Why Trump's Supporters Don't Care That He's Lying

Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

No one is pretending anything.

Bed wetters like you prove you're all fucking morons, all we're doing is pointing it out.

I also love when you pukes smugly throw out that "educated" barb as if "classrooms of higher learning" somehow produce intelligent people. As if being programmed to regurgitate social justice warrior drivel is "education" and not brainwashing.
Lol that's such a typical attitude you people have about college isn't? You've never even taken a class, but are for some reason convinced it is stupid and a waste of time lol It's such non sense.
Dale, are you gonna comment on the article in the OP? Or are you only here to troll, as usual?

It's a troll thread bed wetter, you've got sand in your vag because you got trolled worse on your own pathetic thread just like so many other mindless drones day after day. Whether it's you, guano, rtard or whatever other moonbat that posts hate threads about Christians, or whatever other group is trending and you always end up looking dumber than the day before.

Posting an article is "trolling?" You are one angry fucking loon :cuckoo:

Put down the bottle, dude.
Dale, are you gonna comment on the article in the OP? Or are you only here to troll, as usual?

Given the lies and continued lies of the Hildebeast and given the fact that the lame stream media is once again trying to carry their candidate over the finish line....does it make any difference??? Do you want me to read the hit piece??? Say "pretty please" and maybe I will...

Posting an article is "trolling?" You are one angry fucking loon :cuckoo:

Put down the bottle, dude.

I don't think I've ever seen you post anything that wasn't a troll thread.

It's all meant to be insulting or demeaning towards people you're programmed to hate.

For all of Trumps numerous faults, lies, and jack assery everything he has ever done wrong doesn't compare to hitlery leaving people to die in Libya, her lies about what caused the attack, the lies about her server, the lies about the women who've exposed her husband's perversions, and never mind the complete chaos that reigns in the Middle East thanks to her utter incompetence.

Lets also not forget that in the 1980's democrooks adored the "progress" of the USSR and literally attempted to undermine Reagan. The russians were great people when they were under the heels of communist oligarchs. Then I recall the libturds lamenting how GWB "destroyed" the great relationship between the countries by being a warmonger so hitlery and pals "reset" the cold war. GWB and Putin had a mutual respect. Putin makes fun of your meat puppet faggot, there is no mutual respect there.

Now all of a sudden they're our enemies, and Trump is supporting their "espionage"?

Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

No one is pretending anything.

Bed wetters like you prove you're all fucking morons, all we're doing is pointing it out.

I also love when you pukes smugly throw out that "educated" barb as if "classrooms of higher learning" somehow produce intelligent people. As if being programmed to regurgitate social justice warrior drivel is "education" and not brainwashing.
Lol that's such a typical attitude you people have about college isn't? You've never even taken a class, but are for some reason convinced it is stupid and a waste of time lol It's such non sense.

How would you know what "higher learning" is like.... since you have never been to college? Given your lack of spelling abilities? I am saying that 10th grade was a mighty struggle for you and gave up after that. I did go to college but I learned more long after I awoke as to how things really are. I didn't need the indoctrination that could be afforded me at a four year university.
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

No one is pretending anything.

Bed wetters like you prove you're all fucking morons, all we're doing is pointing it out.

I also love when you pukes smugly throw out that "educated" barb as if "classrooms of higher learning" somehow produce intelligent people. As if being programmed to regurgitate social justice warrior drivel is "education" and not brainwashing.
Lol that's such a typical attitude you people have about college isn't? You've never even taken a class, but are for some reason convinced it is stupid and a waste of time lol It's such non sense.

How would you know what "higher learning" is like.... since you have never been to college? Given your lack of spelling abilities? I am saying that 10th grade was a mighty struggle for you and gave up after that. I did go to college but I learned more long after I awoke as to how things really are. I didn't need the indoctrination that could be afforded me at a four year university.
I have a bachelor's degree and you have nothing. I guess that sums it up doesn't it?
I have a bachelor's degree and you have nothing. I guess that sums it up doesn't it?


You're still a fuckin retard.

I can't believe any of you idiots think that there has ever been a trustworthy politician in all of fucking history
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

No one is pretending anything.

Bed wetters like you prove you're all fucking morons, all we're doing is pointing it out.

I also love when you pukes smugly throw out that "educated" barb as if "classrooms of higher learning" somehow produce intelligent people. As if being programmed to regurgitate social justice warrior drivel is "education" and not brainwashing.
Lol that's such a typical attitude you people have about college isn't? You've never even taken a class, but are for some reason convinced it is stupid and a waste of time lol It's such non sense.

How would you know what "higher learning" is like.... since you have never been to college? Given your lack of spelling abilities? I am saying that 10th grade was a mighty struggle for you and gave up after that. I did go to college but I learned more long after I awoke as to how things really are. I didn't need the indoctrination that could be afforded me at a four year university.
I have a bachelor's degree and you have nothing. I guess that sums it up doesn't it?

HOLY shit!!! You can't even spell.... but yet you claim to have a four year degree? What I want to know is how much did you have to pay to have someone write papers and reports for you? I have a two year degree in computer science that I got back in the early 80's when you had to pass Boolean algebra, take advanced Trigonometry, Physics, know Ohm's Law "inside and out", etc, etc so you could troubleshoot circuit boards down to component level.... even if you didn't have a schematic....you know, a practical skill. I started with a class of 26 and at the end of two and a half years only six of us made it through to the end. I graduated with a 3.67 grade point average...highest in the class.

So what was your degree in? Babylonian History with a minor in basket weaving????
"Trustworthiness" is a riduclous thing to survey people about because nobody would vote for someone they thought wasn't trustworthy.
Not necessarily; if someone hates Mexicans and Muslims, and thinks black communities should be treated with an iron fist, then they'll vote for someone who at least gives hope to their cause.
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

No one is pretending anything.

Bed wetters like you prove you're all fucking morons, all we're doing is pointing it out.

I also love when you pukes smugly throw out that "educated" barb as if "classrooms of higher learning" somehow produce intelligent people. As if being programmed to regurgitate social justice warrior drivel is "education" and not brainwashing.
Lol that's such a typical attitude you people have about college isn't? You've never even taken a class, but are for some reason convinced it is stupid and a waste of time lol It's such non sense.

How would you know what "higher learning" is like.... since you have never been to college? Given your lack of spelling abilities? I am saying that 10th grade was a mighty struggle for you and gave up after that. I did go to college but I learned more long after I awoke as to how things really are. I didn't need the indoctrination that could be afforded me at a four year university.
I have a bachelor's degree and you have nothing. I guess that sums it up doesn't it?
I have a masters. I'm voting Trump. I did not allow my time on campus to indoctrinate me into a 1960's Sal Alinsky communist.
"Trustworthiness" is a riduclous thing to survey people about because nobody would vote for someone they thought wasn't trustworthy.
Not necessarily; if someone hates Mexicans and Muslims, and thinks black communities should be treated with an iron fist, then they'll vote for someone who at least gives hope to their cause.

Even if they had such sinister intentions, and a happy little pollster called them up and asked if they think the candidate who "hates Mexicans and Muslims, and thinks black communities should be treated with an iron fist" was trustworthy or not they would say yes, whether they thought so or not.

You're still a fuckin retard.

Anybody, and I mean anybody, who votes for a moron like Trump has no right calling anybody a retard.
I think the quote was "fucking retard" and he has every right to say Dr. Liberal narcisist.

He's a pig. Dumb as a post. That fact you cling to him says a lot about you. Not a lot.
Hillary is a lying Washington insider that hates white males. She is a witch.
Oh Christ. Stop pretending like any of your kind is intelligent. It's not like you have even set foot in a classroom of higher learning. Just admit it.

No one is pretending anything.

Bed wetters like you prove you're all fucking morons, all we're doing is pointing it out.

I also love when you pukes smugly throw out that "educated" barb as if "classrooms of higher learning" somehow produce intelligent people. As if being programmed to regurgitate social justice warrior drivel is "education" and not brainwashing.
Lol that's such a typical attitude you people have about college isn't? You've never even taken a class, but are for some reason convinced it is stupid and a waste of time lol It's such non sense.

How would you know what "higher learning" is like.... since you have never been to college? Given your lack of spelling abilities? I am saying that 10th grade was a mighty struggle for you and gave up after that. I did go to college but I learned more long after I awoke as to how things really are. I didn't need the indoctrination that could be afforded me at a four year university.
I have a bachelor's degree and you have nothing. I guess that sums it up doesn't it?

HOLY shit!!! You can't even spell.... but yet you claim to have a four year degree? What I want to know is how much did you have to pay to have someone write papers and reports for you? I have a two year degree in computer science that I got back in the early 80's when you had to pass Boolean algebra, take advanced Trigonometry, Physics, know Ohm's Law "inside and out", etc, etc so you could troubleshoot circuit boards down to component level.... even if you didn't have a schematic....you know, a practical skill. I started with a class of 26 and at the end of two and a half years only six of us made it through to the end. I graduated with a 3.67 grade point average...highest in the class.

So what was your degree in? Babylonian History with a minor in basket weaving????
Lol clearly you feel insecure about this degree. The best you have is to bring up a typo. You and I both know you know jack shit about trigonometry and physics.
Hillary is a lying Washington insider that hates white males. She is a witch.

Don't know about that. I do know that Trump is a lying skank. That I do know.
Well one thing is for certain, you don't have any common sense. Hillary is the biggest liar in political history.

Naw. Tricky Dicky is. I don't think she is even in the Top 10...I have asked several times for people to show me where she has a history lying. Nada.
Hillary is a lying Washington insider that hates white males. She is a witch.

Don't know about that. I do know that Trump is a lying skank. That I do know.
Well one thing is for certain, you don't have any common sense. Hillary is the biggest liar in political history.

Naw. Tricky Dicky is. I don't think she is even in the Top 10...I have asked several times for people to show me where she has a history lying. Nada.

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