Why was Biden paid $900,000 a year by U of P when he didn’t teach a single class?

Nice work if you can get it. Don’t have to teach a class, barely have to make an appearance at the office, and yet get paid $900,000 a year for…..what? Any connection to the fact the the Communists donated $50 million to the university, and that some of Biden’s hidden top-secret documents were found in his office there?

My friend wants to know.

Did you even bother to read your own link? Because if you had, you wouldn't have been saying that Biden was paid 900,000/yr. You would have said what the article ACTUALLY said which is this (from your own link)........................

According to an investigative report from the Philadelphia Inquirer, he was paid USD 371,159 in 2017 and USD 540,484 in 2018 and 2019

No. Biden was not paid almost a million dollars a year as you said, your own link discredits your claim.

As far as him being a professor? No. He WASN'T a full professor, but rather an honorary one, and honorary professors are much different than regular ones in that regular ones teach, honorary professors are there more for consultation and to give talks (when scheduled). In your link, it even says this about his being an honorary professor..........................

However, this role was honorary. He gave lectures and talks
to students on campus but did not teach a full semester's course load during that time.

Did he hold a position at the university? Yes. Honorary Professor. Was he required to teach a full load? No. He was an honorary professor. Did he get paid 900,000/year? No. He was paid that amount over the course of 3 years.

If you're gonna be this dishonest about your own posted link, what else are you willing to lie about?
Having a former Vice President on the staff adds to the prestige of the University.

Nothing illegal

How much money does Trump get for having TRUMP added to a building?
Trump built or owns those buildings, Troll.
Trump built or owns those buildings, Troll.

Actually, in a lot of cases, he leases his name to the property, and, when his shine started to wear thin, there were quite a few that had leased his name that removed it, because having Trump's name on their property had started to hurt their business. Don't believe me? Google it...........it's there. Here's one to help you get started................

Give us your numbers. How much did enrollment go up while Traitor Joe was drawing a paycheck for doing nothing?

Yanno..............honorary professors are only given their position for a period of 3 years, and that's probably because the university wants to see how well his name recognition does to boost attendance. If it's good, they renew his contract. If it doesn't improve their numbers, or they go down, they don't.
I did fuckwit. It said he gave talks over 2 years for about $1 million. Doesn't say how many, so I'm guessing it was one.

Prove me wrong.
Since when do “talks” = 1?

Don’t be such a retard.
To the contrary, I don’t think he ever earned an honest penny. Maybe he did somewhat while he was a mediocre senator, but he never really accomplished anything of note.
At one point he was the poorest Senator.

Now suddenly he has millions.

Go figure
Why did the U of P receive a windfall of millions from China? Is there a connection between Biden's secret documents and the Chinese communists? So-called "investigative" media types that once brought Nixon down over a second rate burglary seem interested in propping up the failed Biden administration rather than doing their jobs.
You lose again Skippy

From your link, Troll. Even though you bring a brainless hit piece it proves you are a lying sack of shit.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

According to public records and research from Actovia Commercial Mortgage Intelligence, 17 Manhattan buildings bear the Trump name. But he owns only a handful of them.

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