Why was it not racist when Bill Clinton would say, "Make America Great Again"?

The Regressives are in charge of what is and is not racist. And all the other "-ists" and "-ophobes". The primary deciding factor is whether they sense political advantage.
-- So the post immediately after yours --- that what you mean by "Regressive"?

The Regressive Left. The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, home of PC, Identity Politics, and the destructive behaviors that motivated a REAL liberal (a Brit named Maajid Nawaz) to coin the term "Regressive Left" in the first place. (You can learn more about this brave Muslim man just by entering his name in the search box on YouTube™)

The Regressive Left -- group whose nasty, narcissistic, annoying, antagonistic behaviors above inspired the Great Pushback of 2016 that put Trump in office, despite those of us who voted against him.

There ya go! And thanks for asking!


Oh. Well you're changing your own term now --- you just said "Regressives". Still there right above.

So how would you label that post after yours? To refresh -- here it is:

Top 10 reasons why Obama is a racist:

he volunteered to work for Louis Farakahn

he went to Rev Wright's racist church for 20 years and never spoke out against the hate or walked out

he gave a speech to the New Black Panthers

he said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin

he hosted the racist hate group BLM in the white house

he hosted the genocidal hate group Muslim Brotherhood in the White House

he said that the Democratic Party doesn’t want white voters from the South and rural areas

he said “Islam has always been part of America”

he quoted Rev Wright’s bigotry “white folk’s greed runs a world in need.”

he even called his own grandmother was “a typical white person”

That certainly qualifies as nasty, narcissistic (viz. self-infatuated boldface), annoying.and antagonistic, not to mention completely ignorant of the definition of his own terminology as it appoints itself arbiter of what's "racist".

Seems to fit all your criteria.
Great! I gave you a complete answer about, and definition of, the term "Regressive". I use it all the time, in PRECISELY the same context, yet I didn't expect you to accept it. That's okay.

I'd say the post you provided is standard, boilerplate, right wing partisan ideologue talking point rhetoric, no more credible that the rhetoric from the other side.

I can see how important my opinion is to you, so there ya go.

Hey, I just grabbed the nearest perfect specimen, noting a delicious example of everything you described appeared immediately after you described it.

It's kinda weird that you then wanted to post-qualify it with "Left" so that the post would be excused. But thanks for this experience; I can now hang out my shingle as a dentist as I am hereby fully qualified to pull teeth.

No kidding, is the village idiot able to pull teeth...oh, I see, you mean your own teeth.
Top 10 reasons why Obama is a racist:

he volunteered to work for Louis Farakahn

he went to Rev Wright's racist church for 20 years and never spoke out against the hate or walked out

he gave a speech to the New Black Panthers

he said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin

he hosted the racist hate group BLM in the white house

he hosted the genocidal hate group Muslim Brotherhood in the White House

he said that the Democratic Party doesn’t want white voters from the South and rural areas

he said “Islam has always been part of America”

he quoted Rev Wright’s bigotry “white folk’s greed runs a world in need.”

he even called his own grandmother was “a typical white person”

Yet another wag with no clue as to what the word "racism" means..... SMFH
If Obama isn't a racist, then there are no racists in this country.

YOU apparently don't know what the word "racism" means.
Who is scarier to snowflakes, a conservative queer, jew, or woman?

Who scares a 19 year old bubblehead snowflake more?

I'm thinking the conservative queer is the most threatening....but you cant say anything bad about milo, because that makes you a homophobe.
ROFL! I don't have to explain how I am not a bigot. You have to explain how I am one.

According to your "logic" you should be explaining how you're not a moron.
Well, you apparently hate Muslims. I don't care if you are not racist, that still makes you a bigot.
Islam isn't a race, moron. It's an ideology, like white nationalism, fascism or liberalism..
You're not only a bigot, you're also an idiot. I wasn't saying you're racist, I was saying you're a bigot. I guess you must have something hindering your reading capability.
A bigot is someone who dislikes a particular category of people with no justification. There is every justification for disliking Muslims because they are murderous savages. it's as sensible as not liking Nazis.
Apparently you seem to be a savage and a bully yourself.

So anyone who wants the immigration laws enforced and our country protected from terrorists is a savage and a bully?
The Regressives are in charge of what is and is not racist. And all the other "-ists" and "-ophobes". The primary deciding factor is whether they sense political advantage.
-- So the post immediately after yours --- that what you mean by "Regressive"?

The Regressive Left. The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, home of PC, Identity Politics, and the destructive behaviors that motivated a REAL liberal (a Brit named Maajid Nawaz) to coin the term "Regressive Left" in the first place. (You can learn more about this brave Muslim man just by entering his name in the search box on YouTube™)

The Regressive Left -- group whose nasty, narcissistic, annoying, antagonistic behaviors above inspired the Great Pushback of 2016 that put Trump in office, despite those of us who voted against him.

There ya go! And thanks for asking!


Oh. Well you're changing your own term now --- you just said "Regressives". Still there right above.

So how would you label that post after yours? To refresh -- here it is:

Top 10 reasons why Obama is a racist:

he volunteered to work for Louis Farakahn

he went to Rev Wright's racist church for 20 years and never spoke out against the hate or walked out

he gave a speech to the New Black Panthers

he said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin

he hosted the racist hate group BLM in the white house

he hosted the genocidal hate group Muslim Brotherhood in the White House

he said that the Democratic Party doesn’t want white voters from the South and rural areas

he said “Islam has always been part of America”

he quoted Rev Wright’s bigotry “white folk’s greed runs a world in need.”

he even called his own grandmother was “a typical white person”

That certainly qualifies as nasty, narcissistic (viz. self-infatuated boldface), annoying.and antagonistic, not to mention completely ignorant of the definition of his own terminology as it appoints itself arbiter of what's "racist".

Seems to fit all your criteria.
Great! I gave you a complete answer about, and definition of, the term "Regressive". I use it all the time, in PRECISELY the same context, yet I didn't expect you to accept it. That's okay.

I'd say the post you provided is standard, boilerplate, right wing partisan ideologue talking point rhetoric, no more credible that the rhetoric from the other side.

I can see how important my opinion is to you, so there ya go.

Hey, I just grabbed the nearest perfect specimen, noting a delicious example of everything you described appeared immediately after you described it.

It's kinda weird that you then wanted to post-qualify it with "Left" so that the post would be excused. But thanks for this experience; I can now hang out my shingle as a dentist as I am hereby fully qualified to pull teeth.

"Having it both ways: Priceless"®
Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.
-- So the post immediately after yours --- that what you mean by "Regressive"?

The Regressive Left. The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, home of PC, Identity Politics, and the destructive behaviors that motivated a REAL liberal (a Brit named Maajid Nawaz) to coin the term "Regressive Left" in the first place. (You can learn more about this brave Muslim man just by entering his name in the search box on YouTube™)

The Regressive Left -- group whose nasty, narcissistic, annoying, antagonistic behaviors above inspired the Great Pushback of 2016 that put Trump in office, despite those of us who voted against him.

There ya go! And thanks for asking!


Oh. Well you're changing your own term now --- you just said "Regressives". Still there right above.

So how would you label that post after yours? To refresh -- here it is:

Top 10 reasons why Obama is a racist:

he volunteered to work for Louis Farakahn

he went to Rev Wright's racist church for 20 years and never spoke out against the hate or walked out

he gave a speech to the New Black Panthers

he said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin

he hosted the racist hate group BLM in the white house

he hosted the genocidal hate group Muslim Brotherhood in the White House

he said that the Democratic Party doesn’t want white voters from the South and rural areas

he said “Islam has always been part of America”

he quoted Rev Wright’s bigotry “white folk’s greed runs a world in need.”

he even called his own grandmother was “a typical white person”

That certainly qualifies as nasty, narcissistic (viz. self-infatuated boldface), annoying.and antagonistic, not to mention completely ignorant of the definition of his own terminology as it appoints itself arbiter of what's "racist".

Seems to fit all your criteria.
Great! I gave you a complete answer about, and definition of, the term "Regressive". I use it all the time, in PRECISELY the same context, yet I didn't expect you to accept it. That's okay.

I'd say the post you provided is standard, boilerplate, right wing partisan ideologue talking point rhetoric, no more credible that the rhetoric from the other side.

I can see how important my opinion is to you, so there ya go.

Hey, I just grabbed the nearest perfect specimen, noting a delicious example of everything you described appeared immediately after you described it.

It's kinda weird that you then wanted to post-qualify it with "Left" so that the post would be excused. But thanks for this experience; I can now hang out my shingle as a dentist as I am hereby fully qualified to pull teeth.

No kidding, is the village idiot able to pull teeth...oh, I see, you mean your own teeth.
I"m sure he thinks he made some kind of a point. That's nice.
The idea of "great" is subjective. All I said is that the words meant something different to two different people that have different world views. Is that not obvious as hell?

It also means something completely different when Clinton inherited an economy in shambles, and wanted to make the american economy great again, and Trump inheriting the best economy of the 21st century from a black man

LOLOLOLOLOL, 1.3% average growth is great! Oh wait, I noticed you parsed your words, of the 21st century. Neat trick!

Funny thing, since Americas founding, it has AVERAGED 3% growth. And Obysmal did how much, hehehehehehehehehehe.

Gotta do better than that rook, not convincing anyone, we are just laughing at your feeble attempts-)
In answer to the question are white people from Canada moving to the US illegally? Yes they are. There are more illegal immigrants coming in from Canada than Mexico at the moment.

You sure can back it up with some data, can you?

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