Why Trump's Supporters Don't Care That He's Lying

They're unhinged...


You support hitlery and I'm unhinged?

Your meme is tasteless and offensive. I don't have to have Down's syndrome to see that. I guess that's what I can expect from the RW. They can ridicule anyone they want but will throw the biggest of bitchfits when any part of their identity is criticized.
Now you're making fun of the disabled....just like Trump. Do you have a mind of your own? Or do you just copy Trump?

I have no problem laughing at retards like you who over hear your sister talk about shaving her pussy and then you get the shit scratched out of you trying to take a razor to the cat.

You should have adult supervision.

LMBAO! Dude, that was damn funny!

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Supporters don't care about what he says nearly as much as Hillary saying she wants to turn our country into a Muslim free for all shit hole. And make sure we have no weapon of defense against them. I am voting NO on that.
you said that about obama

You bet I did, and no one listened to me or the dreams of his father. And our country has suffered because of it. Hitlery has also told us about HER dream for my country, and it is worse. We either pay attention this time, or wave good bye to life as we know it, i.e. free speech, all of our other rights intact, not just the one's that Hillary wants to leave us with for now.
And I want a president who doesn't shit herself whenever there is a stressful situation. Like walking...
View attachment 94501

And then dumping it in the commoner's street.

Where does she think she is, Syria?
But you said that obama would lead to islamic sharia law communism... and none if it happened so doesn't that mean it wont happen under hillary either, and you just need to change your meds?

It is happening under the Barrypuppet but it has to be done slowly and in stages because a full frontal assault would never be allowed...that is why Hitlery was promised the job for 2016 if she would just drop out in 2008 because the Barrypuppet was the best choice for the agenda and he could deflect attention from what he was doing to us by claiming it was because the tint of his skin instead of what he was actually doing.......it's very simple to figure out...but you lack the brainpower for that.
Supporters don't care about what he says nearly as much as Hillary saying she wants to turn our country into a Muslim free for all shit hole. And make sure we have no weapon of defense against them. I am voting NO on that.
you said that about obama

You bet I did, and no one listened to me or the dreams of his father. And our country has suffered because of it. Hitlery has also told us about HER dream for my country, and it is worse. We either pay attention this time, or wave good bye to life as we know it, i.e. free speech, all of our other rights intact, not just the one's that Hillary wants to leave us with for now.
And I want a president who doesn't shit herself whenever there is a stressful situation. Like walking...
View attachment 94501

And then dumping it in the commoner's street.

Where does she think she is, Syria?
But you said that obama would lead to islamic sharia law communism... and none if it happened so doesn't that mean it wont happen under hillary either, and you just need to change your meds?

It is happening under the Barrypuppet but it has to be done slowly and in stages because a full frontal assault would never be allowed...that is why Hitlery was promised the job for 2016 if she would just drop out in 2008 because the Barrypuppet was the best choice for the agenda and he could deflect attention from what he was doing to us by claiming it was because the tint of his skin instead of what he was actually doing.......it's very simple to figure out...but you lack the brainpower for that.
Who is he a puppet for? What agenda?
Supporters don't care about what he says nearly as much as Hillary saying she wants to turn our country into a Muslim free for all shit hole. And make sure we have no weapon of defense against them. I am voting NO on that.
you said that about obama

You bet I did, and no one listened to me or the dreams of his father. And our country has suffered because of it. Hitlery has also told us about HER dream for our country, and it is worse. We either pay attention this time, or wave good bye to life as we know it, i.e. free speech, and all of our other rights intact, not just the one's that Hillary wants to leave us with for now.
And I want a president who doesn't shit herself whenever there is a stressful situation. Like walking...

And then dumping it into the commoner's street.

Where does she think she is, Syria?
Last edited:
They're unhinged...


You support hitlery and I'm unhinged?

Your meme is tasteless and offensive. I don't have to have Down's syndrome to see that. I guess that's what I can expect from the RW. They can ridicule anyone they want but will throw the biggest of bitchfits when any part of their identity is criticized.

I am glad that he offended you because that proves that you are a leftard pussy that suffers from arrested development.
The only people that can offend me are those whose opinions that I respect...which means what they say and believe in resonated with me..and then they posted something that hurt the way I look at them.

Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if I make a leftard get all "butt-hurt" and they can swing their cyber-purses all day and all night at me for all I care...it's not like I give a shit. I know more than they do so the gnashing of their teeth is amusing to me.

Supporters don't care about what he says nearly as much as Hillary saying she wants to turn our country into a Muslim free for all shit hole. And make sure we have no weapon of defense against them. I am voting NO on that.
you said that about obama

You bet I did, and no one listened to me or the dreams of his father. And our country has suffered because of it. Hitlery has also told us about HER dream for our country, and it is worse. We either pay attention this time, or wave good bye to life as we know it, i.e. free speech, all of our other rights intact, not just the one's that Hillary wants to leave us with for now.
And I want a president who doesn't shit herself whenever there is a stressful situation. Like walking...
View attachment 94502

And then dumping it into the commoner's street.

Where does she think she is, Syria?
you feelin okay?
They're unhinged...


You support hitlery and I'm unhinged?

Your meme is tasteless and offensive. I don't have to have Down's syndrome to see that. I guess that's what I can expect from the RW. They can ridicule anyone they want but will throw the biggest of bitchfits when any part of their identity is criticized.

I am glad that he offended you because that proves that you are a leftard pussy that suffers from arrested development.
The only people that can offend me are those whose opinions that I respect...which means what they say and believe in resonated with me..and then they posted something that hurt the way I look at them.

Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if I make a leftard get all "butt-hurt" and they can swing their cyber-purses all day and all night at me for all I care...it's not like I give a shit. I know more than they do so the gnashing of their teeth is amusing to me.

What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.
Your meme is tasteless and offensive. I don't have to have Down's syndrome to see that. I guess that's what I can expect from the RW. They can ridicule anyone they want but will throw the biggest of bitchfits when any part of their identity is criticized.

Blow me bed wetter, the horrific shit you parasites said about Trig Palin was beyond just being the mean little spoiled piss pots you are. Did any of you condemn it? Did the media call for "civility"?

Fuck no.... because "civility" means stop picking on libturd imbeciles who believe in bullshit utopian pipe dreams. Then when confronted with people who dish your bile right back at you, then cue the self righteous indignation card

We kiss my ass you turds, Alinsky Rule #5 works for me too.
Your meme is tasteless and offensive. I don't have to have Down's syndrome to see that. I guess that's what I can expect from the RW. They can ridicule anyone they want but will throw the biggest of bitchfits when any part of their identity is criticized.

Blow me bed wetter, the horrific shit you parasites said about Trig Palin was beyond just being the mean little spoiled piss pots you are. Did any of you condemn it? Did the media call for "civility"?

Fuck no.... because "civility" means stop picking on libturd imbeciles who believe in bullshit utopian pipe dreams. Then when confronted with people who dish your bile right back at you, then cue the self righteous indignation card

We kiss my ass you turds, Alinsky Rule #5 works for me too.
Oh so before you posted this you found the Trig reaction offensive? Of course you did. Your hypocrisy is astounding. Also, I never said anything about her son you dipshit. It's not like a significant amount of liberals even care about her son's disability. You just pretend they do to justify your pathetic attempt at humor.
Supporters don't care about what he says nearly as much as Hillary saying she wants to turn our country into a Muslim free for all shit hole. And make sure we have no weapon of defense against them. I am voting NO on that.
you said that about obama

You bet I did, and no one listened to me or the dreams of his father. And our country has suffered because of it. Hitlery has also told us about HER dream for my country, and it is worse. We either pay attention this time, or wave good bye to life as we know it, i.e. free speech, all of our other rights intact, not just the one's that Hillary wants to leave us with for now.
And I want a president who doesn't shit herself whenever there is a stressful situation. Like walking...
View attachment 94501

And then dumping it in the commoner's street.

Where does she think she is, Syria?
But you said that obama would lead to islamic sharia law communism... and none if it happened so doesn't that mean it wont happen under hillary either, and you just need to change your meds?

It is happening under the Barrypuppet but it has to be done slowly and in stages because a full frontal assault would never be allowed...that is why Hitlery was promised the job for 2016 if she would just drop out in 2008 because the Barrypuppet was the best choice for the agenda and he could deflect attention from what he was doing to us by claiming it was because the tint of his skin instead of what he was actually doing.......it's very simple to figure out...but you lack the brainpower for that.
Who is he a puppet for? What agenda?

Barrypuppet is a stooge for the very bankers that leftards claim to be so against. They had a great stooge in Barrypuppet. He put i draconian measures like "indefinite detention of US. citizens" while putting the NSA on steroids while leaving the southern border open while flying in muslim refugees covertly and in-covertly while all of our data is scrutinized. Yeah, the Barrypuppet is one sorry POS for sure. He backed the coup de'etat in the Ukraine by his pal George Soros and the E.U and he has backed the ISIS/CIAlqeada forces that are fighting a proxy war against Assad that has never done anything to offend USA.INC...but orders must be followed and this jug-eared POS has played his part...next up is the Hitlery klunt. USA.INC and the E.U must control the Middle East and they purposely planned the muslin refugee crisis and the flooding of Europe with them for an agenda that would absolutely horrify you and they have flooded America with them as well. You couldn't even wrap your mind around what is coming. Let's just say that your beloved federal "gubermint" doesn't give a shit about your welfare and leave it at that.
you said that about obama

You bet I did, and no one listened to me or the dreams of his father. And our country has suffered because of it. Hitlery has also told us about HER dream for my country, and it is worse. We either pay attention this time, or wave good bye to life as we know it, i.e. free speech, all of our other rights intact, not just the one's that Hillary wants to leave us with for now.
And I want a president who doesn't shit herself whenever there is a stressful situation. Like walking...
View attachment 94501

And then dumping it in the commoner's street.

Where does she think she is, Syria?
But you said that obama would lead to islamic sharia law communism... and none if it happened so doesn't that mean it wont happen under hillary either, and you just need to change your meds?

It is happening under the Barrypuppet but it has to be done slowly and in stages because a full frontal assault would never be allowed...that is why Hitlery was promised the job for 2016 if she would just drop out in 2008 because the Barrypuppet was the best choice for the agenda and he could deflect attention from what he was doing to us by claiming it was because the tint of his skin instead of what he was actually doing.......it's very simple to figure out...but you lack the brainpower for that.
Who is he a puppet for? What agenda?

Barrypuppet is a stooge for the very bankers that leftards claim to be so against. They had a great stooge in Barrypuppet. He put i draconian measures like "indefinite detention of US. citizens" while putting the NSA on steroids while leaving the southern border open while flying in muslim refugees covertly and in-covertly while all of our data is scrutinized. Yeah, the Barrypuppet is one sorry POS for sure. He backed the coup de'etat in the Ukraine by his pal George Soros and the E.U and he has backed the ISIS/CIAlqeada forces that are fighting a proxy war against Assad that has never done anything to offend USA.INC...but orders must be followed and this jug-eared POS has played his part...next up is the Hitlery klunt. USA.INC and the E.U must control the Middle East and they purposely planned the muslin refugee crisis and the flooding of Europe with them for an agenda that would absolutely horrify you and they have flooded America with them as well. You couldn't even wrap your mind around what is coming. Let's just say that your beloved federal "gubermint" doesn't give a shit about your welfare and leave it at that.
Why would they do all that?
What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Wrong again bed wetter.

I was insulting you, and every other liburd and you're all mentally handicapped.

Posting an illustration that probably closely resembles you besides the superman underoos is fair game after this kind of shit:


So you can take your self righteous indignation card and shove it back up your ass next to your race card and go see a Proctologist to numb the butthurt I caused you.

Last edited:
They're unhinged...


You support hitlery and I'm unhinged?

Your meme is tasteless and offensive. I don't have to have Down's syndrome to see that. I guess that's what I can expect from the RW. They can ridicule anyone they want but will throw the biggest of bitchfits when any part of their identity is criticized.

I am glad that he offended you because that proves that you are a leftard pussy that suffers from arrested development.
The only people that can offend me are those whose opinions that I respect...which means what they say and believe in resonated with me..and then they posted something that hurt the way I look at them.

Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if I make a leftard get all "butt-hurt" and they can swing their cyber-purses all day and all night at me for all I care...it's not like I give a shit. I know more than they do so the gnashing of their teeth is amusing to me.

What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Leftards are mentality deficient...duh????? You were "offended" by it so that tells me that he struck a nerve. If you are not one of the mental midgets that ride the short bus and have learned not to smear your shit in the bathroom stalls? Good for you......that's real progress for a mentally deficient, double digit IQ moron such as yourself....congrats!!!!
Now you're making fun of the disabled....just like Trump. Do you have a mind of your own? Or do you just copy Trump?

I have no problem laughing at retards like you who over hear your sister talk about shaving her pussy and then you get the shit scratched out of you trying to take a razor to the cat.

You should have adult supervision.

Do you have a problem with her being one of those 1%'er that you hate so much, or haven't you yet made the connection between Wall Street and who WS makes even richer for favors, like bail outs and stimulus money raining down on them? If Wall Street is the bad, wealthy one percent, then you had better pay attention to whom they tithe to. Because their benefactors are even worse.
And then don't force her on the rest of us just because you can't see beyond what you are told to see.
You bet I did, and no one listened to me or the dreams of his father. And our country has suffered because of it. Hitlery has also told us about HER dream for my country, and it is worse. We either pay attention this time, or wave good bye to life as we know it, i.e. free speech, all of our other rights intact, not just the one's that Hillary wants to leave us with for now.
And I want a president who doesn't shit herself whenever there is a stressful situation. Like walking...
View attachment 94501

And then dumping it in the commoner's street.

Where does she think she is, Syria?
But you said that obama would lead to islamic sharia law communism... and none if it happened so doesn't that mean it wont happen under hillary either, and you just need to change your meds?

It is happening under the Barrypuppet but it has to be done slowly and in stages because a full frontal assault would never be allowed...that is why Hitlery was promised the job for 2016 if she would just drop out in 2008 because the Barrypuppet was the best choice for the agenda and he could deflect attention from what he was doing to us by claiming it was because the tint of his skin instead of what he was actually doing.......it's very simple to figure out...but you lack the brainpower for that.
Who is he a puppet for? What agenda?

Barrypuppet is a stooge for the very bankers that leftards claim to be so against. They had a great stooge in Barrypuppet. He put i draconian measures like "indefinite detention of US. citizens" while putting the NSA on steroids while leaving the southern border open while flying in muslim refugees covertly and in-covertly while all of our data is scrutinized. Yeah, the Barrypuppet is one sorry POS for sure. He backed the coup de'etat in the Ukraine by his pal George Soros and the E.U and he has backed the ISIS/CIAlqeada forces that are fighting a proxy war against Assad that has never done anything to offend USA.INC...but orders must be followed and this jug-eared POS has played his part...next up is the Hitlery klunt. USA.INC and the E.U must control the Middle East and they purposely planned the muslin refugee crisis and the flooding of Europe with them for an agenda that would absolutely horrify you and they have flooded America with them as well. You couldn't even wrap your mind around what is coming. Let's just say that your beloved federal "gubermint" doesn't give a shit about your welfare and leave it at that.
Why would they do all that?

You tell me..........why would they put this plan into place? What could they gain?

Here is your first clue....."Order out of chaos".......
What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Wrong again bed wetter.

I was insulting you, and every other liburd and you're all mentally handicapped.

Posting an illustration that probably closely resembles you besides the superman underoos is fair game after this kind of shit:


So you can take your self righteous indignation card and shove it back up your ass next to your race card and go see a petrologist to numb the butthurt I caused you.

Lol I love how you post another tasteless pathetic meme and somehow blame it on me. The truth of the matter is that your dick is likely tiny and poking fun at those born with a handicapped only makes it feel a bit bigger. I just feel sorry for you really.
Now you're making fun of the disabled....just like Trump. Do you have a mind of your own? Or do you just copy Trump?

I have no problem laughing at retards like you who over hear your sister talk about shaving her pussy and then you get the shit scratched out of you trying to take a razor to the cat.

You should have adult supervision.

Do you have a problem with her being one of those 1%'er that you hate so much, or haven't you yet made the connection between Wall Street and who WS makes even richer for favors, like bail outs and stimulus money raining down on them? If Wall Street is the bad, wealthy one percent, then you had better pay attention to whom they tithe to. Because their benefactors are even worse.
And then don't force her on the rest of us just because you can't see beyond what you are told to see.

Hitlery is in the backpocket of the very banking oligarchs that leftards claim to have such disdain for. What did she claim would bring down the debt to her benefactors that control this debt slavery system??? By taxing the "rich" and what few corporations that haven't left yet thus creating more unemployed people. That's how we got to this place to begin with....she will sign off on the TPP.....just watch and see if she doesn't.
Leftards are mentality deficient...duh????? You were "offended" by it so that tells me that he struck a nerve. If you are not one of the mental midgets that ride the short bus and have learned not to smear your shit in the bathroom stalls? Good for you......that's real progress for a mentally deficient, double digit IQ moron such as yourself....congrats!!!!


He supports a hag whose handlers don't know better than to not dump the shitter on her campaign bus in the street.

What you're too stupid to realize is that he wasn't insulting me. He was insulting people with a mental disability. That makes him a pathetic piece of shit. You comparing yourself to my reaction only makes you sound just as pathetic.

Wrong again bed wetter.

I was insulting you, and every other liburd and you're all mentally handicapped.

Posting an illustration that probably closely resembles you besides the superman underoos is fair game after this kind of shit:


So you can take your self righteous indignation card and shove it back up your ass next to your race card and go see a petrologist to numb the butthurt I caused you.
Lol I love how you post another tasteless pathetic meme and somehow blame it on me. The truth of the matter is that your dick is likely tiny and poking fun at those born with a handicapped only makes it feel a bit bigger. I just feel sorry for you really.

Dude, you must be one of the retarded..."born with a handicapped"???????

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