Why Trumpers love Trump

Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.

Mostly he tells them it's ok to hate people who are different from them, be it skin color, religion, nationality, or politics.

Like this:
He told me he would build a wall, stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more negroes from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the Left daily
I hate you because you're an imbecile trying to destroy my country. It has nothing to do with your skin color, NAZI.
This is a group psychosis that will be studied for decades. Or longer.

This country has never seen this before.
You mean it's never seen citizens actually trying to stop the destruction of their country? You're right, it hasn't, and it's about time they had. I know that scares traitorous dirtbags like you.
Thank you for proving my point perfectly.

You can't even admit Trump lost the election.

You can't even admit Trump fucked up covid, and made insane claims like "We're rounding the curve" even though cases continued to skyrocket?? HOW IS THIS EVEN DEBATABLE?

Bush, the most failed president ever, but none of that was his fault, blame the guy that was predient 8 years earlier it was his fault...

Reality, the big boy world, it is just too harsh for you to accept. You retreat into your alternate reality where Trump, Alex Jones, Limbaugh Fox feed you the lies you need to hear to keep on drinking the Koolaid.

How can you say "We're rounding the curve" as cases continue to skyrocket?????????????
Trump politicized mask wearing and held 100s of super-spreader events, rallies parties etc.

Trump never politicized mask wearing, yet another leftist lie. In fact on several occasions, Trump said that people should wear masks. Need the video, just ask. He also frequently allowed Drs Birx and Fauci to address the media during his news briefings. He signed a contract with Moderna for the first 100 million doses of the vaccine, with a rider that we get an additional 500 million doses on demand because he wanted to make sure Americans came first. Like I said, you people are brainwashed. You are told what to think but not why you should be thinking it.

When did I say Trump didn't lose the election liar? Quote that. Furthermore yes, I get a lot of information from Fox news. They tell us things your MSM doesn't tell you. For instance, did you know the commies threatened Trump's defense lawyer? They told him if he brings up the US Constitution to defend Donald Trump, they will motion to have him disbarred. Imagine that. Threatening a defense lawyer if he uses the document that made this the greatest country on the planet. Bet this is the first time you've heard of it. Why? Because you don't watch Fox news.
More lies again. You are backpedaling again big time.
Trump said wear a mask maybe 3 times, then he repeatedly mocked mask wearing, like when he mocked Biden for wearing a mask in the debate, and laura Ingrham, amongst many other examples. In addition numerous republicans also mocked mask wearing and refused to wear masks (a simple cheap 90% effective solution) with GOP politicians tweeting "Be Brave" as they didn't wear masks, or my body my choice, or refused to wear masks in state and US legislators. In addition Trump held 100s of maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties etc that all clearly spread the virus, hurting America and costing tax payers $. An insane irrational thing to do.

All you can do about these facts is try and lie and try and claim Trump promoted masks just because he said "wear a mask" 3 times then did 1,000 things contrary to that...

Trump has then repeated the total lie about election fraud 1,000s of times. This is a total lie, and millions of idiot Trumpers believe this lie. Trump incited an insurrectiuon at the Capitol based on this lie.

Trumpers can't even admit Trump lost the election.

Everything about the GOP is a lie, whether it is a lie about election fraud that didn't happen, a lie about Trump's failed covid response, A lie about Bush's failed mid east wars, or Bush crashing the economy.

Both Trump and Bush are failed presidents with failed results. They left office with the country in total ruin, and they are most responsible for that. You need to repeat lie after lie after lie in order to avoid accepting this reality.

Sometimes in life reality can be a tough pill to swallow. This post can be tough for you to read and accept, but it is reality and there is nothing you can do that will change this reality.
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A lot of people really, really, really liked President Trump because:

1. He kept us out of foreign wars (let our international "friends" use their own boys as cannon fodder).

2. He wanted to enforce the immigration laws.

3. He executed about half a dozen bad guys.

4. He refused to kneel to BLM.

5. He showed how biased and corrupt the mainstream media are.

He is very much missed.
I hear this accusation about the mainstream media a lot. Even my 16 year old grandson parrots it. So I ask him who he relies on for his info. Good buddies on the internet is about all he can say. I'm wondering the same thing about all right wing. Where do they get all their info.
The question you need to ask is why anyone should trust the mainstream media? They've been caught lying time after time after time. His internet buddies are probably more credible that any source you use. Please explain why anyone should believe the likes of CNN and WAPO are credible.
You people believe in Pizza-gate an outlandish lie
You believe Trump when he says "We won in a landslide" because it is easier than just admitting Trump lost the election, like a 3 yr old child...

Everything I just said is 100% accurate and a devastating truth for you to accept.
There you go trying to get into my head again. The irony is that what you believe that I believe is actually the lie.

I don't believe in PizzaGate or other Qanon BS.

Obviously, Trump did not win, because sadly for me and the future of America, Biden is my president. Whether he won due to mail-in voting and other fraud is highly debatable.

Instead of telling me what you falsely think I believe, why don't you instead tell us why you support Biden without mentioning Trump or Republicans, similar to how I relied to your original premise?

I think he's met his match... Good post.
Thank you for proving my point perfectly.

You can't even admit Trump lost the election.

You can't even admit Trump fucked up covid, and made insane claims like "We're rounding the curve" even though cases continued to skyrocket?? HOW IS THIS EVEN DEBATABLE?

Bush, the most failed president ever, but none of that was his fault, blame the guy that was predient 8 years earlier it was his fault...

Reality, the big boy world, it is just too harsh for you to accept. You retreat into your alternate reality where Trump, Alex Jones, Limbaugh Fox feed you the lies you need to hear to keep on drinking the Koolaid.

How can you say "We're rounding the curve" as cases continue to skyrocket?????????????
Trump politicized mask wearing and held 100s of super-spreader events, rallies parties etc.

Trump never politicized mask wearing, yet another leftist lie. In fact on several occasions, Trump said that people should wear masks. Need the video, just ask. He also frequently allowed Drs Birx and Fauci to address the media during his news briefings. He signed a contract with Moderna for the first 100 million doses of the vaccine, with a rider that we get an additional 500 million doses on demand because he wanted to make sure Americans came first. Like I said, you people are brainwashed. You are told what to think but not why you should be thinking it.

When did I say Trump didn't lose the election liar? Quote that. Furthermore yes, I get a lot of information from Fox news. They tell us things your MSM doesn't tell you. For instance, did you know the commies threatened Trump's defense lawyer? They told him if he brings up the US Constitution to defend Donald Trump, they will motion to have him disbarred. Imagine that. Threatening a defense lawyer if he uses the document that made this the greatest country on the planet. Bet this is the first time you've heard of it. Why? Because you don't watch Fox news.
More lies again. You are backpedaling again big time.
Trump said wear a mask maybe 3 times, then he repeatedly mocked mask wearing, like when he mocked Biden for wearing a mask in the debate and laura Ingrham amongst many other examples. In addition numerous republicans also mocked mask wearing and refused to wear masks (a simple cheap 90% effective solution) with GOP politicians tweeting "Be Brave" as they didn't wear masks, or my body my choice, or refused to wear masks in state and US legislators. In addition Trump held 100s of maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties etc that all clearly spread the virus, hurting America and costing tax payers $. An insane irrational thing to do.

All you can do about these facts is try and lie and try and claim Trump promoted masks just because he said "wear a mask" 3 times then did 1,000 things contrary to that...

Trump has then repeated the total lie about election fraud 1,000s of times. This is a total lie, and millions of idiot Trumpers believe this lie. Trump incited an insurrectiuon at the Capitol based on this lie.

Trumpers can't even admit Trump lost the election.

Everything about the GOP is a lie, whether it is a lie about election fraud that didn't happen, a lie about Trump's failed covid response, A lie about Bush's failed mid east wars, or Bush crashing the economy.

Both Trump and Bush are failed presidents with failed results. They left office with the country in total ruin,and they are most responsible for that. You need to repeat lie after lie after lie in order to avoid accepting this reality.

Sometimes in life reality can be a tough pill to swallow. This post can be tough for you to read and accept, but it is reality and there is nothing you can do that will change this reality.
All you're telling us is that your understanding of the facts is correct. All the evidence shows that it's not correct. You're a brainwashed NAZI who repeats the lies he's been told.

The election was obviously a swindle. The evidence is massive. Those who claim otherwise are NAZIs promoting a lie.

There's no scientific evidence that masks actually protect you from the virus.
Thank you for proving my point perfectly.

You can't even admit Trump lost the election.

You can't even admit Trump fucked up covid, and made insane claims like "We're rounding the curve" even though cases continued to skyrocket?? HOW IS THIS EVEN DEBATABLE?

Bush, the most failed president ever, but none of that was his fault, blame the guy that was predient 8 years earlier it was his fault...

Reality, the big boy world, it is just too harsh for you to accept. You retreat into your alternate reality where Trump, Alex Jones, Limbaugh Fox feed you the lies you need to hear to keep on drinking the Koolaid.

How can you say "We're rounding the curve" as cases continue to skyrocket?????????????
Trump politicized mask wearing and held 100s of super-spreader events, rallies parties etc.

Trump never politicized mask wearing, yet another leftist lie. In fact on several occasions, Trump said that people should wear masks. Need the video, just ask. He also frequently allowed Drs Birx and Fauci to address the media during his news briefings. He signed a contract with Moderna for the first 100 million doses of the vaccine, with a rider that we get an additional 500 million doses on demand because he wanted to make sure Americans came first. Like I said, you people are brainwashed. You are told what to think but not why you should be thinking it.

When did I say Trump didn't lose the election liar? Quote that. Furthermore yes, I get a lot of information from Fox news. They tell us things your MSM doesn't tell you. For instance, did you know the commies threatened Trump's defense lawyer? They told him if he brings up the US Constitution to defend Donald Trump, they will motion to have him disbarred. Imagine that. Threatening a defense lawyer if he uses the document that made this the greatest country on the planet. Bet this is the first time you've heard of it. Why? Because you don't watch Fox news.
More lies again. You are backpedaling again big time.
Trump said wear a mask maybe 3 times, then he repeatedly mocked mask wearing, like when he mocked Biden for wearing a mask in the debate and laura Ingrham amongst many other examples. In addition numerous republicans also mocked mask wearing and refused to wear masks (a simple cheap 90% effective solution) with GOP politicians tweeting "Be Brave" as they didn't wear masks, or my body my choice, or refused to wear masks in state and US legislators. In addition Trump held 100s of maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties etc that all clearly spread the virus, hurting America and costing tax payers $. An insane irrational thing to do.

All you can do about these facts is try and lie and try and claim Trump promoted masks just because he said "wear a mask" 3 times then did 1,000 things contrary to that...

Trump has then repeated the total lie about election fraud 1,000s of times. This is a total lie, and millions of idiot Trumpers believe this lie. Trump incited an insurrectiuon at the Capitol based on this lie.

Trumpers can't even admit Trump lost the election.

Everything about the GOP is a lie, whether it is a lie about election fraud that didn't happen, a lie about Trump's failed covid response, A lie about Bush's failed mid east wars, or Bush crashing the economy.

Both Trump and Bush are failed presidents with failed results. They left office with the country in total ruin, and they are most responsible for that. You need to repeat lie after lie after lie in order to avoid accepting this reality.

Sometimes in life reality can be a tough pill to swallow. This post can be tough for you to read and accept, but it is reality and there is nothing you can do that will change this reality.
Using Laura Ingram's name and such, are you a never Trumper (i.e.a republicrat) ????
More lies again. You are backpedaling again big time.
Trump said wear a mask maybe 3 times, then he repeatedly mocked mask wearing, like when he mocked Biden for wearing a mask in the debate and laura Ingrham amongst many other examples. In addition numerous republicans also mocked mask wearing and refused to wear masks (a simple cheap 90% effective solution) with GOP politicians tweeting "Be Brave" as they didn't wear masks, or my body my choice, or refused to wear masks in state and US legislators. In addition Trump held 100s of maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties etc that all clearly spread the virus, hurting America and costing tax payers $. An insane irrational thing to do.

All you can do about these facts is try and lie and try and claim Trump promoted masks just because he said "wear a mask" 3 times then did 1,000 things contrary to that...

Trump has then repeated the total lie about election fraud 1,000s of times. This is a total lie, and millions of idiot Trumpers believe this lie. Trump incited an insurrectiuon at the Capitol based on this lie.

Trumpers can't even admit Trump lost the election.

Everything about the GOP is a lie, whether it is a lie about election fraud that didn't happen, a lie about Trump's failed covid response, A lie about Bush's failed mid east wars, or Bush crashing the economy.

Both Trump and Bush are failed presidents with failed results. They left office with the country in total ruin,and they are most responsible for that. You need to repeat lie after lie after lie in order to avoid accepting this reality.

Sometimes in life reality can be a tough pill to swallow. This post can be tough for you to read and accept, but it is reality and there is nothing you can do that will change this reality.

Do you understand the irony of being a total liar and calling other people the same? Trump made fun of Dementia because he was wearing a mask 100 feet from an interviewer while they were sitting outside. He was making fun of the political theater. The only time Trump made fun of wearing a mask is when most people weren't wearing them yet. Even Dr.Fauci said early on there was no need for mask wearing. Need the video, just ask. When it became evident Covid was going to be a problem, Trump had no problems with mask wearing.

If people at Trump rallies were not wearing masks, do you think outside of his rally they were? What an idiotic thing to conclude. If they were not wearing masks there, they weren't wearing them anywhere.

How did Trump incite a riot when it started 20 minutes before he ended his speech? How was he responsible for a riot that the FBI warned the Capital police about it the day before? If Trump was responsible for the riot, why did the Nazis edit the tape of his speech on the Senate floor last week? If Trump was responsible for the riot, how did the pipe bombs get planted the day before the speech? You people are brainwashed Zombies.

Start watching Fox and learn what the MSM isn't telling you.
You people believe in Pizza-gate an outlandish lie
You believe Trump when he says "We won in a landslide" because it is easier than just admitting Trump lost the election, like a 3 yr old child...

Everything I just said is 100% accurate and a devastating truth for you to accept.
There you go trying to get into my head again. The irony is that what you believe that I believe is actually the lie.

I don't believe in PizzaGate or other Qanon BS.

Obviously, Trump did not win, because sadly for me and the future of America, Biden is my president. Whether he won due to mail-in voting and other fraud is highly debatable.

Instead of telling me what you falsely think I believe, why don't you instead tell us why you support Biden without mentioning Trump or Republicans, similar to how I relied to your original premise?

I support Biden because he will take covid serious, take mask wearing and social distancing serious, and have a plan that works for covid- which can be seen by covid cases dropping rapidly, with only minimal vaccine distribution.
Oh And not say "we're rounding the curve" as cases continue to rocket. Or hold 100s of maskless super-spreader events like a total fuckin idiot. 'This is nothing it will all disappear"...

You claim you reject pizza-gate and election fraud lies, yet the vast vast majority of Trumpers all believe them, Trump even incited an insurrection based on the lie of voter fraud...

In addition I'm sure you support all the other standard GOP lies about nothing being Bush's fault or Trump's fault.
Can you admit Trump was wrong for saying "We're rounding the curve" as cases continued to rocket?
Can you admit Trump was an insane fool for holding 100s of maskless super-spreader events and parties and rallies?
Can you admit Bush fucked up the wars in mid east big time?
Can you admit that Bush is most responsible for the financial mega-crisis that occurred 7+ years into his presidency??

These are realities that Trumpers can't accept and admit, and Trumpers create a whole world and web of lies in order to avoid admiting these realities...
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More lies again. You are backpedaling again big time.
Trump said wear a mask maybe 3 times, then he repeatedly mocked mask wearing, like when he mocked Biden for wearing a mask in the debate and laura Ingrham amongst many other examples. In addition numerous republicans also mocked mask wearing and refused to wear masks (a simple cheap 90% effective solution) with GOP politicians tweeting "Be Brave" as they didn't wear masks, or my body my choice, or refused to wear masks in state and US legislators. In addition Trump held 100s of maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties etc that all clearly spread the virus, hurting America and costing tax payers $. An insane irrational thing to do.

All you can do about these facts is try and lie and try and claim Trump promoted masks just because he said "wear a mask" 3 times then did 1,000 things contrary to that...

Trump has then repeated the total lie about election fraud 1,000s of times. This is a total lie, and millions of idiot Trumpers believe this lie. Trump incited an insurrectiuon at the Capitol based on this lie.

Trumpers can't even admit Trump lost the election.

Everything about the GOP is a lie, whether it is a lie about election fraud that didn't happen, a lie about Trump's failed covid response, A lie about Bush's failed mid east wars, or Bush crashing the economy.

Both Trump and Bush are failed presidents with failed results. They left office with the country in total ruin,and they are most responsible for that. You need to repeat lie after lie after lie in order to avoid accepting this reality.

Sometimes in life reality can be a tough pill to swallow. This post can be tough for you to read and accept, but it is reality and there is nothing you can do that will change this reality.

Do you understand the irony of being a total liar and calling other people the same? Trump made fun of Dementia because he was wearing a mask 100 feet from an interviewer while they were sitting outside. He was making fun of the political theater. The only time Trump made fun of wearing a mask is when most people weren't wearing them yet. Even Dr.Fauci said early on there was no need for mask wearing. Need the video, just ask. When it became evident Covid was going to be a problem, Trump had no problems with mask wearing.

If people at Trump rallies were not wearing masks, do you think outside of his rally they were? What an idiotic thing to conclude. If they were not wearing masks there, they weren't wearing them anywhere.

How did Trump incite a riot when it started 20 minutes before he ended his speech? How was he responsible for a riot that the FBI warned the Capital police about it the day before? If Trump was responsible for the riot, why did the Nazis edit the tape of his speech on the Senate floor last week? If Trump was responsible for the riot, how did the pipe bombs get planted the day before the speech? You people are brainwashed Zombies.

Start watching Fox and learn what the MSM isn't telling you.
You just proved my point perfectly.

You create all these lies just so you can not hold Trump and Bush accountable for their failure.

If you are going to try and claim Trump was promoting and supporting mask wearing, then you are totally gone and detached from reality. Proving my point perfectly. Basically you ignore the 1000 times Trump was anti mask and focus on the 3 times Trump said wear a mask... Trump mocked Biden for wearing a mask, and Laura ingram, and held 100s of maskless super-spreader events like a total fuckin idiot.

You can't even admit Trump lost the election...

Reality is too tough for you too handle, hence your web of lies, and this thread. You create and alternate world of lies in order to avoid accepting Trump and Bush's total failure.

Enjoy this: Biden has a real plan for covid, a simple plan of wearing a fuckin mask and social distancing with no dumb ass super-spreader events... AND it is working as cases are dropping fast.
Biden is winning against covid and this will cause the economy to fully recover and blast off on a tear like we have never seen. The Biden economy might be better than the Clinton economy.

Enjoy the new roaring 20s, as good as the Clinton Golden age
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A lot of people really, really, really liked President Trump because:

1. He kept us out of foreign wars (let our international "friends" use their own boys as cannon fodder).

2. He wanted to enforce the immigration laws.

3. He executed about half a dozen bad guys.

4. He refused to kneel to BLM.

5. He showed how biased and corrupt the mainstream media are.

He is very much missed.
It’s too bad his numerous negatives far outweighed any positives. Trump won’t be missed. Most Americans are glad he’s done.

Unfortunately, most Americans don’t realize neocon senile Old Joe isn’t any better. In fact, he may turn out to be much worse.

What are these “negatives” you speak of?
He talks mean to filth?
This is a group psychosis that will be studied for decades. Or longer.

This country has never seen this before.
You mean it's never seen citizens actually trying to stop the destruction of their country? You're right, it hasn't, and it's about time they had. I know that scares traitorous dirtbags like you.
Whenever you folks start a sentence with "you mean....", I know that the rest of the sentence is going to be a misrepresentation of what I said.

That's because you are habitual liars, and that's why I no longer bother trying to engage you.

It's just what you are.
Instead of telling me what you falsely think I believe, why don't you instead tell us why you support Biden without mentioning Trump or Republicans, similar to how I relied to your original premise?

I support Biden because he will take covid serious, take mask wearing and social distancing serious, and have a plan that works for covid- which can be seen by covid cases dropping rapidly, with only minimal vaccine distribution.

[snip all the stuff mentioning Trump and Republicans]

Thanks for the reply, but that is all you've got? You support Biden because of his COVID "plan" and becuse he is not Trump?

LOL. :)

Biden supports mask wearing and social distancing, that's funny.

Here's how he uses his mask...


Here is Biden, on federal property, just hours after signing his order requiring masks at all times on federal property when with other people who are not members of your household...

Hypocrisy on Day One. And you admire that.

On COVID response, all Biden is doing is taking over Trump's achievements. Trump admin helped cause the vaccines to be made, he purchased hundreds of millions of doses, even before the vaccine was approved, ensuring Americans got them instead of other countires, he put in place distribution that exceeded even the Biden Admin's stretch goal of 1M doses administered per day.

The 7-day rolling average of doses administered daily on Jan 20th was 1.2M doses. On Jan 20th, 1.6M doses were administered.

It's just another remarkable achievement of one of the most effective administrations in history.

Thank you, former President Trump....


Banker, in addition to COVID, what are some other reasons you support Biden? Please don't mention Trump or Republicans. I went thourgh Biden's 52 EOs (at that time) the other night, and here's what I came up with. What do you think about these, or can you name anything Biden has done or promises to do that you like?

- Kill thousands of American jobs by cancelling the Keystone pipeline on day one.
- Let Creepy men pee in our daughters' restrooms
- Let boys compete in girls' sports, ruining the careers of some women, and disenfranchising some of them from getting sports scholarships.
- Freezing the Wall and opening the borders to illegals by stopping deportations, essentially making the whole US a sanctuary nation. Letting in criminals, hurting American citizens' wages, and possibly spreading COVID.
- Lots of stuff on Climate Change which will have no real impact other than raising energy prices for millions of poor Americans and killing more jobs.
- Cancelling the Trump DOJ lawsuit against Yale for racial discrimination, allowing them to continue to discriminate against Caucasians and Asians by having higher standards for certain ethnicities.
- Requiring everyone to wear arguably-ineffective masks at all times on federal property, which he completely ignored himself, along with his press secretary and Dem members of Congress, infringing upon the fundamental right of Americans to make their own medical decisions.
- Allowing illegal immigrants, who in Biden's own words should not be "above the law," to be counted in the US census for determining representation, even though they are not allowed to vote.
- Cancelling Trump's Executive order requiring a reduction in regulatory burden on American businesses - more Big Government.
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It’s too bad his numerous negatives far outweighed any positives. Trump won’t be missed. Most Americans are glad he’s done.

Is that why the Nazis are so scared he'll come back that they had to create another phony impeachment to try and stop him? Sorry, but Donald Trump will be back, and he will likely be our President in four years from today.
Oh brother. You’re crazy and don’t know it. No one capable of thinking wants Dumb Don back.
no one capable of thinking should want kamalla harris as the next president either....
Agree 100%. Did you think I'm a supporter of her? I hope not. There are way too many small minded wingers on this forum.
You just proved my point perfectly.

You create all these lies just so you can not hold Trump and Bush accountable for their failure.

If you are going to try and claim Trump was promoting and supporting mask wearing, then you are totally gone and detached from reality. Proving my point perfectly. Basically you ignore the 1000 times Trump was anti mask and focus on the 3 times Trump said wear a mask... Trump mocked Biden for wearing a mask, and Laura ingram, and held 100s of maskless super-spreader events like a total fuckin idiot.

You can't even admit Trump lost the election...

Reality is too tough for you too handle, hence your web of lies, and this thread. You create and alternate world of lies in order to avoid accepting Trump and Bush's total failure.

Enjoy this: Biden has a real plan for covid, a simple plan of wearing a fuckin mask and social distancing with no dumb ass super-spreader events... AND it is working as cases are dropping fast.
Biden is winning against covid and this will cause the economy to fully recover and blast off on a tear like we have never seen. The Biden economy might be better than the Clinton economy.

There is no evidence that people who went to Trump rallies spread anything. People who went to rallies were no different than the rioters and protesters that Democrats did nothing about for months on end. How is going to a rally any different than people who go to Walmart?

Confused Joe has no plans. His plans are to hitch onto Trump's wagon now that the vaccine has been in distribution over a month before Joe took office. Trump was anti-mask 1000 times? Then how about showing six times before masks were recommended by Dr. Fauci and the CDC. Bet you can't do it.

Biden can't hold a rally because he couldn't get anybody to a rally in the past. Masks and social distancing is his brilliant idea? Gee, where did he get this brilliant plan from?

It’s too bad his numerous negatives far outweighed any positives. Trump won’t be missed. Most Americans are glad he’s done.

Is that why the Nazis are so scared he'll come back that they had to create another phony impeachment to try and stop him? Sorry, but Donald Trump will be back, and he will likely be our President in four years from today.
Oh brother. You’re crazy and don’t know it. No one capable of thinking wants Dumb Don back.
Biden's commie cronies are going to make him look like Washington....Not that he's anywhere near that strata, just that this is going to be a fucked up ride.
Oh brother. Please. Joe is a fucking neocon. He will be as hard on China as the MIC and establishment demands...just as Don was extremely hard on Russia.

WTF UP! There are no commies in Congress or the White House. They are all neocons and neolibs. Warmongers and corporatists. We live in a failed state run by crazy people The USA is a fascist rapacious oligarchy
Instead of telling me what you falsely think I believe, why don't you instead tell us why you support Biden without mentioning Trump or Republicans, similar to how I relied to your original premise?

I support Biden because he will take covid serious, take mask wearing and social distancing serious, and have a plan that works for covid- which can be seen by covid cases dropping rapidly, with only minimal vaccine distribution.

[snip all the stuff mentioning Trump and Republicans]

Thanks for the reply, but that is all you've got? You support Biden because of his COVID "plan" and becuse he is not Trump?

LOL. :)

Biden supports mask wearing and social distancing, that's funny.

Here's how he uses his mask...


Here is Biden, on federal property, just hours after signing his order requiring masks at all times on federal property when with other people who are not members of your household...

Hypocrisy on Day One. And you admire that.

On COVID response, all Biden is doing is taking over Trump's achievements. Trump admin helped cause the vaccines to be made, he purchased hundreds of millions of doses, even before the vaccine was approved, ensuring Americans got them instead of other countires, he put in place distribution that exceeded even the Biden Admin's stretch goal of 1M doses administered per day.

The 7-day rolling average of doses administered daily on Jan 20th was 1.2M doses. On Jan 20th, 1.6M doses were administered.

It's just another remarkable achievement of one of the most effective administrations in history.

Thank you, former President Trump....

You didn't answer any of my questions because you can't answer them:

Can you admit Trump was wrong for saying "We're rounding the curve" as cases continued to rocket?
Can you admit Trump was an insane fool for holding 100s of maskless super-spreader events and parties and rallies?
Can you admit Bush fucked up the wars in mid east big time?
Can you admit that Bush is most responsible for the financial mega-crisis that occurred 7+ years into his presidency??

Your big Grand rebuttal is Biden's mask was crooked when he signed the mask order??? That's the best you can do??? You have nothing... You prove my point exactly, you need to create and alternate reality, a web of lies, so you can explain all of trump's total failures.

Are you trying to argue that Trump was just as pro mask as Biden, with all his maskless super-spreader events and all the time Trump mocked people for wearing masks, along with the "Be brave" tweets from Trumpers not wearing masks, and all republicans resisting mask wearing every step of the way???? That is another example of the insane lies from Trumpers, your total detachment form reality...

PS Trump administration only administered 9M shots of covid in the entire month, a very low number. AND they did not buy enough vaccine doses originally, letting hundreds of Millions of doses go to Europe instead of US, with the CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna wondering why Trump didn't get more...

The results of Bush and Trump were abhorrent. They left office with the country in ruin and Trumpers have concocted a grand web of lies to accept all these failures. All of your lies and mistatements prove my point perfectly. You somehow act like Bush and Trump didn't fail miserably leaving office in shame and disgrace with the country in total ruin and crisis. That is the GOP record, and those are the facts...
Oh brother. You’re crazy and don’t know it. No one capable of thinking wants Dumb Don back.

Let's see here. Who would want a President that kept invaders out of our country, that gave us a booming economy, that kept our fuel prices low and steady, that stopped little Un from shooting off test missiles, that gave us a new high in median household income, that kept us out of endless wars, that gave us the lowest unemployment figures for women and every minority group since records were kept, that was endorsed by the border patrol, ICE and most of our police unions in the country.

Why would we want to return to that? Only a person not capable of thinking would what that situation again.
LOL. You are completely delusional. Trump accomplished little of what he campaigned on. Be honest. Open your mind.

He did enrich the rich, expand government, blow up the national debt, enriched the MIC enormously, continued the Empire's imperialist treatment of any nation who did not bend over for the Empire.
Both Trump and Bush are failed presidents with failed results. They left office with the country in total ruin, and they are most responsible for that.

Trump was a huge success. He's not responsible for the economy, Joe and Hunter's buddies in China are. The housing crisis was responsible for the economic downfall at the end of the Bush years. Like Trump, until that time, our economy was just fine. Before you lay all the blame on GW, maybe you better watch these videos first:

You just proved my point perfectly.

You create all these lies just so you can not hold Trump and Bush accountable for their failure.

If you are going to try and claim Trump was promoting and supporting mask wearing, then you are totally gone and detached from reality. Proving my point perfectly. Basically you ignore the 1000 times Trump was anti mask and focus on the 3 times Trump said wear a mask... Trump mocked Biden for wearing a mask, and Laura ingram, and held 100s of maskless super-spreader events like a total fuckin idiot.

You can't even admit Trump lost the election...

Reality is too tough for you too handle, hence your web of lies, and this thread. You create and alternate world of lies in order to avoid accepting Trump and Bush's total failure.

Enjoy this: Biden has a real plan for covid, a simple plan of wearing a fuckin mask and social distancing with no dumb ass super-spreader events... AND it is working as cases are dropping fast.
Biden is winning against covid and this will cause the economy to fully recover and blast off on a tear like we have never seen. The Biden economy might be better than the Clinton economy.

There is no evidence that people who went to Trump rallies spread anything. People who went to rallies were no different than the rioters and protesters that Democrats did nothing about for months on end. How is going to a rally any different than people who go to Walmart?

Confused Joe has no plans. His plans are to hitch onto Trump's wagon now that the vaccine has been in distribution over a month before Joe took office. Trump was anti-mask 1000 times? Then how about showing six times before masks were recommended by Dr. Fauci and the CDC. Bet you can't do it.

Biden can't hold a rally because he couldn't get anybody to a rally in the past. Masks and social distancing is his brilliant idea? Gee, where did he get this brilliant plan from?

You can't even admit that Trump's 100s of maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties etc were an insanely stupid idea. That is one of many reasons why Trump failed to get covid under control.

Debating you is so easy, you just prove my points over and over. Now you are trying to argue that Trump was pro mask, republicans and Trump didn't politicize mask wearing "Be Brave!!!" "My body my choice" and his maskless super-spreader events were no big deal....

You have concocted a big grand lie. A web of lies all because you can't accept that Bush was a terrible and failed president who fucked everything up, and Trump was another Bush, who fucked up covid badly and incited an insurrection based on lies. Trump and Bush left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings, and the country in total crisis. They were failed presidents, and go down in history as failed presidents...

That happened, those are the facts, and you can't accept those facts...

Enjoy the Biden Boom, the new roaring 20s, another Clinton Golden Age. America is going to be so great that you are going to be crying over Biden's success.

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