Why we love Trump....

Robert E. Lee offers truth and facts...you know, those things you hate the most.
LefTard tip: Always scream RACIST at the sky when someone makes too much sense...it's a scapegoat that almost always works.

Dude, just owe it. I post lower educated and right on que a conservative breaks out his racist response.

Just owe it. Move on, don’t run from it.

NEGATIVE.....What you did was make retarded claim...what I did was teach you that this nations most ignorant vote Democrat. Why does that fact make you piss yourself? Don't be scared bud...."own it" like I own you.

If it wasn’t for rent to own you wouldn’t own anything.

How very trump of you to declare a win when you have neither won or presented anything of value.

Bud, you don't know me...I'm confident that I've paid more in federal income taxes this year than you'll earn in the next five or more....PERIOD.
Have we reached the point where you stop making any sense and start popping off at the mouth because I've made you look like the ignorant fool you are?
Stop the nonsense. You live in a trailer on a dirt road.

I'll tell you like I told your butt buddy....I'm sure I could buy you many times over.
You're looking out your window watching your beloved Liberal filth graffiti a wall...I'm drinking a Blue Moon from my bar watching a pod of dolphins swim by.
Think once Jake...it's you Loons always begging me for a piece of my pie because you filthy, lazy fucks can't pull your own weight. Do you need me to post some of your pathetic "gimme free shit" posts....nobody successful begs for others shit....come on man...pull your head from your ass.
Three million more voted for Clinton than Trump.

Eleven million more voted for others combined than Trump.

History of 2016 will not repeated itself.

He is despised by the large majority of the country, rightfully so.

To quote the loser, "What difference does it make?"

We still won. Like it or not, there's nothing you can say or do to change that. Even if you believe in Pixies, fairy dist, the Big Rock Candy Mountain, and unicorns, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders will never be the President of these United States. Never ever. They are relegated to the trash bin of history, or as some notation: Forever to be known as impotent losers.

That magnificent Bastard President Donald J. Trump will however, be remembered throughout this country as the greatest President this nation has ever seen. He's well on his way to that, you betcha.
Thank you god for that,... 2020 Make America Great for sure and Again we will have again for the second time the weepers of leftists..
The fight will go on....

Is this a complete thought? Or a cut and paste in search of meaning?
That means we Republicans see you as enemies, that's what you want in the end
Dude, just owe it. I post lower educated and right on que a conservative breaks out his racist response.

Just owe it. Move on, don’t run from it.

NEGATIVE.....What you did was make retarded claim...what I did was teach you that this nations most ignorant vote Democrat. Why does that fact make you piss yourself? Don't be scared bud...."own it" like I own you.

If it wasn’t for rent to own you wouldn’t own anything.

How very trump of you to declare a win when you have neither won or presented anything of value.

Bud, you don't know me...I'm confident that I've paid more in federal income taxes this year than you'll earn in the next five or more....PERIOD.
Have we reached the point where you stop making any sense and start popping off at the mouth because I've made you look like the ignorant fool you are?
Stop the nonsense. You live in a trailer on a dirt road.

Put your money where your mouth is....

Essentially correct!
We have had all of the above many, many times and all it has ever gotten us is more of the very same crap that has put us where we are: say one thing to get elected, then go off and do a 180 furthering the globalist agenda. For all of Trump's faults in style, he is doing what he said, as best as the law has allowed, and he is the kryptonite to BOTH parties, both derailing the Left and the Dems until they don't know what side is up, as well as tearing at the old guard GOP.

Neither party is good and the longer Trump stays in office, the more change he is going to force on both parties: I don't expect much from the Dems, they have totally lost all sight of credibility, but either Trump will be beaten down by the Old Republicans or he will slowly force them out, ushering in a new party of younger thinkers more attune to the electorate instead of themselves.

Could you please take a look at the people he has put in power. there backgrounds, ability . then Show me the younger thinkers that you speak of.

In the trump administration one stands a better chance of getting indicted than accomplishing anything.
3 more years and the AH is gone

At the minimum!
Not really Marion could be less....btw 80 visits to his golf clubs since jan 20 But you remember him saying he just wants to stay in the WH and work his ass off???? And people like you here believed him lol
And how much did those 80 visits cost the tax payers Marion >?? You pay taxes? And morons complained when Obama went on vacation
Essentially correct!
We have had all of the above many, many times and all it has ever gotten us is more of the very same crap that has put us where we are: say one thing to get elected, then go off and do a 180 furthering the globalist agenda. For all of Trump's faults in style, he is doing what he said, as best as the law has allowed, and he is the kryptonite to BOTH parties, both derailing the Left and the Dems until they don't know what side is up, as well as tearing at the old guard GOP.

Neither party is good and the longer Trump stays in office, the more change he is going to force on both parties: I don't expect much from the Dems, they have totally lost all sight of credibility, but either Trump will be beaten down by the Old Republicans or he will slowly force them out, ushering in a new party of younger thinkers more attune to the electorate instead of themselves.

Could you please take a look at the people he has put in power. there backgrounds, ability . then Show me the younger thinkers that you speak of.

In the trump administration one stands a better chance of getting indicted than accomplishing anything.
3 more years and the AH is gone

At the minimum!
Not really Marion could be less....btw 80 visits to his golf clubs since jan 20 But you remember him saying he just wants to stay in the WH and work his ass off???? And people like you here believed him lol

Could you please take a look at the people he has put in power. there backgrounds, ability . then Show me the younger thinkers that you speak of.

In the trump administration one stands a better chance of getting indicted than accomplishing anything.
3 more years and the AH is gone

At the minimum!
Not really Marion could be less....btw 80 visits to his golf clubs since jan 20 But you remember him saying he just wants to stay in the WH and work his ass off???? And people like you here believed him lol
And how much did those 80 visits cost the tax payers Marion >?? You pay taxes? And morons complained when Obama went on vacation

You know what's funny? Unlike Obama, Trump actually makes something off of it because he owns the place. :badgrin:
deno, you are an European goofy. Your opinion does not matter.

Rave on you diot...

I really love this place......

Free and open debate without being banned

every time you make a liberal look silly or worse...
Could I PLEASE ask those who lean liberal, Why you keep referring to conservative people as trailer dirt road people, if things get worse I could end up having to sell my house & buy one as taxes are lower on them.
plus lots of very smart people prefer to live down a road away from major crazy. More conservatives maybe live in more small town rural areas with less mix of cultures, & have spent less time in large city's or traveled less of the world. Group think dose not produce an open mind.
Dude, just owe it. I post lower educated and right on que a conservative breaks out his racist response.

Just owe it. Move on, don’t run from it.

NEGATIVE.....What you did was make retarded claim...what I did was teach you that this nations most ignorant vote Democrat. Why does that fact make you piss yourself? Don't be scared bud...."own it" like I own you.

If it wasn’t for rent to own you wouldn’t own anything.

How very trump of you to declare a win when you have neither won or presented anything of value.

Bud, you don't know me...I'm confident that I've paid more in federal income taxes this year than you'll earn in the next five or more....PERIOD.
Have we reached the point where you stop making any sense and start popping off at the mouth because I've made you look like the ignorant fool you are?
Stop the nonsense. You live in a trailer on a dirt road.

I'll tell you like I told your butt buddy....I'm sure I could buy you many times over.
You're looking out your window watching your beloved Liberal filth graffiti a wall...I'm drinking a Blue Moon from my bar watching a pod of dolphins swim by.
Think once Jake...it's you Loons always begging me for a piece of my pie because you filthy, lazy fucks can't pull your own weight. Do you need me to post some of your pathetic "gimme free shit" posts....nobody successful begs for others shit....come on man...pull your head from your ass.

First, bragging about a Blue Moon is just sad.

And second, use English.
Dude, just owe it. I post lower educated and right on que a conservative breaks out his racist response.

Just owe it. Move on, don’t run from it.

NEGATIVE.....What you did was make retarded claim...what I did was teach you that this nations most ignorant vote Democrat. Why does that fact make you piss yourself? Don't be scared bud...."own it" like I own you.

If it wasn’t for rent to own you wouldn’t own anything.

How very trump of you to declare a win when you have neither won or presented anything of value.

Bud, you don't know me...I'm confident that I've paid more in federal income taxes this year than you'll earn in the next five or more....PERIOD.
Have we reached the point where you stop making any sense and start popping off at the mouth because I've made you look like the ignorant fool you are?
Stop the nonsense. You live in a trailer on a dirt road.

I'll tell you like I told your butt buddy....I'm sure I could buy you many times over.
You're looking out your window watching your beloved Liberal filth graffiti a wall...I'm drinking a Blue Moon from my bar watching a pod of dolphins swim by.
Think once Jake...it's you Loons always begging me for a piece of my pie because you filthy, lazy fucks can't pull your own weight. Do you need me to post some of your pathetic "gimme free shit" posts....nobody successful begs for others shit....come on man...pull your head from your ass.
And I could probably buy you a few times over but you and your idiots think your shit doesn't stink just as trump doesn't
The numbers who love Trump keep dwindling by the day. You've already lost most of the independents that voted for him after watching him stumble and bumble his way for the last 11 months.
His approval rating is around 34% of the population.
66 % can't stand his guts.
I'll go into the next election with those numbers
Three million more voted for Clinton than Trump.

Eleven million more voted for others combined than Trump.

History of 2016 will not repeated itself.

He is despised by the large majority of the country, rightfully so.

To quote the loser, "What difference does it make?"

We still won. Like it or not, there's nothing you can say or do to change that. Even if you believe in Pixies, fairy dist, the Big Rock Candy Mountain, and unicorns, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders will never be the President of these United States. Never ever. They are relegated to the trash bin of history, or as some notation: Forever to be known as impotent losers.

That magnificent Bastard President Donald J. Trump will however, be remembered throughout this country as the greatest President this nation has ever seen. He's well on his way to that, you betcha.
Thank you god for that,... 2020 Make America Great for sure and Again we will have again for the second time the weepers of leftists..
The fight will go on....

Is this a complete thought? Or a cut and paste in search of meaning?
That means we Republicans see you as enemies, that's what you want in the end

You republics see everything thru us verse them and its not a value one wants to possess.

It tells me that you lack the maturity to make better decisions.
Last edited:
Could you please take a look at the people he has put in power. there backgrounds, ability . then Show me the younger thinkers that you speak of.

In the trump administration one stands a better chance of getting indicted than accomplishing anything.
3 more years and the AH is gone

At the minimum!
Not really Marion could be less....btw 80 visits to his golf clubs since jan 20 But you remember him saying he just wants to stay in the WH and work his ass off???? And people like you here believed him lol

In the trump administration one stands a better chance of getting indicted than accomplishing anything.
3 more years and the AH is gone

At the minimum!
Not really Marion could be less....btw 80 visits to his golf clubs since jan 20 But you remember him saying he just wants to stay in the WH and work his ass off???? And people like you here believed him lol
And how much did those 80 visits cost the tax payers Marion >?? You pay taxes? And morons complained when Obama went on vacation

You know what's funny? Unlike Obama, Trump actually makes something off of it because he owns the place. :badgrin:
LOL he sure does Charges his gov't protection for the carts they follow him in etc etc etc a real POS
So you are saying you got your ass kicked by

a bunch of dumb ass's?

In my book that makes you the SUCKER....

I would if I were you, stop posting strawmen arguments and generalizations that defy reality.

All I have done is to dissect

your own statements.

It's not my fault they make you look stupid....

What did you dissect?

Could you type that in again.

Think harder......

Sorry, I can’t do stupid.

Did you dissect something in high school that you think of often?

Oh don't be so modest...

You seem very stupid....

You need to think harder on your retorts...
Three million more voted for Clinton than Trump.

Eleven million more voted for others combined than Trump.

History of 2016 will not repeated itself.

He is despised by the large majority of the country, rightfully so.

To quote the loser, "What difference does it make?"

We still won. Like it or not, there's nothing you can say or do to change that. Even if you believe in Pixies, fairy dist, the Big Rock Candy Mountain, and unicorns, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders will never be the President of these United States. Never ever. They are relegated to the trash bin of history, or as some notation: Forever to be known as impotent losers.

That magnificent Bastard President Donald J. Trump will however, be remembered throughout this country as the greatest President this nation has ever seen. He's well on his way to that, you betcha.
Thank you god for that,... 2020 Make America Great for sure and Again we will have again for the second time the weepers of leftists..
The fight will go on....

Is this a complete thought? Or a cut and paste in search of meaning?
That means we Republicans see you as enemies, that's what you want in the end

You republics see everything thru us verse them and its not a value one wants to possess.

It tells me that you lack the maturity to make better decisions.
They have many values that belong in a cesspool
NEGATIVE.....What you did was make retarded claim...what I did was teach you that this nations most ignorant vote Democrat. Why does that fact make you piss yourself? Don't be scared bud...."own it" like I own you.

If it wasn’t for rent to own you wouldn’t own anything.

How very trump of you to declare a win when you have neither won or presented anything of value.

Bud, you don't know me...I'm confident that I've paid more in federal income taxes this year than you'll earn in the next five or more....PERIOD.
Have we reached the point where you stop making any sense and start popping off at the mouth because I've made you look like the ignorant fool you are?
Stop the nonsense. You live in a trailer on a dirt road.

Put your money where your mouth is....


Every time I prove a liberal wrong I think the same thing..
Could you please take a look at the people he has put in power. there backgrounds, ability . then Show me the younger thinkers that you speak of.

In the trump administration one stands a better chance of getting indicted than accomplishing anything.
3 more years and the AH is gone

At the minimum!
Not really Marion could be less....btw 80 visits to his golf clubs since jan 20 But you remember him saying he just wants to stay in the WH and work his ass off???? And people like you here believed him lol

In the trump administration one stands a better chance of getting indicted than accomplishing anything.
3 more years and the AH is gone

At the minimum!
Not really Marion could be less....btw 80 visits to his golf clubs since jan 20 But you remember him saying he just wants to stay in the WH and work his ass off???? And people like you here believed him lol
And how much did those 80 visits cost the tax payers Marion >?? You pay taxes? And morons complained when Obama went on vacation

You know what's funny? Unlike Obama, Trump actually makes something off of it because he owns the place. :badgrin:
WOW your think that's cool that '' Trump makes money( Our tax dollars ) off of his golf trips to his resorts. what does that say about a billionaire who grubs for $s off the people he is suppose to work for. Did I miss something?
The numbers who love Trump keep dwindling by the day. You've already lost most of the independents that voted for him after watching him stumble and bumble his way for the last 11 months.
His approval rating is around 34% of the population.
66 % can't stand his guts.
I'll go into the next election with those numbers

Hahaha....Nothing's changed since January 20th bud.
Trump is still hated by the corrupt establishment politicians, the barely Americans of Loon York and Mexifornia, illegitimate classless filth, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, carpet munchers and pole puffers.
Meanwhile, hard working, positive contributing REAL Americans who matter are still smiling ear to ear.
Part of me is starting to feel sorry for the deranged wackos that just can't stand the thought of a higher grade society. Poor Loonies.
The numbers who love Trump keep dwindling by the day. You've already lost most of the independents that voted for him after watching him stumble and bumble his way for the last 11 months.
His approval rating is around 34% of the population.
66 % can't stand his guts.
I'll go into the next election with those numbers

Man are you in for a Rude Awaking.

President Trump is a two termer.

Tell us all the name of the liberal

Putz you think can beat him....

We can all use the laugh...

Name "em"

I dare you.......

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