Why We Need a Third Party


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Not just a third party – but an EFFECTIVE third party. One that will put a stop to the Mossbacks who dominate Congress and continued to look after themselves and not the people who elected them.

Not just a well-thought-out-piece on the current Congress but how we got here in the first place.

So, just how do we get a viable third party? We have to start at the roots – local municipal and county governments. If we get enough of those, it will makes its way up to the states and then Congress.

Read the article @ Why We Need a Third Party
Not just a third party – but an EFFECTIVE third party. One that will put a stop to the Mossbacks who dominate Congress and continued to look after themselves and not the people who elected them.

Not just a well-thought-out-piece on the current Congress but how we got here in the first place.

So, just how do we get a viable third party? We have to start at the roots – local municipal and county governments. If we get enough of those, it will makes its way up to the states and then Congress.

Read the article @ Why We Need a Third Party

You already have a third party it's spelled TEA.

It's been jamming conservatism up the asses of people like JakeThePussyClown for almost a decade now.
Listening won't produce a list of the diminished number of TP critters in the House and the Senate.

The far right RINOs like listening will not have the GOP. We will take more Hispanics and women before giving into far right thuggery.
Listening won't produce a list of the diminished number of TP critters in the House and the Senate.

The far right RINOs like listening will not have the GOP. We will take more Hispanics and women before giving into far right thuggery.

Michael Tomasky already proved you a liar.

You "mainstreamers" can suck it.

Still no bullring for JakeTheLiar. He's a pussy.
According to your link you are just advocating yet another flavor of the Tea Party.

We need a new party. We must work to unite the Tea Party Movement with the many splinter parties which hold the same basic values.

How exactly is raspberry-herbal blend going to differ from strawberry-herbal blend?
Listening, tom tom's words mean nothing.

You can't have our party. How many of you freaks are left in Congress for 2016.

Why do you refuse to give me a list.
According to your link you are just advocating yet another flavor of the Tea Party.

We need a new party. We must work to unite the Tea Party Movement with the many splinter parties which hold the same basic values.

How exactly is raspberry-herbal blend going to differ from strawberry-herbal blend?

It isn't....for you dicks it's just going to be bitters.

Get used to it.
According to your link you are just advocating yet another flavor of the Tea Party.

We need a new party. We must work to unite the Tea Party Movement with the many splinter parties which hold the same basic values.

How exactly is raspberry-herbal blend going to differ from strawberry-herbal blend?

The TeaP creeps have lost almost all of their power in Congress (where's the list, Listening?) and across much of the country.
Listening, tom tom's words mean nothing.

You can't have our party. How many of you freaks are left in Congress for 2016.

Why do you refuse to give me a list.

You got your list Fakey.

You never produced the one to back up your claim.

You are a liar, a fake, and a fraud.

We already have the party.

Suck on it.

Still no bullring you coward ?

Thought so.
Watch the Senate leadership crush Castro Cruz like toilet paper and throw him away.

A list from 2012 is not a list for 2015, honey.
According to your link you are just advocating yet another flavor of the Tea Party.

We need a new party. We must work to unite the Tea Party Movement with the many splinter parties which hold the same basic values.

How exactly is raspberry-herbal blend going to differ from strawberry-herbal blend?

The TeaP creeps have lost almost all of their power in Congress (where's the list, Listening?) and across much of the country.

Michael Tomasky already spelled out how congress will be more conservative.

Suck on it.

You can bet Mia Love is going to be in our camp.

Don't you have a birthday party to work ? Clown.
Watch the Senate leadership crush Castro Cruz like toilet paper and throw him away.

A list from 2012 is not a list for 2015, honey.

You got a list for 2015 stupid ass...all you had to do was add in our new members.

Maybe you are to stupid to be a clown.

Still no bullring....you coward ?
The only way to have a third party is to run from the middle
Am I mistaken or do those folks who call for a 3rd party also criticize the good folks in the Tea Party who are working within the system to make the Republican party more responsive to voters? Get off your collective asses and try to make your chosen political party better rather than dwelling on stupid pipe dreams of parties and candidates that don't exist in the real world.
Not just a third party – but an EFFECTIVE third party. One that will put a stop to the Mossbacks who dominate Congress and continued to look after themselves and not the people who elected them.

Not just a well-thought-out-piece on the current Congress but how we got here in the first place.

So, just how do we get a viable third party? We have to start at the roots – local municipal and county governments. If we get enough of those, it will makes its way up to the states and then Congress.

Read the article @ Why We Need a Third Party

No, the issue is not the party name, but the federal system.

Over the years the federal government has subverted more and more power for themselves. The problem now is, the government is a collectivist centralized utopia. You know collectivism, kinda like Nazi Germany or the former USSR.

For example, at one time SCOTUS struck down the federal income tax as unconstitutional, so those wonderful progressives simply added it to the Constitution. Then they created a government bank in the Fed cause God knows all that federal income tax money would not be enough. No, they had to have the Fed print trillions more for their spending.

Now the federal government is a cash hog that essentially throws money around the globe and at home, just enough for power and influence over pretty much everyone on the globe. In short, they are now a grotesquely corrupt institution, because power corrupts. That is how Progressives have helped subvert the intention of a limited government in the US.

So go ahead, say you want a third party. They will just turn into one of those gross little creatures you see on Lord of the Rings, cause they too will become corrupt with all that money and power.

No, the only political solution is for states to amend the Constitution and take away power from the federal government. They could do this with such amendments as a balanced budget amendment or term limits.

If not, then things will continue as they are until the government goes belly up. Then some cookie cutter despotic regime will move in and it will be curtains for everyone.
The moral of the story is this: Last month's election didn't change Congress much, at least in the short run. We're still heading toward the same kind of cliffhanger that we've seen on spending bills for the last three years.

"The Republican Party is still caught up in a struggle between pragmatic conservatives and radicals," noted Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute. "That hasn't changed."


Well, well......looky here.
The moral of the story is this: Last month's election didn't change Congress much, at least in the short run. We're still heading toward the same kind of cliffhanger that we've seen on spending bills for the last three years.

"The Republican Party is still caught up in a struggle between pragmatic conservatives and radicals," noted Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute. "That hasn't changed."


Well, well......looky here.

Radicals? Oh, you mean the crazies who want to not only pass budgets, but balance them?

Yes, these fools are insane extremists who wish to limit government. Everybody knows that we must exponentially expand government every year to keep people from dying in the streets.

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