Why we needed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act


So you can not read. Then there is no hope.

And this thread is useless. For it seems you have made it for others to come in and praise the Obama Tax for something it will not do; lower healthcare costs. (It was implied that the costs my stabalize and already out of control double digit annual increase, but that is not my major interest) It will not do this because taxation does not lower cost expectancies and State intervention into the sectors does in fact, increase costs drastically.

What I believe will decrease costs and human misery is univesal preventative health care.

I put it down for you one more time in the words of Murray Rothbard:

Our very real medical crisis has been the product of massive government intervention, state and federal, throughout the century; in particular, an artificial boosting of demand coupled with an artificial restriction of supply. The result has been accelerating high prices and deterioration of patient care. And next, socialized medicine could easily bring us to the vaunted medical status of the Soviet Union: everyone has the right to free medical care, but there is, in effect, no medicine and no care.
Murray Rothbard

What Rothbard purports is little more than an opinion and her conclusion is based on what happened in a culture much much different than our own.

I have opined many times my belief that Universal PREVENTATIVE health care, from cradle to grave, will reduce the overall cost to our nation if provided to every citizen. That does not mean socialized medicine.

My vision is a public-private sector consortium where the basics of preventative medicine are provided for low or no cost to every citizen. Basics would include inoculations, physicals on age appropriate schedules, health education to stop smoking, abusing alcohol or other drugs, screening for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart, vascular and other chronic and controllable disease. Parenting classes, Sexual Education Classes and Family Planning.
Being stupid as a poltical tactic leads you to have nohting but idiotic voters willing to give your party a vote.

That is suicide
You go girl... you tell 'em...
I have opined many times my belief that Universal PREVENTATIVE health care, from cradle to grave, will reduce the overall cost to our nation if provided to every citizen. That does not mean socialized medicine.

My vision is a public-private sector consortium where the basics of preventative medicine are provided for low or no cost to every citizen. Basics would include inoculations, physicals on age appropriate schedules, health education to stop smoking, abusing alcohol or other drugs, screening for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart, vascular and other chronic and controllable disease. Parenting classes, Sexual Education Classes and Family Planning.
I have opined many times my belief that Universal PREVENTATIVE health care, from cradle to grave, will reduce the overall cost to our nation if provided to every citizen. That does not mean socialized medicine.

My vision is a public-private sector consortium where the basics of preventative medicine are provided for low or no cost to every citizen. Basics would include inoculations, physicals on age appropriate schedules, health education to stop smoking, abusing alcohol or other drugs, screening for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart, vascular and other chronic and controllable disease. Parenting classes, Sexual Education Classes and Family Planning.

Yet you keep arguing that Obamacare is the right thing.
My premise was false? Obamacare has kicked in, and the NYT is complaining about double digit increases in insurance premiums, and you want me to think that Obamacare caused something that was already occurring before it passed.

What "something" are you referring to?
I have opined many times my belief that Universal PREVENTATIVE health care, from cradle to grave, will reduce the overall cost to our nation if provided to every citizen. That does not mean socialized medicine.

My vision is a public-private sector consortium where the basics of preventative medicine are provided for low or no cost to every citizen. Basics would include inoculations, physicals on age appropriate schedules, health education to stop smoking, abusing alcohol or other drugs, screening for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart, vascular and other chronic and controllable disease. Parenting classes, Sexual Education Classes and Family Planning.

Yet you keep arguing that Obamacare is the right thing.

It's the first step taken by any Congress/Administration since first proposed by TR over a century ago.
Only if you don't count Medicare/Medicaid and every coat of "reform" turd polish on them since.
My premise was false? Obamacare has kicked in, and the NYT is complaining about double digit increases in insurance premiums, and you want me to think that Obamacare caused something that was already occurring before it passed.

What "something" are you referring to?

The slowdown in healthcare spending that was caused by the recession. Unless, that is, you want to argue that Obamacare caused the recession.

Health Care Spending Increases but Rate Slows With Recession and Economy | PBS NewsHour | Jan. 7, 2013 | PBS
I have opined many times my belief that Universal PREVENTATIVE health care, from cradle to grave, will reduce the overall cost to our nation if provided to every citizen. That does not mean socialized medicine.

My vision is a public-private sector consortium where the basics of preventative medicine are provided for low or no cost to every citizen. Basics would include inoculations, physicals on age appropriate schedules, health education to stop smoking, abusing alcohol or other drugs, screening for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart, vascular and other chronic and controllable disease. Parenting classes, Sexual Education Classes and Family Planning.

Yet you keep arguing that Obamacare is the right thing.

It's the first step taken by any Congress/Administration since first proposed by TR over a century ago.

The EMTLA was much less than a century ago, want to try again?
My premise was false? Obamacare has kicked in, and the NYT is complaining about double digit increases in insurance premiums, and you want me to think that Obamacare caused something that was already occurring before it passed.

What "something" are you referring to?

The slowdown in healthcare spending ...

Ah yes, that. Must've happened at the same time health spending accelerated after Obamacare passed! :lol:
Yet you keep arguing that Obamacare is the right thing.

It's the first step taken by any Congress/Administration since first proposed by TR over a century ago.

The EMTLA was much less than a century ago, want to try again?

National health care was what I was getting at. Medicare and Medicaid are not universal, nor were any of the other piece meal efforts.

See: A Brief History: Universal Health Care Efforts in the US | Physicians for a National Health Program
It's the first step taken by any Congress/Administration since first proposed by TR over a century ago.

The EMTLA was much less than a century ago, want to try again?

National health care was what I was getting at. Medicare and Medicaid are not universal, nor were any of the other piece meal efforts.

See: A Brief History: Universal Health Care Efforts in the US | Physicians for a National Health Program

But you started this thread to tell us why we need Obamacare, not national health care.
The EMTLA was much less than a century ago, want to try again?

National health care was what I was getting at. Medicare and Medicaid are not universal, nor were any of the other piece meal efforts.

See: A Brief History: Universal Health Care Efforts in the US | Physicians for a National Health Program

But you started this thread to tell us why we need Obamacare, not national health care.

But, but, but ... I have never waivered in my opinion that we need universal preventative health care in our country. Our system of law making is built on compromise - or used to be until the radical right came upon the scene. Though I have never advocated for socialized medicine. I've supported a hybrid where we have public/private participation (which in fact we have a limited form today in our county hospital system) and every citizen is provided low or no cost preventative health care from cradle to grave.

The problem is the same it has always been, the conservatives are opposed to any soluton, no matter how pragmatic or humanistic out of fear and greed. The hoi polloi who considered themselves conservatives - many of whom post on the message board - are totally brainwashed by the hate and fear broadcast by demagogues and charlatans on the far far right. The privlidged class must defend the status quo and have for all of history, via bribery they have been able to do so on the issue of health care in America for over a century.

It's funny (as in odd) that your side argues about personal responsibility and 'welfare queens' yet opposed holding those who can afford health insurance from the requirement to buy it. You argue that competition is good but not when a government agency enters the market. If mandatory preventative health care existed the costs to insurance companies would most likely fall, for early detection of many serious and costly illnesses can be cured or controlled before they become advance and require more intensive and expensive interventions.

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