Zone1 Why was Jesus crucified?

Without the Holy Scriptures, there would be no form of Christianity.

- that is exactly correct without their 10000 pg documents the desert religions would cease to exist.

they new the truth, horns for moses was no mistake.

all three desert religions documents must remove all accreditation's to moses and rewritten to reflect the true heavenly intent reflected in the original religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - issued by the heavens itself. for the path to the heavens be made possible again for those willing to pursue the heavenly goal.

provide the stone tablets claimed by the liar moses or remove their false commandments from all three desert religion documents.
:th_spinspin: :th_spinspin:- that is exactly correct without their 10000 pg documents the desert religions would cease to exist.

provide the stone tablets claimed by the liar moses or remove their false commandments from all three desert religion documents.
Why would anyone want to provide any stone tablets when Jesus Christ finished the covenant that demanded them? :dunno:
Once again. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.......only a fool ignores the laws of logic and reason. You are presenting a logical fallacy as evidence when there is evidence they existed in the N.T. record. All the commandments are carried forward into the N.T.........with the exception of Sabbath Worship which was reserved expressly for Biblical Israel alone.

Under the O.T. God was a husband only to Biblical Israel (Jer.31:31-34, Deut. 5:2-3) There is not one gentile on earth that is bound to the Law and the Prophets. If it disturbs you that much.........prove your negative. I have no obligation to prove anything......I simply present the actual content of that which you say does not exist (THE HOLY SCRIPTURES)

Why can't you provide the evidence that the stone tablets never existed? Its impossible to prove a fallacy based upon "negative evidence". The fact that all the commandments are recorded in the history of the N.T. serves as evidence to the existence of the tablets.......until YOU.........the one who is attempting to prosecute your fallacy, provides the Objective evidence that proves otherwise. Its called PRIMA FACIE TRUTH. This evidence is accepted as truth in both civil law and criminal law. People are on death row based upon the prima facie evidence of 3 or more eyewitnesses.....the prisons are filled with individuals who failed to prove in an objective fashion that the prima facie evidence provided is untrue.

Proceed prove the prima facie evidence found in the N.T. is based upon a fallacy.

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Why would anyone want to provide any stone tablets when Jesus Christ finished the covenant that demanded them?

the 1st century was a repudiation of judaism, jesus and those willing in the 1st century gave their lives for - and particularly the liar moses, their false commandments, hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven and misrepresentation the journey deliberately set upon by a&e for self determination and the false accusation they were sinners. - what led to its climatic conclusion.


moses the heretic -

bring those 1st century criminals to justice or live forever in torment and the path to the heavens forever obscured by the forgeries and fallacies of all three desert religions and their criminaly misconstrued documents.

* you are truly scared to put into the quotes what does not belong and is derogatory you are in need of to hide behind.
the 1st century was a repudiation of judaism, jesus and those willing in the 1st century gave their lives for - and particularly the liar moses, their false commandments, hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven and misrepresentation the journey deliberately set upon by a&e for self determination and the false accusation they were sinners. - what led to its climatic conclusion.


moses the heretic -

bring those 1st century criminals to justice or live forever in torment and the path to the heavens forever obscured by the forgeries and fallacies of all three desert religions and their criminaly misconstrued documents.

* you are truly scared to put into the quotes what does not belong and is derogatory you are in need of to hide behind. Ad Hominem BS here folks. The Fool, ".........professing themselves to be wise, they became fools". -- Romans 1:22 A fool that ignores the laws of logic and reason as found to exist in prima facie evidence.......and continues to argue in negative circular logic. :th_spinspin: Better known as SPIN. The quint essential example of a fool. The O.T. and New Testaments are not at war........... one compliments the other in presenting the fulfillment of historical prophecy.

Again.......present the Objective, Testable, Reproducible evidences that reject the prima facie evidence to the existence of the 10 commandments as found in the Holy Scriptures.

Evidence such as the 3 Billion Christians that have grown from 1 Carpenters Son and 12 friends.......just as promised in scripture. (God promised Abram...aka. Abraham that his seed would number like the stars in the sky -- Gen. 26:4)The fact that 8 Billion copies of the Holy Scriptures exist in the world.......proving the Words of Jesus have not ceased to exist as described in scripture.....the historical fact that ROME destroyed Israel (70 A.D) in the 1st century as predicted by the scriptures (Matthew 23:36, Matthew 24:15) The Fact that Christianity consumed Rome as predicted in scripture....(Rev. 21:7-9).

These events......the tribulations for Christians conducted by the Roman Empire would soon come to pass with Christianity defeating Rome (Rev. 1:1) Things to take place shortly (Rev. was written in the late 1st century by John while imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos). History proves that Christianity consumed the Roman Empire as predicted by John in the book of Revelation.
He was crucified because the romans believed he was leading a rebellion. There was a large sect within Judaism That wanted to overthrow roman rule in the middle east. Many of jesus' followers For likely members of the sect.
He was crucified because the romans believed he was leading a rebellion. There was a large sect within Judaism That wanted to overthrow roman rule in the middle east. Many of jesus' followers For likely members of the sect.

Herod Antipas wasn't concerned about Jesus at all. He was safe in and around Galilee.
Herod Antipas wasn't concerned about Jesus at all. He was safe in and around Galilee.
you spoke to Herod?----for some reason Herod had it IN for the cousin of Jesus---
JOHN, the mikveh man. Jesis liked to hang around JERUSALEM---rife with
Roman shills
a repudiation of judaism - hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven, the false commandments - would be a fulfillment of the original covenant from the heavens to triumph over evil - that is what the 1st century events were about - nothing to do w/ rome - for those people who listened to jesus.

jesus did not live without sin they fulfilled the heavenly mandated and triumphed over sin to sin no more the goal they inspired for others, liberation theology, self determination the means for admission to the everlasting.

Will somebody please buy Breezewood that pony he demanded from God when he was 10? Maybe start a GoFundMe page?
you spoke to Herod?----for some reason Herod had it IN for the cousin of Jesus---
JOHN, the mikveh man. Jesis liked to hang around JERUSALEM---rife with
Roman shills

Herod Antipas didn't want to kill John the Baptizer. He was tricked into it by his wife and Salome. Jesus was safe in the north around Galilee. Jesus didn't hang around Jerusalem where the Sanhedrin was out to get him. Thought you said you went to Sunday school??
Herod Antipas didn't want to kill John the Baptizer. He was tricked into it by his wife and Salome. Jesus was safe in the north around Galilee. Jesus didn't hang around Jerusalem where the Sanhedrin was out to get him. Thought you said you went to Sunday school??
He was "tricked" into knocking the head off a person that he ACCIDENTALLY confined
to a "prison"? ----a person who "accidentally" challenged him on his "right" to the
position handed him by Roman oppressors? "...the Sanhedrin was out to get him...."
yup ----sounds as good as the jelly bean bunny story. and then POOR INNOCENT
Caiaphas was FORCED to engage in mass crucifixion whilst da jooooos chanted like
vestal sluts----CRUCIFY HIM.....whilst eating crispy chickpeas. YUP---sunday school
He was "tricked" into knocking the head off a person that he ACCIDENTALLY confined
to a "prison"? ----a person who "accidentally" challenged him on his "right" to the
position handed him by Roman oppressors? "...the Sanhedrin was out to get him...."
yup ----sounds as good as the jelly bean bunny story. and then POOR INNOCENT
Caiaphas was FORCED to engage in mass crucifixion whilst da jooooos chanted like
vestal sluts----CRUCIFY HIM.....whilst eating crispy chickpeas. YUP---sunday school

You should know the story of Salome since you know everything else.
He was crucified because the romans believed he was leading a rebellion.

sure ...

Judas Iscariot identified Jesus with a kiss so that the Roman soldiers could arrest him, so the Roman soldiers could be sure they had Jesus.

the romans had no idea who jesus was ... the cowardly jews paid judas so as to have him arrested to silence their refutation of the false judain religion and the heavenly religion jesus did teach, liberation theology, self determination they feared and could not stop otherwise.
sure ...

the romans had no idea who jesus was ... the cowardly jews paid judas so as to have him arrested to silence their refutation of the false judain religion and the heavenly religion jesus did teach, liberation theology, self determination they feared and could not stop otherwise.
the entire NT is constructed along the lines of an ancient greek play-----the unfolding of the
reality is dependent on the answer to the riddle posed by the Sphinx (see Oedipus---the Theban
plays by SOPHOCLES) The Romans all but worshipped Greek "culture" and elaborated
a religion based on that perversity
sure ...

the romans had no idea who jesus was ... the cowardly jews paid judas so as to have him arrested to silence their refutation of the false judain religion and the heavenly religion jesus did teach, liberation theology, self determination they feared and could not stop otherwise.
Rome never heard of Jesus? Really? Tacitus on Jesus - Wikipedia Josephus on Jesus - Wikipedia

What? "Pliny The Younger" and "Suetonius" helped create the myth of Jesus and His execution by the Roman Empire?
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the entire NT is constructed along the lines of an ancient greek play-----the unfolding of the
reality is dependent on the answer to the riddle posed by the Sphinx (see Oedipus---the Theban
plays by SOPHOCLES) The Romans all but worshipped Greek "culture" and elaborated
a religion based on that perversity

oh ...

"What walks on four feet in the morning, two in the afternoon and three at night?". Oedipus answered: "Man: as an infant, he crawls on all fours; as an adult, he walks on two legs and; in old age, he uses a walking stick"
- - - Finally, the hero of the play, Oedipus, came along and correctly solved the riddle: ...

maybe 91 would like to elaborate a little more on their remarkable discovery ...
Now, now, there may have been a good reason to nail him on a cross to die

The question is, why?

Antisemitism does not enter the picture since Jews were killing another Jew.
Don’t “ Christians” believe that G-D ( the Father) sent his ONLY son down to die for our sins?? There are other religions who don’t believe Jesus is the Messiah The “ Church “ has taught and practiced hate and Antisemitism for over 2,000 years.
sure ...

the romans had no idea who jesus was ... the cowardly jews paid judas so as to have him arrested to silence their refutation of the false judain religion and the heavenly religion jesus did teach, liberation theology, self determination they feared and could not stop otherwise.
Just like they didn't know which of the salves was Sparticus and promised freedom to whichever slave turned Sparticus over.

Them not knowing what Jesus looked like doesn't mean they didn't know that he was the leader.
Don’t “ Christians” believe that G-D ( the Father) sent his ONLY son down to die for our sins??

you mean the crucifiers, their sins - who madeup the 4th century c-bible ... sortof setting the table and feasting on their victim.

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination as was granted a&e being the means for remission to the everlasting when accomplished by their own means ...

* if the heavenly beings have children - what is the relevance in regards to eternity having only 1 child - that is murdered on planet earth and how that would be a good result - for anyone ... ask moses for the positive "sinners" reply. and christianity. or read one of their 10000 pg documents, all there in black and white ... and some believe it.

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