Why Trump's Supporters Don't Care That He's Lying

They're unhinged...


You support hitlery and I'm unhinged?

Your meme is tasteless and offensive. I don't have to have Down's syndrome to see that. I guess that's what I can expect from the RW. They can ridicule anyone they want but will throw the biggest of bitchfits when any part of their identity is criticized.

I am glad that he offended you because that proves that you are a leftard pussy that suffers from arrested development.
The only people that can offend me are those whose opinions that I respect...which means what they say and believe in resonated with me..and then they posted something that hurt the way I look at them.

Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if I make a leftard get all "butt-hurt" and they can swing their cyber-purses all day and all night at me for all I care...it's not like I give a shit. I know more than they do so the gnashing of their teeth is amusing to me.

What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Leftards are mentality deficient...duh????? You were "offended" by it so that tells me that he struck a nerve. If you are not one of the mental midgets that ride the short bus and have learned not to smear your shit in the bathroom stalls? Good for you......that's real progress for a mentally deficient, double digit IQ moron such as yourself....congrats!!!!
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.
What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Wrong again bed wetter.

I was insulting you, and every other liburd and you're all mentally handicapped.

Posting an illustration that probably closely resembles you besides the superman underoos is fair game after this kind of shit:


So you can take your self righteous indignation card and shove it back up your ass next to your race card and go see a petrologist to numb the butthurt I caused you.
Lol I love how you post another tasteless pathetic meme and somehow blame it on me. The truth of the matter is that your dick is likely tiny and poking fun at those born with a handicapped only makes it feel a bit bigger. I just feel sorry for you really.

Dude, you must be one of the retarded..."born with a handicapped"???????
Lol you try way too hard.
From the article, a few notable passages:
  • In his book On Bullshit, Harry Frankfurt distinguished between the two by noting that to lie, one has to purposely hide the truth from others.

    A bullshit artist isn't concerned with the truth, but instead makes things up to suit his purpose. He doesn't care if the things he says describe reality accurately. When the fisherman says that the fish was this big, with his hands wide apart, the actual size of the fish isn't what's important, it's the entertainment of the listeners.

    The idea that Trump's false statements are bullshit can help explain why his supporters don't care that fact checkers say he's lying.

    For example, Trump has said that he'll build a wall across America and make Mexico pay. If that's bullshit, Trump doesn't need to care about the feasibility or what the true cost might be -- and neither do his supporters. What's important is the message of stopping illegal immigration. Or when Trump makes false claims about the trade deficit or the unemployment rate, the reality is less important than his supporters' sense that the economy is leaving them behind. When Trump says that crime is up and you'll get shot walking in urban centers, the reality is less important than his message of law and order.

    Frankfurt emphasizes that people bullshit when they speak about topics that they are not well-versed in or when the facts don't line up with the overall message. Trump has been upfront about his outsider status and his lack of debate prep and knowledge on government policy. The fact that he responds to complex topics with bullshit is perhaps not surprising.
Bullsh*t. That's pretty much how I'd describe just about everything Trump has proposed or said. I hadn't ever taken the time to review critical study into BS, but I'm glad someone has and I'm thankful to you, OP, for calling to my attention that someone has.
Supporters don't care about what he says nearly as much as Hillary saying she wants to turn our country into a Muslim free for all shit hole. And make sure we have no weapon of defense against them. I am voting NO on that.
you said that about obama

You bet I did, and no one listened to me or the dreams of his father. And our country has suffered because of it. Hitlery has also told us about HER dream for my country, and it is worse. We either pay attention this time, or wave good bye to life as we know it, i.e. free speech, all of our other rights intact, not just the one's that Hillary wants to leave us with for now.
And I want a president who doesn't shit herself whenever there is a stressful situation. Like walking...
View attachment 94501

And then dumping it in the commoner's street.

Where does she think she is, Syria?
But you said that obama would lead to islamic sharia law communism... and none if it happened so doesn't that mean it wont happen under hillary either, and you just need to change your meds?

No I said, he did not have this country's best interest at heart. I read the damn book! And I listen to George Soros when he details just how he intends to take us down. He elected Obama. Obama hates white colonists because his father hated them. I listened to his mentor "God damn our country." I watched as the liar had crosses removed from the room he was going to be in. I watched him celebrate Ramadan, and knew he lied about being a Christian to get elected. I watched him remove our border. And run guns, and overthrow our ally in the Middle East and turn it into a pile of rubble. I heard him say that we need constrained for the sake of globalism.

51% of the Muslims he's flying into our country want Sharia law here. He has removed our immigration laws, rewarded illegals sneaking into our country, and honestly, I could go on for hours pointing out the damage he has done. And Hitlery will be Obama on steroids.
No thank you. I have had enough of the global elite. It is time to bring national pride back.
I want to bequeath my country to my children. Not a UN controlled hemisphere. We've seen Hillary's dream for Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Iran. Her dreams are an American nightmare.
You support hitlery and I'm unhinged?

Your meme is tasteless and offensive. I don't have to have Down's syndrome to see that. I guess that's what I can expect from the RW. They can ridicule anyone they want but will throw the biggest of bitchfits when any part of their identity is criticized.

I am glad that he offended you because that proves that you are a leftard pussy that suffers from arrested development.
The only people that can offend me are those whose opinions that I respect...which means what they say and believe in resonated with me..and then they posted something that hurt the way I look at them.

Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if I make a leftard get all "butt-hurt" and they can swing their cyber-purses all day and all night at me for all I care...it's not like I give a shit. I know more than they do so the gnashing of their teeth is amusing to me.

What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Leftards are mentality deficient...duh????? You were "offended" by it so that tells me that he struck a nerve. If you are not one of the mental midgets that ride the short bus and have learned not to smear your shit in the bathroom stalls? Good for you......that's real progress for a mentally deficient, double digit IQ moron such as yourself....congrats!!!!
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

My kind???? What exactly is "my kind"........be specific. I have very few peers. I have a computer science degree that has served me well. What I do is read, research and listen to lectures from researchers, listen to documentaries from accredited authors that have given me the benefit of their heavy lifting. You haven't posted anything here even mildly "thought provoking". I am coming to the conclusion that the leftard clown posse faction that posts here are simply bottom feeders. The lefties that post here are so fucking clueless, generic and predictable. They propose no challenge to me at all.
Your meme is tasteless and offensive. I don't have to have Down's syndrome to see that. I guess that's what I can expect from the RW. They can ridicule anyone they want but will throw the biggest of bitchfits when any part of their identity is criticized.

I am glad that he offended you because that proves that you are a leftard pussy that suffers from arrested development.
The only people that can offend me are those whose opinions that I respect...which means what they say and believe in resonated with me..and then they posted something that hurt the way I look at them.

Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if I make a leftard get all "butt-hurt" and they can swing their cyber-purses all day and all night at me for all I care...it's not like I give a shit. I know more than they do so the gnashing of their teeth is amusing to me.

What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Leftards are mentality deficient...duh????? You were "offended" by it so that tells me that he struck a nerve. If you are not one of the mental midgets that ride the short bus and have learned not to smear your shit in the bathroom stalls? Good for you......that's real progress for a mentally deficient, double digit IQ moron such as yourself....congrats!!!!
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

My kind???? What exactly is "my kind"........be specific. I have very few peers. I have a computer science degree that has served me well. What I do is read, research and listen to lectures from researchers, listen to documentaries from accredited authors that have given me the benefit of their heavy lifting. You haven't posted anything here even mildly "thought provoking". I am coming to the conclusion that the leftard clown posse faction that posts here are simply bottom feeders. The lefties that post here are so fucking clueless, generic and predictable. They propose no challenge to me at all.

Go to bed, Dale. It's past your bedtime. You're cranky.
Your meme is tasteless and offensive. I don't have to have Down's syndrome to see that. I guess that's what I can expect from the RW. They can ridicule anyone they want but will throw the biggest of bitchfits when any part of their identity is criticized.

I am glad that he offended you because that proves that you are a leftard pussy that suffers from arrested development.
The only people that can offend me are those whose opinions that I respect...which means what they say and believe in resonated with me..and then they posted something that hurt the way I look at them.

Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if I make a leftard get all "butt-hurt" and they can swing their cyber-purses all day and all night at me for all I care...it's not like I give a shit. I know more than they do so the gnashing of their teeth is amusing to me.

What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Leftards are mentality deficient...duh????? You were "offended" by it so that tells me that he struck a nerve. If you are not one of the mental midgets that ride the short bus and have learned not to smear your shit in the bathroom stalls? Good for you......that's real progress for a mentally deficient, double digit IQ moron such as yourself....congrats!!!!
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

My kind???? What exactly is "my kind"........be specific. I have very few peers. I have a computer science degree that has served me well. What I do is read, research and listen to lectures from researchers, listen to documentaries from accredited authors that have given me the benefit of their heavy lifting. You haven't posted anything here even mildly "thought provoking". I am coming to the conclusion that the leftard clown posse faction that posts here are simply bottom feeders. The lefties that post here are so fucking clueless, generic and predictable. They propose no challenge to me at all.
So basically you're admitting you've never set foot in the classroom of higher learning?
From the article, a few notable passages:
  • In his book On Bullshit, Harry Frankfurt distinguished between the two by noting that to lie, one has to purposely hide the truth from others.

    A bullshit artist isn't concerned with the truth, but instead makes things up to suit his purpose. He doesn't care if the things he says describe reality accurately. When the fisherman says that the fish was this big, with his hands wide apart, the actual size of the fish isn't what's important, it's the entertainment of the listeners.

    The idea that Trump's false statements are bullshit can help explain why his supporters don't care that fact checkers say he's lying.

    For example, Trump has said that he'll build a wall across America and make Mexico pay. If that's bullshit, Trump doesn't need to care about the feasibility or what the true cost might be -- and neither do his supporters. What's important is the message of stopping illegal immigration. Or when Trump makes false claims about the trade deficit or the unemployment rate, the reality is less important than his supporters' sense that the economy is leaving them behind. When Trump says that crime is up and you'll get shot walking in urban centers, the reality is less important than his message of law and order.

    Frankfurt emphasizes that people bullshit when they speak about topics that they are not well-versed in or when the facts don't line up with the overall message. Trump has been upfront about his outsider status and his lack of debate prep and knowledge on government policy. The fact that he responds to complex topics with bullshit is perhaps not surprising.
Bullsh*t. That's pretty much how I'd describe just about everything Trump has proposed or said. I hadn't ever taken the time to review critical study into BS, but I'm glad someone has and I'm thankful to you, OP, for calling to my attention that someone has.

Hitlery is a globalist that is supported and backed by the very power elites that leftards claim to have such disdain for. She hasn't accomplished anything but has has milked her positions in power for money. She is also a very disgusting excuse for a human being that treats her underlings like shit. What is so odd is that even though leftards know about her temperament and her propensity to treat "the little people" as if they are beneath her? They somehow believe that as CEO of USA.INC (which is owned by the ones that have backed her) will make the lives of Americans better.......seriously, I have to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
I am glad that he offended you because that proves that you are a leftard pussy that suffers from arrested development.
The only people that can offend me are those whose opinions that I respect...which means what they say and believe in resonated with me..and then they posted something that hurt the way I look at them.

Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if I make a leftard get all "butt-hurt" and they can swing their cyber-purses all day and all night at me for all I care...it's not like I give a shit. I know more than they do so the gnashing of their teeth is amusing to me.

What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Leftards are mentality deficient...duh????? You were "offended" by it so that tells me that he struck a nerve. If you are not one of the mental midgets that ride the short bus and have learned not to smear your shit in the bathroom stalls? Good for you......that's real progress for a mentally deficient, double digit IQ moron such as yourself....congrats!!!!
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

My kind???? What exactly is "my kind"........be specific. I have very few peers. I have a computer science degree that has served me well. What I do is read, research and listen to lectures from researchers, listen to documentaries from accredited authors that have given me the benefit of their heavy lifting. You haven't posted anything here even mildly "thought provoking". I am coming to the conclusion that the leftard clown posse faction that posts here are simply bottom feeders. The lefties that post here are so fucking clueless, generic and predictable. They propose no challenge to me at all.

Go to bed, Dale. It's past your bedtime. You're cranky.

I tell it like it is....little fella........


Leftards are mentality deficient...duh????? You were "offended" by it so that tells me that he struck a nerve. If you are not one of the mental midgets that ride the short bus and have learned not to smear your shit in the bathroom stalls? Good for you......that's real progress for a mentally deficient, double digit IQ moron such as yourself....congrats!!!!


He supports a hag whose handlers don't know better than to not dump the shitter on her campaign bus in the street.

That is honestly how she sees us. We are her toilet.
I am glad that he offended you because that proves that you are a leftard pussy that suffers from arrested development.
The only people that can offend me are those whose opinions that I respect...which means what they say and believe in resonated with me..and then they posted something that hurt the way I look at them.

Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if I make a leftard get all "butt-hurt" and they can swing their cyber-purses all day and all night at me for all I care...it's not like I give a shit. I know more than they do so the gnashing of their teeth is amusing to me.

What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Leftards are mentality deficient...duh????? You were "offended" by it so that tells me that he struck a nerve. If you are not one of the mental midgets that ride the short bus and have learned not to smear your shit in the bathroom stalls? Good for you......that's real progress for a mentally deficient, double digit IQ moron such as yourself....congrats!!!!
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

My kind???? What exactly is "my kind"........be specific. I have very few peers. I have a computer science degree that has served me well. What I do is read, research and listen to lectures from researchers, listen to documentaries from accredited authors that have given me the benefit of their heavy lifting. You haven't posted anything here even mildly "thought provoking". I am coming to the conclusion that the leftard clown posse faction that posts here are simply bottom feeders. The lefties that post here are so fucking clueless, generic and predictable. They propose no challenge to me at all.
So basically you're admitting you've never set foot in the classroom of higher learning?

So what you are saying is that "higher learning" can only be attained by attending a university and that reading, researching and studying on your own isn't valid? I beg to differ. I have destroyed alleged "college professors" in other forums that couldn't back up their contentions while I could. I have over 18,000 hours invested in the things that I have learned over the last four and a half years.I post from a position of knowledge that you could only hope to attain......any more questions????
What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Leftards are mentality deficient...duh????? You were "offended" by it so that tells me that he struck a nerve. If you are not one of the mental midgets that ride the short bus and have learned not to smear your shit in the bathroom stalls? Good for you......that's real progress for a mentally deficient, double digit IQ moron such as yourself....congrats!!!!
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

My kind???? What exactly is "my kind"........be specific. I have very few peers. I have a computer science degree that has served me well. What I do is read, research and listen to lectures from researchers, listen to documentaries from accredited authors that have given me the benefit of their heavy lifting. You haven't posted anything here even mildly "thought provoking". I am coming to the conclusion that the leftard clown posse faction that posts here are simply bottom feeders. The lefties that post here are so fucking clueless, generic and predictable. They propose no challenge to me at all.
So basically you're admitting you've never set foot in the classroom of higher learning?

So what you are saying is that "higher learning" can only be attained by attending a university and that reading, researching and studying on your own isn't valid? I beg to differ. I have destroyed alleged "college professors" in other forums that couldn't back up their contentions while I could. I have over 18,000 hours invested in the things that I have learned over the last four and a half years.I post from a position of knowledge that you could only hope to attain......any more questions????

Leftards are mentality deficient...duh????? You were "offended" by it so that tells me that he struck a nerve. If you are not one of the mental midgets that ride the short bus and have learned not to smear your shit in the bathroom stalls? Good for you......that's real progress for a mentally deficient, double digit IQ moron such as yourself....congrats!!!!
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

My kind???? What exactly is "my kind"........be specific. I have very few peers. I have a computer science degree that has served me well. What I do is read, research and listen to lectures from researchers, listen to documentaries from accredited authors that have given me the benefit of their heavy lifting. You haven't posted anything here even mildly "thought provoking". I am coming to the conclusion that the leftard clown posse faction that posts here are simply bottom feeders. The lefties that post here are so fucking clueless, generic and predictable. They propose no challenge to me at all.
So basically you're admitting you've never set foot in the classroom of higher learning?

So what you are saying is that "higher learning" can only be attained by attending a university and that reading, researching and studying on your own isn't valid? I beg to differ. I have destroyed alleged "college professors" in other forums that couldn't back up their contentions while I could. I have over 18,000 hours invested in the things that I have learned over the last four and a half years.I post from a position of knowledge that you could only hope to attain......any more questions????

Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

No one is pretending anything.

Bed wetters like you prove you're all fucking morons, all we're doing is pointing it out.

I also love when you pukes smugly throw out that "educated" barb as if "classrooms of higher learning" somehow produce intelligent people. As if being programmed to regurgitate social justice warrior drivel is "education" and not brainwashing.
Last edited:
Supporters don't care about what he says nearly as much as Hillary saying she wants to turn our country into a Muslim free for all shit hole. And make sure we have no weapon of defense against them. I am voting NO on that.
you said that about obama

You bet I did, and no one listened to me or the dreams of his father. And our country has suffered because of it. Hitlery has also told us about HER dream for our country, and it is worse. We either pay attention this time, or wave good bye to life as we know it, i.e. free speech, all of our other rights intact, not just the one's that Hillary wants to leave us with for now.
And I want a president who doesn't shit herself whenever there is a stressful situation. Like walking...
View attachment 94502

And then dumping it into the commoner's street.

Where does she think she is, Syria?
you feelin okay?

Fine, thanks. I just take umbrage at anyone who thinks it's ok to literally shit on the little guy. In Hillary's case, that's how she views America. If I was in the shit business, I would have sucked that shit up and blown it all over her Moving Forward bus.
Dale, are you gonna comment on the article in the OP? Or are you only here to troll, as usual?

It's a troll thread bed wetter, you've got sand in your vag because you got trolled worse on your own pathetic thread just like so many other mindless drones day after day. Whether it's you, guano, rtard or whatever other moonbat that posts hate threads about Christians, or whatever other group is trending and you always end up looking dumber than the day before.
Dale, are you gonna comment on the article in the OP? Or are you only here to troll, as usual?

It's a troll thread bed wetter, you've got sand in your vag because you got trolled worse on your own pathetic thread just like so many other mindless drones day after day. Whether it's you, guano, rtard or whatever other moonbat that posts hate threads about Christians, or whatever other group is trending and you always end up looking dumber than the day before.

Posting an article is "trolling?" You are one angry fucking loon :cuckoo:

Put down the bottle, dude.
What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Leftards are mentality deficient...duh????? You were "offended" by it so that tells me that he struck a nerve. If you are not one of the mental midgets that ride the short bus and have learned not to smear your shit in the bathroom stalls? Good for you......that's real progress for a mentally deficient, double digit IQ moron such as yourself....congrats!!!!
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

My kind???? What exactly is "my kind"........be specific. I have very few peers. I have a computer science degree that has served me well. What I do is read, research and listen to lectures from researchers, listen to documentaries from accredited authors that have given me the benefit of their heavy lifting. You haven't posted anything here even mildly "thought provoking". I am coming to the conclusion that the leftard clown posse faction that posts here are simply bottom feeders. The lefties that post here are so fucking clueless, generic and predictable. They propose no challenge to me at all.
So basically you're admitting you've never set foot in the classroom of higher learning?

So what you are saying is that "higher learning" can only be attained by attending a university and that reading, researching and studying on your own isn't valid? I beg to differ. I have destroyed alleged "college professors" in other forums that couldn't back up their contentions while I could. I have over 18,000 hours invested in the things that I have learned over the last four and a half years.I post from a position of knowledge that you could only hope to attain......any more questions????
Well see there is a specific intellectual skill you learn in college: critical thinking. Critical thinking that involves studying a copious amount of material and coming to objective conclusions about it. Anything less than that means dick. You could read 1 or 2 scientific articles but that doesn't even make you come close to being an expert on any of the subject matter. That takes years of hard work.
I am glad that he offended you because that proves that you are a leftard pussy that suffers from arrested development.
The only people that can offend me are those whose opinions that I respect...which means what they say and believe in resonated with me..and then they posted something that hurt the way I look at them.

Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if I make a leftard get all "butt-hurt" and they can swing their cyber-purses all day and all night at me for all I care...it's not like I give a shit. I know more than they do so the gnashing of their teeth is amusing to me.

What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Leftards are mentality deficient...duh????? You were "offended" by it so that tells me that he struck a nerve. If you are not one of the mental midgets that ride the short bus and have learned not to smear your shit in the bathroom stalls? Good for you......that's real progress for a mentally deficient, double digit IQ moron such as yourself....congrats!!!!
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

My kind???? What exactly is "my kind"........be specific. I have very few peers. I have a computer science degree that has served me well. What I do is read, research and listen to lectures from researchers, listen to documentaries from accredited authors that have given me the benefit of their heavy lifting. You haven't posted anything here even mildly "thought provoking". I am coming to the conclusion that the leftard clown posse faction that posts here are simply bottom feeders. The lefties that post here are so fucking clueless, generic and predictable. They propose no challenge to me at all.

Go to bed, Dale. It's past your bedtime. You're cranky.

^ that's code for, "I got nuthin".

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