Why weren't we allowed to see Osama's body?

Last thing wanted was for family member to demand the body and then have groups make a martyr out of the guy. So it was like a mob hit, kill 'em and immediately feed him to the fishes.

You may be right or wrong on that but I just kind of thought public opinion should decide the issue not a single person. What is the point of living in a democracy if the public's opinion on anything doesn't count.

We don't live in a democracy. The President decided based on national security not to release the photos, the last thing I want is an uninformed public making those decisions, you don't know everything that is going on..
No way would Obama hide the proof of bin Laden's death. He would have had his fucking head on a stick in front of the White House. He's too much of a braggart not to.

So you believe in far fetched conspiracies then.
One of two things happened.
1. bin Laden was already dead (probably form kidney failure) and Obama seized the opportunity to take credit for it.
2. The Seals killed him and Obama (being a muslim) didn't want to piss off his muslim friends by showing his body (maybe even told them we didn't really kill him).
Either way, it doesn't pass the smell test.
No way would Obama hide the proof of bin Laden's death. He would have had his fucking head on a stick in front of the White House. He's too much of a braggart not to.

So you believe in far fetched conspiracies then.
One of two things happened.
1. bin Laden was already dead (probably form kidney failure) and Obama seized the opportunity to take credit for it.
2. The Seals killed him and Obama (being a muslim) didn't want to piss off his muslim friends by showing his body (maybe even told them we didn't really kill him).
Either way, it doesn't pass the smell test.

Where is the evidence?
No way would Obama hide the proof of bin Laden's death. He would have had his fucking head on a stick in front of the White House. He's too much of a braggart not to.

So you believe in far fetched conspiracies then.
One of two things happened.
1. bin Laden was already dead (probably form kidney failure) and Obama seized the opportunity to take credit for it.
2. The Seals killed him and Obama (being a muslim) didn't want to piss off his muslim friends by showing his body (maybe even told them we didn't really kill him).
Either way, it doesn't pass the smell test.

Where is the evidence?
Where is the evidence he was killed at all?
I don't see any of this as a conspiracy. I always wondered. I sort of have come to the conclusion that he was long dead prior to the supposed killing of him.
They never hid others bodies.
Newp..he was long dead before.
Nah; Obama got him. Credit where due. Osama got what he was due; pity he had only one life to give for his crimes!!

Last thing wanted was for family member to demand the body and then have groups make a martyr out of the guy. So it was like a mob hit, kill 'em and immediately feed him to the fishes.
You may be right or wrong on that but I just kind of thought public opinion should decide the issue not a single person. What is the point of living in a democracy if the public's opinion on anything doesn't count.
Why do some say we're a republic not a democracy when it suits them, but then we get instances like this. Where are ARE all the "we're not a democracy" posters?!?!
Inhofe vouches for Obama.

One person who has seen them is the US President Barack Obama. He told CBS there were good reasons why they were being withheld.

“Keep in mind that we are absolutely certain this was him. We’ve done DNA sampling and testing. And so there is no doubt that we killed Osama bin Laden,” the President said.

“It is important for us to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence. As a propaganda tool.

One estimate was that as few as 50 people had seen the images. One of those, Republican Senator James Inhofe, has described in detail what he saw.

“One of the shots went through the ear and out through an eye socket, or through the eye socket and out through the ear and exploded, that was the kind of ordinance it was. That caused the brains to be hanging out of the eye socket,” he told CNN.

Inhofe was sure it was bin Laden. “Absolutely no question about it. A lot of people out there say: ‘I want to see the pictures,’ but I’ve already seen them. That was him. He’s gone. He’s history.”

Secret picture of bin Laden’s body

Brains out of eye socket?? Yeah; dead as a maggot!!

I sense a conspiracy coming on.

I sense a desperate avoidance of the question. It is quite answerable. I am not asking where is Obama birth certificate or anything.

It was Obama's call and he told you why years ago.

I like how he gets to make unilateral decisions without any consideration for the people of this country. Do you realize that this is democracy?

Was Congress supposed to vote on it? Get real, it was his call and national security played at least to some extend if not the most important reason. Sorry, it's not superdemocrats decision to make.

I am getting real like really pointing out that beneath every libtard like you is a person who hates the idea that the people in a democracy are the boss and not the other way around.

Walk up to the White House and see how far it gets you...
Osama was dead years ago, he was on a dialysis machine in 2001. How long do you think someone can live on one? Obama is a proven liar.

Yeah; but Inhofe is as honest as they get. The thought of Osama with his brains leaking out of his eye ....sorta pleasant!!

Last thing wanted was for family member to demand the body and then have groups make a martyr out of the guy. So it was like a mob hit, kill 'em and immediately feed him to the fishes.

Burial at sea, is that really a Muslim custom?

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