Zone1 Why was Jesus crucified?

Just like they didn't know which of the salves was Sparticus and promised freedom to whichever slave turned Sparticus over.

Them not knowing what Jesus looked like doesn't mean they didn't know that he was the leader.

is that your hero - judas ...

sparticus freed slaves and commanded an army - only holywood did not know who he was.

provide a historical document written by those that died with jesus their political leanings - against rome and why the jewish priest paid judas to incriminate jesus, were they roman sympathizers helping their cause.

the priests paid even more - the only historical account of someone claiming jesus claimed to be a messiah - was judas.

there can be agreement in those times who was who - you have an issue w/ pilate, they would have never hesitated murdering a subversive - the very reason the story is left incomplete and the culpability of judaism as the reason for the climatic conclusion to the 4th century events.
Don’t “ Christians” believe that G-D ( the Father) sent his ONLY son down to die for our sins?? There are other religions who don’t believe Jesus is the Messiah The “ Church “ has taught and practiced hate and Antisemitism for over 2,000 years.
well, SOLDIER (I was LCDR-----so I can call you SOLDIER)---uhm----not really over 2000 years----a
few years less----uhm----as you were, Soldier !!!!------USAF???---such good boys!!!!!!
is that your hero - judas ...

sparticus freed slaves and commanded an army - only holywood did not know who he was.

provide a historical document written by those that died with jesus their political leanings - against rome and why the jewish priest paid judas to incriminate jesus, were they roman sympathizers helping their cause.

the priests paid even more - the only historical account of someone claiming jesus claimed to be a messiah - was judas.

there can be agreement in those times who was who - you have an issue w/ pilate, they would have never hesitated murdering a subversive - the very reason the story is left incomplete and the culpability of judaism as the reason for the climatic conclusion to the 4th century events.
APPOINTED "KING"------Pharisees (like Jesus) despised him and----interestingly, STILL DO
you mean the crucifiers, their sins - who madeup the 4th century c-bible ... sortof setting the table and feasting on their victim.

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination as was granted a&e being the means for remission to the everlasting when accomplished by their own means ...

* if the heavenly beings have children - what is the relevance in regards to eternity having only 1 child - that is murdered on planet earth and how that would be a good result - for anyone ... ask moses for the positive "sinners" reply. and christianity. or read one of their 10000 pg documents, all there in black and white ... and some believe it.
ROFLMAO @ "Jesus taught...." you got a good IMAGINATION---breezie
Pharisees (like Jesus) despised him ...

jesus was never a jew and as such despised no one ... they simply refuted judaism for its false commandments, hereditary idolatry - apartheid heaven and all the other logical reasons to do so ...

than the heavenly religion of antiquity they did teach - liberation theology, self determination ... the jews had no answer for.

- you have an issue w/ pilate, they would have never hesitated murdering a subversive ...

try as you might, the proof is in the pudding.
jesus was never a jew and as such despised no one ... they simply refuted judaism for its false commandments, hereditary idolatry - apartheid heaven and all the other logical reasons to do so ...

than the heavenly religion of antiquity they did teach - liberation theology, self determination ... the jews had no answer for.

try as you might, the proof is in the pudding.
Pilate didn't hesitate----- <<< that --and Jesus DID wash HIS hands before lunch. The Provenance
of the NT is given away right there in PRINT. -----for the simple minded---the answer to the
Pilate didn't hesitate----- <<< that --and Jesus DID wash HIS hands before lunch. The Provenance
of the NT is given away right there in PRINT. -----for the simple minded---the answer to the

sorry, that's not just a jewish idea, though of course - jesus always made sure the water was from the mountains for cleanliness ...

You Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are full of greed and evil.

jesus knew best ...

91 claims pilate did not hesitate - - granting a choice to the jews to save jesus was supposedly their way of expediting the issue as would be their reasoning for judaism's response. such as are the warm hearted tribal sociopaths.
sorry, that's not just a jewish idea, though of course - jesus always made sure the water was from the mountains for cleanliness ...

jesus knew best ...

91 claims pilate did not hesitate - - granting a choice to the jews to save jesus was supposedly their way of expediting the issue as would be their reasoning for judaism's response. such as are the warm hearted tribal sociopaths.
ROFLMAO out of the dozens hanging off crosses---Pilate took
a fancy to just ONE ----how sweet
Jesus was executed by the Romans, not the Jews. The Romans saw him as a threat to their power. In addition the Sadducees were wealthy, pro Roman Jews. Their wealth was based on sacrifices at the Temple of Jerusalem. They saw Jesus as a religious leader who offered an inexpensive way of worshiping God.
The Jews who demanded that Pilate execute Jesus comprised a rentamob hired by the Saducees. They were not representative of all Jews in Jerusalem at the time, nor of all Jews in the Roman Empire at the time, nor of all Jews in the world for all time.
Jesus was executed by the Romans, not the Jews. The Romans saw him as a threat to their power. In addition the Sadducees were wealthy, pro Roman Jews. Their wealth was based on sacrifices at the Temple of Jerusalem. They saw Jesus as a religious leader who offered an inexpensive way of worshiping God.
how did the Sadducees make make money on the Temple Sacrifices?
This is in response to the thread about why Jews reject Jesus as Messiah

Answer this question and you get your answer to the other thread.

After all, the rejection of Jesus by the Jewish leaders of the time of Jesus is why he was rejected by Jews today.
Because that was God's plan all along. That's why he tested Abraham with Isaac, to see if humans were willing to do what he knew he was going

to, and were worthy of the sacrifice he planned to make.

Maybe he would not have if Abraham told him "No! It's my son, no!"
This is in response to the thread about why Jews reject Jesus as Messiah

Answer this question and you get your answer to the other thread.

After all, the rejection of Jesus by the Jewish leaders of the time of Jesus is why he was rejected by Jews today.
Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah because they expected the Messiah to create a much better world, a world without poverty, war, or crime. They also expected the Messiah to restore the Empire of David. After the crucifixion of Jesus life went on as before.
Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah because they expected the Messiah to create a much better world, a world without poverty, war, or crime. They also expected the Messiah to restore the Empire of David. After the crucifixion of Jesus life went on as before.
How do you know this?
The Jews who demanded that Pilate execute Jesus comprised a rentamob hired by the Saducees. They were not representative of all Jews in Jerusalem at the time, nor of all Jews in the Roman Empire at the time, nor of all Jews in the world for all time.
As I understand it, they were the Jewish politicians there in that area at that time. Is that correct?
jesus was never a jew and as such despised no one ... they simply refuted judaism for its false commandments, hereditary idolatry - apartheid heaven and all the other logical reasons to do so ...

than the heavenly religion of antiquity they did teach - liberation theology, self determination ... the jews had no answer for.

try as you might, the proof is in the pudding.
Jesus WAS a Jew, brah. Well, at least half Jewish.
They sold the animals that were sacrificed. Also, anyone ordering a sacrifice had to pay them a fee.
another roman shit mouth lie. In fact they did not sell the animals for sacrifice and
there was no fee paid for the act of sacrifice. An interesting factoid---the sacrifice
meat could be eaten ONLY by the Levites and could not be sold---the benefit to
the levites and cohens is they got to eat ----since they could NOT OWN LAND.
The priests in ROMAN TEMPLES did sell the meat. I find it fascinating that
christians actually spend time in Jelly bean school and manage to learn NOTHING
Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah because they expected the Messiah to create a much better world, a world without poverty, war, or crime. They also expected the Messiah to restore the Empire of David. After the crucifixion of Jesus life went on as before.
I hope you reply back, because you seem to know a lot, and I'm interested.
the entire NT is constructed along the lines of an ancient greek play-----the unfolding of the
reality is dependent on the answer to the riddle posed by the Sphinx (see Oedipus---the Theban
plays by SOPHOCLES) The Romans all but worshipped Greek "culture" and elaborated
a religion based on that perversity

The Romans didn't care about Jesus. He wasn't even a blip on their radar.

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