why we need electoral college:Los Angeles county is home to more people than each of these 41 states

The thread title is exactly why we need and have the Electoral College.

It's not surprising that the OP is a constitutional illiterate who doesn't understand the concept of the Tyranny of the Majority.

Read some Tocqueville, bub.

One Tocqueville over the line sweet mama
One Tocqueville over the line
Sittin' down on a political forum
One Tocqueville over the line.... :eusa_whistle:

Who do you love, bub?

The thread title is exactly why we need and have the Electoral College.

It's not surprising that the OP is a constitutional illiterate who doesn't understand the concept of the Tyranny of the Majority.

Read some Tocqueville, bub.

One Tocqueville over the line sweet mama
One Tocqueville over the line
Sittin' down on a political forum
One Tocqueville over the line.... :eusa_whistle:

Who do you love, bub?



Everybody, all together..... "Bat FINK.... Bat... FINK" Stomp stomp. (holds cig lighter up)
The thread title is exactly why we need and have the Electoral College.

It's not surprising that the OP is a constitutional illiterate who doesn't understand the concept of the Tyranny of the Majority.

Read some Tocqueville, bub.

One Tocqueville over the line sweet mama
One Tocqueville over the line
Sittin' down on a political forum
One Tocqueville over the line.... :eusa_whistle:

Who do you love, bub?



Everybody, all together..... "Bat FINK.... Bat... FINK" Stomp stomp. (holds cig lighter up)

You Raaaaannnnngggggg?

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The thread title is exactly why we need and have the Electoral College.

It's not surprising that the OP is a constitutional illiterate who doesn't understand the concept of the Tyranny of the Majority.

Read some Tocqueville, bub.

One Tocqueville over the line sweet mama
One Tocqueville over the line
Sittin' down on a political forum
One Tocqueville over the line.... :eusa_whistle:

Who do you love, bub?



Everybody, all together..... "Bat FINK.... Bat... FINK" Stomp stomp. (holds cig lighter up)

You Raaaaannnnngggggg?

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yep, I dig Lurch too. :thup:

And that li'l mermaid maiden. She can shimmy like my sister Kate. So to speak.

If ever there was an argument for the Electoral College... this may be it.
The major flaws in the electoral college are:

There are 12 states that are the perennial swings states that candidates concentrate on and 4 or 6 are must wins. Furthermore, most of these states are not our smallest states which shoots down the idea that small states are protected by the electoral college.

Once we get past the primaries, the general election focuses on a these few battleground states. Deals and promises are made for support within those states, and candidates tend to ignore the vast majority of the country in order to gain favor of a handful of voters in a few states.

Second, It violates the one person, one vote rule, which should be the proper rule of a modern democracy. No other modern democracy, has a system that uses an intermediary for the sole purpose of selecting the national leader.

It is archaic and should be abolish.
The thread title is exactly why we need and have the Electoral College.

It's not surprising that the OP is a constitutional illiterate who doesn't understand the concept of the Tyranny of the Majority.

Read some Tocqueville, bub.

One Tocqueville over the line sweet mama
One Tocqueville over the line
Sittin' down on a political forum
One Tocqueville over the line.... :eusa_whistle:

Who do you love, bub?



Everybody, all together..... "Bat FINK.... Bat... FINK" Stomp stomp. (holds cig lighter up)

You Raaaaannnnngggggg?

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yep, I dig Lurch too. :thup:

And that li'l mermaid maiden. She can shimmy like my sister Kate. So to speak.

Perhaps you'd care to join the male auxiliary of my Lost Tribe!

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
One Tocqueville over the line sweet mama
One Tocqueville over the line
Sittin' down on a political forum
One Tocqueville over the line.... :eusa_whistle:

Who do you love, bub?



Everybody, all together..... "Bat FINK.... Bat... FINK" Stomp stomp. (holds cig lighter up)

You Raaaaannnnngggggg?

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yep, I dig Lurch too. :thup:

And that li'l mermaid maiden. She can shimmy like my sister Kate. So to speak.

Perhaps you'd care to join the male auxiliary of my Lost Tribe!

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No other modern democracy, has a system that uses an intermediary for the sole purpose of selecting the national leader.

It is archaic and should be abolish.

Actually Pakistan does. Not that it's a "modern democracy" but it is the only other country that does it, "modern" or otherwise.

If ever there was an argument for the Electoral College... this may be it.

This shows a total lack of understanding about how Proportional Representation works.

PR would INCREASE the number of political parties to at least 5 or 6. This means that you wouldn't have the Republicans and Democrats controlling everything.

Also, it would mean THE AMERICAN PEOPLE would get a say on who their politicians are.

The German election is an interesting election to look at because the people vote FPTP and PR on the same day, at the same time.

The larger political parties do better with FPTP and the smaller parties do better with PR.

German federal election, 2017 - Wikipedia

In FPTP the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the votes in FPTP and 77% of the seats. How is that fair in any way?

Under PR, on the same day, they gained 33% of the votes, they lost 4.2% of the vote and got 35% of the seats. Much fairer you'd have to presume. Seeing as only 33% of German voters wanted them to represent them, not 77%.

The FDP got 7% of the vote with FPTP and gained ZERO seats. 7% of people wanted them to represent them, but they got nothing. How unfair is that?

With PR they got 10.7% of the votes and 11.4% of the seats. Much fairer. The voters actually got the representatives THEY WANTED.

So, the only reason to support FPTP is when you want an unfair system that doesn't represent the wishes of the people, but helps big business to control everything.

Under PR smaller parties could represent what you ACTUALLY believe in, rather than having to vote for the closest crap to your views.

Nothing makes FPTP look good.

The reality is that California and New York only make up a small percentage of the country.

However Republicans KNOW that the system favors them, and so they don't want to lose an unfair system.

Your praising German voting system?

That gave the world hitler


If ever there was an argument for the Electoral College... this may be it.

You didn't even make an argument here, Dumb Shit.
Nor are you even capable of making one.
You gotta spell it out for the braindead lib.

OP makes a reference to "these 41 states" ---- and then forgets to even list any. :eusa_doh: Typical.
And it wouldn't make a point if he had.

We know pogo, you couldn't find the state you lived in on that map

If ever there was an argument for the Electoral College... this may be it.

You didn't even make an argument here, Dumb Shit.
Nor are you even capable of making one.
You gotta spell it out for the braindead lib.

OP makes a reference to "these 41 states" ---- and then forgets to even list any. :eusa_doh: Typical.
And it wouldn't make a point if he had.

We know pogo, you couldn't find the state you lived in on that map

I didn't even get a map. :dunno:

Speaking of, did you ever get to Mary's Diner?
why we need electoral college:Los Angeles county is home to more people than each of these 41 states

One person, one vote. People vote - not acres. Or, are acres now people, too? That would make humans competing with corporations and acres.
Only in the world's most advanced democracy can one gather fewer votes and yet win.

And it is telling that some posters on this thread hold their fellow Americans in such disdain. Are they arguing there is a "real America" and a "contemptible America" existing side by side?

As for me, I'll take the places with universities, concert halls, museums and art galleries. The places with major sports franchises and restaurants and cosmopolitan outlooks. They can keep the soy bean fields, the cattle ranches and the trailer parks.
Oooohhhh--you really messed that one up with your final sentence. You can't eat without them. Be very, very grateful for them.
I wrote that as a response to folks who love to post maps of the United,States after elections. Huge swaths of the nation are depicted in red while blue shows up on the coasts and as isolated dots where there are major cities and/or college towns.

All that red, yet nobody lives there! There are more people in Brooklyn than there are in North Dakota. Yet North Dakota shows up as a mass of red in the central northern part of the map while Brooklyn shows up like the period at the end of this sentence.

A vote should be a vote regardless of where you live
And so it is.

No it isn't

For President, A vote in Wyoming counts five times what a vote in California counts
A vote in WY can deliver 3 EVs for the candidate, one in CA can deliver 55.

600,000 people in Wyoming get 3 EVs (200,000 per EV)
In California, 40 million people get 55 Evs (727,000 per EV)......California deserves 200 EVs
THE SMALLEST 25 STATES ALL added together, do not have the citizen population of California....

And that says what? They are not indoctrinated like the folks in California making their state go broke?
why we need electoral college:Los Angeles county is home to more people than each of these 41 states

One person, one vote. People vote - not acres. Or, are acres now people, too? That would make humans competing with corporations and acres.
Only in the world's most advanced democracy can one gather fewer votes and yet win.

And it is telling that some posters on this thread hold their fellow Americans in such disdain. Are they arguing there is a "real America" and a "contemptible America" existing side by side?

As for me, I'll take the places with universities, concert halls, museums and art galleries. The places with major sports franchises and restaurants and cosmopolitan outlooks. They can keep the soy bean fields, the cattle ranches and the trailer parks.
Oooohhhh--you really messed that one up with your final sentence. You can't eat without them. Be very, very grateful for them.
I wrote that as a response to folks who love to post maps of the United,States after elections. Huge swaths of the nation are depicted in red while blue shows up on the coasts and as isolated dots where there are major cities and/or college towns.

All that red, yet nobody lives there! There are more people in Brooklyn than there are in North Dakota. Yet North Dakota shows up as a mass of red in the central northern part of the map while Brooklyn shows up like the period at the end of this sentence.

And so it is.

No it isn't

For President, A vote in Wyoming counts five times what a vote in California counts
A vote in WY can deliver 3 EVs for the candidate, one in CA can deliver 55.

600,000 people in Wyoming get 3 EVs (200,000 per EV)
In California, 40 million people get 55 Evs (727,000 per EV)......California deserves 200 EVs
THE SMALLEST 25 STATES ALL added together, do not have the citizen population of California....

And that says what? They are not indoctrinated like the folks in California making their state go broke?

Looks like it says, "how many EVs do the smallest 25 states all added together get?"

I could add it up but --- you go ahead and do the honors.

If ever there was an argument for the Electoral College... this may be it.

You didn't even make an argument here, Dumb Shit.
Nor are you even capable of making one.
You gotta spell it out for the braindead lib.

OP makes a reference to "these 41 states" ---- and then forgets to even list any. :eusa_doh: Typical.
And it wouldn't make a point if he had.

We know pogo, you couldn't find the state you lived in on that map

I didn't even get a map. :dunno:

Speaking of, did you ever get to Mary's Diner?

Mary's diner?
You didn't even make an argument here, Dumb Shit.
Nor are you even capable of making one.
You gotta spell it out for the braindead lib.

OP makes a reference to "these 41 states" ---- and then forgets to even list any. :eusa_doh: Typical.
And it wouldn't make a point if he had.

We know pogo, you couldn't find the state you lived in on that map

I didn't even get a map. :dunno:

Speaking of, did you ever get to Mary's Diner?

Mary's diner?

Didn't I give you a restaurant tip in Winston Salem? While you were in Cherokee losing money?

Is there another Bear?
You gotta spell it out for the braindead lib.

OP makes a reference to "these 41 states" ---- and then forgets to even list any. :eusa_doh: Typical.
And it wouldn't make a point if he had.

We know pogo, you couldn't find the state you lived in on that map

I didn't even get a map. :dunno:

Speaking of, did you ever get to Mary's Diner?

Mary's diner?

Didn't I give you a restaurant tip in Winston Salem? While you were in Cherokee losing money?

Is there another Bear?

Oh yea I forgot
OP makes a reference to "these 41 states" ---- and then forgets to even list any. :eusa_doh: Typical.
And it wouldn't make a point if he had.

We know pogo, you couldn't find the state you lived in on that map

I didn't even get a map. :dunno:

Speaking of, did you ever get to Mary's Diner?

Mary's diner?

Didn't I give you a restaurant tip in Winston Salem? While you were in Cherokee losing money?

Is there another Bear?

Oh yea I forgot

See, that's why y'all EC-pologists are in the position you're in. Y'all ain't paying attention.

You need to start the day with a good breakfast. Ya gotta take care of the inner bear.
Democrats have two huge advantages
1) there are always more dumb people than intelligent people
2) The Democrat Hollywood/Press hate machine dominates what Americans see and hear
If an electoral college method of doing elections is the best way to do them,

then 99.9% of the elections held in this country are doing them a worse way.

It's a good way to elect the president. Liberals should cheer the EC because it ensures a diversity of viewpoints are represented in the election. Or do liberals only cheer diversity that does not include viewpoints?

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