Why we want stimulus now and worry about deficits later

No, what we need is for technocratic know-nothings to admit your towering failures, STFU, let the markets clear from your pious meddling, and let people of the nation rebuild the economy without your insolent patronage.

That is a pure unsubstantiated wishful thinking.
I know...Wishful thinking that arrogant know-it-all central controller tyrant asswipes like you, would actually get your fat arrogant know-it-all asses out of the way and let people alone.

I guy can always have a wish list, though.

And I would give a lot for an asshole like you to get his wishes. The only problem with that is that the fucking assholes are going to drown the whole country in shit and you will still learn nothing.
That is a pure unsubstantiated wishful thinking.
I know...Wishful thinking that arrogant know-it-all central controller tyrant asswipes like you, would actually get your fat arrogant know-it-all asses out of the way and let people alone.

I guy can always have a wish list, though.

And I would give a lot for an asshole like you to get his wishes. The only problem with that is that the fucking assholes are going to drown the whole country in shit and you will still learn nothing.
Project much, know-it-all asshole? :lol::lol::lol:
I know...Wishful thinking that arrogant know-it-all central controller tyrant asswipes like you, would actually get your fat arrogant know-it-all asses out of the way and let people alone.

I guy can always have a wish list, though.

And I would give a lot for an asshole like you to get his wishes. The only problem with that is that the fucking assholes are going to drown the whole country in shit and you will still learn nothing.
Project much, know-it-all asshole? :lol::lol::lol:

If you think he "knows-it-all", you are doing a hell of a lot better at interpreting his ramblings than I am. He hasn't made a lick of sense since his opening post and I am very close to giving up coming to this thread hoping he will actually say something coherent. I certainly hope that English is his third language.

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And I would give a lot for an asshole like you to get his wishes. The only problem with that is that the fucking assholes are going to drown the whole country in shit and you will still learn nothing.
Project much, know-it-all asshole? :lol::lol::lol:

If you think he "knows-it-all", you are doing a hell of a lot better at interpreting his ramblings than I am. He hasn't made a lick of sense since his opening post and I am very close to giving up coming to this thread hoping he will actually say something coherent. I certainly hope that English is his third language.

It's not incoherent...You're just to stupid to understand how brilliant it is! :rolleyes:
Project much, know-it-all asshole? :lol::lol::lol:

If you think he "knows-it-all", you are doing a hell of a lot better at interpreting his ramblings than I am. He hasn't made a lick of sense since his opening post and I am very close to giving up coming to this thread hoping he will actually say something coherent. I certainly hope that English is his third language.

It's not incoherent...You're just to stupid to understand how brilliant it is! :rolleyes:

If you are correct and it is not incoherent, then I suppose I am.

Those are fairy tales. Fed, as always, keep printing just enough money to hit their inflation target (which is 2-3%). No more, no less.
Fake money. It has no real value. Increasing the money supply weakens the US Dollar.

Your face is fake. The US has been increasing the money supply since 1789. Yet the US dollar remains the the world most trusted currency.
Really? YOU have just exposed yourself as a total imbecile.
It's a simple process of supply and demand.
Increase the amount of bills( currency) put them into circulation and the value of that currency falls.
In fact the USD is at 20 to 30 lows vs other major currencies.
This is all the explanation you deserve and are going to get. These are the facts. They are not in dispute.
You can deny all you like, but that won't change the facts. You are not on the correct side of this. Period. Done. End of story. No need for you to reply with what I would imagine some off the wall comment with you attempting appear profound accompanied by an insult or two. Stow it. Not interested.
Aw guys, now you went and broke my sarcasm meter. Ilia broke my BS meter, so I'm left with requiring links to sources.
Aw guys, now you went and broke my sarcasm meter. Ilia broke my BS meter, so I'm left with requiring links to sources.
This is all you need to know:

1) Piss away $1 trillion and things somehow get better, it's proof that "stimulus" works.

2) Piss away $1 trillion and things don't get better, it's proof that the "stimulus" was too small and/or wasn't enacted quickly enough.

2a) In the instance of #2, always claim "things were worse than we thought".

Obama stimulus was temporary, wasn't it?

So no, the left are not fixed on the government spending -- but the rights are. To them it's anathema, and this is the reason why this depression has been lasting so long.

No it wasn't temporary, it was renamed quantitative easing.

QE is not a fiscal stimulus. It has no effect on spending, debt or deficits. It is a form of a monetary stimulus.
Ok, genius. Where does the money come from? The sky?
QE is not a fiscal stimulus. It has no effect on spending, debt or deficits. It is a form of a monetary stimulus.
And it fucking failed too.

That is because almost any form of monetary stimulus is ineffective when the interest rates are near zero.

We needed more fiscal stimulus -- but the Neanderthals (aka Republicans) were determined to block it. That is why Fed felt it has to do something, anything that had even a remote chances of success.

The fact is we as a nation cannot afford more slush funds. That's all those stimulus were. Nearly one trillion dollars of what amounted to discretionary spending. No more.
Government needs to get the hell out of the way of the private sector.
Nothing could be further from the truth.


Such a noble and selfless group....

It has nothing to do with selflessness, they are paid very well to do their job.

Well, they tend to worry about the price stability way too much at the expense of fighting the unemployment. But I don't see the debt in the picture at all.

Besides, the US is and always has been perfectly capable of servicing its debt.

At the current level, in 2027 our debt will reach 50% of GDP. At that point, the ability of the nation to service the debt will be very questionable.

Well, genius, you can question whether the Earth is round, but the US national debt is more than 100% of GDP as of now. But the US has no problem rolling it over at the record low rates.

The cost of SERVICING the debt, son.
Fake money. It has no real value. Increasing the money supply weakens the US Dollar.

Your face is fake. The US has been increasing the money supply since 1789. Yet the US dollar remains the the world most trusted currency.
Really? YOU have just exposed yourself as a total imbecile.
It's a simple process of supply and demand.
Increase the amount of bills( currency) put them into circulation and the value of that currency falls.

Did it ever come to you that the demand for money has been growing as well?

Such a noble and selfless group....

It has nothing to do with selflessness, they are paid very well to do their job.

Well, they tend to worry about the price stability way too much at the expense of fighting the unemployment. But I don't see the debt in the picture at all.

At the current level, in 2027 our debt will reach 50% of GDP. At that point, the ability of the nation to service the debt will be very questionable.

Well, genius, you can question whether the Earth is round, but the US national debt is more than 100% of GDP as of now. But the US has no problem rolling it over at the record low rates.

The cost of SERVICING the debt, son.

What about it?
Remember Bush didn't want a recession on his watch so he sent everyone $500 bucks? Where were the tea baggers back then? How come Republicans understood and apprciated that stimulus but can't understand we need one now?

Because they want Obama to fail?

Are you claiming that the Bush tax rebates were effective?

Not really -- most of the savings were hoarded, so the effect on the economy was very small.
Ah yes. Hoarding of money. Another liberal attack word.
Hey busy body, since when is it any of your fucking business what a person does with THEIR money?
Do you think they owe you something? Do you believe you are entitled to money that belongs to others?
And don't spout off with that bullshit that it isn't their money to begin with. That's horse crap.
That is because almost any form of monetary stimulus is ineffective when the interest rates are near zero.

We needed more fiscal stimulus -- but the Neanderthals (aka Republicans) were determined to block it. That is why Fed felt it has to do something, anything that had even a remote chances of success.
No, what we need is for technocratic know-nothings to admit your towering failures, STFU, let the markets clear from your pious meddling, and let people of the nation rebuild the economy without your insolent patronage.

That is a pure unsubstantiated wishful thinking.
Yes. Instead of going to church on Sunday, you kneel before your wall hung poster of Obama.
You worship government. That is YOUR problem.
When this is over, you will realize that freedom, achievement, individual success, private sector growth and encouragement of all Americans to roll up their sleeves and come on in for the big win is going to rule the day. You join in or be left out. Either way, people like you will never take over the country.
Are you claiming that the Bush tax rebates were effective?

Not really -- most of the savings were hoarded, so the effect on the economy was very small.
Ah yes. Hoarding of money. Another liberal attack word.
Hey busy body, since when is it any of your fucking business what a person does with THEIR money?

Since we've learned about the paradox of thrift:
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Aw guys, now you went and broke my sarcasm meter. Ilia broke my BS meter, so I'm left with requiring links to sources.
This is all you need to know:

1) Piss away $1 trillion and things somehow get better, it's proof that "stimulus" works.

2) Piss away $1 trillion and things don't get better, it's proof that the "stimulus" was too small and/or wasn't enacted quickly enough.

2a) In the instance of #2, always claim "things were worse than we thought".


I always like the "things were worse than we thought" argument as if somehow that makes them look better. Hmm...so we should believe someone who says they can't even tell you accurately the state of the economy does in fact know how to fix it. You can fix it, but you don't know what the state of the economy actually is. That's what you're telling me. Hmm...
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