Why Was Hillary Allowed To Remain On The Ballot?

Was a corrupt, career criminal politician, a sex-offending enabler REALLY worth rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud during primaries, cheating in debates, Felony Espionage by the previous administration/loyalists, violence, protection from prosecution, and all the false accusations, turmoil, division, and 'revenge politics' that has this country in chaos now?

Hillary Clinton is - was never - worth all of that.

(Next time Democrats should ensure their party doesn't interfere and force a corrupt criminal to be their candidate. The DNC forced the worst candidate in US history upon their base / voters, and after the loss has them brainwashed / convinced it was / is the GOP's fault - not theirs - that she lost. :p )
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.

My side is always right.

Your side is always wrong.



Simple ideas from simple minds. This is the conservative base.

This is a legitimate question, one apparently snowflakes can not bring themselves to even remotely ATTEMPT to answer honestly. I welcome your 2nd shots at it - why was she allowed to remain on the ballot?

The factual answer to your question is fairly simple - once a candidate qualifies to be on the ballot, they can't be removed by any means.

This is why candidates who die before election day remain on the ballot.

As for all the bullshit in your OP, it's nonsense not worth even discussing. You guys seriously need yo get over your Hillary obsession, it's getting embarassing.
Nice opinion, but you KNOW that liberals would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situations out of the race. You can't avoid that one, and if you claim otherwise you also know you're lying to YOURSELF.


It's not an "opinion", dumbass. It's election law.

As for your goofy self-serving hypotheticals, those are "opinions" - and retarded ones at that.
Was a corrupt, career criminal politician, a sex-offending enabler REALLY worth rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud during primaries, cheating in debates, Felony Espionage by the previous administration/loyalists, violence, protection from prosecution, and all the false accusations, turmoil, division, and 'revenge politics' that has this country in chaos now?

Hillary Clinton is - was never - worth all of that.

(Next time Democrats should ensure their party doesn't interfere and force a corrupt criminal to be their candidate. The DNC forced the worst candidate in US history upon their base / voters, and after the loss has them brainwashed / convinced it was / is the GOP's fault - not theirs - that she lost. :p )
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.

My side is always right.

Your side is always wrong.



Simple ideas from simple minds. This is the conservative base.

This is a legitimate question, one apparently snowflakes can not bring themselves to even remotely ATTEMPT to answer honestly. I welcome your 2nd shots at it - why was she allowed to remain on the ballot?

The factual answer to your question is fairly simple - once a candidate qualifies to be on the ballot, they can't be removed by any means.

This is why candidates who die before election day remain on the ballot.

As for all the bullshit in your OP, it's nonsense not worth even discussing. You guys seriously need yo get over your Hillary obsession, it's getting embarassing.
Nice opinion, but you KNOW that liberals would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situations out of the race. You can't avoid that one, and if you claim otherwise you also know you're lying to YOURSELF.

(Just curious - are all the mods liberals?)
Just the dumb ones!
Was a corrupt, career criminal politician, a sex-offending enabler REALLY worth rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud during primaries, cheating in debates, Felony Espionage by the previous administration/loyalists, violence, protection from prosecution, and all the false accusations, turmoil, division, and 'revenge politics' that has this country in chaos now?

Hillary Clinton is - was never - worth all of that.

(Next time Democrats should ensure their party doesn't interfere and force a corrupt criminal to be their candidate. The DNC forced the worst candidate in US history upon their base / voters, and after the loss has them brainwashed / convinced it was / is the GOP's fault - not theirs - that she lost. :p )
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.

My side is always right.

Your side is always wrong.



Simple ideas from simple minds. This is the conservative base.

This is a legitimate question, one apparently snowflakes can not bring themselves to even remotely ATTEMPT to answer honestly. I welcome your 2nd shots at it - why was she allowed to remain on the ballot?

The factual answer to your question is fairly simple - once a candidate qualifies to be on the ballot, they can't be removed by any means.

This is why candidates who die before election day remain on the ballot.

As for all the bullshit in your OP, it's nonsense not worth even discussing. You guys seriously need yo get over your Hillary obsession, it's getting embarassing.

Who's embarrassed? hiLIARy like her husband before her, got on national television, calmly looked into the camera and LIED to the American people. All that was missing was the finger wag and lip bite. She's a devious harridan. Good riddance.

You should direct your ire towards the media obsession with every burp, snort, tweet, and utterance from Trump.
Was a corrupt, career criminal politician, a sex-offender enabler REALLY worth rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud during primaries, cheating in debates, Felony Espionage by the previous administration/loyalists, violence, protection from prosecution, and all the false accusations, turmoil, division, and 'revenge politics' that has this country in chaos now?

Hillary Clinton is - was never - worth all of that.

(Next time Democrats should ensure their party doesn't interfere and force a corrupt criminal to be their candidate. The DNC forced the worst candidate in US history upon their base / voters, and after the loss has them brainwashed / convinced it was / is the GOP's fault - not theirs - that she lost. :p )

Nothing in this post is true. 17 investigations and not a single charge. All allegations based on Republican lies, gossip an innuendo. No one flipped, ratted them out or took a deal to testify against them.

Unlike your orange-faced baboon who people can't wait to roll over on.

Comey was a decent man who the Republicans used to discredit Clinton and then dumped.

Trump is going down for this.
Was a corrupt, career criminal politician, a sex-offending enabler REALLY worth rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud during primaries, cheating in debates, Felony Espionage by the previous administration/loyalists, violence, protection from prosecution, and all the false accusations, turmoil, division, and 'revenge politics' that has this country in chaos now?

Hillary Clinton is - was never - worth all of that.

(Next time Democrats should ensure their party doesn't interfere and force a corrupt criminal to be their candidate. The DNC forced the worst candidate in US history upon their base / voters, and after the loss has them brainwashed / convinced it was / is the GOP's fault - not theirs - that she lost. :p )
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.

My side is always right.

Your side is always wrong.



Simple ideas from simple minds. This is the conservative base.

This is a legitimate question, one apparently snowflakes can not bring themselves to even remotely ATTEMPT to answer honestly. I welcome your 2nd shots at it - why was she allowed to remain on the ballot?

There is nothing legitimate about any of the nonsense you post.
Was a corrupt, career criminal politician, a sex-offending enabler REALLY worth rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud during primaries, cheating in debates, Felony Espionage by the previous administration/loyalists, violence, protection from prosecution, and all the false accusations, turmoil, division, and 'revenge politics' that has this country in chaos now?

Hillary Clinton is - was never - worth all of that.

(Next time Democrats should ensure their party doesn't interfere and force a corrupt criminal to be their candidate. The DNC forced the worst candidate in US history upon their base / voters, and after the loss has them brainwashed / convinced it was / is the GOP's fault - not theirs - that she lost. :p )
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.

My side is always right.

Your side is always wrong.



Simple ideas from simple minds. This is the conservative base.

Conservatives whooped your ass, we took the House, the Senate, then the White House. Tissue? :laugh:

My ass? I don't recall running for anything.
Was a corrupt, career criminal politician, a sex-offending enabler REALLY worth rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud during primaries, cheating in debates, Felony Espionage by the previous administration/loyalists, violence, protection from prosecution, and all the false accusations, turmoil, division, and 'revenge politics' that has this country in chaos now?

Hillary Clinton is - was never - worth all of that.

(Next time Democrats should ensure their party doesn't interfere and force a corrupt criminal to be their candidate. The DNC forced the worst candidate in US history upon their base / voters, and after the loss has them brainwashed / convinced it was / is the GOP's fault - not theirs - that she lost. :p )
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.

My side is always right.

Your side is always wrong.



Simple ideas from simple minds. This is the conservative base.

Conservatives whooped your ass, we took the House, the Senate, then the White House. Tissue? :laugh:

You DID NOT TAKE the House nor did you take the Senate..... :lol:

You already owned the Senate Majority and you already owned the House Majority...

And in the past election, the Republicans LOST seats in the Senate and LOST seats in the house, making their Majority status SLIMMER in both houses of Congress and setting up the situation where in the next election or two, if the trend of the Republicans losing seats in Congress continues, the Democrats will take at least one of those houses in congress.
Was a corrupt, career criminal politician, a sex-offending enabler REALLY worth rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud during primaries, cheating in debates, Felony Espionage by the previous administration/loyalists, violence, protection from prosecution, and all the false accusations, turmoil, division, and 'revenge politics' that has this country in chaos now?

Hillary Clinton is - was never - worth all of that.

(Next time Democrats should ensure their party doesn't interfere and force a corrupt criminal to be their candidate. The DNC forced the worst candidate in US history upon their base / voters, and after the loss has them brainwashed / convinced it was / is the GOP's fault - not theirs - that she lost. :p )
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.

My side is always right.

Your side is always wrong.



Simple ideas from simple minds. This is the conservative base.

Conservatives whooped your ass, we took the House, the Senate, then the White House. Tissue? :laugh:

You DID NOT TAKE the House nor did you take the Senate..... :lol:

You already owned the Senate Majority and you already owned the House Majority...

And in the past election, the Republicans LOST seats in the Senate and LOST seats in the house, making their Majority status SLIMMER in both houses of Congress and setting up the situation where in the next election or two, if the trend of the Republicans losing seats in Congress continues, the Democrats will take at least one of those houses in congress.

It's possible.

But...over the past 8 years the "trend" is clearly in the GOP's favor. The Senate and House, over 900 state legislature seats, 13 governors, the POTUS, and now the SCOTUS.
Hillary Clinton is now the 1st US Presidential Candidate - actually the 1st candidate in a major election - allowed to remain on the ballot after it was revealed she was under multiple criminal investigations, to include ESPIONAGE, Influence Peddling, Fraud, etc..., with only days to go before election day.

FACT: Democrats and their All-In Liberal media would have NEVER allowed a Republican candidate in the same situation remain on the ballot / in the race.


...especially since we now know, thanks to testimony given under oath before Congress by the FBI Director, that Hillary was actually guilty of breaking NUMEROUS laws...yet was protected from indictment / prosecution so she could run for President?!?

Trump was under investigation at the same time, retard. He still is. Clinton is not.

Thread fail.
Hillary Clinton is now the 1st US Presidential Candidate - actually the 1st candidate in a major election - allowed to remain on the ballot after it was revealed she was under multiple criminal investigations, to include ESPIONAGE, Influence Peddling, Fraud, etc..., with only days to go before election day.

FACT: Democrats and their All-In Liberal media would have NEVER allowed a Republican candidate in the same situation remain on the ballot / in the race.


...especially since we now know, thanks to testimony given under oath before Congress by the FBI Director, that Hillary was actually guilty of breaking NUMEROUS laws...yet was protected from indictment / prosecution so she could run for President?!?

Trump was under investigation at the same time, retard. He still is. Clinton is not.

Thread fail.
Do you have proof that Trump is under investigation?
Hillary Clinton is now the 1st US Presidential Candidate - actually the 1st candidate in a major election - allowed to remain on the ballot after it was revealed she was under multiple criminal investigations, to include ESPIONAGE, Influence Peddling, Fraud, etc..., with only days to go before election day.

FACT: Democrats and their All-In Liberal media would have NEVER allowed a Republican candidate in the same situation remain on the ballot / in the race.


...especially since we now know, thanks to testimony given under oath before Congress by the FBI Director, that Hillary was actually guilty of breaking NUMEROUS laws...yet was protected from indictment / prosecution so she could run for President?!?

Trump was under investigation at the same time, retard. He still is. Clinton is not.

Thread fail.
Do you have proof that Trump is under investigation?

Hillary Clinton is now the 1st US Presidential Candidate - actually the 1st candidate in a major election - allowed to remain on the ballot after it was revealed she was under multiple criminal investigations, to include ESPIONAGE, Influence Peddling, Fraud, etc..., with only days to go before election day.

FACT: Democrats and their All-In Liberal media would have NEVER allowed a Republican candidate in the same situation remain on the ballot / in the race.


...especially since we now know, thanks to testimony given under oath before Congress by the FBI Director, that Hillary was actually guilty of breaking NUMEROUS laws...yet was protected from indictment / prosecution so she could run for President?!?

Trump was under investigation at the same time, retard. He still is. Clinton is not.

Thread fail.
Do you have proof that Trump is under investigation?


He never said Trump was under investigation. Try again?
Hillary Clinton is now the 1st US Presidential Candidate - actually the 1st candidate in a major election - allowed to remain on the ballot after it was revealed she was under multiple criminal investigations, to include ESPIONAGE, Influence Peddling, Fraud, etc..., with only days to go before election day.

FACT: Democrats and their All-In Liberal media would have NEVER allowed a Republican candidate in the same situation remain on the ballot / in the race.


...especially since we now know, thanks to testimony given under oath before Congress by the FBI Director, that Hillary was actually guilty of breaking NUMEROUS laws...yet was protected from indictment / prosecution so she could run for President?!?
Comey refused to recommend an indictment.....because Hillary had bribed his boss.

Hillary screwed Bernie out of the nomination and the Democrats were stuck with her. They talked shit to us on the right and the independents saying Hillary might as well be sworn in without a vote.
They felt that she was so crooked that she would rig the election.
She tried but failed......twice.

I think she should run again.
Dems are so cray cray even for a crook, its no wonder this country has slid downhill and now they fight to remove the one guy that is trying to fix what is broken. No surprise there. Biggest whiners ever.
Was a corrupt, career criminal politician, a sex-offending enabler REALLY worth rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud during primaries, cheating in debates, Felony Espionage by the previous administration/loyalists, violence, protection from prosecution, and all the false accusations, turmoil, division, and 'revenge politics' that has this country in chaos now?

Hillary Clinton is - was never - worth all of that.

(Next time Democrats should ensure their party doesn't interfere and force a corrupt criminal to be their candidate. The DNC forced the worst candidate in US history upon their base / voters, and after the loss has them brainwashed / convinced it was / is the GOP's fault - not theirs - that she lost. :p )
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.

My side is always right.

Your side is always wrong.



Simple ideas from simple minds. This is the conservative base.

Conservatives whooped your ass, we took the House, the Senate, then the White House. Tissue? :laugh:

You DID NOT TAKE the House nor did you take the Senate..... :lol:

You already owned the Senate Majority and you already owned the House Majority...

And in the past election, the Republicans LOST seats in the Senate and LOST seats in the house, making their Majority status SLIMMER in both houses of Congress and setting up the situation where in the next election or two, if the trend of the Republicans losing seats in Congress continues, the Democrats will take at least one of those houses in congress.
We had to take it first in order to own it.....
More Republican seats were up for election than Democrats. That's usually why you lose a few. However, the State and Local elections have been devastating to Democrats since Obama took office. http://www.ncsl.org/research/about-state-legislatures/partisan-composition.aspx



Basically the only thing Democrats are any good at is complaining and fucking everything up.

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