we all have lost a little of our grip on reality. Every administration has made mistakes some bigger than others. Neither party has all the Answers to everything. What I have a hard time understanding is why we are unwilling to admit this SIMPLE fact.

I don't think you will find one Trump supporter here that claims Trump did everything perfect, but he's not responsible for a worldwide virus. He's not responsible for the wildfires in California. He's not responsible for the country wide riots by Democrats in Democrat cities and states, because some drug addict died in custody of a police officer in another Democrat city.
Most bipartisan impeachment ever. That's a fact.

If you don't think that and the rest of this train-wreck will be detailed heavily in history books, that's your problem.

Yes it is, because we have TDS on our side as well as yours. Those people will be primaried or voted out next election, just like any Democrat will that votes with us when we impeach slow Joe.
Bush's fault
Bush f.....d up
Bush is
Bush ... failed
You really have issues. Bush term is long over, but if you ragged on Obama, that might be slightly relevant. Who cares.

The past is the past. It is history, and you can't change it. Trumpsters, the subject of your OP, would prefer Trump lead our future, and that is why we support him. I gave you dozens of very specific reasons. His policies are better for America's future, and his accomplishments and ability to fulfill his promises is outstanding.

I asked you why you want Biden to lead our future. You named two - COVID, and he's not Trump. I even tried to help you by listing a whole bunch of specifics about his 52 EOs. But you are virtually speechless.

I can always articulate why I like the candidates that I vote for, giving positive examples of what their policies are. Biden likes masks and vaccines, and he's not Trump. Got it.

I'm sure you are going to be real upset with Biden's booming economy and the new roaring 20s, another Clinton Golden age.

That is so funny. One of Biden's urgent issues to address on day one, was to cancel about 1000 existing jobs, and tens of thousands of secured future jobs. These hardworking American citizens went straight to the unemployment line, and Biden Admin has no replacement jobs for them.

What do you think about that? Cancelling Keystone was a great example of Biden's effective leadership? Answer the question, please.
I am confident that Biden will be a good president because he has a plan to deal with covid, which is working currently, as cases are dropping, and a plan to distribute the vaccine quickly and effectively. Biden has a plan to move the economy forward in the modern tech age and his emphasis on tech, infrastructure, and green energy will lead to increased job growth. I don't like canceling keystone, but I don't think it will matter much and will be offset by increases in green energy which are better paying jobs.

When Biden gets covid under control the economy will fully open up and boom. The trends in the global economy are strong and the US economy will double down on it's emphasis on tech and innovation and the economy will boom with the stock market going to record highs. Biden will have better GDP growth than Trump's pathetic 2.6% (barely better than Obama) Trump only had a minor improvement over Obama because Trump had massive government borrowing and spending programs that added mightily to the deficit, while only producing a small amount of GDP growth.

You are going to have to fabricate a lot of lies as to why Biden's economic boom is luck (just like you did with Clinton's Golden age) and your Grand lie and web of lies will continue...
Yes it is, because we have TDS on our side as well as yours. Those people will be primaried or voted out next election, just like any Democrat will that votes with us when we impeach slow Joe.

You disregard anyone who sees fault in Trump's actions as TDS. When you see Trump's behavior highlighted in history books, you will call that TDS as well.

Because you're a Trumpster and you don't know any better.
Bush's fault
Bush f.....d up
Bush is
Bush ... failed
You really have issues. Bush term is long over, but if you ragged on Obama, that might be slightly relevant. Who cares.

The past is the past. It is history, and you can't change it. Trumpsters, the subject of your OP, would prefer Trump lead our future, and that is why we support him. I gave you dozens of very specific reasons. His policies are better for America's future, and his accomplishments and ability to fulfill his promises is outstanding.

I asked you why you want Biden to lead our future. You named two - COVID, and he's not Trump. I even tried to help you by listing a whole bunch of specifics about his 52 EOs. But you are virtually speechless.

I can always articulate why I like the candidates that I vote for, giving positive examples of what their policies are. Biden likes masks and vaccines, and he's not Trump. Got it.

I'm sure you are going to be real upset with Biden's booming economy and the new roaring 20s, another Clinton Golden age.

That is so funny. One of Biden's urgent issues to address on day one, was to cancel about 1000 existing jobs, and tens of thousands of secured future jobs. These hardworking American citizens went straight to the unemployment line, and Biden Admin has no replacement jobs for them.

What do you think about that? Cancelling Keystone was a great example of Biden's effective leadership? Answer the question, please.
I am confident that Biden will be a good president because he has a plan to deal with covid, which is working currently, as cases are dropping, and a plan to distribute the vaccine quickly and effectively. Biden has a plan to move the economy forward in the modern tech age and his emphasis on tech, infrastructure, and green energy will lead to increased job growth. I don't like canceling keystone, but I don't think it will matter much and will be offset by increases in green energy which are better paying jobs.

When Biden gets covid under control the economy will fully open up and boom. The trends in the global economy are strong and the US economy will double down on it's emphasis on tech and innovation and the economy will boom with the stock market going to record highs. [snip anti-Trump stuff]

You are going to have to fabricate a lot of lies as to why Biden's economic boom is luck (just like you did with Clinton's Golden age) and your Grand lie and web of lies will continue...
Thank you.

I don't agree that the economic boom will be due to anything substantive that Biden initiated, but I do appreciate the reply.

It's funny how you still could not resist mentioning Trump. :) You really need to move on.

I am not sure what grand bed of lies I have ever supported. That sounds like either Qanon or CNN BS.

Speaking of grand beds of lies, I bet it would be interesting to go back through your past posts about Russia stealing the election. Just guessing. :)
Sometimes in life it is easier to just live a grand web of lies, the premise of this thread.

First you say Trump promoted mask wearing, then you change it to he wasn't anti mask, then you change it to he had the same policy as Biden.

The reality is Biden has been much stricter than Trump and the GOP (Be Brave) about mask wearing and social distancing. Whether you want to admit that or not. AND Trump's maskless super-spreader events were incredibly stupid and irresponsible and led to increased spread of the virus.

Biden then comes in with a plan that is simple, effective, and the complete opposite of Trump's plan. Biden fully endorsed and commits to mask wearing and social diostancing and suddenly the cases decrease rapidly...

The first time cases have actually dropped, and what has changed??? Biden...

Just another example of the web of lies you have created to explain Trump's failure.

Bush was a failed president with failed results. Trump was a failed president with failed results. Trump and the GOP have fed you a web of lies to pass all the blame away, so you can continue to live the lie and blame others for their failure. The results of Bush and Trump speak for themselves, total failure. And that will never change no matter what lies you tell. Trump feeds you the lies you need to survive in your fabricated fantasy land, and that is why you love him. "We're rounding the curve" "we won in a landslide"

Cases are dropping because of the Trump vaccines. That's why they're dropping. Biden did nothing, and will do nothing different than President Trump. To make some claim that Biden is responsible for lower cases being in office for three weeks is as stupid as stupid can get, especially when he didn't do a damn thing. The people that are wearing masks today are the same people who were wearing masks last month. The people not wearing masks today are the same people that weren't wearing them last month. Nothing has changed except for the fact 40 million Americans got the vaccine already, and close to 17 million got their second dose.

Yes, when the President says people should wear masks, he is promoting it. This is simple English; not too hard to follow.
And your grand lies continue, hence the premise of the thread.

Bush was a failed president with failed results. Trump was a failed president with failed results. Both Bush and Trump left office with the country in crisis and ruin, because of their failed policy and leadership. Trump fabricated 1000s of lies to try and explain away his failures. Judging from all your brainwashed sheep posts you believe all the Trump lies (proving the entire premise of this thread), because you need to believe the Trump lies, because you are a brainwashed Trump loyalist. You need Trump's lies to continue drinking the koolaid so you don't have to hold him accountable.

From the election fraud lie that all the courts, AG Barr, and election officials have disproven.
"we're rounding the curve" as cases exploded
Trump's failed covid response that produced the most covid cases with the most covid deaths, with deaths skyrocketing into winter as other countries had their covid crisis under control back in May and Trump was claiming "We're rounding the curve", while holding super-spreader events like a total fuckin fool...
You accept Trump's lies for all these failures and more.

Now that Biden is president and instituted a much stricter mask wearing and social distancing policy, including no super-spreader events, cases have dropped. Trump only administered 9 million shots of a 2 shot vaccine. Cases dropped because Biden promotes mask wearing and social distancing and the country is now adopting those policies. No more super-spreader events.

These are an example of some of your grand lies to explain away Trump's failures, just like all your lies to explain away Bush's failures.

Trump and Bush have produced the worst results of any president in US history, much worse than Obama. Trump feeds you lies and you believe them. You people believe any lie Trump tells you. Trumpers believe pizza-gate... You would rather just live a lie than admit Bush fucked up, or admit Trump fucked up, and your continued lying in all your posts proves the entire premise of the thread.

"We won in a landslide"
"I did nothing wrong"
"This is nothing it wall all disappear"
"We're rounding the curve"
Sometimes in life it is easier to just live a grand web of lies, the premise of this thread.

First you say Trump promoted mask wearing, then you change it to he wasn't anti mask, then you change it to he had the same policy as Biden.

The reality is Biden has been much stricter than Trump and the GOP (Be Brave) about mask wearing and social distancing. Whether you want to admit that or not. AND Trump's maskless super-spreader events were incredibly stupid and irresponsible and led to increased spread of the virus.

Biden then comes in with a plan that is simple, effective, and the complete opposite of Trump's plan. Biden fully endorsed and commits to mask wearing and social diostancing and suddenly the cases decrease rapidly...

The first time cases have actually dropped, and what has changed??? Biden...

Just another example of the web of lies you have created to explain Trump's failure.

Bush was a failed president with failed results. Trump was a failed president with failed results. Trump and the GOP have fed you a web of lies to pass all the blame away, so you can continue to live the lie and blame others for their failure. The results of Bush and Trump speak for themselves, total failure. And that will never change no matter what lies you tell. Trump feeds you the lies you need to survive in your fabricated fantasy land, and that is why you love him. "We're rounding the curve" "we won in a landslide"

Cases are dropping because of the Trump vaccines. That's why they're dropping. Biden did nothing, and will do nothing different than President Trump. To make some claim that Biden is responsible for lower cases being in office for three weeks is as stupid as stupid can get, especially when he didn't do a damn thing. The people that are wearing masks today are the same people who were wearing masks last month. The people not wearing masks today are the same people that weren't wearing them last month. Nothing has changed except for the fact 40 million Americans got the vaccine already, and close to 17 million got their second dose.

Yes, when the President says people should wear masks, he is promoting it. This is simple English; not too hard to follow.
And your grand lies continue, hence the premise of the thread.

Bush was a failed president with failed results. Trump was a failed president with failed results. Both Bush and Trump left office with the country in crisis and ruin, because of their failed policy and leadership. Trump fabricated 1000s of lies to try and explain away his failures. Judging from all your brainwashed sheep posts you believe all the Trump lies (proving the entire premise of this thread), because you need to believe the Trump lies, because you are a brainwashed Trump loyalist. You need Trump's lies to continue drinking the koolaid so you don't have to hold him accountable.

From the election fraud lie that all the courts, AG Barr, and election officials have disproven.
"we're rounding the curve" as cases exploded
Trump's failed covid response that produced the most covid cases with the most covid deaths, with deaths skyrocketing into winter as other countries had their covid crisis under control back in May and Trump was claiming "We're rounding the curve", while holding super-spreader events like a total fuckin fool...
You accept Trump's lies for all these failures and more.

Now that Biden is president and instituted a much stricter mask wearing and social distancing policy, including no super-spreader events, cases have dropped. Trump only administered 9 million shots of a 2 shot vaccine. Cases dropped because Biden promotes mask wearing and social distancing and the country is now adopting those policies. No more super-spreader events.

These are an example of some of your grand lies to explain away Trump's failures, just like all your lies to explain away Bush's failures.

Trump and Bush have produced the worst results of any president in US history, much worse than Obama. Trump feeds you lies and you believe them. You people believe any lie Trump tells you. Trumpers believe pizza-gate... You would rather just live a lie than admit Bush fucked up, or admit Trump fucked up, and your continued lying in all your posts proves the entire premise of the thread.

"We won in a landslide"
"I did nothing wrong"
"This is nothing it wall all disappear"
"We're rounding the curve"

I'm done with this discussion. You are too brainwashed to have any half-way intelligent conversation. I showed you videos, graphs, dates, all proving you are lying about anything you said. Then you come back like a broken record and repeat the same lies as if you didn't see any of what I posted; and you probably didn't even look. They've done a number on you like I've never seen before. The Democrats have advanced in their brainwashing abilities. I bet if they told you were a chicken, you'd be on the roof of your house flapping your arms like you could fly.
the constant negatives BOTH SIDES, You and others calling anyone who is not a Trump supporter a commie, is of course a lie, sure there are socialist & commies sprinkled in. just like their are some KKK & Nazis in your bunch. not much we can do about the extremes of either party. Call my political ideals Deplorable if you chose. but think about how & why it has become personal?

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