Zone1 Why was Jesus crucified?

Jesus was crucified by the romans. Crucifixion was the chosen way that romans executed people They wanted to make an example of.
As demonstrated.............the disciples of Christ confirmed that Isaiah 53 was addressing Jesus Christ (Acts 8

:th_spinspin:No one is yet to disprove one passage in the N.T of Jesus Christ as being untrue via a presentation of the objective evidence.

As demonstrated, the disciples of Christ proved that Isaiah 53 was speaking of Jesus Christ.......the Messiah of prophecy (Acts 8:26-39)

If Isaiah 53 was the only place that demonstrated that Jesus was the Messiah of Prophey in the Old Text you might have a valid point.........but, its not. Isaiah 53 is just one chapter of the over 300 confirmed prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ. The O.T. was completed in 500 B.C. as the book of "Malachi" is usually dated between 444 and 443 B.C. Its the final message from God before the appearance of John the Baptist preaching in preparation of the coming Messiah (Mal. 4:5-6, Matthew 3:1-17)

If all the foretold historical evidence found in the O.T. were actually fulfilled as per the content of the N.T. of Jesus Christ......with no new text between Malachi and John the Baptist over a 400 year period.....with ALL THE PREDICTIONS documented in the N.T. as being confirmed fulfilled O.T. don't have a leg to stand on.

Question if the Law and the Prophets were still in effect after the birth, life, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ......where were the JEWS, THE LAW and Prophets between 70. A.D and 1947 A.D.? What happened to YOUR HUSBAND? Israel did not exist upon the face of the earth for over 2000 years with the country calling itself Israel today, having no Tribal IDs, No Royal Priesthood to direct annual burnt offerings to the God of the Hebrew, that was husbanded by God (Jer. 31:31-34.....God declared that a New Covenant unlike the Law of Moses was coming)while confirming the LAW and the Prophets.... not to mention Israel has no God appointed land of promise, no Temple :deal:

What happened between 444 B.C. and 1947 A.D.? Where is your proof that Israel is still husbanded by God? Ad hominem bigotry....i.e, misplaced pride? :dunno: Its clear there is some bigotry taking place........and its not Bigotry coming from any Christian, as the Christian is taught to respect the Jew because of their history in preparing the world for the Messiah. Respect yes......but as far as the Gospel truth......the Jew is to be considered an enemy of the faith because they are still blinded. The Jew has a zeal for the God of creation, but its misdirected as clearly exampled by the history actual over the past 2000 years (Roman 10:2)

God has not cast away Israel......they cast themselves away by disobeying the Law and the Prophets (Romans 11:3) Thus, God saved 7000 loyal Jews, (symbolic in the Jews who accepted Jesus were added to the Kingdom of God).....the Gospel was preached first to the Jew for over a decade......and then to the Gentiles. The Jew of Today can be saved in the fashion as were the 7000 faithful of the 1st century.
So your "proof" is that later writers made claims and you believe the claims. OK.
what 15 documents telling what story?

Here we are. We have survived the first reich, the second reich and the third reich while
you grope in the mire of your stupidity
We? :dunno: What branch of the service were you in? If it was not for the Christian Nation there would be no more peoples calling themselves Jews upon the face of the earth. You might call the murder and death of some 6000000 surviving.......if :th_spinspin:
We? :dunno: What branch of the service were you in? If it was not for the Christian Nation there would be no more peoples calling themselves Jews upon the face of the earth. You might call the murder and death of some 6000000 surviving.......if :th_spinspin:
You are referring to the murder of 6 million by the Third HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE---
the First and Second HOLY ROMAN EMPIRES also murdered millions----learn some
history. Grammar check---"........if it WERE NOT...." did you pass high school geometry?
So your "proof" is that later writers made claims and you believe the claims. OK.
No I believe you have presented nothing to make anyone doubt the validity of the N.T. and the divine nature of its content. The proof.........Where was Israel located between 70A.D. and 1947 A.D.? Document the fact that Israel has gained full possession of the Promise Land.....and rebuilt the Temple. The fact that the Israel of the O.T. has not existed on earth for well over 2000 years is proof that Jesus' prophecy concerning the destruction of Israel
FYI: There are 2 testaments/covenants ...........the O.T. and the New which was predicted by the content of the O.T. (Jer. 31:31-34)
So your "proof" is that later writers made claims and you believe the claims. OK.
No the proof is history actual. The Israel of the Bible ceased to exist in 70 A.D. Just as prophesied in (Matthew 23)........Jesus declared that God's judgment would come upon Israel for its sins against the Law and the that very generation of the first century (Matthew 23:34-36). Jesus informed His disciples that not one stone of the Temple would be left unturned.....and He declared that when that happens (Matthew 24:15) it will be the "Abomination of Desolation" spoke by the prophet Daniel.

Guess what? History actual proves that Jesus' prophecy of God allowing the destruction of Israel is true. Prove otherwise. Document any nation on earth that exists today that represents the Israel of the Bible. A nation with Tribal IDs........a nation with a royal priesthood of Levites that directs the nature of all sacrifices to the God of Salvation and enforces the LAW and the me a nation called Israel that is in possession of the Promised Land of Canaan (Ex. 6:4-8)........Show me a nation that has a King appointed by God called Israel. Show me the rebuilt Temple. You will not because you cannot........that nation has not existed upon earth since God allowed its destruction in 70 A.D. by the Roman Empire.
Guess what? History actual proves that Jesus' prophecy of God allowing the destruction of Israel is true. Prove otherwise. Document any nation on earth that exists today that represents the Israel of the Bible. A nation with Tribal IDs.....
every jew in Israel has an ID number What is a "tribal ID"? are you referring to the
agrarian system of inherited land? Is that a REQUIREMENT of a nation?

...a nation with a royal priesthood of Levites that directs the nature of all sacrifices to the God of Salvation and enforces the LAW and the Prophets...
"royal priesthood of levites"? WATS DAT? I am a Levite ----STILL HERE!!!! me a nation called Israel that is in possession of the Promised Land of Canaan (Ex. 6:4-8).
Israel----check a map
.......Show me a nation that has a King appointed by God called Israel.
Read it again-----a KING is not a requirement---it was considered an unfortunate idea
Show me the rebuilt Temple. You will not because you cannot........that nation has not existed upon earth since God allowed its destruction in 70 A.D. by the Roman Empire.
To begin----the TEMPLE is not a requirement of the nation of Israel----It did not even
have one until SOLOMON built it and that one got destroyed too-----by OTHER
ENEMIES------who said all ENEMIES have to vanish?
No I believe you have presented nothing to make anyone doubt the validity of the N.T. and the divine nature of its content. The proof.........Where was Israel located between 70A.D. and 1947 A.D.? Document the fact that Israel has gained full possession of the Promise Land.....and rebuilt the Temple. The fact that the Israel of the O.T. has not existed on earth for well over 2000 years is proof that Jesus' prophecy concerning the destruction of Israel
Nothing you want to see because of the self-reinforcement power of belief. If I show you that the gospels are inaccurate, you circle the wagons and insist that they are accurate but the world was different. And where was "Israel" during those years? What do you mean? The children of Israel existed. The land was given a different name. So? And the prophecies regarding the destruction of the temple and the subsequent exile predate Jesus. Why do you give him credit for stuff that was written before he was born?
FYI: There are 2 testaments/covenants ...........the O.T. and the New which was predicted by the content of the O.T. (Jer. 31:31-34)
That's a misunderstanding of Jeremiah, but OK.
Guess what? History actual proves that Jesus' prophecy of God allowing the destruction of Israel is true. Prove otherwise.
Those prophecies are from before Jesus. If the entirety of your faith rests on attributing things to Jesus that are from before Jesus then you have nothing.
every jew in Israel has an ID number What is a "tribal ID"? are you referring to the
agrarian system of inherited land? Is that a REQUIREMENT of a nation?

"royal priesthood of levites"? WATS DAT? I am a Levite ----STILL HERE!!!!

Israel----check a map

Read it again-----a KING is not a requirement---it was considered an unfortunate idea

To begin----the TEMPLE is not a requirement of the nation of Israel----It did not even
have one until SOLOMON built it and that one got destroyed too-----by OTHER
ENEMIES------who said all ENEMIES have to vanish?
Yeah..........I see that you are still accepting burnt offerings to God from the nation calling itself Israel, right after you advise the King of Israel.

Again.........document your Tribal ID lineage. If do know that lying is a sin? :th_spinspin: Strange is it not that you have to contradict YOUR OWN (O.T)........the Law and the Prophets in order to spin lies?

As far as KNOWING your own supposed Law and the prophets....the Hebrew text declared, "So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that the Lord had spoken to Moses and Joshua gave it to Israel for an inheritance according to tribal allotments. And the land had rest from war." -- Joshua 11:23

Your own text declares that God had made a series of promises to Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3, 15:18). There are 3 elements within these promises. 1. the land of promise 2. making Israel a nation 3. Abraham's seed being a blessing to all the nations on earth.

1. The Land promise was fulfilled in its entirety God remembered His promise to Abraham (Ex. 6:4-8), God told Israel to go in and take possession of the land (Deut. 1:6-8) The promise was fulfilled (Jos. 11:23) The land promise was accomplished in its entirety.

"THUS THE LORD GAVE TO ISRAEL ALL THE LAND HE SWORE TO GIVE THEIR FATHERS (ancestors).........and they (Israel) took possession of it, and they settled there. And the Lord gave them rest on every side, JUST AS HE HAD PROMISED THEIR FATHERS. Not one of their enemies had withstood them (strange is not that Hitler killed over 6 million Jews and you claim divine protection from God?) for the Lord had given all their enemies into their hands. NOT ONE OF THE GOOD PROMISES THAT THE LORD HAD MADE TO THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL HAD FAILED.........ALL CAME TO PASS." (all? everything, has historically come to pass as per the actual content of the O.T scriptures) -- Joshua 21:43-45

The Nation promise was fulfilled while the Hebrews were in the land of Egypt, God told Jacob the nation promise would be fulfilled in Egypt. "And then He (God) said, I am God, the God of your father. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO GO DOWN TO EGYPT, FOR THERE I WILL MAKE YOU INTO A GREAT NATION." -- Gen.46:3

Again, a simple question? Where was Israel between 70 A.D. and 1947 A.D.? Scattered around the globe as prophesied by Jesus Christ and by the prophets of the O.T. (Matthew 23, 24:15, Deut 8:19-20)
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The world went on a new path 2,000 years ago, deal with it.

the crucifiers wrote the "new path" 4th century c-bible - religion of servitude, christianity ...

jesus and those that gave their lives during the 1st century events did so in belief of the the original religion of antiquity - and taught liberation theology, self determination to accomplish the goal for remission to paradise -

deliberately not included in the false ... c-bible or either of the desert religions.
The Pharisee attack was AN AFFRONT
TO ROME------one of many

that may have been the ordinary jews w/ a duel grudge against both corrupt - jews / roman govt - but doubtful they included the romans in their dislike of simply the jewish hierarchy.

not true of jesus, there was not a connection to rome purly an affront for the corruption of judaism including hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven, rather they and those that gave their lives were for liberation theology, self determination a repudiation of the judaen religion itself.
the crucifiers wrote the "new path" 4th century c-bible - religion of servitude, christianity ...

jesus and those that gave their lives during the 1st century events did so in belief of the the original religion of antiquity - and taught liberation theology, self determination to accomplish the goal for remission to paradise -

deliberately not included in the false ... c-bible or either of the desert religions.
Yeah, sure. 80 billion people got it wrong but YOU know the truth!
the only historical recording of the above claim was made by judas
The Bible is a historical recording.
- who was then paid by the jews to have him arrested by the romans (christians) ...
The Romans in Jesus' day were not Christians. In Jesus' day, His believers were primarily Jewish, as the Gospel had not spread much beyond the geographical area of Israel. In fact, Christians were fed to lions by the Romans because they wouldn't bow down to Roman gods*. It wouldn't be until almost 300 years after Jesus' crucifixion that the Romans evolved toward a form of Christianity around 313 AD**.

* "Were Christians really fed to the lions? Yes, Christians were fed to half-starved lions, burned alive, and hacked to death, but the most interesting aspect of this was that the Christians who died in the Colosseum wanted to die there as martyrs. At that time in the Roman Empire, Christians had a choice to sacrifice to the Roman gods or even have one of their slaves sacrifice to the Roman gods and avoid persecution." - University of Washington

** "In 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which accepted Christianity: 10 years later, it had become the official religion of the Roman Empire." - PBS
Jesus was crucified by the romans. Crucifixion was the chosen way that romans executed people They wanted to make an example of.
The Jewish religious establishment used Roman laws to have Jesus crucified. Pontius Pilate was determined to let Jesus go, but the Jewish people said "Crucify Him and let His blood be upon us"; and so it was during the Holocaust. I know that is hard to swallow. For the record, I am completely for the State of Israel because God granted that land to Abraham as an everlasting covenant. The land of Israel belongs to the descendants of Abraham, Issac (Abraham's second son born to him by his wife Sarah) and Jacob, not the descendants of Ishmael (Abraham's first son born to him by Hagar).

Matthew 27
[24] When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person [Jesus]: see ye to it.
[25] Then answered all the [Jewish] people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
[26] Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.
Yeah, sure. 80 billion people got it wrong but YOU know the truth!

truth is hard to come by - one truth is for certain, no one died for someone else's sins and who have them when they die will have a price to pay.


there have always been many that believe as jesus, liberation theology, self determination and have paid the price for their conviction.

- it took till the 4th century for the crucifiers to safely write their book of forgeries and fallacies - and they have been persecuting and victimizing the innocent ever since - weather2020.
* "Were XXXX really fed to the lions? Yes, XXXX were fed to half-starved lions, burned alive, and hacked to death, but the most interesting aspect of this was that the XXXX who died in the Colosseum wanted to die there as martyrs. At that time in the Roman Empire, XXXX had a choice to sacrifice to the Roman gods or even have one of their slaves sacrifice to the Roman gods and avoid persecution." - University of Washington

well, 07, as you stated correctly there were not any christians till the 4th century ... and more clearly non from the 1st to the 4th.

those in the 1st belived as jesus who taught liberation theology, self determination, you certainly will not find that in the 4th century c-bible.
truth is hard to come by - one truth is for certain, no one died for someone else's sins and who have them when they die will have a price to pay.

View attachment 807600

there have always been many that believe as jesus, liberation theology, self determination and have paid the price for their conviction.

- it took till the 4th century for the crucifiers to safely write their book of forgeries and fallacies - and they have been persecuting and victimizing the innocent ever since - weather2020.
Sorry. That’s 180 billion who got it wrong, and you’re the only one who knows the truth. Islam acknowledges Jesus.
that may have been the ordinary jews w/ a duel grudge against both corrupt - jews / roman govt - but doubtful they included the romans in their dislike of simply the jewish hierarchy.

not true of jesus, there was not a connection to rome purly an affront for the corruption of judaism including hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven, rather they and those that gave their lives were for liberation theology, self determination a repudiation of the judaen religion itself.
Strange it not that Jesus Christ was a Jew, an orthodox practicing Jew from cradle to grave, yet lived without sin even when tempted as are all men (Gal.4:4 4:15).....Jesus was not a Radical, He did not claim that He came to destroy the Law and the Prophets but to fulfill it, as per the prophets predictions (Matthew 5:17:20) Jesus Christ was the "quint essential" conservative Jew.....He lived, practiced the Law and the Prophets until His death. Its recorded that He was observing the Jewish holiday/sabbath....the passover feast, just before He died (Matthew 26:17). That's not very RADICAL.

You should attempt to read the material you are dismissing without knowledge of the actual content.

Even the Old Testament Text addresses the changing of covenants from the Law and the Prophets to a New Covenant unlike the covenant that God made with the Jews while He was leading them out of the land of Egypt. (Jer.31:31-34)

What? Was Jeremiah attempting to destroy Israel in 587 B.C.?
Jerimiah 31v29
In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge.
Ezekial 18v2
2 What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge?

Both prophets said that God would make a new covenant with us to lift the curse of the Law found in Exodus 20 v5

for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

No man can do anything about a sin his great grandfather committed 50 years before he was even born yet under the old covenant God does hold men accountable for the sin of his great grandfather even if that man's righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and pharisees.

Jesus died to lift this curse for all who believe in Him. All who don't believe that he was the Lamb of God slain on the Day of Atonement are still under this curse.

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