Why was Biden paid $900,000 a year by U of P when he didn’t teach a single class?

Republicans fear a public education because it contradicts the lies, propaganda, Conspiracy Theories and alternative facts that they feed their followers.

Sure and boy can be a girl and whatever other nonsense you want to believe. The Democratic indoctrination system contradicts common sense and science when the science is inconvenient.
Without education there are no lawyers, doctors. engineers, teachers, pharmacists, etc etc etc.

I didn't say we don't need education, but I did say I have a problem with public education that is as focused on pushing a political agenda as they are academics.
I didn't say we don't need education, but I did say I have a problem with public education that is as focused on pushing a political agenda as they are academics.

You take a rare example of something and blow it up as the norm.
Without education there are no lawyers, doctors. engineers, teachers, pharmacists, etc etc etc.
And that has what to do with Dem corruption of education, using education as their piggy bank to funnel money to corrupt Dem politicians?? Now get lost scumbag.
You take a rare example of something and blow it up as the norm.

Rare example? You obviously have not been paying attention. Every parent I talk to complains about political skew of their kids professors and I live in a red state. Most of them come from private schools in the area and are shocked at the blatant political bias.
Rare example? You obviously have not been paying attention. Every parent I talk to complains about political skew of their kids professors and I live in a red state. Most of them come from private schools in the area and are shocked at the blatant political bias.

You need more than 1 friend.
Sure and boy can be a girl and whatever other nonsense you want to believe. The Democratic indoctrination system contradicts common sense and science when the science is inconvenient.

Republicans don’t want their children to receive public education because they will learn things like Climate Change, acceptance of homosexuality, respecting other races, religions and nationalities, our countries history on race, evolution….

They don’t want schools undoing the hate and misinformation they have been feeding their kids
You need more than 1 friend.

You are lost. The only students that aren't shocked are the ones that come from left-wing public schools. For them it is merely a continuation of the same nonsense.
Nice work if you can get it. Don’t have to teach a class, barely have to make an appearance at the office, and yet get paid $900,000 a year for…..what? Any connection to the fact the the Communists donated $50 million to the university, and that some of Biden’s hidden top-secret documents were found in his office there?

My friend wants to know.

For access to the closet where all the Top of the Top secrets were kept along with Poopeypants baseball cards.
You are lost. The only students that aren't shocked are the ones that come from left-wing public schools. For them it is merely a continuation of the same nonsense.

Schools overall are locally run and funded. You take an example of one you disagree with and run with it.

Or also, you refuse to understand that we do continue to acquire knowledge and things like bullying kids end in bad results. You like the old ways of bullying people.
Dem MONEY LAUNDERING, now you know how Dem politicians become multimillionaires on a civil servant salary. Riiiiight that $500,000 check was for 'speaking fees' riiiiiight.
Dem MONEY LAUNDERING, now you know how Dem politicians become multimillionaires on a civil servant salary. Riiiiight that $500,000 check was for 'speaking fees' riiiiiight.

Trump bought $300,000 worth of his sons books with campaign money. Sadly they all do it.
Republicans don’t want their children to receive public education because they will learn things like Climate Change, acceptance of homosexuality, respecting other races, religions and nationalities, our countries history on race, evolution….

They don’t want schools undoing the hate and misinformation they have been feeding their kids

We can't fix any climate that is changing because we aren't the only cause, but then again, you are probably a product of the public education system and wouldn't know any better.

And acceptance that a boy can be a girl? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Nobody is teaching that homosexuals should be persecuted.

I do respect all races and genders. That means treating them equally and not giving preferential treatment to one over the other based on race and/or gender. That is exactly what the left promotes and implements, all in the name of "fairness". The reality is, laws that promote such in an of themselves are wrong.

Private schools do teach US history. My children learned all about the Civil War and slavery in a private school. The difference is they weren't made to feel guilty about it as they clearly had nothing to do with it. They also weren't taught that reparations were in order for those that never experienced it. They were taught the history as it was. Simple as that. Therein lies the difference.

Just teach the subjects as they are and let kids make up their own minds. If they decide on their own that a boy can be a girl then so be it, but I think we all know that wouldn't happen without some good ole' indoctrination. Public schools don't want free thinkers, they want robots that agree with their agenda. Sad but true.
We can't fix any climate that is changing because we aren't the only cause, but then again, you are probably a product of the public education system and wouldn't know any better.

We do need to clean up our messes.

And acceptance that a boy can be a girl? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Nobody is teaching that homosexuals should be persecuted.

I believe that many are upset that schools don't teach that homosexuals are going to hell. Now could this be a small minority. Maybe, you tell me. Do you believe it is?

I do respect all races and genders. That means treating them equally and not giving preferential treatment to one over the other based on race and/or gender. That is exactly what the left promotes and implements, all in the name of "fairness". The reality is, laws that promote such in an of themselves are wrong.

They were put in place to end wrong actions. Actions that IMO are still in place. Big enough to still have the laws? I'm not sure.

Private schools do teach US history. My children learned all about the Civil War and slavery in a private school. The difference is they weren't made to feel guilty about it as they clearly had nothing to do with it. They also weren't taught that reparations were in order for those that never experienced it. They were taught the history as it was. Simple as that. Therein lies the difference.

I doubt that very many schools teach on reparations.

Just teach the subjects as they are and let kids make up their own minds. If they decide on their own that a boy can be a girl then so be it, but I think we all know that wouldn't happen without some good ole' indoctrination. Public schools don't want free thinkers, they want robots that agree with their agenda. Sad but true.

Kids will see that their friend is not comfortable in their skin. This is not being taught. It's just no longer being ignored.
Republicans don’t want their children to receive public education because they will learn things like Climate Change, acceptance of homosexuality, respecting other races, religions and nationalities, our countries history on race, evolution….

They don’t want schools undoing the hate and misinformation they have been feeding their kids
Not just that, but it runs counter to the Repub narrative that nothing good comes out of what can be defined as the "commons." Publicly funded organizations and institutions organized around the principle of benefitting the public for the common good.
We can't fix any climate that is changing because we aren't the only cause, but then again, you are probably a product of the public education system and wouldn't know any better.

And acceptance that a boy can be a girl? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Nobody is teaching that homosexuals should be persecuted.

I do respect all races and genders. That means treating them equally and not giving preferential treatment to one over the other based on race and/or gender. That is exactly what the left promotes and implements, all in the name of "fairness". The reality is, laws that promote such in an of themselves are wrong.

Private schools do teach US history. My children learned all about the Civil War and slavery in a private school. The difference is they weren't made to feel guilty about it as they clearly had nothing to do with it. They also weren't taught that reparations were in order for those that never experienced it. They were taught the history as it was. Simple as that. Therein lies the difference.

Just teach the subjects as they are and let kids make up their own minds. If they decide on their own that a boy can be a girl then so be it, but I think we all know that wouldn't happen without some good ole' indoctrination. Public schools don't want free thinkers, they want robots that agree with their agenda. Sad but true.
Republicans dont want our schools undoing all the hate and misinformation they feed their kids

They don’t want their children exposed to those who are different
I don’t bother with Snopes. It’s run by a left-wing Canadian couple.
As I said, you folks hate the facts.

U.S. President Joe Biden once held an honorary professor position at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), from 2017-2021, after being vice president in Barack Obama’s administration. However, he did not teach a semester’s worth of courses; he primarily gave talks and lectures to students, and he led the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, D.C.
After his time as vice president, Biden became the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor, the first to hold such a job. Over the first few years of holding this position, Biden earned more than $900,000 from the university for speaking at various events. According to a report by the Philadelphia Inquirer, he “collected $371,159 in 2017 plus $540,484 in 2018 and early 2019 for a vaguely defined role that involved no regular classes and around a dozen public appearances on campus, mostly in big, ticketed events.”

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