Why was it not racist when Bill Clinton would say, "Make America Great Again"?

The Regressives are in charge of what is and is not racist.

And all the other "-ists" and "-ophobes".

The primary deciding factor is whether they sense political advantage.
Top 10 reasons why Obama is a racist:

he volunteered to work for Louis Farakahn

he went to Rev Wright's racist church for 20 years and never spoke out against the hate or walked out

he gave a speech to the New Black Panthers

he said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin

he hosted the racist hate group BLM in the white house

he hosted the genocidal hate group Muslim Brotherhood in the White House

he said that the Democratic Party doesn’t want white voters from the South and rural areas

he said “Islam has always been part of America”

he quoted Rev Wright’s bigotry “white folk’s greed runs a world in need.”

he even called his own grandmother was “a typical white person”
Top 10 reasons why Obama is a racist:

he volunteered to work for Louis Farakahn

he went to Rev Wright's racist church for 20 years and never spoke out against the hate or walked out

he gave a speech to the New Black Panthers

he said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin

he hosted the racist hate group BLM in the white house

he hosted the genocidal hate group Muslim Brotherhood in the White House

he said that the Democratic Party doesn’t want white voters from the South and rural areas

he said “Islam has always been part of America”

he quoted Rev Wright’s bigotry “white folk’s greed runs a world in need.”

he even called his own grandmother was “a typical white person”

Yet another wag with no clue as to what the word "racism" means..... SMFH
The Regressives are in charge of what is and is not racist.

And all the other "-ists" and "-ophobes".

The primary deciding factor is whether they sense political advantage.

-- So the post immediately after yours --- that what you mean by "Regressive"?
Top 10 reasons why Obama is a racist:

he volunteered to work for Louis Farakahn

he went to Rev Wright's racist church for 20 years and never spoke out against the hate or walked out

he gave a speech to the New Black Panthers

he said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin

he hosted the racist hate group BLM in the white house

he hosted the genocidal hate group Muslim Brotherhood in the White House

he said that the Democratic Party doesn’t want white voters from the South and rural areas

he said “Islam has always been part of America”

he quoted Rev Wright’s bigotry “white folk’s greed runs a world in need.”

he even called his own grandmother was “a typical white person”

Yet another wag with no clue as to what the word "racism" means..... SMFH

Snowflakes use it as a synonym for "Republican."
Even if the Progs would just admit it's disingenuous political opportunism, I would have more respect than justification, ignoring the hypocrisy, or lying about it.

Dems used the race card when Trump said "Make America Great Again." Because they clearly defined a race card when Obama was campaigning, and they figured it would also work for Hillary.

It did not.

There is nothing racist about saying, "Make America Great Again."

There is when it's coupled with a promise to deport all illegals back to Mexico, cancel trade deals with foreign nations, cancel Muslim immigration.
Nope. That's not racist at all. Islam isn't a race, you witless cockroach. There's nothing racist about enforcing the immigration laws on the books.

Interesting that left never care to explain what is racist about building a wall.
Even if the Progs would just admit it's disingenuous political opportunism, I would have more respect than justification, ignoring the hypocrisy, or lying about it.

Dems used the race card when Trump said "Make America Great Again." Because they clearly defined a race card when Obama was campaigning, and they figured it would also work for Hillary.

It did not.

There is nothing racist about saying, "Make America Great Again."

There is when it's coupled with a promise to deport all illegals back to Mexico, cancel trade deals with foreign nations, cancel Muslim immigration.
Nope. That's not racist at all. Islam isn't a race, you witless cockroach. There's nothing racist about enforcing the immigration laws on the books.

Interesting that left never care to explain what is racist about building a wall.

There is nothing racist about having a secure national border. They need the votes and will spin it any way they can.
Even if the Progs would just admit it's disingenuous political opportunism, I would have more respect than justification, ignoring the hypocrisy, or lying about it.

Dems used the race card when Trump said "Make America Great Again." Because they clearly defined a race card when Obama was campaigning, and they figured it would also work for Hillary.

It did not.

There is nothing racist about saying, "Make America Great Again."

There is when it's coupled with a promise to deport all illegals back to Mexico, cancel trade deals with foreign nations, cancel Muslim immigration.
Nope. That's not racist at all. Islam isn't a race, you witless cockroach. There's nothing racist about enforcing the immigration laws on the books.

Interesting that left never care to explain what is racist about building a wall.

Building a wall isn't necessarily racist. It's just a stupid waste of money. What makes it appear racist is that a wall is being built to keep out brown people from Mexico, but no wall is being built to keep white people from Canada out.

Since Mexicans stopped crossing the border in large numbers after the 2008 recession, the country with the highest number of illegal immigrants to the US is Canada. Why no hue and cry against illegal Canadian immigration?
Even if the Progs would just admit it's disingenuous political opportunism, I would have more respect than justification, ignoring the hypocrisy, or lying about it.

Dems used the race card when Trump said "Make America Great Again." Because they clearly defined a race card when Obama was campaigning, and they figured it would also work for Hillary.

It did not.

There is nothing racist about saying, "Make America Great Again."

There is when it's coupled with a promise to deport all illegals back to Mexico, cancel trade deals with foreign nations, cancel Muslim immigration.
Nope. That's not racist at all. Islam isn't a race, you witless cockroach. There's nothing racist about enforcing the immigration laws on the books.

Interesting that left never care to explain what is racist about building a wall.

Building a wall isn't necessarily racist. It's just a stupid waste of money. What makes it appear racist is that a wall is being built to keep out brown people from Mexico, but no wall is being built to keep white people from Canada out.

Since Mexicans stopped crossing the border in large numbers after the 2008 recession, the country with the highest number of illegal immigrants to the US is Canada. Why no hue and cry against illegal Canadian immigration?

Are white people from Canada trying to come illegally to US?


We all know what Bill meant when he said MAGA.

It was a dog whistle to Dixiecrats that the South would rise again. Clinton was the Arkansas Governor...he is a stupid southern redneck.
Even if the Progs would just admit it's disingenuous political opportunism, I would have more respect than justification, ignoring the hypocrisy, or lying about it.

Dems used the race card when Trump said "Make America Great Again." Because they clearly defined a race card when Obama was campaigning, and they figured it would also work for Hillary.

It did not.

There is nothing racist about saying, "Make America Great Again."

There is when it's coupled with a promise to deport all illegals back to Mexico, cancel trade deals with foreign nations, cancel Muslim immigration.
Nope. That's not racist at all. Islam isn't a race, you witless cockroach. There's nothing racist about enforcing the immigration laws on the books.

Interesting that left never care to explain what is racist about building a wall.

Building a wall isn't necessarily racist. It's just a stupid waste of money. What makes it appear racist is that a wall is being built to keep out brown people from Mexico, but no wall is being built to keep white people from Canada out.

Since Mexicans stopped crossing the border in large numbers after the 2008 recession, the country with the highest number of illegal immigrants to the US is Canada. Why no hue and cry against illegal Canadian immigration?

Are white people from Canada trying to come illegally to US?



Deporting Mexicans who illegally immigrate to the US is racist.
Deporting Guatemalans who illegally immigrate to Mexico is not.

Prog logic.
Even if the Progs would just admit it's disingenuous political opportunism, I would have more respect than justification, ignoring the hypocrisy, or lying about it.

Dems used the race card when Trump said "Make America Great Again." Because they clearly defined a race card when Obama was campaigning, and they figured it would also work for Hillary.

It did not.

There is nothing racist about saying, "Make America Great Again."

There is when it's coupled with a promise to deport all illegals back to Mexico, cancel trade deals with foreign nations, cancel Muslim immigration.
Nope. That's not racist at all. Islam isn't a race, you witless cockroach. There's nothing racist about enforcing the immigration laws on the books.

Interesting that left never care to explain what is racist about building a wall.

Building a wall isn't necessarily racist. It's just a stupid waste of money. What makes it appear racist is that a wall is being built to keep out brown people from Mexico, but no wall is being built to keep white people from Canada out.

Since Mexicans stopped crossing the border in large numbers after the 2008 recession, the country with the highest number of illegal immigrants to the US is Canada. Why no hue and cry against illegal Canadian immigration?

Are white people from Canada trying to come illegally to US?



In answer to the question are white people from Canada moving to the US illegally? Yes they are. There are more illegal immigrants coming in from Canada than Mexico at the moment.

All you have to do is drive across the border telling the US immigration staff you're going to visit your cousin in Cleveland and you're in! Once you're in, just don't go home.

Most illegal immigration to the US consists of tourists, students and others overstaying their visas. They entered the country legally, through airports or border crossings but don't return to their home country when their visa expires. This is why Trump's claim that millions of Mexicans are flooding across the southern border is a total lie. It's why a southern border wall is a waste of money.

The Canadian/US border is the longest undefended border in the world. You can go for a walk in the woods in Quebec and leave come out of the woods in New Hampshire.

There's also a lot of Americans sneaking into Canada the same way.
I'd like Dragon Lady to sponsor some Syrian refugees to move into her home.
There is when it's coupled with a promise to deport all illegals back to Mexico, cancel trade deals with foreign nations, cancel Muslim immigration.
Nope. That's not racist at all. Islam isn't a race, you witless cockroach. There's nothing racist about enforcing the immigration laws on the books.

Interesting that left never care to explain what is racist about building a wall.

Building a wall isn't necessarily racist. It's just a stupid waste of money. What makes it appear racist is that a wall is being built to keep out brown people from Mexico, but no wall is being built to keep white people from Canada out.

Since Mexicans stopped crossing the border in large numbers after the 2008 recession, the country with the highest number of illegal immigrants to the US is Canada. Why no hue and cry against illegal Canadian immigration?

Are white people from Canada trying to come illegally to US?



In answer to the question are white people from Canada moving to the US illegally? Yes they are. There are more illegal immigrants coming in from Canada than Mexico at the moment.

All you have to do is drive across the border telling the US immigration staff you're going to visit your cousin in Cleveland and you're in! Once you're in, just don't go home.

Most illegal immigration to the US consists of tourists, students and others overstaying their visas. They entered the country legally, through airports or border crossings but don't return to their home country when their visa expires. This is why Trump's claim that millions of Mexicans are flooding across the southern border is a total lie. It's why a southern border wall is a waste of money.

The Canadian/US border is the longest undefended border in the world. You can go for a walk in the woods in Quebec and leave come out of the woods in New Hampshire.

There's also a lot of Americans sneaking into Canada the same way.

Yep. I've been to Canada by canoe.

The point about most "illegal immigration" coming from overstayed visas is spot-on and already known, and has been made on these pages multitudinous times. But we have entered a Twilight Zone world where actual facts no longer matter and delusions rule the day. As Rump's own Fraud University playbook advised, "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell feelings". And Rump was selling paranoia and they were lined up around the block to buy it, facts be damned.
Even if the Progs would just admit it's disingenuous political opportunism, I would have more respect than justification, ignoring the hypocrisy, or lying about it.

Dems used the race card when Trump said "Make America Great Again." Because they clearly defined a race card when Obama was campaigning, and they figured it would also work for Hillary.

It did not.

There is nothing racist about saying, "Make America Great Again."

There is when it's coupled with a promise to deport all illegals back to Mexico, cancel trade deals with foreign nations, cancel Muslim immigration.
Nope. That's not racist at all. Islam isn't a race, you witless cockroach. There's nothing racist about enforcing the immigration laws on the books.

Interesting that left never care to explain what is racist about building a wall.
They believe enforcing our borders is racist. They are contemptuous of the very idea of the nation. They aren't fit to hold government office or even vote.
Nope. That's not racist at all. Islam isn't a race, you witless cockroach. There's nothing racist about enforcing the immigration laws on the books.

Interesting that left never care to explain what is racist about building a wall.

Building a wall isn't necessarily racist. It's just a stupid waste of money. What makes it appear racist is that a wall is being built to keep out brown people from Mexico, but no wall is being built to keep white people from Canada out.

Since Mexicans stopped crossing the border in large numbers after the 2008 recession, the country with the highest number of illegal immigrants to the US is Canada. Why no hue and cry against illegal Canadian immigration?

Are white people from Canada trying to come illegally to US?



In answer to the question are white people from Canada moving to the US illegally? Yes they are. There are more illegal immigrants coming in from Canada than Mexico at the moment.

All you have to do is drive across the border telling the US immigration staff you're going to visit your cousin in Cleveland and you're in! Once you're in, just don't go home.

Most illegal immigration to the US consists of tourists, students and others overstaying their visas. They entered the country legally, through airports or border crossings but don't return to their home country when their visa expires. This is why Trump's claim that millions of Mexicans are flooding across the southern border is a total lie. It's why a southern border wall is a waste of money.

The Canadian/US border is the longest undefended border in the world. You can go for a walk in the woods in Quebec and leave come out of the woods in New Hampshire.

There's also a lot of Americans sneaking into Canada the same way.

Yep. I've been to Canada by canoe.

The point about most "illegal immigration" coming from overstayed visas is spot-on and already known, and has been made on these pages multitudinous times. But we have entered a Twilight Zone world where actual facts no longer matter and delusions rule the day. As Rump's own Fraud University playbook advised, "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell feelings". And Rump was selling paranoia and they were lined up around the block to buy it, facts be damned.

What "spot" is it on? If the wall didn't prevent cross border immigration, then the left wouldn't be against it.
Why was it not racist when Bill Clinton would say, "Make America Great Again"?

Because with Republicans, it's understood the entire phrase is: Make America Great Again for White People.
Making America great again... has nothing to do with race.
Why was it not racist when Bill Clinton would say, "Make America Great Again"?

Because with Republicans, it's understood the entire phrase is: Make America Great Again for White People.

Bill Clinton is white and he is a Dixiecrat from Arkansas.
There is when it's coupled with a promise to deport all illegals back to Mexico, cancel trade deals with foreign nations, cancel Muslim immigration.
Nope. That's not racist at all. Islam isn't a race, you witless cockroach. There's nothing racist about enforcing the immigration laws on the books.

Interesting that left never care to explain what is racist about building a wall.

Building a wall isn't necessarily racist. It's just a stupid waste of money. What makes it appear racist is that a wall is being built to keep out brown people from Mexico, but no wall is being built to keep white people from Canada out.

Since Mexicans stopped crossing the border in large numbers after the 2008 recession, the country with the highest number of illegal immigrants to the US is Canada. Why no hue and cry against illegal Canadian immigration?

Are white people from Canada trying to come illegally to US?



In answer to the question are white people from Canada moving to the US illegally? Yes they are. There are more illegal immigrants coming in from Canada than Mexico at the moment.

All you have to do is drive across the border telling the US immigration staff you're going to visit your cousin in Cleveland and you're in! Once you're in, just don't go home.

Most illegal immigration to the US consists of tourists, students and others overstaying their visas. They entered the country legally, through airports or border crossings but don't return to their home country when their visa expires. This is why Trump's claim that millions of Mexicans are flooding across the southern border is a total lie. It's why a southern border wall is a waste of money.

The Canadian/US border is the longest undefended border in the world. You can go for a walk in the woods in Quebec and leave come out of the woods in New Hampshire.

There's also a lot of Americans sneaking into Canada the same way.

40% of illegals are from visa overstays. That means a wall will solve 60% of our illegal immigration problem. Nitwits like you like to pretend that any proposal that doesn't solve 100% of the problem is worthless. That only shows why no one should pay attention to your imbecile horseshit.

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