Why were the Democrats not crying about John Edwards indictment like the Trumpers.

I said based on what we now know take a refresher course on reading comprehension knucklehead. And what we know is Bragg is trying an untested legal principle and trying to prosecute something as felony that historically has been a misdemeanor if it’s been prosecuted at all. Based on this that we know as of now I have not seen any objective legal expert call this a strong case for the prosecution.
You are not a knucklehead. You are a dumbass. A DA can indict but he is not tthe final decision maker. Our system has a check on a DA, the 6th ammendment; “the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury.”
The system has worked for over 200 years. The system does not include having the accused being called guilty or not guilty before the trial.
You are not a knucklehead. You are a dumbass. A DA can indict but he is not tthe final decision maker. Our system has a check on a DA, the 6th ammendment; “the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury.”
The system has worked for over 200 years. The system does not include having the accused being called guilty or not guilty before the trial.
It does now.
No legal expert will make a definitive statement until the facts of the indictments come out.
Some are saying an ex-President should not be indicted. Most are saying the fact we can indict an ex-President is built into our system. We are not a monarchy where the King is above the law.
Trump trained monjkeys are an embarrassment to the USA. They are like the confederates. They want the USA to be the way they want it not the way the founding fathers designed it.
The founding fathers put enough power in the judicial sytem to make sure we never have a king.
Trump trained monkeys think Trump is a king or even bigger.
No retard. We can simply see that this is nothing but a political prosecution that the FEC and DOJ, as well as Bragg’s predecessor declined to pursue. But TDS suffering lemmings don’t like things like truth or facts.
There's just no way to compare any American politician in history with what we're seeing.

This is closer to religion than politics for them.
This assumes that such has not been the case in the past.

The 'unprecedented' level of partisanship is referred to all the time but I have never seen anyone actually back that up. Recently I have started to question my own bias in that belief. After all, there was a time when we were killing each other in open warfare along party lines. Usually things in history that are blatantly obvious are only obvious because we are making incorrect assumptions.
Why were the Democrats not crying about John Edwards indictment like the Trumpers.
There are similarities in potential charges. There was no crying Edwards indictment was politically motivated.
Everyone allowed the justice system do their job. Edwards was found not guilty.
Everyone moved on. Everyone trusted the justice system and they did their job.

It is unAmerican to not have faith in our justice department. The justice system has checks and balances available if they make a mistake. You do not have to whine like a baby and make a drama out of it.

Because Democrats know a prick when they see one!

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