Why We Need A Special Prosecutor


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
George Will burnishes his reputation as a whiz of words, and of logic:

1. "GEORGE WILL: .... let me tell you why we need a special prosecutor in this.

2. One of my pet peeves with current English usage is the treatment of disinterested and uninterested as synonyms. We wish the Justice Department were interested in this. It were a disinterested investigator of this. Instead, it's uninterested ....

3. Here's -- we know six things, Chris.

a. We know first the targeting occurred.

b.... second, we know that this is worse than article two of the Nixon impeachment count, which said Nixon endeavored to use the IRS. The IRS back then resisted.

c. Third, we know that this became public in an act of deceit when Lois Lerner planted a question with a friend in an audience ....

d. Fourth, we know that she has taken the Fifth Amendment because she has a right to do this when she has a reasonable suspicion that there might be criminal activity involved.

e. Fifth, we know that ... that there has been 13 months of stonewalling on this.

f. And sixth, now we know that not only her hard drive, but six other people intimately involved in this suddenly crashed in an amazing miraculous coincidence. Religions have been founded on less, ten days after the investigation started. That's why we need a special prosecutor."
George Will Explains Why A Special Prosecutor Is Needed For IRS Scandal | Video | RealClearPolitics

Aside from the default 'you hate Obama' defense.....

...I challenge any of the Leftists to confront Will's thesis and deny the need for a Special Prosecutor.
Given the obvious stonewalling and unwillingmess of Justice to do anything we need a special prosecutor with criminal indictment powers.
Will is delusional.




Happen ...

You all have a good day now.
Will is delusional. It Will Never Happen ... You all have a good day now.

TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything the OP said, or argue against the need for a Special Prosecutor. But I hate the idea anyway. So I'll ignore everything you said, and just try to convince somebody somewhere, that it's somehow unlikely, as though that had any relevance to the thread.
If there is one I am sure it will be hand picked by the Obama administration..
Given the obvious stonewalling and unwillingmess of Justice to do anything we need a special prosecutor with criminal indictment powers.

I believe Congress is going to move on this issue and open the whole can of worms, I hope so, for years the IRS has abused it's powers...not just under Oblama...
Given the obvious stonewalling and unwillingmess of Justice to do anything we need a special prosecutor with criminal indictment powers.

I believe Congress is going to move on this issue and open the whole can of worms, I hope so, for years the IRS has abused it's powers...not just under Oblama...

Attempted misuse of the IRS to go after his enemies, was the principal article of impeachment against Richard Nixon. WHen the Articles were voted out of the House Judiciary Committee in 1974, that Article got more votes than any other. For good reason.
If there is one I am sure it will be hand picked by the Obama administration..

Actually a special prosecutor works directly for congress, it bypasses the DOJ and the maobama cronies.
not only her hard drive, but six other people intimately involved in this suddenly crashed in an amazing miraculous coincidence. Religions have been founded on less....

This was one of the best lines of the year. George Will is great at them. SO appropriate.
Given the obvious stonewalling and unwillingmess of Justice to do anything we need a special prosecutor with criminal indictment powers.

I believe Congress is going to move on this issue and open the whole can of worms, I hope so, for years the IRS has abused it's powers...not just under Oblama...

Attempted misuse of the IRS to go after his enemies, was the principal article of impeachment against Richard Nixon. WHen the Articles were voted out of the House Judiciary Committee in 1974, that Article got more votes than any other. For good reason.

Let's drive that point home: Nixon did not use the IRS to go after his political opponents...he "endeavored" to do so, as the articles state.

Obama is the only President to actually do so.

Our Liberal friends have become strangely silent about this criminality.
Given the obvious stonewalling and unwillingmess of Justice to do anything we need a special prosecutor with criminal indictment powers.

I believe Congress is going to move on this issue and open the whole can of worms, I hope so, for years the IRS has abused it's powers...not just under Oblama...

But he is the only one to direct same and actually get the IRS to do so.
If there is one I am sure it will be hand picked by the Obama administration..

Uhhh.......that is not how it works.

I believe Congress is going to move on this issue and open the whole can of worms, I hope so, for years the IRS has abused it's powers...not just under Oblama...

Attempted misuse of the IRS to go after his enemies, was the principal article of impeachment against Richard Nixon. WHen the Articles were voted out of the House Judiciary Committee in 1974, that Article got more votes than any other. For good reason.

Let's drive that point home: Nixon did not use the IRS to go after his political opponents...he "endeavored" to do so, as the articles state.

Obama is the only President to actually do so.

Our Liberal friends have become strangely silent about this criminality.


There is evidence to believe that the Obama administration is the only one to actually do so.

It has not been proven yet.

However, the fact that those brought into hearings that are affiliated with the Obama administration seem to be aloof and condescending with their answers, gives me reason to believe they are hiding something.

I mean...why would she not give the names of people that reported to her today?
Do you want to know why we need a special prosecutor?

Very simple answer.

The IG appointed by Obama found that there was no criminal activity.

Why is that strange?

She did not have the advantage of seeing emails from Lois Lerner during the critical period...

And she didn't even realize she didn't have access to them.

Her findings should have been "incomplete"...


"no criminal activity"

In other words....she did a half assed job.....and we paid her for her time.
If the polling ever suggests appointment of a special prosecutor would advance Obama's agenda then He'll advocate appointment of one. And even provide (a tame) one to save Congress all the trouble.
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Attempted misuse of the IRS to go after his enemies, was the principal article of impeachment against Richard Nixon. WHen the Articles were voted out of the House Judiciary Committee in 1974, that Article got more votes than any other. For good reason.

Let's drive that point home: Nixon did not use the IRS to go after his political opponents...he "endeavored" to do so, as the articles state.

True. Nixon ordered the IRS to send him confidential information about some of his enemies. The request was illegal, and if the IRS had sent him the info, that too would have been illegal.

The IRS refused to comply with Nixon's orders, and never sent him the info.

The House Judiciary Committee found in 1974 that just TRYING, was an impeachable offense.

But now, even after various IRS officials and the President himself have admitted that the IRS did target Obama's enemies, the Democrats are insisting that there isn't anything wrong with what they did. And even the President said there was "not a smidgen of corruption"... even though far more illegal activity was done, than when Nixon ordered the IRS to send him information.
If they ever get at the truth of this matter, there will be indictments, at the least. And not just at the IRS.

The Federal Government has all but admitted as much by brazenly destroying evidence. They fear the scorn of such malevolent misgovernment...much less than they fear the Truth. That's a logical and compelling conclusion from their behavior.

But, this Administration...this foul and disgusting and corrupt cabal of Chicago thugs...for some reason...is still able to completely trust the Media...which lies supine, zoned out by whatever opiate Obama uses on them.

And, so, after a year or so, they will be sending out some pert little metro-sexual to say:

"Dude, that was two years ago."

This phenomenon is unfolding because, it seems to me, almost all Democrats have ceased to be Americans...and are just full time Democrats now.
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All this is about citizens united. The gop just needs to move along. Fighting these conspiracy theories, even where there probably is a coverup, goes nowhere. 65% are sick of the govt shutdowns, and they know the far right will torpedo immigration. The gop's losing on policy. Fix that and all is well.
All this is about citizens united. The gop just needs to move along. Fighting these conspiracy theories, even where there probably is a coverup, goes nowhere. 65% are sick of the govt shutdowns, and they know the far right will torpedo immigration. The gop's losing on policy. Fix that and all is well.

So simply let the executive branch, the IRS and Congress do as they please as long as policies are being implemented.


Sounds like a plan.
No. It's about when you do Obama derangement syndrome for 6 years, don't start thinking you'll be taken seriously now, esp when your party platform is unpopular with 60% on immigration and gay rights, and you've lost 5-6 pop vote general elections. Impeach the guy now, it'll actually HELP his popularity.

If the gop ever becomes rational again, then perhaps it can play like an adult.

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