Zone1 Why was Jesus crucified?

of course, who else feared the carpenter ...

incredibly, because jesus taught - all - who were worthy would enter heaven ... not just the jews. and that they, the jews would be last in line and subject to the daily cut off - ir 91.
no one feared the carpenter
start to learn. I'm sure from all points of life into all directions of this universe is a way to find god.

- to find the heavens ... moses was a liar who are in the heavens together rule the day.

the simple spoken religions are all that really exist very few really know what's in those deceiving documents and would have nothing to do with them if they did.
no one feared the carpenter

oh ...


yes they did - liberation theology, self determination the true beginning a&e and destiny for all of humanity. not a select few.
To "pretend" that God left no evidence that Jesus Christ is the Messiah of prophecy and why He had to die to fulfill prophecy is more than absurd its if God left no evidence found directly and verbatim in THE WORD OF GOD........i.e, the HOLY SCRIPTURES. Because some refuse to look at the evidence with an open mind void of bigotry....does not mean the evidence is not there.

There are 15 examples of Jesus fulfilling prophecy from Isaiah alone. Its more than laughable......its amazing, some might say, its miraculous that Isaiah found in one chapter alone (Isaiah 53) was informed by the Spirit of God of things that would be fulfilled 750 years in the future....documented in both the O.T. and N.T.

Facts from the prophet Isaiah concerning the Messiah to come. 1. He was HATED (Isaiah 53:3) confirmed in (Matthew 27:39-43).

2. He was a man of sadness (Isaiah 53:3) confirmed in (Matthew 26:38)

3. He suffered (Isaiah 53:3) confirmed in (Hebrews 4:15)

4. He was rejected by His own people (Isaiah 53:3) confirmed in (John 1:10-11)

5. He would suffer for all of us (Isaiah 53:4) confirmed in (Matthew 8:16-17)

6. He had no sin from birth to death (Isaiah 53:9) confirmed in (1 Peter 2:22)

7. He remained silent in the face of His accusers (Isaiah 53:7) confirmed in (Matthew 26:53, 27:12)

8. He took the sins of the entire world upon Himself (Isaiah 53:5) confirmed in (1 Cor. 15:3)

9. He was punished for everyone, even though He was innocent (Isaiah 53:5) confirmed in (1 Peter 2:24-25)

10. He was treated like a criminal (Isaiah 53:12) confirmed in (Luke 22:37)

11. He prayed the Father and asked for forgiveness for those who tortured Him (Isaiah 53:12) confirmed in (Luke 23:34)

12. He was treated unjustly (Isaiah 53:8) confirmed in (Matthew 27:24)

13. He was buried with the rich (Isaiah 53:9) confirmed in (Matthew 27:57-56)

14. He was raised from the dead (Isaiah 53:19) confirmed in (Luke 24:6-8)

15. He would be honored (Isaiah 53:12) confirmed in (Phil. 2:9-11)

After the death and resurrection of Jesus, His disciples used the Book of Isaiah to confirm that Jesus was indeed the Messiah of Prophecy. Example: In Acts 8 (written by the Physician Luke) tells of a man from "Ethiopia", a traveler, that was reading from the Book of Isaiah, chapter 53. Philip was sent (guided by the Holy Spirit) to preach to the man and preach to him Jesus. Philip asked the man, whom do you suppose the prophet Isaiah is speaking of? Is he speaking of himself or another? And Philip opened his mouth and began to preach Jesus....... (Acts 8:34-35)
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To "pretend" that God left no evidence that Jesus Christ is the Messiah of prophecy and why He had to die to fulfill prophecy is more than absurd its if God left no evidence found directly and verbatim in THE WORD OF GOD........i.e, the HOLY SCRIPTURES. Because some refuse to look at the evidence with an open mind void of bigotry....does not mean the evidence is not there.

There are 15 examples of Jesus fulfilling prophecy from Isaiah alone. Its more than laughable......its amazing, some might say, its miraculous that Isaiah found in one chapter alone (Isaiah 53) was informed by the Spirit of God of things that would be fulfilled 750 years in the future....documented in both the O.T. and N.T.

Facts from the prophet Isaiah concerning the Messiah to come. 1. He was HATED (Isaiah 53:3) confirmed in (Matthew 27:39-43).

2. He was a man of sadness (Isaiah 53:3) confirmed in (Matthew 26:38)

3. He suffered (Isaiah 53:3) confirmed in (Hebrews 4:15)

4. He was rejected by His own people (Isaiah 53:3) confirmed in (John 1:10-11)

5. He would suffer for all of us (Isaiah 53:4) confirmed in (Matthew 8:16-17)

6. He had no sin from birth to death (Isaiah 53:9) confirmed in (1 Peter 2:22)

7. He remained silent in the face of His accusers (Isaiah 53:7) confirmed in (Matthew 26:53, 27:12)

8. He took the sins of the entire world upon Himself (Isaiah 53:5) confirmed in (1 Cor. 15:3)

9. He was punished for everyone, even though He was innocent (Isaiah 53:5) confirmed in (1 Peter 2:24-25)

10. He was treated like a criminal (Isaiah 53:12) confirmed in (Luke 22:37)

11. He prayed the Father and asked for forgiveness for those who tortured Him (Isaiah 53:12) confirmed in (Luke 23:34)

12. He was treated unjustly (Isaiah 53:8) confirmed in (Matthew 27:24)

13. He was buried with the rich (Isaiah 53:9) confirmed in (Matthew 27:57-56)

14. He was raised from the dead (Isaiah 53:19) confirmed in (Luke 24:6-8)

15. He would be honored (Isaiah 53:12) confirmed in (Phil. 2:9-11)

After the death and resurrection of Jesus, His disciples used the Book of Isaiah to confirm that Jesus was indeed the Messiah of Prophecy. Example: In Acts 8 (written by the Physician Luke) tells of a man from "Ethiopia", a traveler, that was reading from the Book of Isaiah, chapter 53. Philip was sent (guided by the Holy Spirit) to preach to the man and preach to him Jesus. Philip asked the man, whom do you suppose the prophet Isaiah is speaking of? Is he speaking of himself or another? And Philip opened his mouth and began to preach Jesus....... (Acts 8:34-35)
BS ^^ I started laughing at the first line "he was a man of sadness......"---not that one
NAILS IT (no pun intended)
- to find the heavens ... moses was a liar who are in the heavens together rule the day.

the simple spoken religions are all that really exist very few really know what's in those deceiving documents and would have nothing to do with them if they did.

Rome crucified Jesus. They did it in order to calm a vocal minority that threatened to make things uncomfortable for the vested interests.
Rome represents "the world". The freedom that Jesus represents is the enemy of the repressive state, the avaricious system, the culture of materialism. Radicals and reactionaries both manipulate freedom to use against it. "Jesus" will always be "crucified", because being confronted by truth is intolerable to lies and liars.
To "pretend" that God left no evidence that Jesus Christ is the Messiah of prophecy and why He had to die to fulfill prophecy is more than absurd its laughable ...

no need to pretend - there does not exist any evidence jesus claimed to be a messiah as no such claim by him was ever made especially when they taught self determination is the means for admission to the everlasting. they certainly did not die for someone else's sins ...
Now, now, there may have been a good reason to nail him on a cross to die

The question is, why?

Antisemitism does not enter the picture since Jews were killing another Jew.
People Roman and Jew - played a part in letting God make the sacrifice necessary for the salvation of humanity.

Jesus had 12 Legions of angels - 72,000 - at his beck and call if he wanted.

Keep in mind ONE angel killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers.
Rome crucified Jesus. They did it in order to calm a vocal minority that threatened to make things uncomfortable for the vested interests.
Rome represents "the world". The freedom that Jesus represents is the enemy of the repressive state, the avaricious system, the culture of materialism. Radicals and reactionaries both manipulate freedom to use against it. "Jesus" will always be "crucified", because being confronted by truth is intolerable to lies and liars.
well----better than most .....uhm jelly-bean graduates---but the reality is actually clear in
the NT if you know a bit about the players. An important person to know is CAIAPHAS---
very well known historically as a Roman appointed TEMPLE MOLE in cahoots with
Pontius Pilate-----mass crucifier. Jesus was crucified because he was a PHARISEE JEW
who plotted to expel the Roman appointed "money changers" from the Temple courtyard.
Sorry-----but that is the fact. The fact that Jesus was a friend to his cousin ----JOHN
BS ^^ I started laughing at the first line "he was a man of sadness......"---not that one
NAILS IT (no pun intended)
no need to pretend - there does not exist any evidence jesus claimed to be a messiah as no such claim by him was ever made especially when they taught self determination is the means for admission to the everlasting. they certainly did not die for someone else's sins ...
Of course :abgg2q.jpg:the Bible does not exist, its simply a figment of one's imagination, and you always provide the objective and reproducible evidence to prove that.....that which does not exist is wrong. Again..........The Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Why do you never provide evidence? Negative evidence can not be observed or reproduced. I have the present nothing but Ad Hominem BS.
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BS ^^ I started laughing at the first line "he was a man of sadness......"---not that one
NAILS IT (no pun intended)
HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS......all the grinding and gnashing of teeth. You own (SUPPOSED FAITH....from the O.T. is quoted in Isaiah 53:3, "He (the Messiah as per the subject matter of the chapter) IS (not was but is) DESPISED AND REJECTED BY MEN.........A MAN OF SORROWS......." -- Isaiah 53:3. Yep.........that nails it, the obvious rejection and CONTEMPT you show toward the scriptures in the Old Book......nails it.

Its a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Heb.10:31) I once was a non believer...agnostic at best (as per my ancestral lineage)......the more I read and the harder I attempted to refute the word of God.....the deeper I searched, I searched myself into the kingdom of God.

The typical answer of the fool, as described in scripture (Prov. 1:22, 10:23, 12:23,13:16, 14:9,16,15:2,5, 18:2, 6-7, 20:3, 28:26, Matthew 7:26-27, Eccl. 2:14, 5:3, 7:4,9) debunked the hell of both the OT and NT scriptures with all the objective evidence you presented. Book, Chapter and Verse. :th_spinspin: As demonstrated....its not that the evidence is not there, but the fool would rather believe and worship THE WORLD.

How does one know they're doing right in defending the truth? "If the world hates you, ye know that it hated Me first.....if ye were of this world the world would love its own, but because you are not of this world.....but I have chosen you out of this world, the world hates you." -- John 15:18-19

Fact: Laughter often attempts to mask ANGER. Psychology 101 Many act religious, but live the life of a hypocrite (Luke 11:39-40) Some freely decide not to retain the knowledge that God has delivered to man (Rom. 1:20-22).
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HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS......all the grinding and gnashing of teeth. You own (SUPPOSED FAITH....from the O.T. is quoted in Isaiah 53:3, "He (the Messiah as per the subject matter of the chapter) IS (not was but is) DESPISED AND REJECTED BY MEN.........A MAN OF SORROWS......." -- Isaiah 53:3. Yep.........that nails it, the obvious rejection and CONTEMPT you show toward the scriptures in the Old Book......nails it.
You have put the cart before the horse. Because you have decided that the messiah is the topic, you see the messiah in the words of the text. But if you don't start with that, you won't find the messiah there. If, instead, you start by looking at the flow of Isaiah throughout and see where he explicitly identifies the servant as the nation you would understand why the rest of your conclusions are false.

Also, you might want to do some study to understand who the speaker is in 53.
The Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Why do you never provide evidence?

- provide the stone tablets claimed by moses etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments - or remove those from all three desert documents.

- provide the archives of the materials used to write the 4th century c-bible - they preserved for posterity.

the only historical record of a claim jesus claimed to be a messiah was made by judas to the jewish priests who paid him silver coins for him to identify jesus to the romans as they had no idea who they were meant to arrest.

* the c-bible is written by the crucifiers using their victim to write their own version for a religion of servitude that never existed and the opposite of what those in the 1st century died for - liberation theology, self determination.
- provide the stone tablets claimed by moses etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments - or remove those from all three desert documents.

- provide the archives of the materials used to write the 4th century c-bible - they preserved for posterity.

the only historical record of a claim jesus claimed to be a messiah was made by judas to the jewish priests who paid him silver coins for him to identify jesus to the romans as they had no idea who they were meant to arrest.

* the c-bible is written by the crucifiers using their victim to write their own version for a religion of servitude that never existed and the opposite of what those in the 1st century died for - liberation theology, self determination.
Haters gotta hate.
The world went on a new path 2,000 years ago, deal with it.

BTW - there’s over 15 documents from the time of Jesus telling his story.
You have put the cart before the horse. Because you have decided that the messiah is the topic, you see the messiah in the words of the text. But if you don't start with that, you won't find the messiah there. If, instead, you start by looking at the flow of Isaiah throughout and see where he explicitly identifies the servant as the nation you would understand why the rest of your conclusions are false.

Also, you might want to do some study to understand who the speaker is in 53.
As demonstrated.............the disciples of Christ confirmed that Isaiah 53 was addressing Jesus Christ (Acts 8
You have put the cart before the horse. Because you have decided that the messiah is the topic, you see the messiah in the words of the text. But if you don't start with that, you won't find the messiah there. If, instead, you start by looking at the flow of Isaiah throughout and see where he explicitly identifies the servant as the nation you would understand why the rest of your conclusions are false.

Also, you might want to do some study to understand who the speaker is in 53.
:th_spinspin:No one is yet to disprove one passage in the N.T of Jesus Christ as being untrue via a presentation of the objective evidence.

As demonstrated, the disciples of Christ proved that Isaiah 53 was speaking of Jesus Christ.......the Messiah of prophecy (Acts 8:26-39)

If Isaiah 53 was the only place that demonstrated that Jesus was the Messiah of Prophey in the Old Text you might have a valid point.........but, its not. Isaiah 53 is just one chapter of the over 300 confirmed prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ. The O.T. was completed in 500 B.C. as the book of "Malachi" is usually dated between 444 and 443 B.C. Its the final message from God before the appearance of John the Baptist preaching in preparation of the coming Messiah (Mal. 4:5-6, Matthew 3:1-17)

If all the foretold historical evidence found in the O.T. were actually fulfilled as per the content of the N.T. of Jesus Christ......with no new text between Malachi and John the Baptist over a 400 year period.....with ALL THE PREDICTIONS documented in the N.T. as being confirmed fulfilled O.T. don't have a leg to stand on.

Question if the Law and the Prophets were still in effect after the birth, life, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ......where were the JEWS, THE LAW and Prophets between 70. A.D and 1947 A.D.? What happened to YOUR HUSBAND? Israel did not exist upon the face of the earth for over 2000 years with the country calling itself Israel today, having no Tribal IDs, No Royal Priesthood to direct annual burnt offerings to the God of the Hebrew, that was husbanded by God (Jer. 31:31-34.....God declared that a New Covenant unlike the Law of Moses was coming)while confirming the LAW and the Prophets.... not to mention Israel has no God appointed land of promise, no Temple :deal:

What happened between 444 B.C. and 1947 A.D.? Where is your proof that Israel is still husbanded by God? Ad hominem bigotry....i.e, misplaced pride? :dunno: Its clear there is some bigotry taking place........and its not Bigotry coming from any Christian, as the Christian is taught to respect the Jew because of their history in preparing the world for the Messiah. Respect yes......but as far as the Gospel truth......the Jew is to be considered an enemy of the faith because they are still blinded. The Jew has a zeal for the God of creation, but its misdirected as clearly exampled by the history actual over the past 2000 years (Roman 10:2)

God has not cast away Israel......they cast themselves away by disobeying the Law and the Prophets (Romans 11:3) Thus, God saved 7000 loyal Jews, (symbolic in the Jews who accepted Jesus were added to the Kingdom of God).....the Gospel was preached first to the Jew for over a decade......and then to the Gentiles. The Jew of Today can be saved in the fashion as were the 7000 faithful of the 1st century.
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What do we know historically of Jesus? We have the Bible and secular writings such as Josephus who wrote about the death of Jesus and the stoning of his brother James. And according to Josephus, the Jews rejected Christ and his followers.

I suppose the Romans stoned James as well? LOL. Stoning was a Jewish form of execution, not Roman.

So now we see both evidence other than the Bible of the Roman form of execution alongside the Jewish form of execution, both directed at Christians as the Bible claims.

Jesus once said, "“That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation;”

Is this not correct according to the writings of the Jews in their own religious Torah?

Prophets are sent by God when the people are on the wrong path, and when they are told they are on the wrong path, they don't much like being told they are wrong about anything, so they take out their anger on the prophets.

Jesus was but one of many.

But this is the human condition, not just a Jewish one. In addition, Jesus said that he laid down his life and that no man takes it from him, making the nonsense about hatred towards the Jews nonsensical. regarding them taking his life from him.
Mainly, he pissed off the money handlers.
what 15 documents telling what story?
As demonstrated.............the disciples of Christ confirmed that Isaiah 53 was addressing Jesus Christ (Acts 8

:th_spinspin:No one is yet to disprove one passage in the N.T of Jesus Christ as being untrue via a presentation of the objective evidence.

As demonstrated, the disciples of Christ proved that Isaiah 53 was speaking of Jesus Christ.......the Messiah of prophecy (Acts 8:26-39)

If Isaiah 53 was the only place that demonstrated that Jesus was the Messiah of Prophey in the Old Text you might have a valid point.........but, its not. Isaiah 53 is just one chapter of the over 300 confirmed prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ. The O.T. was completed in 500 B.C. as the book of "Malachi" is usually dated between 444 and 443 B.C. Its the final message from God before the appearance of John the Baptist preaching in preparation of the coming Messiah (Mal. 4:5-6, Matthew 3:1-17)

If all the foretold historical evidence found in the O.T. were actually fulfilled as per the content of the N.T. of Jesus Christ......with no new text between Malachi and John the Baptist over a 400 year period.....with ALL THE PREDICTIONS documented in the N.T. as being confirmed fulfilled O.T. don't have a leg to stand on.

Question if the Law and the Prophets were still in effect after the birth, life, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ......where were the JEWS, THE LAW and Prophets between 70. A.D and 1947 A.D.? What happened to YOUR HUSBAND? Israel did not exist upon the face of the earth for over 2000 years with the country calling itself Israel today, having no Tribal IDs, No Royal Priesthood to direct annual burnt offerings to the God of the Hebrew, that was husbanded by God (Jer. 31:31-34.....God declared that a New Covenant unlike the Law of Moses was coming)while confirming the LAW and the Prophets.... not to mention Israel has no God appointed land of promise, no Temple :deal:

What happened between 444 B.C. and 1947 A.D.? Where is your proof that Israel is still husbanded by God? Ad hominem bigotry....i.e, misplaced pride? :dunno: Its clear there is some bigotry taking place........and its not Bigotry coming from any Christian, as the Christian is taught to respect the Jew because of their history in preparing the world for the Messiah. Respect yes......but as far as the Gospel truth......the Jew is to be considered an enemy of the faith because they are still blinded. The Jew has a zeal for the God of creation, but its misdirected as clearly exampled by the history actual over the past 2000 years (Roman 10:2)

God has not cast away Israel......they cast themselves away by disobeying the Law and the Prophets (Romans 11:3) Thus, God saved 7000 loyal Jews, (symbolic in the Jews who accepted Jesus were added to the Kingdom of God).....the Gospel was preached first to the Jew for over a decade......and then to the Gentiles. The Jew of Today can be saved in the fashion as were the 7000 faithful of the 1st century.
Here we are. We have survived the first reich, the second reich and the third reich while
you grope in the mire of your stupidity
Mainly, he pissed off the money handlers.
The monkey got it -----almost. The money changers were representatives of Rome,
pals of Caiaphas who was a Roman appointee mole---planted in the Temple
for the introduction of Roman corruption. The Pharisee attack was AN AFFRONT
TO ROME------one of many

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