Why we love Trump....

Why on Earth do people think Trump supporters are racists? Why oh why?

The most extreme racists are Leftists, EVERYTHING to them is about race, especially their contempt for White people because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism, Leftists who are White are Self Haters because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.

Leftists love EVERYONE EXCEPT White people.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.

IT's proven in several demographic studies Trump voters are uneducated & white ... so yeah, dems are smarter.


So you are saying you got your ass kicked by

a bunch of dumb ass's?

In my book that makes you the SUCKER....

I would if I were you, stop posting strawmen arguments and generalizations that defy reality.
Three million more voted for Clinton than Trump.

Eleven million more voted for others combined than Trump.

History of 2016 will not repeated itself.

He is despised by the large majority of the country, rightfully so.

To quote the loser, "What difference does it make?"

We still won. Like it or not, there's nothing you can say or do to change that. Even if you believe in Pixies, fairy dist, the Big Rock Candy Mountain, and unicorns, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders will never be the President of these United States. Never ever. They are relegated to the trash bin of history, or as some notation: Forever to be known as impotent losers.

That magnificent Bastard President Donald J. Trump will however, be remembered throughout this country as the greatest President this nation has ever seen. He's well on his way to that, you betcha.
Trump won in November 2016 and has been overwhelmingly losing every since.

There is not a thing you can do about that, JGalt.

The boy is a loser in office.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.

IT's proven in several demographic studies Trump voters are uneducated & white ... so yeah, dems are smarter.


Seriously? Even with the massive amount of organizational skills and resources available to you, with the entire media on your side, with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of support from wealthy leftist financiers, even with all that, you couldn't stop one alleged "pussy-grabber" from taking the highest office in this country?

Son, I am disappointed in you. You're obviously not as smart as you think you are.

"alleged pussy grabber"

he admitted it himself, RECORDED ON TAPE-

ok, so how stupid are you ?

Talk about Stupid...

He said you could grab "em"

He didn't say he did.....

The fact remains: Even with his perceived "admission", they couldn't do a single thing to stop the Trump Train. Did we really want such a weak and ineffectual bunch of mealy-mouthed pussies running the Greatest Country in the World?

I think not. Nor did the people of America.
The lower the education the greater people tend to be conservative.

Why is that?

I'm conservative and very well off...

You liberals are the ones wanting all the

rest of us to pay for the stuff you are either

to lazy or dumb to get on your own.
The lower the education the greater people tend to be conservative.

Why is that?

Hold on a minute....are Blacks and Mexicans Conservatives?

Is racism all poor olde Robert E Lee offers?

Robert E. Lee offers truth and facts...you know, those things you hate the most.
LefTard tip: Always scream RACIST at the sky when someone makes too much sense...it's a scapegoat that almost always works.

Dude, just owe it. I post lower educated and right on que a conservative breaks out his racist response.

Just owe it. Move on, don’t run from it.


Exactly what in the fuck kind of idea are those two lines of utter gibberish supposed to convey? Bitch, and you're worrying about the French poster's English? And you're talking about education? Go fuck yourself, you ignorant moron.

How about repeating that in English, huh?
Three million more voted for Clinton than Trump.

Eleven million more voted for others combined than Trump.

History of 2016 will not repeated itself.

He is despised by the large majority of the country, rightfully so.

To quote the loser, "What difference does it make?"

We still won. Like it or not, there's nothing you can say or do to change that. Even if you believe in Pixies, fairy dist, the Big Rock Candy Mountain, and unicorns, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders will never be the President of these United States. Never ever. They are relegated to the trash bin of history, or as some notation: Forever to be known as impotent losers.

That magnificent Bastard President Donald J. Trump will however, be remembered throughout this country as the greatest President this nation has ever seen. He's well on his way to that, you betcha.

Please, let’s not glorify the Major of Simpleton by being the best Court Jester.
The People of America voted for Clinton by a margin of almost three million. The Russians crunched the numbers for the EC and showed the treasonous fat senile old orange clown the way to win. Now we need to find out what the quid pro was for that.
Hold on a minute....are Blacks and Mexicans Conservatives?

Is racism all poor olde Robert E Lee offers?

Robert E. Lee offers truth and facts...you know, those things you hate the most.
LefTard tip: Always scream RACIST at the sky when someone makes too much sense...it's a scapegoat that almost always works.

Dude, just owe it. I post lower educated and right on que a conservative breaks out his racist response.

Just owe it. Move on, don’t run from it.

NEGATIVE.....What you did was make retarded claim...what I did was teach you that this nations most ignorant vote Democrat. Why does that fact make you piss yourself? Don't be scared bud...."own it" like I own you.

If it wasn’t for rent to own you wouldn’t own anything.

How very trump of you to declare a win when you have neither won or presented anything of value.

Bud, you don't know me...I'm confident that I've paid more in federal income taxes this year than you'll earn in the next five or more....PERIOD.
Have we reached the point where you stop making any sense and start popping off at the mouth because I've made you look like the ignorant fool you are?
The lower the education the greater people tend to be conservative.

Why is that?

Hold on a minute....are Blacks and Mexicans Conservatives?

Is racism all poor olde Robert E Lee offers?

Robert E. Lee offers truth and facts...you know, those things you hate the most.
LefTard tip: Always scream RACIST at the sky when someone makes too much sense...it's a scapegoat that almost always works.

Dude, just owe it. I post lower educated and right on que a conservative breaks out his racist response.

Just owe it. Move on, don’t run from it.


Exactly what in the fuck kind of idea are those two lines of utter gibberish supposed to convey? Bitch, and you're worrying about the French poster's English? And you're talking about education? Go fuck yourself, you ignorant moron.

How about repeating that in English, huh?

Hey, hey calm down John Elder.

Your BVDs can’t take one more brown skid today.
Trump won in November 2016 and has been overwhelmingly losing every since.

There is not a thing you can do about that, JGalt.

The boy is a loser in office.

Get back to me after we get the next two Supreme Court Justices on the bench. You might not understand the full ramifications of what The Magnificent Son of a Bitch President Donald J. Trump has been busy doing the last year, but you have my assurances that it will eventually sink in, even through that thick Cro Magnan skull of yours.

This country is rapidly changing and after a couple more years of that Magnificent Bastard, you won't even recognize it any more. America will no longer be the country you leftists strived for over the last 50 years.

That's not a threat, it's promise. :biggrin:
Is racism all poor olde Robert E Lee offers?

Robert E. Lee offers truth and facts...you know, those things you hate the most.
LefTard tip: Always scream RACIST at the sky when someone makes too much sense...it's a scapegoat that almost always works.

Dude, just owe it. I post lower educated and right on que a conservative breaks out his racist response.

Just owe it. Move on, don’t run from it.

NEGATIVE.....What you did was make retarded claim...what I did was teach you that this nations most ignorant vote Democrat. Why does that fact make you piss yourself? Don't be scared bud...."own it" like I own you.

If it wasn’t for rent to own you wouldn’t own anything.

How very trump of you to declare a win when you have neither won or presented anything of value.

Bud, you don't know me...I'm confident that I've paid more in federal income taxes this year than you'll earn in the next five or more....PERIOD.
Have we reached the point where you stop making any sense and start popping off at the mouth because I've made you look like the ignorant fool you are?

Again with the leading from behind insecurity.

Dude, getting paid 1K a month in bitcoin is really not that much.
Trump won in November 2016 and has been overwhelmingly losing every since.

There is not a thing you can do about that, JGalt.

The boy is a loser in office.

Get back to me after we get the next two Supreme Court Justices on the bench. You might not understand the full ramifications of what The Magnificent Son of a Bitch President Donald J. Trump has been busy doing the last year, but you have my assurances that it will eventually sink in, even through that thick Cro Magnan skull of yours.

This country is rapidly changing and after a couple more years of that Magnificent Bastard, you won't even recognize it any more. America will no longer be the country you leftists strived for over the last 50 years.

That's not a threat, it's promise. :biggrin:

It’s neither a threat or promise.

It’s a daydream.
Three million more voted for Clinton than Trump.

Eleven million more voted for others combined than Trump.

History of 2016 will not repeated itself.

He is despised by the large majority of the country, rightfully so.

Trump Won the popular legal vote...

We all know you liberals cheated like crazy

and you still got your ass kicked.
The People of America voted for Clinton by a margin of almost three million. The Russians crunched the numbers for the EC and showed the treasonous fat senile old orange clown the way to win. Now we need to find out what the quid pro was for that.

Robert E. Lee offers truth and facts...you know, those things you hate the most.
LefTard tip: Always scream RACIST at the sky when someone makes too much sense...it's a scapegoat that almost always works.

Dude, just owe it. I post lower educated and right on que a conservative breaks out his racist response.

Just owe it. Move on, don’t run from it.

NEGATIVE.....What you did was make retarded claim...what I did was teach you that this nations most ignorant vote Democrat. Why does that fact make you piss yourself? Don't be scared bud...."own it" like I own you.

If it wasn’t for rent to own you wouldn’t own anything.

How very trump of you to declare a win when you have neither won or presented anything of value.

Bud, you don't know me...I'm confident that I've paid more in federal income taxes this year than you'll earn in the next five or more....PERIOD.
Have we reached the point where you stop making any sense and start popping off at the mouth because I've made you look like the ignorant fool you are?

Again with the leading from behind insecurity.

Dude, getting paid 1K a month in bitcoin is really not that much.

That's what I though kid. Go play with someone in your league...you've been played.....haha
The People of America voted for Clinton by a margin of almost three million. The Russians crunched the numbers for the EC and showed the treasonous fat senile old orange clown the way to win. Now we need to find out what the quid pro was for that.

Dude, just owe it. I post lower educated and right on que a conservative breaks out his racist response.

Just owe it. Move on, don’t run from it.

NEGATIVE.....What you did was make retarded claim...what I did was teach you that this nations most ignorant vote Democrat. Why does that fact make you piss yourself? Don't be scared bud...."own it" like I own you.

If it wasn’t for rent to own you wouldn’t own anything.

How very trump of you to declare a win when you have neither won or presented anything of value.

Bud, you don't know me...I'm confident that I've paid more in federal income taxes this year than you'll earn in the next five or more....PERIOD.
Have we reached the point where you stop making any sense and start popping off at the mouth because I've made you look like the ignorant fool you are?

Again with the leading from behind insecurity.

Dude, getting paid 1K a month in bitcoin is really not that much.

That's what I though kid. Go play with someone in your league...you've been played.....haha

Dear brokeloser

We are really sorry that your red balloon flew away, but you did let go.


Night manager at Chuck e Cheese
The People of America voted for Clinton by a margin of almost three million. The Russians crunched the numbers for the EC and showed the treasonous fat senile old orange clown the way to win. Now we need to find out what the quid pro was for that.

True story...HRC won Loon York, Mexifornia, the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc....Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.
Let me walk you through a refresher course.
Donny won 30 of 50 states, 2,623 of 3,112 counties and if you toss Mexifornia from the popular vote Donny wins that by more than one million. It was a complete ass kicking like never seen before.
The most extreme racists are Leftists, EVERYTHING to them is about race, especially their contempt for White people because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism, Leftists who are White are Self Haters because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.

Leftists love EVERYONE EXCEPT White people.
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.

IT's proven in several demographic studies Trump voters are uneducated & white ... so yeah, dems are smarter.


So you are saying you got your ass kicked by

a bunch of dumb ass's?

In my book that makes you the SUCKER....

I would if I were you, stop posting strawmen arguments and generalizations that defy reality.

All I have done is to dissect

your own statements.

It's not my fault they make you look stupid....
Leftists have no compassion for whites. stone hearts after every attack by Muslim terrorists. they sweep the event with the back of their hand and they are always ready to defend the terrorists there are really screw up.

Every country seems to have had some group of people who did that: The Tories and King's collaborators in out Revolutionary War. The French Vichy government that collaborated with the Nazis. The British Prime Minister Chamberlain who thought Hitler would be coexisted with.

Leftists are just more of the same. They feel that they're more intelligent and compassionate than everyone else, and that the enemy would give them a free pass because well, "Kumbaya" and all that.

IT's proven in several demographic studies Trump voters are uneducated & white ... so yeah, dems are smarter.


So you are saying you got your ass kicked by

a bunch of dumb ass's?

In my book that makes you the SUCKER....

I would if I were you, stop posting strawmen arguments and generalizations that defy reality.

All I have done is to dissect

your own statements.

It's not my fault they make you look stupid....

What did you dissect?

Could you type that in again.

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