Why Wendy Davis is finished in politics


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Good to see that the press exposed this creature for the witch she is. Of course, it was local press. The national press never challenges any liberal.

Wendy Davis has no future in politics | New York Post

Jan 24, 2014

Want to know why Wendy Davis will have trouble winning higher office in Texas or anywhere else in America? It’s not because she stretched the truth in her “from mobile-home-living single mom to Harvard Law grad” campaign biography, nor because her husband paid for her education, nor even because she placed a lot of value on her career.

Nope: It’s because Davis, the Lone Star State senator who became famous for her filibuster of an abortion-limiting bill in Texas, lost custody of her children to her ex-husband.

This revelation about Davis’ past, which came to light thanks to reporting by Wayne Slater at The Dallas Morning News, is nothing less than shocking to most women, regardless of their political affiliation.

According to Slater’s account, Davis decided to leave her children, then ages 8 and 2, with their father in Fort Worth while she went off to Harvard Law School. Who could resist the siren call of the Ivy League? Well, I suspect that most women and plenty of men would, if it meant moving across the country from their kids for three years.

But before we get to that, note two things. First of all, that 8-year-old was not her husband’s biological child. I don’t mean to cast any aspersions on Jeff Davis’ commitment to his daughters; in fact, he looks like the knight in shining armor of this story.
He not only took on raising his own daughter alone, but also another girl, who’d been abandoned first by her father and then her mother.

Second: After Jeff finished paying off the last of Wendy’s school loans, she filed for divorce and gave up custody of her children. According to Jeff, his wife just decided, “While I’ve been a good mother, it’s not a good time for me right now.

A few years ago, one of my guy friends was dating a woman who didn’t have custody of her child. Every one of this man’s female friends told him to run. The fact that she would either willingly give up custody or that a judge would deem her unworthy of even joint custody raised alarm bells.

Feel free to call it sexism, if you want. But it’s a double standard that I don’t expect will change any time soon. Americans will forgive a lot in a politician. But a woman who leaves her kids is just beyond the pale.

She's A Dem, being a Liar is a prerequisite

Liz Warren, Blumenthal, Ted Kennedy (Murderer) Bobby Byrd (KKK Grand Kleagle)

She may get the VP nod
Raise your own kids? Bah!! that is so 19th century!! It takes a village to raise kids. So, why do they need a mommy?
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Raise your own kids? Bah!! that is so 19th century!! It takes a village to raise kids. So, why do they need a mommy?

You can be sure wendy wishes she had just aborted the little buggers. Kids are so inconvenient.
Birddog Sotero birfes a lot. :lol:

I would not vote for Davis based on her biography regardless of party affiliation.
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All the things the Post lists that make her a problem candidate makes her a star in the Democrat party.

Is Ms Davis 'black'? Surely she needs to be if she is to achieve Dem super star status. But I accept that being an 'EX single parent' trumps being just an ordinary 'single parent' to achieve that all important 'deprived' standing.
Good to see that the press exposed this creature for the witch she is. Of course, it was local press. The national press never challenges any liberal.

Wendy Davis has no future in politics | New York Post

Jan 24, 2014

Want to know why Wendy Davis will have trouble winning higher office in Texas or anywhere else in America? It’s not because she stretched the truth in her “from mobile-home-living single mom to Harvard Law grad” campaign biography, nor because her husband paid for her education, nor even because she placed a lot of value on her career.

Nope: It’s because Davis, the Lone Star State senator who became famous for her filibuster of an abortion-limiting bill in Texas, lost custody of her children to her ex-husband.

This revelation about Davis’ past, which came to light thanks to reporting by Wayne Slater at The Dallas Morning News, is nothing less than shocking to most women, regardless of their political affiliation.

According to Slater’s account, Davis decided to leave her children, then ages 8 and 2, with their father in Fort Worth while she went off to Harvard Law School. Who could resist the siren call of the Ivy League? Well, I suspect that most women and plenty of men would, if it meant moving across the country from their kids for three years.

But before we get to that, note two things. First of all, that 8-year-old was not her husband’s biological child. I don’t mean to cast any aspersions on Jeff Davis’ commitment to his daughters; in fact, he looks like the knight in shining armor of this story.
He not only took on raising his own daughter alone, but also another girl, who’d been abandoned first by her father and then her mother.

Second: After Jeff finished paying off the last of Wendy’s school loans, she filed for divorce and gave up custody of her children. According to Jeff, his wife just decided, “While I’ve been a good mother, it’s not a good time for me right now.

A few years ago, one of my guy friends was dating a woman who didn’t have custody of her child. Every one of this man’s female friends told him to run. The fact that she would either willingly give up custody or that a judge would deem her unworthy of even joint custody raised alarm bells.

Feel free to call it sexism, if you want. But it’s a double standard that I don’t expect will change any time soon. Americans will forgive a lot in a politician. But a woman who leaves her kids is just beyond the pale.

Why the big fuss? Obama lied about his past. He even talked about a girlfriend that never existed?
She is a typical Democrat, she wants others to take responsibility for her mistakes. Poor thing.
Good to see that the press exposed this creature for the witch she is. Of course, it was local press. The national press never challenges any liberal.

Wendy Davis has no future in politics | New York Post

Jan 24, 2014

Want to know why Wendy Davis will have trouble winning higher office in Texas or anywhere else in America? It’s not because she stretched the truth in her “from mobile-home-living single mom to Harvard Law grad” campaign biography, nor because her husband paid for her education, nor even because she placed a lot of value on her career.

Nope: It’s because Davis, the Lone Star State senator who became famous for her filibuster of an abortion-limiting bill in Texas, lost custody of her children to her ex-husband.

This revelation about Davis’ past, which came to light thanks to reporting by Wayne Slater at The Dallas Morning News, is nothing less than shocking to most women, regardless of their political affiliation.

According to Slater’s account, Davis decided to leave her children, then ages 8 and 2, with their father in Fort Worth while she went off to Harvard Law School. Who could resist the siren call of the Ivy League? Well, I suspect that most women and plenty of men would, if it meant moving across the country from their kids for three years.

But before we get to that, note two things. First of all, that 8-year-old was not her husband’s biological child. I don’t mean to cast any aspersions on Jeff Davis’ commitment to his daughters; in fact, he looks like the knight in shining armor of this story.
He not only took on raising his own daughter alone, but also another girl, who’d been abandoned first by her father and then her mother.

Second: After Jeff finished paying off the last of Wendy’s school loans, she filed for divorce and gave up custody of her children. According to Jeff, his wife just decided, “While I’ve been a good mother, it’s not a good time for me right now.

A few years ago, one of my guy friends was dating a woman who didn’t have custody of her child. Every one of this man’s female friends told him to run. The fact that she would either willingly give up custody or that a judge would deem her unworthy of even joint custody raised alarm bells.

Feel free to call it sexism, if you want. But it’s a double standard that I don’t expect will change any time soon. Americans will forgive a lot in a politician. But a woman who leaves her kids is just beyond the pale.

Why the big fuss? Obama lied about his past. He even talked about a girlfriend that never existed?

I hade a composite girlfriend once.....she was Farrah Fawcett, Linda Evans, and Linda Lovelace all in one....my things that girl could do...;)

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