Why we love Trump....

Why we love Trump

we ?

got a damn rat in your pocket? whats this we shit ?

YOU can have that sorry piece of shit. YOU voted for him, not me.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama... dumbass

for the 10,000 th time - I didnt vote for Oama either, DUMBASS
Well, quit sucking his ass then... lol

Take your own advice quit being a politically correct pussy…
They are the smartest people in the world!! Just "aks" one!

Why on Earth do people think Trump supporters are racists? Why oh why?

The most extreme racists are Leftists, EVERYTHING to them is about race, especially their contempt for White people because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism, Leftists who are White are Self Haters because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.

Leftists love EVERYONE EXCEPT White people.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.

IT's proven in several demographic studies Trump voters are uneducated & white ... so yeah, dems are smarter.

And you said you did not vote for Obama… LOL tell us another story
Why we love Trump

we ?

got a damn rat in your pocket? whats this we shit ?

YOU can have that sorry piece of shit. YOU voted for him, not me.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama... dumbass

for the 10,000 th time - I didnt vote for Oama either, DUMBASS
Well, quit sucking his ass then... lol

Take your own advice quit being a politically correct pussy…

uneducated trump voter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
They are the smartest people in the world!! Just "aks" one!

Why on Earth do people think Trump supporters are racists? Why oh why?

The most extreme racists are Leftists, EVERYTHING to them is about race, especially their contempt for White people because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism, Leftists who are White are Self Haters because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.

Leftists love EVERYONE EXCEPT White people.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.

IT's proven in several demographic studies Trump voters are uneducated & white ... so yeah, dems are smarter.

That makes you uneducated and black?
Why on Earth do people think Trump supporters are racists? Why oh why?

The most extreme racists are Leftists, EVERYTHING to them is about race, especially their contempt for White people because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism, Leftists who are White are Self Haters because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.

Leftists love EVERYONE EXCEPT White people.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.

IT's proven in several demographic studies Trump voters are uneducated & white ... so yeah, dems are smarter.

That makes you uneducated and black?

2 degrees-caucasian

GFY Gomer
There would be no trump if there was no Obama... dumbass

for the 10,000 th time - I didnt vote for Oama either, DUMBASS
Well, quit sucking his ass then... lol

Take your own advice quit being a politically correct pussy…

uneducated trump voter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
They are the smartest people in the world!! Just "aks" one!

Why on Earth do people think Trump supporters are racists? Why oh why?

The most extreme racists are Leftists, EVERYTHING to them is about race, especially their contempt for White people because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism, Leftists who are White are Self Haters because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.

Leftists love EVERYONE EXCEPT White people.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.

IT's proven in several demographic studies Trump voters are uneducated & white ... so yeah, dems are smarter.


Seriously? Even with the massive amount of organizational skills and resources available to you, with the entire media on your side, with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of support from wealthy leftist financiers, even with all that, you couldn't stop one alleged "pussy-grabber" from taking the highest office in this country?

Son, I am disappointed in you. You're obviously not as smart as you think you are.
I snatched this from my home forum from DFB...

It's so good..........

It's about Trumps lack of decorum, dignity and statesmanship.

My Leftist friends (as well as many ardent #NeverTrumpers) constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.”

Here’s my answer:

We Right-thinking people have tried dignity. There could not have been a man of more quiet dignity than George W. Bush as he suffered the outrageous lies and politically motivated hatreds that undermined his presidency.

We tried statesmanship. Could there be another human being on this earth who so desperately prized “collegiality” as Ronald Reagan?

We tried propriety – has there been a nicer human being ever than Mitt Romney?

And the results were always the same. This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the Left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob.

XXXX - Mod Edit -- Shortened for "fair use" .. Read the USMB Posting Guidelines Deno

It is nothing but the incessant use of fake news (read: propaganda) that keeps the Left alive. Imagine, for example, if CNN had honestly and accurately reported then-candidate Barack Obama’s close ties to foreign terrorists (Rashid Khalidi), domestic terrorists (William Ayers), the mafia (Tony Rezko) or the true evils of his spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright’s church.

Imagine if they had honestly and accurately conveyed the evils of the Obama administration’s weaponizing of the IRS to be used against their political opponents or his running of guns to the Mexican cartels or the truth about the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the Obama administration’s cover-up.

So, to my friends on the Left — and the #NeverTrumpers as well — do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be “collegial” and “dignified” and “proper”? Of course I do. These aren’t those times. This is war. And it’s a war that the Left has been fighting without opposition for the past 50 years.

So, say anything you want about this president - I get it - he can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don’t care.

Mod Edit to include the proper link to source. (pretty sure this is it).. Don't post potentially copyrighted material without a link to the primary source site.

Evan Sayet - He Fights
Yeah and Hitler was nice to dog and to his girlfriend... The suffering w and Romney gave to their workers and the poor was huge... The dupes and the chumps of the GOP propaganda machine love Trump because he appears to believe the same GOP bulshit about how the rich pay too much and the clintons are evil etc etc, and has no manners either.
I snatched this from my home forum from DFB...

It's so good..........

It's about Trumps lack of decorum, dignity and statesmanship.

My Leftist friends (as well as many ardent #NeverTrumpers) constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.”

Here’s my answer:

We Right-thinking people have tried dignity. There could not have been a man of more quiet dignity than George W. Bush as he suffered the outrageous lies and politically motivated hatreds that undermined his presidency.

We tried statesmanship. Could there be another human being on this earth who so desperately prized “collegiality” as Ronald Reagan?

We tried propriety – has there been a nicer human being ever than Mitt Romney?

And the results were always the same. This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the Left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob.

XXXX - Mod Edit -- Shortened for "fair use" .. Read the USMB Posting Guidelines Deno

It is nothing but the incessant use of fake news (read: propaganda) that keeps the Left alive. Imagine, for example, if CNN had honestly and accurately reported then-candidate Barack Obama’s close ties to foreign terrorists (Rashid Khalidi), domestic terrorists (William Ayers), the mafia (Tony Rezko) or the true evils of his spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright’s church.

Imagine if they had honestly and accurately conveyed the evils of the Obama administration’s weaponizing of the IRS to be used against their political opponents or his running of guns to the Mexican cartels or the truth about the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the Obama administration’s cover-up.

So, to my friends on the Left — and the #NeverTrumpers as well — do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be “collegial” and “dignified” and “proper”? Of course I do. These aren’t those times. This is war. And it’s a war that the Left has been fighting without opposition for the past 50 years.

So, say anything you want about this president - I get it - he can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don’t care.

Mod Edit to include the proper link to source. (pretty sure this is it).. Don't post potentially copyrighted material without a link to the primary source site.

Evan Sayet - He Fights
No president had more support than Bush did after 9-11
He turned the country against him

Trump never had the country
Why on Earth do people think Trump supporters are racists? Why oh why?

The most extreme racists are Leftists, EVERYTHING to them is about race, especially their contempt for White people because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism, Leftists who are White are Self Haters because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.

Leftists love EVERYONE EXCEPT White people.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.

IT's proven in several demographic studies Trump voters are uneducated & white ... so yeah, dems are smarter.


Seriously? Even with the massive amount of organizational skills and resources available to you, with the entire media on your side, with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of support from wealthy leftist financiers, even with all that, you couldn't stop one alleged "pussy-grabber" from taking the highest office in this country?

Son, I am disappointed in you. You're obviously not as smart as you think you are.

"alleged pussy grabber"

he admitted it himself, RECORDED ON TAPE-

ok, so how stupid are you ?
It's tooo hard for them to read that much....

They are toooo stupid to get it anyway...

They are the smartest people in the world!! Just "aks" one!

Why on Earth do people think Trump supporters are racists? Why oh why?

The most extreme racists are Leftists, EVERYTHING to them is about race, especially their contempt for White people because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism, Leftists who are White are Self Haters because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.

Leftists love EVERYONE EXCEPT White people.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.
Where are we ? the leftists are easily influential ignorant " human"beings who believe everything that the media tells and who side with the changes that they fight for that have no morale and turn to us to say that it is racist or sexist and homophobic, but they are the ones who impose on us junk, humans without a defined sex, men giving birth to children, children with two dads or two moms.
And again they have not thought of this children who become the mockery of other children, and the children can be very cruel to each other.
but hey, it does not matter to them, which proves that they think only of themselves.
They are the smartest people in the world!! Just "aks" one!

Why on Earth do people think Trump supporters are racists? Why oh why?

The most extreme racists are Leftists, EVERYTHING to them is about race, especially their contempt for White people because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism, Leftists who are White are Self Haters because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.

Leftists love EVERYONE EXCEPT White people.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.
Where are we ? the leftists are easily influential ignorant " human"beings who believe everything that the media tells and who side with the changes that they fight for that have no morale and turn to us to say that it is racist or sexist and homophobic, but they are the ones who impose on us junk, humans without a defined sex, men giving birth to children, children with two dads or two moms.
And again they have not thought of this children who become the mockery of other children, and the children can be very cruel to each other.
but hey, it does not matter to them, which proves that they think only of themselves.

You must have ran track in middle school with that run on sentence.
The most extreme racists are Leftists, EVERYTHING to them is about race, especially their contempt for White people because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism, Leftists who are White are Self Haters because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.

Leftists love EVERYONE EXCEPT White people.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.

IT's proven in several demographic studies Trump voters are uneducated & white ... so yeah, dems are smarter.


Seriously? Even with the massive amount of organizational skills and resources available to you, with the entire media on your side, with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of support from wealthy leftist financiers, even with all that, you couldn't stop one alleged "pussy-grabber" from taking the highest office in this country?

Son, I am disappointed in you. You're obviously not as smart as you think you are.

"alleged pussy grabber"

he admitted it himself, RECORDED ON TAPE-

ok, so how stupid are you ?

So in spite of his admission, you couldn't keep him from being elected?

You have failed miserably. If you Dems can't stop one little pussy-grabber from taking over this country, how the fuck would you stop the Russian, the Chinese, or the North Koreans? The Democrat Party's confidence and credibility is almost zero now.

You fuckers failed, big time. You screwed the pooch and got caught with your panties down around your ankles.

:lmao::lol::laugh::laugh2: :poke::nono::spinner::rock:
The most extreme racists are Leftists, EVERYTHING to them is about race, especially their contempt for White people because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism, Leftists who are White are Self Haters because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.

Leftists love EVERYONE EXCEPT White people.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.

IT's proven in several demographic studies Trump voters are uneducated & white ... so yeah, dems are smarter.


Seriously? Even with the massive amount of organizational skills and resources available to you, with the entire media on your side, with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of support from wealthy leftist financiers, even with all that, you couldn't stop one alleged "pussy-grabber" from taking the highest office in this country?

Son, I am disappointed in you. You're obviously not as smart as you think you are.

"alleged pussy grabber"

he admitted it himself, RECORDED ON TAPE-

ok, so how stupid are you ?

Why is "pussy grabbing gate" considered so outlandish to you wackos?
You don't enjoy grabbing pussy?
You'd be all over his nutsack and cheering for him if he was in to grabbing nutsack...wouldn't you?
The lower the education the greater people tend to be conservative.

Why is that?
Why on Earth do people think Trump supporters are racists? Why oh why?

The most extreme racists are Leftists, EVERYTHING to them is about race, especially their contempt for White people because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism, Leftists who are White are Self Haters because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.

Leftists love EVERYONE EXCEPT White people.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.
Where are we ? the leftists are easily influential ignorant " human"beings who believe everything that the media tells and who side with the changes that they fight for that have no morale and turn to us to say that it is racist or sexist and homophobic, but they are the ones who impose on us junk, humans without a defined sex, men giving birth to children, children with two dads or two moms.
And again they have not thought of this children who become the mockery of other children, and the children can be very cruel to each other.
but hey, it does not matter to them, which proves that they think only of themselves.

You must have ran track in middle school with that run on sentence.

She's pretty good for someone whose second language in English. Maybe you'll recite something in French for us?
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.

IT's proven in several demographic studies Trump voters are uneducated & white ... so yeah, dems are smarter.


Seriously? Even with the massive amount of organizational skills and resources available to you, with the entire media on your side, with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of support from wealthy leftist financiers, even with all that, you couldn't stop one alleged "pussy-grabber" from taking the highest office in this country?

Son, I am disappointed in you. You're obviously not as smart as you think you are.

"alleged pussy grabber"

he admitted it himself, RECORDED ON TAPE-

ok, so how stupid are you ?

So in spite of his admission, you couldn't keep him from being elected?

You have failed miserably. If you Dems can't stop one little pussy-grabber from taking over this country, how the fuck would you stop the Russian, the Chinese, or the North Koreans? The Democrat Party's confidence and credibility is almost zero now.

You fuckers failed, big time. You screwed the pooch and got caught with your panties down around your ankles.

:lmao::lol::laugh::laugh2: :poke::nono::spinner::rock:


take your sophomoric argument and shove it up your ignorant butt.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.

IT's proven in several demographic studies Trump voters are uneducated & white ... so yeah, dems are smarter.


Seriously? Even with the massive amount of organizational skills and resources available to you, with the entire media on your side, with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of support from wealthy leftist financiers, even with all that, you couldn't stop one alleged "pussy-grabber" from taking the highest office in this country?

Son, I am disappointed in you. You're obviously not as smart as you think you are.

"alleged pussy grabber"

he admitted it himself, RECORDED ON TAPE-

ok, so how stupid are you ?

So in spite of his admission, you couldn't keep him from being elected?

You have failed miserably. If you Dems can't stop one little pussy-grabber from taking over this country, how the fuck would you stop the Russian, the Chinese, or the North Koreans? The Democrat Party's confidence and credibility is almost zero now.

You fuckers failed, big time. You screwed the pooch and got caught with your panties down around your ankles.

:lmao::lol::laugh::laugh2: :poke::nono::spinner::rock:

Airin Rand, I did not know that Russia, “the Chinese” or North Korea invaded our country during President Barack Hussein Obama’s two terms...can you post a link?

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