Why Work?

Is this ridiculous or what?

  • Total voters
Perhaps those 1/6 of blacks should quit committing crimes and get a damn job.

While they may not physically rot, when they make choices to do such things, they become rotten and there isn't a bit of difference.
"Get a damn job". Doing what? There are not enough jobs to take all of the unemployed.

And you guys keep ignoring that many who receive public assistance have jobs.

So you want most poor people to work 2 or 3 jobs, and then at the same time you claim that there are enough jobs for everybody.

It is nothing but a lie, and you are simply greedy.

How the hell can someone who only wants to keep what they've earned be greedy? I'm not the one demanding someone else pay higher taxes so I can have handed to me what I don't provide to myself.

I don't ignore that many who get handouts have jobs. That tells me they have low level skills if they work and can't afford to feed themselves.
They have low level skills and there's nothing they can do about it, and there are not enough low level skill jobs for all of them. What do you suggest should happen to them? One of your bretheren said our country ought to be more like Africa where there's real poverty. All so you can keep an extra 1,000 dollars per year and so that your rich slave driver can keep an extra 5 million dollars per year, mostly "earned" from "investment". You are pathetic.

Why do you prostrate yourself for "the man"? Why do you worship fat cats? It's pitiful.

you're being used, prostrating yourself, but are too stupid to realize it.

Who is using me? You guys undeniably vote for the interests of the Top 1%.

and that top 1% got richer FASTER UNDER PROGRESSIVES then they were getting Republicans. so who votes against their own interests???
You have access to many luxuries and pleasures that welfare recipients have no access to. Enjoy that instead of whining that they are able to live.

As I said, if you have ideas for welfare reform other than do away with it because "it's not fair. Make them pay the consequences they deserve. And I want to keep my whole salary" I'm all ears.

i have many. the thing about laughable losers like you on the Left is that you will have a thousand stupid reasons why reasonable limitations cant be done, most of the involving simply petty jealousy of the rich. you dont really give a shit about the poor; stop deluding yourself
The rest of you are required to pay taxes that in part provide a social safety net because we the voters said so. That's how representative government works.

If you can convince people that we ought to be more like Africa where there's real poverty and we ought to be a place where consequences of bad choices should be permanent, go ahead. But you can't. Because most voters appreciate the social safety net, whether or not they actually use it personally.

it isnt a "net" when your policies CREATE DEPENDENT PEOPLE TO "HELP", it's something else that that point

idiots and hypocrites
If we were a society of survival of the fittest, many wouldn't survive. The voters aren't okay with that.

But if you have ideas for welfare reform rather than doing away with welfare altogether, I'm all ears. What you got?

You mean those who wouldn't survive voting for those who will take away from the earner and give it to their sorry asses?

If you see someone that doesn't have something they need, write a check.
The rest of you are required to pay taxes that in part provide a social safety net because we the voters said so. That's how representative government works.

If you can convince people that we ought to be more like Africa where there's real poverty and we ought to be a place where consequences of bad choices should be permanent, go ahead. But you can't. Because most voters appreciate the social safety net, whether or not they actually use it personally.
You mean voters who aren't paying the costs? That's easy to do when you're not paying.

All leeches appreciate the handouts. They get what the rest of us earn and buy without having to pay for it. Sorry pieces of shit.
how about demanding unwed mothers give up the name of the father as a condition of receiving welfare??
how about ensuring the money isnt going to strip clubs, for weed, and casinos?
how about demanding unwed mothers give up the name of the father as a condition of receiving welfare??
how about ensuring the money isnt going to strip clubs, for weed, and casinos?
That's fine. That's fine.
The rest of you are required to pay taxes that in part provide a social safety net because we the voters said so. That's how representative government works.

If you can convince people that we ought to be more like Africa where there's real poverty and we ought to be a place where consequences of bad choices should be permanent, go ahead. But you can't. Because most voters appreciate the social safety net, whether or not they actually use it personally.
You mean voters who aren't paying the costs? That's easy to do when you're not paying.

All leeches appreciate the handouts. They get what the rest of us earn and buy without having to pay for it. Sorry pieces of shit.
And all you can do about it is whine.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

Around 47 to 49% of Americans pay no Fed taxes.

What happens when it hits 50, 52 or 55%??

More people will be taking and not enough will be giving.

As Maggie Thatcher said. It works great till you run out of other peoples money.

Its coming and not to far in the future either.
Couples of Points:
  • The figure you're quoting is the percent of people not represented by a tax liability on a federal tax return. This does not mean the poor pay no taxes. If you consider payroll taxes, Medicare and FICA, then only 20% of all households don't pay any federal taxes. If you consider the elderly who are not employed, the percentage drops to 7.9%.
  • There are also other taxes other than income taxes paid by the poor. They spends a disproportionately large percent of their income on sales taxes, property taxes, exercise taxes, and other regressive taxes.
  • The poor are not the only income group that pays no taxes. Increasing numbers of millionaires are zeroing out their tax liabilities with tax free interest bonds and foreign investments.
Who doesn’t pay taxes, in eight charts
Talking about Federal Income taxes.

Don't try and tell me the poor pay Fed Taxes. Oh an all those people collecting welfare sure don't pay taxes.

Freeloaders that the rest of us are paying for.

Tell. What happens when 55% of folks don't pay taxes. Who do you think will pay the difference??
how about demanding unwed mothers give up the name of the father as a condition of receiving welfare??

Why, you're not likely to get any child support from them?
how about ensuring the money isnt going to strip clubs, for weed, and casinos?
How would you propose we do that?

what makes you say we are "not likely to get any support from them"????

2. make it illegal to use welfare funds for those things. duh
Talking about Federal Income taxes.

Don't try and tell me the poor pay Fed Taxes. Oh an all those people collecting welfare sure don't pay taxes.

Freeloaders that the rest of us are paying for.

Tell. What happens when 55% of folks don't pay taxes. Who do you think will pay the difference??
Many of those not paying income taxes today paid income taxes most of their working lives. But for the really wealthy, the Trumps of America, the government made tax loopholes.
Talking about Federal Income taxes.

Don't try and tell me the poor pay Fed Taxes. Oh an all those people collecting welfare sure don't pay taxes.

Freeloaders that the rest of us are paying for.

Tell. What happens when 55% of folks don't pay taxes. Who do you think will pay the difference??
Many of those not paying income taxes today paid income taxes most of their working lives. But for the really wealthy, the Trumps of America, the government made tax loopholes.

i'll just leave this here......................................

Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1% - Sep ...
Sep 15, 2013 - President Obama has been loud and clear about his fight against income inequality, but he admitted that the rich have fared far better than the
The rest of you are required to pay taxes that in part provide a social safety net because we the voters said so. That's how representative government works.

If you can convince people that we ought to be more like Africa where there's real poverty and we ought to be a place where consequences of bad choices should be permanent, go ahead. But you can't. Because most voters appreciate the social safety net, whether or not they actually use it personally.
You mean voters who aren't paying the costs? That's easy to do when you're not paying.

All leeches appreciate the handouts. They get what the rest of us earn and buy without having to pay for it. Sorry pieces of shit.
And all you can do about it is whine.

No, whining comes from those who demand someone else support them. I can't whine about wanting to keep something that's already mine.
Talking about Federal Income taxes.

Don't try and tell me the poor pay Fed Taxes. Oh an all those people collecting welfare sure don't pay taxes.

Freeloaders that the rest of us are paying for.

Tell. What happens when 55% of folks don't pay taxes. Who do you think will pay the difference??
Many of those not paying income taxes today paid income taxes most of their working lives. But for the really wealthy, the Trumps of America, the government made tax loopholes.

You have proof of that claim that they did?

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

The fact that you're asking tells us that you are a bitter malcontent that would rather not work.

Most people know why they work. Why they like to feel they have a purpose and a goal in life.

All of these programs have requirements - "entitlement" means you have to qualify -- many have to do with veterans, the disabled, and the children of poor families.
The rest of you are required to pay taxes that in part provide a social safety net because we the voters said so. That's how representative government works.

If you can convince people that we ought to be more like Africa where there's real poverty and we ought to be a place where consequences of bad choices should be permanent, go ahead. But you can't. Because most voters appreciate the social safety net, whether or not they actually use it personally.
You mean voters who aren't paying the costs? That's easy to do when you're not paying.

All leeches appreciate the handouts. They get what the rest of us earn and buy without having to pay for it. Sorry pieces of shit.
And all you can do about it is whine.

No, whining comes from those who demand someone else support them. I can't whine about wanting to keep something that's already mine.
Wrong. You are whining. The law says your tax is X%. So that money is not yours.

All Conservatives do is whine about taxes. And mostly it's whining about the tax that the fat cats have to pay. As if you'll ever be a fat cat. LOL.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

The fact that you're asking tells us that you are a bitter malcontent that would rather not work.

Most people know why they work. Why they like to feel they have a purpose and a goal in life.

All of these programs have requirements - "entitlement" means you have to qualify -- many have to do with veterans, the disabled, and the children of poor families.
Thank you. In other words these guys are whiners. And then they accuse others of whining.
The rest of you are required to pay taxes that in part provide a social safety net because we the voters said so. That's how representative government works.

If you can convince people that we ought to be more like Africa where there's real poverty and we ought to be a place where consequences of bad choices should be permanent, go ahead. But you can't. Because most voters appreciate the social safety net, whether or not they actually use it personally.
You mean voters who aren't paying the costs? That's easy to do when you're not paying.

All leeches appreciate the handouts. They get what the rest of us earn and buy without having to pay for it. Sorry pieces of shit.
And all you can do about it is whine.

No, whining comes from those who demand someone else support them. I can't whine about wanting to keep something that's already mine.
Wrong. You are whining. The law says your tax is X%. So that money is not yours.

All Conservatives do is whine about taxes. And mostly it's whining about the tax that the fat cats have to pay. As if you'll ever be a fat cat. LOL.

I earned it. Seems you think some piece of shit like yourself getting a portion of it means something you didn't earn is yours.

Just suggest that something someone didn't earn be taken away and you'll see whining. You're confused thinking someone that earned it is wrong to want to keep it while someone that didn't is owed a portion of it.

Should military spending be cut in your opinion?

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