Why will Putin invade Ukraine; How shall NATO respond?

Ukraine only has 200,000 troops; a quarter of Russia's full set of troops, and a small fraction of Russia's tanks and other military resources.
I doubt Ukraine now has 120,000 at Donbas borders, due to the need to protect other areas.
The Donbas is UKRAINIAN territory! Formally, Russia denies it has troops there, but it's obvious those RUSSIAN separatists are FULLY supported by Russia at the expense of the majority population there that are Ukrainian.
Like Crimea, the Donbas is a Russian territory grab.
The whole Ukraine was a land grab in 2014, when the nazi putsch overthrew the democratically elected government and installed a declared russophob one. The majority of Russians in the east and on the Crimea had to be protected from the atrocities committed by irregular troops. Everything would be fine now without these western-orchestrated "revolutions". Playing victim after stabbing schoolmates is an old and well known strategy of the western bully that will cost us everything if we cant get rid of him. Mainly a task of American citizens, since little Euro-bullies never act on their own.
The whole Ukraine was a land grab in 2014, when the nazi putsch overthrew the democratically elected government and installed a declared russophob one. The majority of Russians in the east and on the Crimea had to be protected from the atrocities committed by irregular troops. Everything would be fine now without these western-orchestrated "revolutions". Playing victim after stabbing schoolmates is an old and well known strategy of the western bully that will cost us everything if we cant get rid of him. Mainly a task of American citizens, since little Euro-bullies never act on their own.
Jesus Boris...stop with the Putin propaganda
Jesus Boris...stop with the Putin propaganda
Putin prescribing my next post on USMB:

Speaking as a U.S. citizen, I don't support any action that would directly threaten Russia's military in THIS SITUATION. In fact, I think that even economic sanctions should be measured. Rather than try to rub his nose in it on the global stage... all of our efforts should go into building a VERY credible defensive posture in Poland and the Czech Republic as well as strengthening our assets in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Ukraine is a very corrupt nation and more importantly, it sits directly on Russia's border. If Xi or Vlad decided to build a potentially aggressive force posture in Mexico, we wouldn't accept it and he shouldn't be expected to sit quietly while NATO does that to Russia. A pissing contest with a nuclear-armed leader with "short man's syndrome" is something we'd be wise to avoid if possible.
Yes, Ukraine has a good deal of corruption, as does Russia and many other nations, but it's not a military threat to democratic nations, and has economic benefits and potential to be much less corrupt than Putin's Russia if given the chance to join EU. NATO is another matter.

Russia is the aggressor here, and if NATO does not stop Russia's continuing illegal expansion across borders of UN countries, then China will follow with Taiwan, etc.
Yes, Ukraine has a good deal of corruption, as does Russia and many other nations, but it's not a military threat to democratic nations, and has economic benefits and potential to be much less corrupt than Putin's Russia if given the chance to join EU. NATO is another matter.

Russia is the aggressor here, and if NATO does not stop Russia's continuing illegal expansion across borders of UN countries, then China will follow with Taiwan, etc.
Calling Russian troops on Russian soil an aggression is kinda idiotic.
The whole Ukraine was a land grab in 2014, when the nazi putsch overthrew the democratically elected government and installed a declared russophob one. The majority of Russians in the east and on the Crimea had to be protected from the atrocities committed by irregular troops. Everything would be fine now without these western-orchestrated "revolutions". Playing victim after stabbing schoolmates is an old and well known strategy of the western bully that will cost us everything if we cant get rid of him. Mainly a task of American citizens, since little Euro-bullies never act on their own.
Sorry, but informed people know that Putin had a corrupt puppet in 2014 who ignored the Ukrainian people's wishes to join EU. Your use of "Nazi" shows your Putin side and only is effective with idiots. Did you know that Ukrainian President Zelensky is Jewish and Putin hates him? Putin is the real Nazi here.
Russian troops are massing on Ukraine's border Boris...you deny that?
They are free to amass anywhere in Russia, Sam. When US troops are amassing to really invade a country against international law, reactions are different.
Sorry, but informed people know that Putin had a corrupt puppet in 2014 who ignored the Ukrainian people's wishes to join EU. Your use of "Nazi" shows your Putin side and only is effective with idiots. Did you know that Ukrainian President Zelensky is Jewish and Putin hates him? Putin is the real Nazi here.
Zelensky did not participate in the putsch. Euromaidan demonstrators demonstrated. It was the Nazi gangs that went violent and all is well documented and can be presented to you at any time.
They are free to amass anywhere in Russia, Sam. When US troops are amassing to really invade a country against international law, reactions are different.
True as far as it goes...but massing on every border of Ukraine is a prelude (at the very least a threat) to invasion.

Don't play dumb Boris
Zelensky did not participate in the putsch. Euromaidan demonstrators demonstrated. It was the Nazi gangs that went violent and all is well documented and can be presented to you at any time.
Stop Boris..Ukraine through out the corrupt Putin stooge...and Putin is mad.

Save the Putin propaganda
True as far as it goes...but massing on every border of Ukraine is a prelude (at the very least a threat) to invasion.

Don't play dumb Boris
If the troops are intended to invade Ukraine, what are they waiting for? I already told you the troops are there to respond to aggressions against Donezk and Lugansk.
Good god, you cultists really have become Russian trolls spreading embarrassing lies. I mean, I cannot believe you just regurgitated Putin's lie. Fuckin A.
I find it interesting that you need to call people names if they do not agree with the propaganda that you push.



Simple fact of the matter is? The Russian troops are in Russia. The western alliance troops? THEY ARE NOT IN THEIR OWN NATIONS. :rolleyes:

American and British Troops are in other nations, on the border with Russia. Are you stoopid? Are you REALLY THIS DUMB?

We have no business in Ukraine.

This is a European problem... Let Europe handle it.

Joe Biden... Hero of the Taliban... should be locked in his room far from any communication devices... the last thing the world needs is his "help" in any military planning or operations.


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