Zone1 Why was Jesus crucified?

Sorry. That’s 180 billion who got it wrong, and you’re the only one who knows the truth. Islam acknowledges Jesus.

i'm sure ...


you're one of them.
yet lived without sin

a repudiation of judaism - hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven, the false commandments - would be a fulfillment of the original covenant from the heavens to triumph over evil - that is what the 1st century events were about - nothing to do w/ rome - for those people who listened to jesus.

jesus did not live without sin they fulfilled the heavenly mandated and triumphed over sin to sin no more the goal they inspired for others, liberation theology, self determination the means for admission to the everlasting.
a repudiation of judaism - hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven, the false commandments - would be a fulfillment of the original covenant from the heavens to triumph over evil - that is what the 1st century events were about - nothing to do w/ rome - for those people who listened to jesus.

jesus did not live without sin they fulfilled the heavenly mandated and triumphed over sin to sin no more the goal they inspired for others, liberation theology, self determination the means for admission to the everlasting.
What do you call your cult?
Nutter Butter?
a repudiation of judaism - hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven, the false commandments - would be a fulfillment of the original covenant from the heavens to triumph over evil - that is what the 1st century events were about - nothing to do w/ rome - for those people who listened to jesus.

jesus did not live without sin they fulfilled the heavenly mandated and triumphed over sin to sin no more the goal they inspired for others, liberation theology, self determination the means for admission to the everlasting.
You continue to present nothing but Ad Hominem BS.

Yeah, the fall of Biblical Israel.......had nothing to do with "Rome". Its not like Rome sacked Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and eliminated Biblical Israel from the Face of the Earth, as predicted in prophecy by Jesus Christ in the N.T. (Matthew 23, 24:15) and Daniel (Abomination of Desolation). (Daniel 9:27, 11:31). Not to mention the documentation from the Prophet Jeremiah explaining the How, What, Where and When the end would come for Biblical Israel (Jer. 31:34)

Why did God allow Biblical Israel to be destroyed from the face of the earth with its Tribes scattered around globe ( with the situation remaining still today)? Jesus explains. God declared, "Behold, your (Biblical Israel) house is left to you desolate." (Matthew 23:38)
Why? "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem......thou that kill the prophets, and stone them which are sent to you (as directed by God), how often would I (God) have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathers her chicks under her wing, AND YE WOULD NOT (Israel continued to ignore the righteous doctrine delivered to them by God)." (Matthew 23:37)

What was to happen to Israel as declared by Jesus? "How could they escape the damnation of hell? -- Matthew 23:33" They could not and would not.........the "abomination of desolation" as predicted by the prophet Daniel would come upon Israel (Matthew 24:15)

When was this to take place? In the 1st century A.D. within that very generation (Matthew 23:36)

What is documented in the Holy Scriptures that you can't refute because History Actual demonstrated these predictions have come true.........Jeremiah predicted there would be a new covenant unlike the covenant of Moses also known as the Law and the Prophets (Jer.31:31-34). Book dated to 444 B.C. The Book of Daniel 6th century B.C. "Abomination of Desolation" (Dan. 9:27, 11:31)

Jesus declared in the 1st century His death would bring in a New Covenant as predicted by Jeremiah....known as the Kingdom of God. The Bible stated while Jesus was living..........The Kingdom of God...aka the church/kingdom of Christ .....was near. The Lamb of God approaches (Mark 1:15, Matthew John 1:29) How do we know these statements are true? History actual demonstrates that a New Religion based upon the Judeo/Christian philosophy began with 1 deceased carpenters son and 12 remaining friends now has over 3 Billion members worldwide. You can deny this reality all you want........but you can't prove the scriptures are false because history actual proves them truthful.

Another Example: Jesus predicted the fall of Jerusalem within the 1st century timeframe (within this generation -- Matthew 23:36). Declaring that it was the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel (Matthew 24:15). History Actual proves that Jerusalem was sacked with the temple destroyed as predicted by Jesus (Matthew 24:2)...."....not one stone will be left unturned". History actual proves that Rome destroyed the Temple.........and its been 2000 years and the Temple is still missing with no hope of ever being rebuilt because of the title to the land is still in dispute after 2000 years.
You continue to present nothing but Ad Hominem BS.

Yeah, the fall of Biblical Israel.......had nothing to do with "Rome".

- provide the stone tablets claimed by the liar moses etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments - used to persecute and victimize the innocent - or remove them from all three desert religious documents ...

rome had nothing to do w/ the crucifixion of jesus, repudiation of judaism was the reason for the cowardly execution conducted by the jews.

the heavenly prescribed religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - granted a&e for their journey of remission is the guide for those to free their spirits to live their lives in the everlasting ...

- no one died for anyone's sins particularly those that worship books of forgeries and fantasies. clyde
- provide the stone tablets claimed by the liar moses etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments - used to persecute and victimize the innocent - or remove them from all three desert religious documents ...

rome had nothing to do w/ the crucifixion of jesus, repudiation of judaism was the reason for the cowardly execution conducted by the jews.

the heavenly prescribed religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - granted a&e for their journey of remission is the guide for those to free their spirits to live their lives in the everlasting ...

- no one died for anyone's sins particularly those that worship books of forgeries and fantasies. clyde
And a "Swing and a Miss"........More AD HOMINEM BS. Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence. You are yet to disprove the facts of history actual presented in confirming the content of the Holy Scriptures. Why? Because you cannot, facts are not subject to refutation.
Question? Can you present one example from history actual that proves that JEWS used crucifixion as a form of punishment in the 1st century?

It was Rome that used crucifixion as a death sentence for criminals that were not Roman the 1st century any crime worthy of capital punishment resulted in the victim being stoned to death. Why? Because the Jews believed that anyone found dead hanging from a tree (i.e, crucifixion) would bring a curse upon the land (Deut. 21:22,23).

This is the reason the Jewish leaders demanded that Jesus be crucified....because they thought that would end any talk of Jesus being the Messiah of Prophecy, if He were cursed at death. Little did they comprehend that killing the only Begotten Son of God....would seal their own fate by the same method they attempted to use against Jesus.............Death by pointing the Roman Empire and using it as a weapon. You could say that Rome crucified the entire nation of Biblical Israel around 70 A.D. :deal:
Can you present one example from history actual that proves that JEWS used crucifixion as a form of punishment in the 1st century?

sure -


jesus was never a jew and feared them not ...

- provide the stone tablets claimed by the liar moses etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments - used to persecute and victimize the innocent - or remove them from all three desert religious documents ...

have you removed the false commandments yet from the desert religions - the liar moses lives in torment, im just trying to help him out.
sure -


jesus was never a jew and feared them not ...

have you removed the false commandments yet from the desert religions - the liar moses lives in torment, im just trying to help him out.
LMAO:abgg2q.jpg: First you declare that Jesus was never a Jew, and Rome never crucified Him, then in the next breath you present a pasted screen shot.......of Jesus being crucified as confirmation that JEWS used crucifixion as a form of capital punishment. Got any more BS to sling against the wall to see if it sticks.:disbelief:

You are yet to present any objective evidence proving the Holy Scriptures and the Religion of Christianity as being untrue..........its the 3 billion plus Christians that are wrong.........not your ad hominem BS:th_spinspin:

Why can't you see the kingdom of God....i.e, the church given to Jesus by the Father? Because its a spiritual kingdom that must reside in your heart. (Luke 17:20-21) Of course, one that serves the god of this world (2 Cor.4:4) can't locate the kingdom of God, it remains invisible when one looks for a physical kingdom. You can't even locate the righteous laws of God that are constant in every legal system around the civilized world. The 10 Commandments. You are still looking for stone tablets whose need ceased to exist over 2000 years ago (Jer. 31:31-34) Jesus fulfilled the need for any commandments written on stone (Col. 2:14) They are nailed to that same Roman crucifixion cross, that you declare does not exist.......even though you pasted that which does not exist as evidence that it does not exist? Logical Fallacy.........look it up.

"Professing themselves to be wise........they became fools, and changed the uncorruptible God into in an image like unto corruptible men.........." -- Romans 1:22-23
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Why can't you see the kingdom of God....i.e, the church given to Jesus by the Father ...

do you ever read posts ...

jesus and those that died with him did so for the original religion of antiquity that was in the 1st century a repudiation of judaism.

- again, the 1st century events were a repudiation of judaism and those books written in the name of moses and the false claim of heavenly 10 commandments also made by moses who is likened during that time to the mythical creature satan for their crimes and misrepresentation of the heavenly objective for remission to paradise granted a&e from the beginning ...


they new the truth, horns for moses was no mistake.

all three desert religions documents must remove all accreditation's to moses and rewritten to reflect the true heavenly intent reflected in the original religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - issued by the heavens itself. for the path to the heavens be made possible again for those willing to pursue the heavenly goal.
do you ever read posts ...

jesus and those that died with him did so for the original religion of antiquity that was in the 1st century a repudiation of judaism.

- again, the 1st century events were a repudiation of judaism and those books written in the name of moses and the false claim of heavenly 10 commandments also made by moses who is likened during that time to the mythical creature satan for their crimes and misrepresentation of the heavenly objective for remission to paradise granted a&e from the beginning ...


they new the truth, horns for moses was no mistake.

all three desert religions documents must remove all accreditation's to moses and rewritten to reflect the true heavenly intent reflected in the original religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - issued by the heavens itself. for the path to the heavens be made possible again for those willing to pursue the heavenly goal.
Again........More ad hominem BS with no objective evidence of the BS. Jesus practiced "orthodox Judaism from birth to death"......that's not much of a refutation. The prophet Jeremiah predicted the N.T. Covenant in 575 B.C (centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ), a new covenant that was vastly different from the covenant of Moses.....aka the Law and the Prophets (Jer.31:31-34). The true repudiation of Judaism was conducted in its entirety by the Roman Empire......just as explained by Jesus (Matthew 23, Matthew 24:15)........and history actual.

You can't deny the existence of this new testament covenant because it consists of more than 3 billion people today. The Holy Bible is constructed in such a manner that it's contents are self-evident by the things that visibly exist without any possible method of quantification via the laws of nature and or man.

Explain the existence of this physical universe, how did it come into existence.......present the objective evidence explaining where the energy came from that created everything in consideration that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Explain how Life came into existence from dead matter. You can't.

"For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen......being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; SO THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE." -- Rom. 1:20

"Professing themselves to be wise..THEY BECAME FOOLS........" -- Rom. 1:22

"For every house is built by some man; but He that built all things is God. And Moses was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for the testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; (Moses ushered in a physical kingdom as promised to father Abraham by God (Gen.17:1-2), But Christ as a Son of His own house; WHOSE HOUSE ARE WE (the kingdom of God exists within the believer....its a spiritual house, not a physical house)......" -- Hebrew 3:4-6 Just as predicted by Jer. 31

Christianity did not destroy Israel and Judaism.........Rome did. Rome attempted to repudiate (wink, wink) Christianity for a few centuries.....but Rome could not. Christianity Consumed the Roman Empire instead of the Empire consuming Christianity. As demonstrated by history actual. The Book of Revelation deals with the tribulations that faced the infant Christian Church/Kingdom of God in the 1st few centuries of its existence..... conducted by the Great Whore/Harlet.....Rome.
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The Holy Bible is constructed in such a manner that it's contents are self-evident by the things that visibly exist without any possible method of quantification via the laws of nature and or man.

the desert religions themselves will cease to exist when their text is no longer available ... the religion of antiquity, only six words is length - is eternal.

- granted to a&e for their remission to the everlasting upon completion by the heavens.
the desert religions themselves will cease to exist when their text is no longer available ... the religion of antiquity, only six words is length - is eternal.

- granted to a&e for their remission to the everlasting upon completion by the heavens.
The fool reasons within himself, THERE IS NO GOD. -- Ps. 14:1-3

FYI: The Word of the best selling and most read book in world history. Between 5 and 7 Billion copies are in existence around the world.

There is nothing new under the sun (Eccl. 1:9-10).......secular humanism has been attempting to destroy the Word of God for over 3500 years. It still exists. "A voice says.......CRY, And I said, what shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades when the breath of the Lord blows on it; surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, BUT THE WORD OF OUR GOD WILL STAND FOREVER." -- Isa. 40:6-8

"Heaven and earth WILL PASS AWAY........but My words will not pass away." -- Matthew 24:35
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"Heaven and earth WILL PASS AWAY........but My words will not pass away."

obvious forgery - will pass away - heaven ...

the spoken religion of antiquity - granted a&e for their journey to acquire self determination when accomplished, judgement and admission to the everlasting ...
obvious forgery - will pass away - heaven ...

the spoken religion of antiquity - granted a&e for their journey to acquire self determination when accomplished, judgement and admission to the everlasting ...
More Ad Hominem BS Obviously. :abgg2q.jpg: The Scriptures have been under attack for over 3500 years, and the Bible is still the best selling work of literature in world history. The Scriptures remain UNBROKEN. (John 10:35). You can't BS history actual away...........the scriptures have produced over 3 billion Christians on the planet earth. Undeniably, the scriptures have never been broken....the very purpose of the Word of God is self professed to create faith. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God." (Rom. 10:17) Without the Holy Scriptures, there would be no form of Christianity. There are over 3 billion human souls that declare the scriptures remain unbroken today. Over 7 billion copies of the Holy Scriptures exist today on planet earth. What is the population of the earth? :dunno: 8 Billion, there almost more copies of the Scriptures than there are people and the number continues to grow.
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