Why Trump's Supporters Don't Care That He's Lying

No one is pretending anything.

Bed wetters like you prove you're all fucking morons, all we're doing is pointing it out.

I also love when you pukes smugly throw out that "educated" barb as if "classrooms of higher learning" somehow produce intelligent people. As if being programmed to regurgitate social justice warrior drivel is "education" and not brainwashing.
Lol that's such a typical attitude you people have about college isn't? You've never even taken a class, but are for some reason convinced it is stupid and a waste of time lol It's such non sense.

How would you know what "higher learning" is like.... since you have never been to college? Given your lack of spelling abilities? I am saying that 10th grade was a mighty struggle for you and gave up after that. I did go to college but I learned more long after I awoke as to how things really are. I didn't need the indoctrination that could be afforded me at a four year university.
I have a bachelor's degree and you have nothing. I guess that sums it up doesn't it?

HOLY shit!!! You can't even spell.... but yet you claim to have a four year degree? What I want to know is how much did you have to pay to have someone write papers and reports for you? I have a two year degree in computer science that I got back in the early 80's when you had to pass Boolean algebra, take advanced Trigonometry, Physics, know Ohm's Law "inside and out", etc, etc so you could troubleshoot circuit boards down to component level.... even if you didn't have a schematic....you know, a practical skill. I started with a class of 26 and at the end of two and a half years only six of us made it through to the end. I graduated with a 3.67 grade point average...highest in the class.

So what was your degree in? Babylonian History with a minor in basket weaving????
Lol clearly you feel insecure about this degree. The best you have is to bring up a typo. You and I both know you know jack shit about trigonometry and physics.

Your posts are filled with typos and your punctuation skills are "hit and miss" at best....not indicative of someone with an alleged four year degree unless it was something that athletes take so they can stay on the team. I know more than you and I prove it daily.... so if it pisses you off? It's not like I give "jack shit". I offer this challenge to you just like I do any leftard or neocon....you disagree with the things I post? Let's discuss and debate and let the masses decide which one makes the better argument backed by facts and data......so far the leftard clown posse has done the Bill Murray i.e "Carl" dance when he wanted to avoid attention when he blew up part of the golf course trying to get that ever elusive gopher in "Caddyshack"......

Hillary is a lying Washington insider that hates white males. She is a witch.

Don't know about that. I do know that Trump is a lying skank. That I do know.
Well one thing is for certain, you don't have any common sense. Hillary is the biggest liar in political history.

Naw. Tricky Dicky is. I don't think she is even in the Top 10...I have asked several times for people to show me where she has a history lying. Nada.

Hitlery lies about shit that doesn't even matter. Wikileaks has proven that she is the proverbial lying, corrupt sack of shit. When she gets to hell, she won't even have to wait in line...they will push her right to the front. Stealing from the poorest while enriching friends and family like she did in Haiti has punched her ticket to hell on that alone.
Hitlery lies about shit that doesn't even matter. Wikileaks has proven that she is the proverbial lying, corrupt sack of shit. When she gets to hell, she won't even have to wait in line...they will push her right to the front. Stealing from the poorest while enriching friends and family like she did in Haiti has punched her ticket to hell on that alone.

haven't seen anything yet. She clouds some issues. They all do. And?
Hitlery lies about shit that doesn't even matter. Wikileaks has proven that she is the proverbial lying, corrupt sack of shit. When she gets to hell, she won't even have to wait in line...they will push her right to the front. Stealing from the poorest while enriching friends and family like she did in Haiti has punched her ticket to hell on that alone.

haven't seen anything yet. She clouds some issues. They all do. And?
Didn't watch the video huh?
Hitlery lies about shit that doesn't even matter. Wikileaks has proven that she is the proverbial lying, corrupt sack of shit. When she gets to hell, she won't even have to wait in line...they will push her right to the front. Stealing from the poorest while enriching friends and family like she did in Haiti has punched her ticket to hell on that alone.

haven't seen anything yet. She clouds some issues. They all do. And?
Didn't watch the video huh?

Yep. Saw the first issue. nothing in it. People change their minds all the time. There are some things that I have changed my mind of over time. We all do it. You have NEVER done that? 1) I don't believe you 2) Or of the very unlikely chance that you never have, you are an idiot because you obviously have never learned anything.

When somebody changes their mind on something for the better I think that is a good thing and shows maturity. If people didn't, you'd still have slavery and women not voting.
Hitlery lies about shit that doesn't even matter. Wikileaks has proven that she is the proverbial lying, corrupt sack of shit. When she gets to hell, she won't even have to wait in line...they will push her right to the front. Stealing from the poorest while enriching friends and family like she did in Haiti has punched her ticket to hell on that alone.

haven't seen anything yet. She clouds some issues. They all do. And?
Didn't watch the video huh?

Yep. Saw the first issue. nothing in it. People change their minds all the time. There are some things that I have changed my mind of over time. We all do it. You have NEVER done that? 1) I don't believe you 2) Or of the very unlikely chance that you never have, you are an idiot because you obviously have never learned anything.

When somebody changes their mind on something for the better I think that is a good thing and shows maturity. If people didn't, you'd still have slavery and women not voting.
She lied about emails, Wiki Leaks is exposing her daily.
Hitlery lies about shit that doesn't even matter. Wikileaks has proven that she is the proverbial lying, corrupt sack of shit. When she gets to hell, she won't even have to wait in line...they will push her right to the front. Stealing from the poorest while enriching friends and family like she did in Haiti has punched her ticket to hell on that alone.

haven't seen anything yet. She clouds some issues. They all do. And?
Didn't watch the video huh?

Yep. Saw the first issue. nothing in it. People change their minds all the time. There are some things that I have changed my mind of over time. We all do it. You have NEVER done that? 1) I don't believe you 2) Or of the very unlikely chance that you never have, you are an idiot because you obviously have never learned anything.

When somebody changes their mind on something for the better I think that is a good thing and shows maturity. If people didn't, you'd still have slavery and women not voting.
The 7 Wildest Lies From Hillary Clinton - The Political Insider
Supporters don't care about what he says nearly as much as Hillary saying she wants to turn our country into a Muslim free for all shit hole. And make sure we have no weapon of defense against them. I am voting NO on that.
you said that about obama

You bet I did, and no one listened to me or the dreams of his father. And our country has suffered because of it. Hitlery has also told us about HER dream for our country, and it is worse. We either pay attention this time, or wave good bye to life as we know it, i.e. free speech, all of our other rights intact, not just the one's that Hillary wants to leave us with for now.
And I want a president who doesn't shit herself whenever there is a stressful situation. Like walking...
View attachment 94502

And then dumping it into the commoner's street.

Where does she think she is, Syria?
you feelin okay?

Fine, thanks. I just take umbrage at anyone who thinks it's ok to literally shit on the little guy. In Hillary's case, that's how she views America. If I was in the shit business, I would have sucked that shit up and blown it all over her Moving Forward bus.
trumps shits on the little guy all the time... the fuck are you talking about?
Dale, are you gonna comment on the article in the OP? Or are you only here to troll, as usual?

It's a troll thread bed wetter, you've got sand in your vag because you got trolled worse on your own pathetic thread just like so many other mindless drones day after day. Whether it's you, guano, rtard or whatever other moonbat that posts hate threads about Christians, or whatever other group is trending and you always end up looking dumber than the day before.
your a super troll
Hitlery lies about shit that doesn't even matter. Wikileaks has proven that she is the proverbial lying, corrupt sack of shit. When she gets to hell, she won't even have to wait in line...they will push her right to the front. Stealing from the poorest while enriching friends and family like she did in Haiti has punched her ticket to hell on that alone.

haven't seen anything yet. She clouds some issues. They all do. And?
Didn't watch the video huh?

Yep. Saw the first issue. nothing in it. People change their minds all the time. There are some things that I have changed my mind of over time. We all do it. You have NEVER done that? 1) I don't believe you 2) Or of the very unlikely chance that you never have, you are an idiot because you obviously have never learned anything.

When somebody changes their mind on something for the better I think that is a good thing and shows maturity. If people didn't, you'd still have slavery and women not voting.
She lied about emails, Wiki Leaks is exposing her daily.
bush lied about WMD's
Hitlery lies about shit that doesn't even matter. Wikileaks has proven that she is the proverbial lying, corrupt sack of shit. When she gets to hell, she won't even have to wait in line...they will push her right to the front. Stealing from the poorest while enriching friends and family like she did in Haiti has punched her ticket to hell on that alone.

haven't seen anything yet. She clouds some issues. They all do. And?
Didn't watch the video huh?

Yep. Saw the first issue. nothing in it. People change their minds all the time. There are some things that I have changed my mind of over time. We all do it. You have NEVER done that? 1) I don't believe you 2) Or of the very unlikely chance that you never have, you are an idiot because you obviously have never learned anything.

When somebody changes their mind on something for the better I think that is a good thing and shows maturity. If people didn't, you'd still have slavery and women not voting.
She lied about emails, Wiki Leaks is exposing her daily.
bush lied about WMD's
Looking on ballot...not seeing him.

Yep, there's a history there for one of them:

The New York Times has examined some of the more dubious claims made in the debate.

Fact-checkers combed 29 claims in total - 18 from Donald Trump and 11 from Hillary Clinton.

They found Trump was wrong 9 times, misleading 7 times, and correct twice.
Meanwhile, Clinton was wrong once, misleading twice, and correct 8 times.

Third US presidential debate: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton face off in Las Vegas
Lol that's such a typical attitude you people have about college isn't? You've never even taken a class, but are for some reason convinced it is stupid and a waste of time lol It's such non sense.

How would you know what "higher learning" is like.... since you have never been to college? Given your lack of spelling abilities? I am saying that 10th grade was a mighty struggle for you and gave up after that. I did go to college but I learned more long after I awoke as to how things really are. I didn't need the indoctrination that could be afforded me at a four year university.
I have a bachelor's degree and you have nothing. I guess that sums it up doesn't it?

HOLY shit!!! You can't even spell.... but yet you claim to have a four year degree? What I want to know is how much did you have to pay to have someone write papers and reports for you? I have a two year degree in computer science that I got back in the early 80's when you had to pass Boolean algebra, take advanced Trigonometry, Physics, know Ohm's Law "inside and out", etc, etc so you could troubleshoot circuit boards down to component level.... even if you didn't have a schematic....you know, a practical skill. I started with a class of 26 and at the end of two and a half years only six of us made it through to the end. I graduated with a 3.67 grade point average...highest in the class.

So what was your degree in? Babylonian History with a minor in basket weaving????
Lol clearly you feel insecure about this degree. The best you have is to bring up a typo. You and I both know you know jack shit about trigonometry and physics.

Your posts are filled with typos and your punctuation skills are "hit and miss" at best....not indicative of someone with an alleged four year degree unless it was something that athletes take so they can stay on the team. I know more than you and I prove it daily.... so if it pisses you off? It's not like I give "jack shit". I offer this challenge to you just like I do any leftard or neocon....you disagree with the things I post? Let's discuss and debate and let the masses decide which one makes the better argument backed by facts and data......so far the leftard clown posse has done the Bill Murray i.e "Carl" dance when he wanted to avoid attention when he blew up part of the golf course trying to get that ever elusive gopher in "Caddyshack"......

Lol do you really lack the self awareness to realize that your grammar is clearly worse than mine?
haven't seen anything yet. She clouds some issues. They all do. And?
Didn't watch the video huh?

Yep. Saw the first issue. nothing in it. People change their minds all the time. There are some things that I have changed my mind of over time. We all do it. You have NEVER done that? 1) I don't believe you 2) Or of the very unlikely chance that you never have, you are an idiot because you obviously have never learned anything.

When somebody changes their mind on something for the better I think that is a good thing and shows maturity. If people didn't, you'd still have slavery and women not voting.
She lied about emails, Wiki Leaks is exposing her daily.
bush lied about WMD's
Looking on ballot...not seeing him.
I dont see bill clinton on the ballot either but that doesn't stop you brayin jackasses from talking about him non stop...... so your saying bush lying about WMD"s was okay?
Very interesting article. Makes a lot of sense.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are seen as equally trustworthy by the public, and yet Trump makes false statements almost four times as often than Clinton.

How is this possible?

I study deception and trust and am frequently asked this question, given that fact checkers rate Trump's statements as entirely false 52% of the time compared to Clinton's 12%.

There are several possible explanations. One is that we like and trust people who look like we do, an effect known as homophily. This also allows us to discount or ignore things that we might otherwise not. That could explain why so many white men support Trump despite his persistent falsehoods.

The two candidates also have distinctly different communication styles. Trump speaks in a direct manner, with simple words and sentences, a style that comes across as authentic and trustworthy. Clinton speaks more cautiously, qualifying her statements and using more complex sentences, a style that leads people to believe she is hiding something even when she isn't.

But neither of these explanations fully account for why Trump's more frequent lies don't affect his trustworthiness more. One explanation is that this isn't really about lying, but about bullshit. In his book On Bullshit, Harry Frankfurt distinguished between the two by noting that to lie, one has to purposely hide the truth from others.

A bullshit artist isn't concerned with the truth, but instead makes things up to suit his purpose. He doesn't care if the things he says describe reality accurately. When the fisherman says that the fish was this big, with his hands wide apart, the actual size of the fish isn't what's important, it's the entertainment of the listeners.

And here's an amazing coincidence. A recent book cataloged all the synonyms for bullshit, and one of the oldest dates back to the 1400s. It originally referred to trickery and scamming, although its meaning has evolved to include general nonsense and insignificance. That word: trumpery.

Trump's bullsh*t: Why his supporters don't care that he's lying

Could be. I know it will be the sort of thing that makes political scientists scratch their head for decades.
Hitlery lies about shit that doesn't even matter. Wikileaks has proven that she is the proverbial lying, corrupt sack of shit. When she gets to hell, she won't even have to wait in line...they will push her right to the front. Stealing from the poorest while enriching friends and family like she did in Haiti has punched her ticket to hell on that alone.

haven't seen anything yet. She clouds some issues. They all do. And?
Didn't watch the video huh?

Yep. Saw the first issue. nothing in it. People change their minds all the time. There are some things that I have changed my mind of over time. We all do it. You have NEVER done that? 1) I don't believe you 2) Or of the very unlikely chance that you never have, you are an idiot because you obviously have never learned anything.

When somebody changes their mind on something for the better I think that is a good thing and shows maturity. If people didn't, you'd still have slavery and women not voting.
She lied about emails, Wiki Leaks is exposing her daily.
bush lied about WMD's

Bush and the neocons are POS and guess which candidate they are touting???? That's right...Hitlery.....
How would you know what "higher learning" is like.... since you have never been to college? Given your lack of spelling abilities? I am saying that 10th grade was a mighty struggle for you and gave up after that. I did go to college but I learned more long after I awoke as to how things really are. I didn't need the indoctrination that could be afforded me at a four year university.
I have a bachelor's degree and you have nothing. I guess that sums it up doesn't it?

HOLY shit!!! You can't even spell.... but yet you claim to have a four year degree? What I want to know is how much did you have to pay to have someone write papers and reports for you? I have a two year degree in computer science that I got back in the early 80's when you had to pass Boolean algebra, take advanced Trigonometry, Physics, know Ohm's Law "inside and out", etc, etc so you could troubleshoot circuit boards down to component level.... even if you didn't have a schematic....you know, a practical skill. I started with a class of 26 and at the end of two and a half years only six of us made it through to the end. I graduated with a 3.67 grade point average...highest in the class.

So what was your degree in? Babylonian History with a minor in basket weaving????
Lol clearly you feel insecure about this degree. The best you have is to bring up a typo. You and I both know you know jack shit about trigonometry and physics.

Your posts are filled with typos and your punctuation skills are "hit and miss" at best....not indicative of someone with an alleged four year degree unless it was something that athletes take so they can stay on the team. I know more than you and I prove it daily.... so if it pisses you off? It's not like I give "jack shit". I offer this challenge to you just like I do any leftard or neocon....you disagree with the things I post? Let's discuss and debate and let the masses decide which one makes the better argument backed by facts and data......so far the leftard clown posse has done the Bill Murray i.e "Carl" dance when he wanted to avoid attention when he blew up part of the golf course trying to get that ever elusive gopher in "Caddyshack"......

Lol do you really lack the self awareness to realize that your grammar is clearly worse than mine?

I run circles around you in many ways....hell, you even fucked up that one sentence reply.

Now, what was your area of study concerning that four year degree you claim to have attained????? (snicker)
haven't seen anything yet. She clouds some issues. They all do. And?
Didn't watch the video huh?

Yep. Saw the first issue. nothing in it. People change their minds all the time. There are some things that I have changed my mind of over time. We all do it. You have NEVER done that? 1) I don't believe you 2) Or of the very unlikely chance that you never have, you are an idiot because you obviously have never learned anything.

When somebody changes their mind on something for the better I think that is a good thing and shows maturity. If people didn't, you'd still have slavery and women not voting.
She lied about emails, Wiki Leaks is exposing her daily.
bush lied about WMD's

Bush and the neocons are POS and guess which candidate they are touting???? That's right...Hitlery.....
you think trump is any different?
Didn't watch the video huh?

Yep. Saw the first issue. nothing in it. People change their minds all the time. There are some things that I have changed my mind of over time. We all do it. You have NEVER done that? 1) I don't believe you 2) Or of the very unlikely chance that you never have, you are an idiot because you obviously have never learned anything.

When somebody changes their mind on something for the better I think that is a good thing and shows maturity. If people didn't, you'd still have slavery and women not voting.
She lied about emails, Wiki Leaks is exposing her daily.
bush lied about WMD's

Bush and the neocons are POS and guess which candidate they are touting???? That's right...Hitlery.....
you think trump is any different?

Trump isn't a career politician that is being funded by the same oligarchs that have been funding Hitlery. He is not a globalist that believes that our sovereignty is a joke.....he may not be legit but I know for damn sure that Hitlery isn't. The fact that the repub party/neocons are not touting him is another sign that he is someone to be feared. The support of Trump isn't about Trump insomuch as we are tired of the same establishment types that have been sucking us dry while making promises that they can't deliver on. People better wake the fuck up because bad shit is coming our way like a fucking hurricane and you can bank on that.

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