Why weren't we allowed to see Osama's body?

Yes, I think when enemies are killed, the victors should parade the bodies through the streets.

Oh, wait...
I sense a conspiracy coming on.

I sense a desperate avoidance of the question. It is quite answerable. I am not asking where is Obama birth certificate or anything.

It was Obama's call and he told you why years ago.
There were many things said. Some made sense but you might like to refresh. Something about respect for Muslim burial practices etc.


That wasn't it.

Obama: I won't release bin Laden death photos

And good that he didn't because it would just give more power to bin Laden.

Besides, he was respecting the Bush's feelings about losing a long time family friend.
Nah; Obama got him. Credit where due. Osama got what he was due; pity he had only one life to give for his crimes!!

Obama got Osama, or did Osama get Obama... Obama, Osama... hard to tell them apart, they both hate America.

I feel the same way. I really don't see a lot of passion for killing Osama Bin Laden coming from the left other than an opportunity to glorify their mesiah. Have you ever notice that? I've been listening to the left for years and I noticed a pattern which is if it glorifies their guy then it is a noteworthy accomplishment and if it doesn't then it doens't matter at all. They can go Fuck themselves!

Unlike the shrub, right?

Killing bin Laden "glorified" the US.

Deal with it, traitor.
Was Congress supposed to vote on it? Get real, it was his call and national security played at least to some extend if not the most important reason. Sorry, it's not superdemocrats decision to make.

I am getting real like really pointing out that beneath every libtard like you is a person who hates the idea that the people in a democracy are the boss and not the other way around.

Well, you just disagree with Obama not putting out the pictures and it appears are having a wingding because superdemocrat didn't get his way. Sorry, we don't live in a direct democracy where you get to vote on everything.

But trying to imply that the non release of the photos is undemocratic is fucking hilarious.

When the heck did it become democratic for the elected representatives to veto the will of the people?

Politicians only do the popular thing? What will of the people? Is there some huge uproar about seeing them?

Most of the public has listened to people like you for so long that they have gotten use to the government telling them what to do. They didn't cry about it because they know there is no point in asking for it anymore. The politicians in charge simply think they are in charge and don't respect the people anymore.

You want every move the president makes up for popular vote. The clusterfuck that would be escapes you.
Last thing wanted was for family member to demand the body and then have groups make a martyr out of the guy. So it was like a mob hit, kill 'em and immediately feed him to the fishes.

You may be right or wrong on that but I just kind of thought public opinion should decide the issue not a single person. What is the point of living in a democracy if the public's opinion on anything doesn't count.

We don't live in a democracy. The President decided based on national security not to release the photos, the last thing I want is an uninformed public making those decisions, you don't know everything that is going on..

What do we live in if it isn't a democracy? Please fill in this sentence The American form of government is _________ I would just like an answer on this for clarification.

" the last thing I want is an uninformed public making those decisions" I see...when the public is uninformed the will of the people can be suspended.

A Republic, a Representative Democracy, take your pick. We elect politicians to make the decisions. You don't know how our government works...not surprised.

Here's a hint. When was the last time you voted for a national bill. Answer, you never have.
QUESTION: Who told you that Bin Laden was responsible for 9/11?

Bush / Cheney said it wasn't them who told you.

Additionally, the FB! has never charged Bin Laden with any crime of 9/11 .. because according to the FBI, there wasn't enough evidence.

Additionally, who produced the so-called Bin Laden 'confession tapes' that were obviously false? Why didn't your government tell you that tapes were a fraud?

Americans are stupid and can be told any fucking thing.

Is that you Obama?

:0) In other words, you don't know who told you it was Bin Laden.

What a surprise.
It is still a fucking mystery to me. Why weren't we allowed to see OSama's body?
"It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool," said the president.

"We don't trot out this stuff as trophies," Mr. Obama added. "The fact of the matter is, this is somebody who was deserving of the justice that he received."

I missed the part where we have a right to a democratic vote on every decision made by the Commander in Chief. This is scraping the bottom of the barrel for Obama bashing. If you feel deeply disappointed that you couldn't see photos of BinLaden with a couple holes in his face, you're a sick bastard.
Where is the evidence he was killed at all?
You calling the Seals liars?
The most wanted terrorist in history and they're not gonna show his body? Bullshit.
That's too medieval for me. I have to admit, it crossed my mind at the time if we REALLY killed him, but that was just my paranoia gene at work. If he weren't dead, we would have certainly heard about it by now. AQ wouldn't allow us to float that kind of propaganda unopposed.

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