Why Was Mike Johnson Threatening to Arrest Anyone Interrupting Netanyahu but Allowed People to Interrupt the SOTU?

Has Israel purchased Mike Johnson? I saw where he threatened to arrest anyone interrupting the war criminal who has bombed women and children. And we ain't talking about William Muny. Johnson told his members to have more respect for Netanyahu than for our own President. Republican anti American behavior has gotten out of hand.

Johnson warns of arrests over Netanyahu speech disruptions​

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) sent a letter to House members warning there would be arrests if people disrupted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to lawmakers Wednesday.

Johnson said in his letter, shared Tuesday, that there will be additional security measures and the note served as a “friendly reminder of the longstanding rules and decorum of the House.”

“Due to the attention garnered by the prime minister’s address, there will be an increased police presence around the Capitol complex and in the House Chamber,” Johnson wrote. “In the interests of all involved, we will enforce a zero-tolerance policy for disturbances in the building

Nothing about Hamas bombing 1200 women and children and Hamas war criminals. So, I stopped reading your pathetic hateful post after the third sentence.
Johnson knows the Hamas contingent of congress are unhinged bordering on rabid. He knows they have a hard time controlling themselves. He also knows that we extended an invitation to a foreign leader to speak, that speaker should be afforded all respects. Unfortunately, the followers of the murderous Hamas bunch are classless buffoons with no morals, and they can't be expected to act civilized. MAGA

Probably Had to have armed guards standing by the fire alarms thanks to those vermin. h voters got rid of the last POS who pulled it but there are several more still stinking up the place.

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