Why weren't we allowed to see Osama's body?

Whoever said they should be posted on the nightly news?

How else are all the people on this thread that wanted to see OBL's body going to be able to? I don't think that they're going to open up a special gallery with pictures in the 9/11 memorial. The only way that everyone in this country would be able to see the body is if the pictures were put on the news.
Ever hear of the internet?

Basically the same thing as television news. And they didn't do it there either, probably for the same reasons.
No, it's not the same thing, and the reason they didn't display there either is probably because there weren't any pictures to display.

If there were no pictures, then why did some of the congress critters state that they'd seen them?
What surprised me the most is that they weren't leaked.
Anyone ever consider that if photos of Bin Laden were broadcast on the nightly news for everyone to see, it might cause a backlash from the Muslim community, resulting in more terror attacks than what we have now?

And.............there's that little thing called the Geneva Conventions. I think that displaying dead people as trophies is against it.
And that little thing called human decency. He was not a decent man, but he was a human being like the rest of us. Don't know quite how to articulate that one. I'm glad justice was done.

Lets hear it for Ossama Bn Laden...hip hip hooray.
How else are all the people on this thread that wanted to see OBL's body going to be able to? I don't think that they're going to open up a special gallery with pictures in the 9/11 memorial. The only way that everyone in this country would be able to see the body is if the pictures were put on the news.
Ever hear of the internet?

Basically the same thing as television news. And they didn't do it there either, probably for the same reasons.
No, it's not the same thing, and the reason they didn't display there either is probably because there weren't any pictures to display.

If there were no pictures, then why did some of the congress critters state that they'd seen them?
What surprised me the most is that they weren't leaked.

I'm a little surprised by that as well. How quickly was the body disposed? It is as if Obama didn't want give Americas a chance to celebrate.
Whoever said they should be posted on the nightly news?

How else are all the people on this thread that wanted to see OBL's body going to be able to? I don't think that they're going to open up a special gallery with pictures in the 9/11 memorial. The only way that everyone in this country would be able to see the body is if the pictures were put on the news.
Ever hear of the internet?

Basically the same thing as television news. And they didn't do it there either, probably for the same reasons.
No, it's not the same thing, and the reason they didn't display there either is probably because there weren't any pictures to display.

If there were no pictures, then why did some of the congress critters state that they'd seen them?
Because Congressmen never lie, right?
Ever hear of the internet?

Basically the same thing as television news. And they didn't do it there either, probably for the same reasons.
No, it's not the same thing, and the reason they didn't display there either is probably because there weren't any pictures to display.

If there were no pictures, then why did some of the congress critters state that they'd seen them?
What surprised me the most is that they weren't leaked.

I'm a little surprised by that as well. How quickly was the body disposed? It is as if Obama didn't want give Americas a chance to celebrate.

Didn't want to give Americans a chance to celebrate? Are you serious? Because I remember watching the news and hearing people who had lined up outside the White House to hear the announcement cheering. I also seem to remember a lot of people on the news and other places celebrating that OBL had been taken out.

Besides, what did you want them to do, throw the body in the freezer and keep it until they came back from deployment?
He was buried at sea so nobody could dig him up and shoot him some more. I'd like to have seen him buried in concrete under the new WTC.
Anyone ever consider that if photos of Bin Laden were broadcast on the nightly news for everyone to see, it might cause a backlash from the Muslim community, resulting in more terror attacks than what we have now?

And.............there's that little thing called the Geneva Conventions. I think that displaying dead people as trophies is against it.
Whoever said they should be posted on the nightly news?

How else are all the people on this thread that wanted to see OBL's body going to be able to? I don't think that they're going to open up a special gallery with pictures in the 9/11 memorial. The only way that everyone in this country would be able to see the body is if the pictures were put on the news.

Not at all. Ever see the body of Che Guevara??


...oops; photoshopped...


Ever hear of the internet?

Basically the same thing as television news. And they didn't do it there either, probably for the same reasons.
No, it's not the same thing, and the reason they didn't display there either is probably because there weren't any pictures to display.

If there were no pictures, then why did some of the congress critters state that they'd seen them?
What surprised me the most is that they weren't leaked.

I'm a little surprised by that as well. How quickly was the body disposed? It is as if Obama didn't want give Americas a chance to celebrate.

That is true but I think America celebrated well enough. I am told that when Stalin died Grandad was pissed for a fortnight; dancing on tables. When my mother said that you shouldn't celebrate a person's death, Grandad just laughed and said "But Betty; it was STALIN". ....he partied on for quite a while.

Anyone ever consider that if photos of Bin Laden were broadcast on the nightly news for everyone to see, it might cause a backlash from the Muslim community, resulting in more terror attacks than what we have now?

And.............there's that little thing called the Geneva Conventions. I think that displaying dead people as trophies is against it.
Whoever said they should be posted on the nightly news?

How else are all the people on this thread that wanted to see OBL's body going to be able to? I don't think that they're going to open up a special gallery with pictures in the 9/11 memorial. The only way that everyone in this country would be able to see the body is if the pictures were put on the news.

Not at all. Ever see the body of Che Guevara??


...oops; photoshopped...


Say, is that Carlos Santana in the straw hat?
Anyone ever consider that if photos of Bin Laden were broadcast on the nightly news for everyone to see, it might cause a backlash from the Muslim community, resulting in more terror attacks than what we have now?

And.............there's that little thing called the Geneva Conventions. I think that displaying dead people as trophies is against it.
Whoever said they should be posted on the nightly news?

How else are all the people on this thread that wanted to see OBL's body going to be able to? I don't think that they're going to open up a special gallery with pictures in the 9/11 memorial. The only way that everyone in this country would be able to see the body is if the pictures were put on the news.

Not at all. Ever see the body of Che Guevara??


...oops; photoshopped...


Say, is that Carlos Santana in the straw hat?

Dunno; but the maggot food is Che!!

Basically the same thing as television news. And they didn't do it there either, probably for the same reasons.
No, it's not the same thing, and the reason they didn't display there either is probably because there weren't any pictures to display.

If there were no pictures, then why did some of the congress critters state that they'd seen them?
What surprised me the most is that they weren't leaked.

I'm a little surprised by that as well. How quickly was the body disposed? It is as if Obama didn't want give Americas a chance to celebrate.

That is true but I think America celebrated well enough. I am told that when Stalin died Grandad was pissed for a fortnight; dancing on tables. When my mother said that you shouldn't celebrate a person's death, Grandad just laughed and said "But Betty; it was STALIN". ....he partied on for quite a while.

Yes. Boston Common was full that night, they say. Your Grandad sounds like a cool guy.
Anyone ever consider that if photos of Bin Laden were broadcast on the nightly news for everyone to see, it might cause a backlash from the Muslim community, resulting in more terror attacks than what we have now?

And.............there's that little thing called the Geneva Conventions. I think that displaying dead people as trophies is against it.
And that little thing called human decency. He was not a decent man, but he was a human being like the rest of us. Don't know quite how to articulate that one. I'm glad justice was done.

Lets hear it for Ossama Bn Laden...hip hip hooray.
That's not what I said, like five times.
Anyone ever consider that if photos of Bin Laden were broadcast on the nightly news for everyone to see, it might cause a backlash from the Muslim community, resulting in more terror attacks than what we have now?

And.............there's that little thing called the Geneva Conventions. I think that displaying dead people as trophies is against it.

Displaying the body wasn't necessary had the Obama Administration had an international body of forensic experts identify the body and conclusively prove that it was Bin Laden. Given all the strife and turmoil Bin Laden has supposedly caused the world, sure independently identifying the body should have been a no-brainer.

Of course, proving anything to moronic people who believe that giant buildings can fall straight down isn't necessary. :0)

I ask again, who told you that Bin Laden was responsible for 9/11? How curious that nobody seems to know. :0)
Anyone ever consider that if photos of Bin Laden were broadcast on the nightly news for everyone to see, it might cause a backlash from the Muslim community, resulting in more terror attacks than what we have now?

And.............there's that little thing called the Geneva Conventions. I think that displaying dead people as trophies is against it.

Displaying the body wasn't necessary had the Obama Administration had an international body of forensic experts identify the body and conclusively prove that it was Bin Laden. Given all the strife and turmoil Bin Laden has supposedly caused the world, sure independently identifying the body should have been a no-brainer.

Of course, proving anything to moronic people who believe that giant buildings can fall straight down isn't necessary. :0)

I ask again, who told you that Bin Laden was responsible for 9/11? How curious that nobody seems to know. :0)

There WERE people onboard the carrier that were tasked with identifying him from photos, as well as by DNA, so they could make sure they got him.

The reason that the WTC fell straight down was because of the design of the buildings, and with the fact that the elevator shafts (which are stronger than the walls) went right down the middle, and when the buildings fell, the elevator shafts is what helped it to fall straight.

And, you want to know who told me that OBL was responsible for 9/11? Well, there was the news release that the Taliban released, and oh yeah.............Bush Jr. told us that OBL was responsible, but he went after Saddam instead.
Anyone ever consider that if photos of Bin Laden were broadcast on the nightly news for everyone to see, it might cause a backlash from the Muslim community, resulting in more terror attacks than what we have now?

And.............there's that little thing called the Geneva Conventions. I think that displaying dead people as trophies is against it.

Displaying the body wasn't necessary had the Obama Administration had an international body of forensic experts identify the body and conclusively prove that it was Bin Laden. Given all the strife and turmoil Bin Laden has supposedly caused the world, sure independently identifying the body should have been a no-brainer.

Of course, proving anything to moronic people who believe that giant buildings can fall straight down isn't necessary. :0)

I ask again, who told you that Bin Laden was responsible for 9/11? How curious that nobody seems to know. :0)

BBC, Speigel and Le Monde. Hardly right wing conspiracy rags.


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