Why we want stimulus now and worry about deficits later

People like you said Bush was doing a good job while we were bleeding 7 million jobs and now you say Obama isn't doing good while he's adding 300,000 jobs a month.


Your math is questionable. We are down 14 million jobs and many of the ones that came back, pay a lot less.
Remember Bush didn't want a recession on his watch so he sent everyone $500 bucks? Where were the tea baggers back then? How come Republicans understood and apprciated that stimulus but can't understand we need one now?

Because they want Obama to fail?

I don't want him to fail. He just does it on his own.

People like you said Bush was doing a good job while we were bleeding 7 million jobs and now you say Obama isn't doing good while he's adding 300,000 jobs a month.


He's adding? :cuckoo:

The chart above shows a deeply depressed economy. The US still produce about 1 trillion less in annual GDP than they are capable of. Not only it results in a lot of human suffering, but it also starves the government of tax revenues, creating huge budget deficits.

Therefore we need more stimulus to help the economy closing the gap (which basically means creating more jobs) -- because it will also reduce the deficits.

Remember Bush didn't want a recession on his watch so he sent everyone $500 bucks? Where were the tea baggers back then? How come Republicans understood and apprciated that stimulus but can't understand we need one now?

Because they want Obama to fail?
Bad idea. It was inflationary. We ended up saving the money and sent it right back to the IRS when he had to pay our tax bill.
It is not Obama which we wish to fail, it is his policies. We want them to fail because we disagree with them. We think Obama is self absorbed and concerned only with his agenda and his legacy. He does not have the best interests of the American people in mind.
He believes in big government. That government is the answer to everything. He sees this country as inherently unfair. However, in his quest to right this perceived wrong he has also exposed his true goal. A nation of total equality of outcome. Of course this requires redistribution of all wealth through heavy taxation.
People like you said Bush was doing a good job while we were bleeding 7 million jobs and now you say Obama isn't doing good while he's adding 300,000 jobs a month.


Your math is questionable. We are down 14 million jobs and many of the ones that came back, pay a lot less.

This is another point that exposes you righties for the hypocrites you are. So now you are crying that those jobs are coming back paying less? Wasn't it you who said they were making too much?

You speak with fork tongue. Boyaka!!!!
Stop telling these fairy tales. US never printed money to offset the debt, and it is not going to start tomorrow.

We are already doing it, the reserve is printing more, the more that is printed and let into circulation devalues the dollar, drops the debt percentage and causes inflation.

Those are fairy tales. Fed, as always, keep printing just enough money to hit their inflation target (which is 2-3%). No more, no less.
Fake money. It has no real value. Increasing the money supply weakens the US Dollar.

The chart above shows a deeply depressed economy. The US still produce about 1 trillion less in annual GDP than they are capable of. Not only it results in a lot of human suffering, but it also starves the government of tax revenues, creating huge budget deficits.

Therefore we need more stimulus to help the economy closing the gap (which basically means creating more jobs) -- because it will also reduce the deficits.

Remember Bush didn't want a recession on his watch so he sent everyone $500 bucks? Where were the tea baggers back then? How come Republicans understood and apprciated that stimulus but can't understand we need one now?

Because they want Obama to fail?
Bad idea. It was inflationary. We ended up saving the money and sent it right back to the IRS when he had to pay our tax bill.
It is not Obama which we wish to fail, it is his policies. We want them to fail because we disagree with them. We think Obama is self absorbed and concerned only with his agenda and his legacy. He does not have the best interests of the American people in mind.
He believes in big government. That government is the answer to everything. He sees this country as inherently unfair. However, in his quest to right this perceived wrong he has also exposed his true goal. A nation of total equality of outcome. Of course this requires redistribution of all wealth through heavy taxation.

Believe it or not, you are in the minority. Most people want the rich to pay their fair share. Most people like social security and medicare. Most people like the right to choose. Most people think the bankers and wallstreet and insurance companeis should be regulated. Most people want insurance companies to cover pre existing conditions. Most people want unions to keep the right to collective bargaining. Most people want our government to regulate the oil companies. Most people understand evolution and corporations should be regulated from polluting our planet for profit.

Anyways, you are wrong. I don't know if you are Ron Paul wrong or Mitt Romney wrong, but you are wrong. And you are a fringe thinker on most issues.
Remember Bush didn't want a recession on his watch so he sent everyone $500 bucks? Where were the tea baggers back then? How come Republicans understood and apprciated that stimulus but can't understand we need one now?

Because they want Obama to fail?
Bad idea. It was inflationary. We ended up saving the money and sent it right back to the IRS when he had to pay our tax bill.
It is not Obama which we wish to fail, it is his policies. We want them to fail because we disagree with them. We think Obama is self absorbed and concerned only with his agenda and his legacy. He does not have the best interests of the American people in mind.
He believes in big government. That government is the answer to everything. He sees this country as inherently unfair. However, in his quest to right this perceived wrong he has also exposed his true goal. A nation of total equality of outcome. Of course this requires redistribution of all wealth through heavy taxation.

Believe it or not, you are in the minority. Most people want the rich to pay their fair share. Most people like social security and medicare. Most people like the right to choose. Most people think the bankers and wallstreet and insurance companeis should be regulated. Most people want insurance companies to cover pre existing conditions. Most people want unions to keep the right to collective bargaining. Most people want our government to regulate the oil companies. Most people understand evolution and corporations should be regulated from polluting our planet for profit.

Anyways, you are wrong. I don't know if you are Ron Paul wrong or Mitt Romney wrong, but you are wrong. And you are a fringe thinker on most issues.

And you are a fringe thinker on most issues.

Now that is just comical coming from you.
We are already doing it, the reserve is printing more, the more that is printed and let into circulation devalues the dollar, drops the debt percentage and causes inflation.

Those are fairy tales. Fed, as always, keep printing just enough money to hit their inflation target (which is 2-3%). No more, no less.
Fake money. It has no real value. Increasing the money supply weakens the US Dollar.

Bush/Santorum raised the debt ceiling how many times? 6?

I actually believe this is why they needed the economy to crash. Right when Bush was leaving office he went on tv and said give the bankers the money or else.

And we all lost half our 401K's. So how many trillions of dollars of our wealth was lost??? Think about it!!! They took a lot of money out of circulation when they caused that crash. Made up for all the money they printed.

Now they are being fiscally conservative becauese the Democrats are in control.
Bad idea. It was inflationary. We ended up saving the money and sent it right back to the IRS when he had to pay our tax bill.
It is not Obama which we wish to fail, it is his policies. We want them to fail because we disagree with them. We think Obama is self absorbed and concerned only with his agenda and his legacy. He does not have the best interests of the American people in mind.
He believes in big government. That government is the answer to everything. He sees this country as inherently unfair. However, in his quest to right this perceived wrong he has also exposed his true goal. A nation of total equality of outcome. Of course this requires redistribution of all wealth through heavy taxation.

Believe it or not, you are in the minority. Most people want the rich to pay their fair share. Most people like social security and medicare. Most people like the right to choose. Most people think the bankers and wallstreet and insurance companeis should be regulated. Most people want insurance companies to cover pre existing conditions. Most people want unions to keep the right to collective bargaining. Most people want our government to regulate the oil companies. Most people understand evolution and corporations should be regulated from polluting our planet for profit.

Anyways, you are wrong. I don't know if you are Ron Paul wrong or Mitt Romney wrong, but you are wrong. And you are a fringe thinker on most issues.

And you are a fringe thinker on most issues.

Now that is just comical coming from you.

How do I make you understand this. Ok, if you are not rich, the only reason you vote GOP is a wedge issues. Things like God, gays, guns or racism.

None of the positions you righties take are mainstream. But the rich don't care. They have lots of little wedge issues to use to try and lure dumb middle class voters over. So you may belong to a voting block that the GOP caters to, but you are not the majority on any of your positions. If you think you are, name the positions.

Do the majority of Americans want pro choice? Yes.

Do the majority of Americans think the rich need to start paying higher taxes? Yes.

The majority of Americans are ok with birth control.

The majority of Americans wanted healthcare reform.
How do I make you understand this. Ok, if you are not rich, the only reason you vote GOP is a wedge issues. Things like God, gays, guns or racism.

None of the positions you righties take are mainstream. But the rich don't care. They have lots of little wedge issues to use to try and lure dumb middle class voters over. So you may belong to a voting block that the GOP caters to, but you are not the majority on any of your positions. If you think you are, name the positions.

Do the majority of Americans want pro choice? Yes.

Do the majority of Americans think the rich need to start paying higher taxes? Yes.

The majority of Americans are ok with birth control.

The majority of Americans wanted healthcare reform.

Blithering all the way.

Let's look at the facts. The dems had a senate supermajority and the house. They could not get a good health care bill passed. Why ? Because they knew what was on the other side. You can run a poll and ask questions in a way to get the answers you want....and that is what was done.

If American really wanted it, we'd have it. What was got was a limp noodle.

The majority of Americans think this country is headed in the wrong direction. And a lot of that has to do with spending.

I have said it and so have many other republicans. You get your tax hike when I see realy spending cuts. For every four dollars of cuts, you get one dollar of extra taxes.

Our super committee was simply an admission of defeat.

Pro choice....you bet...show them a partial birth abortion and they'll say yes every time.

Are you really this stupid ?
Bush/Santorum raised the debt ceiling how many times? 6?

I actually believe this is why they needed the economy to crash. Right when Bush was leaving office he went on tv and said give the bankers the money or else.

And we all lost half our 401K's. So how many trillions of dollars of our wealth was lost??? Think about it!!! They took a lot of money out of circulation when they caused that crash. Made up for all the money they printed.

Now they are being fiscally conservative becauese the Democrats are in control.

Who cares what you believe.

Here are some facts.

When the market crashed, all you heard was how much money was lost. And how a privatized S.S. system would have left seniors in trouble.

Now that the market has returned, nobody is talking about how seniors would have been O.K. under a privatized system. Even though the economy is sluggish. Buying power, in many ways, is up.
How do I make you understand this. Ok, if you are not rich, the only reason you vote GOP is a wedge issues. Things like God, gays, guns or racism.

None of the positions you righties take are mainstream. But the rich don't care. They have lots of little wedge issues to use to try and lure dumb middle class voters over. So you may belong to a voting block that the GOP caters to, but you are not the majority on any of your positions. If you think you are, name the positions.

Do the majority of Americans want pro choice? Yes.

Do the majority of Americans think the rich need to start paying higher taxes? Yes.

The majority of Americans are ok with birth control.

The majority of Americans wanted healthcare reform.

Too bad they didn't get healthcare reform huh?

The majority of Americans think Congress stinks, but we are still going to have one.

You do understand this is a republic right?

I understand that debt will crush this nation, regardless of economic standing.
Remember Bush didn't want a recession on his watch so he sent everyone $500 bucks? Where were the tea baggers back then? How come Republicans understood and apprciated that stimulus but can't understand we need one now?

Because they want Obama to fail?
Bad idea. It was inflationary. We ended up saving the money and sent it right back to the IRS when he had to pay our tax bill.
It is not Obama which we wish to fail, it is his policies. We want them to fail because we disagree with them. We think Obama is self absorbed and concerned only with his agenda and his legacy. He does not have the best interests of the American people in mind.
He believes in big government. That government is the answer to everything. He sees this country as inherently unfair. However, in his quest to right this perceived wrong he has also exposed his true goal. A nation of total equality of outcome. Of course this requires redistribution of all wealth through heavy taxation.

Believe it or not, you are in the minority. Most people want the rich to pay their fair share. Most people like social security and medicare. Most people like the right to choose. Most people think the bankers and wallstreet and insurance companeis should be regulated. Most people want insurance companies to cover pre existing conditions. Most people want unions to keep the right to collective bargaining. Most people want our government to regulate the oil companies. Most people understand evolution and corporations should be regulated from polluting our planet for profit.

Anyways, you are wrong. I don't know if you are Ron Paul wrong or Mitt Romney wrong, but you are wrong. And you are a fringe thinker on most issues.
Stop the nonsense. The so called rich already pay the majority of ALL taxes. So your fair share argument goes to shit.
Who is discussing the right to choose? BTW choose WHAT?
Wall Street( Really hate that term....it's stupid)..is already regulated. It's called the Securities Commission. Go read about it.
The insurance industry is so heavily regulated that not only does the federal government lay mandates for health coverage upon it, the federal government now wants to become an insurer itself.
What you tree hugging big government libs refuse to acknowledge is that the USA is the cleanest country on the planet. The fact is China India are so heavily polluted that certain cities such as Shanghai and Mumbai would never pass our EPA pollution standards. Yet you people act like the US is going to cause the world to implode.
"Most people like Social Security and Medicare? What the hell does that have to do with anything? And for your info, BOTH programs are doomed to failure if not fixed. "Like".....What are you? Twelve years old?
"Most people"....You have some God damned nerve thinking to you can speak for others.
As long as there are enough intelligent conservatives around to keep you and the rest of the country out of the clutches of your lib/socialist agenda.
Remember Bush didn't want a recession on his watch so he sent everyone $500 bucks? Where were the tea baggers back then? How come Republicans understood and apprciated that stimulus but can't understand we need one now?

Because they want Obama to fail?
Bad idea. It was inflationary. We ended up saving the money and sent it right back to the IRS when he had to pay our tax bill.
It is not Obama which we wish to fail, it is his policies. We want them to fail because we disagree with them. We think Obama is self absorbed and concerned only with his agenda and his legacy. He does not have the best interests of the American people in mind.
He believes in big government. That government is the answer to everything. He sees this country as inherently unfair. However, in his quest to right this perceived wrong he has also exposed his true goal. A nation of total equality of outcome. Of course this requires redistribution of all wealth through heavy taxation.

Believe it or not, you are in the minority. Most people want the rich to pay their fair share. Most people like social security and medicare. Most people like the right to choose. Most people think the bankers and wallstreet and insurance companeis should be regulated. Most people want insurance companies to cover pre existing conditions. Most people want unions to keep the right to collective bargaining. Most people want our government to regulate the oil companies. Most people understand evolution and corporations should be regulated from polluting our planet for profit.

Anyways, you are wrong. I don't know if you are Ron Paul wrong or Mitt Romney wrong, but you are wrong. And you are a fringe thinker on most issues.

This must be what they call self hypnosis.

Everyone knows this is crap, but I guess if you say it enough...you'll think it is true.

We are already doing it, the reserve is printing more, the more that is printed and let into circulation devalues the dollar, drops the debt percentage and causes inflation.

Those are fairy tales. Fed, as always, keep printing just enough money to hit their inflation target (which is 2-3%). No more, no less.
Fake money. It has no real value. Increasing the money supply weakens the US Dollar.

Your face is fake. The US has been increasing the money supply since 1789. Yet the US dollar remains the the world most trusted currency.
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Obama stimulus was temporary, wasn't it?

So no, the left are not fixed on the government spending -- but the rights are. To them it's anathema, and this is the reason why this depression has been lasting so long.

No it wasn't temporary, it was renamed quantitative easing.

QE is not a fiscal stimulus. It has no effect on spending, debt or deficits. It is a form of a monetary stimulus.
Obama stimulus was temporary, wasn't it?

So no, the left are not fixed on the government spending -- but the rights are. To them it's anathema, and this is the reason why this depression has been lasting so long.

No it wasn't temporary, it was renamed quantitative easing.

QE is not a fiscal stimulus. It has no effect on spending, debt or deficits. It is a form of a monetary stimulus.
And it fucking failed too.

What's next...The Fed going to start paying people to take their counterfeit commercial script?...And if they did, what would they pay you in, more worthless FRNs?
No it wasn't temporary, it was renamed quantitative easing.

QE is not a fiscal stimulus. It has no effect on spending, debt or deficits. It is a form of a monetary stimulus.
And it fucking failed too.

That is because almost any form of monetary stimulus is ineffective when the interest rates are near zero.

We needed more fiscal stimulus -- but the Neanderthals (aka Republicans) were determined to block it. That is why Fed felt it has to do something, anything that had even a remote chances of success.
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The stimulus worked, GM was saved, and the economy is recovering.

Now we need to let the Bush tax cuts expire and get out of Afghanistan.

Then our long national Bush nightmare will be over.
Can you read? US got downgraded because a bunch of tea-baggers in the Congress were insisting on the US government refusing to pay its bills!


Goddamn but you Shitters are dumb.

Of course the facts are just the opposite of your claim.

Oh, and if Barry wanted government debt to be less attractive, he certainly succeeded.

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