Why worship a god that doesn't care?

That's why we have a choice, and no force.
Exactly. But not so much when the government becomes God.

While that is true, you have to remember they can't control your heart.
That is true, nor can they force us to do anything against our will. The worst they can do to us is kill us. It wouldn't be the first time and it probably won't be the last time either. Such is life.
By the way, if you don't like (1) the Philosophy God, (2) the Jewish God, (3) the Catholic Gods (and Saints and Archangels), or the Moosleem god, you can always become a Satan worshipper --

Well I am a Catholic, lol. Is there a difference?

You do realize there is only one God, right? He doesn't care what you call Him. He will respond as long as you call Him.
How do you know God doesn't care? You are tackling the most unexplainable and deep mysteries with far too much conviction and certainty. Though I applaud you for your opinion, it's a bit unscientific, no? lol. It's why it's called "Faith". Yes, difficult to prove but equally difficult to disprove.

The concept of God, the all knowing, the majestic existence and capabilities of God are well beyond Mans grasp. Consider how much we can't explain right in front of our own eyes, and then consider the abstract, unknown of God. It's far too difficult.

Scientists have stuided the Synchronous fireflies for decades, they still cannot understand how they coordinate. There are singing whales, scientists scratch their heads. There are simple plants which humans don't fully understand, don't even get me started on the human body and in particular the human mind. All at our disposal, with science methods, some dedicating their lives to understanding various concepts and realities in our world, and no answer.

All of these entities are right in front of us. We have no shortage of exposure to them, and there are hundreds of thousands more one could list, yet, we don't understand them. Sometimes our understanding is so limited it is embarrassing considering how much effort we have espoused.

To me, many of these mysteries are so complex that they had to have come from a Creator. Nature alone is baffling and absolutely astonishing, the unexplained in nature takes it to another level. God is the greatest unknown and unexplained. Certainly whether he cares or not well beyond our grasp.
You seem upset. Did I strike a nerve?
A little bit. I'm tired of ignorant Americans using words they don't understand, or to which they've assigned their very own meanings, in order to make an argument which is incoherent in the real world everyone else inhabits. I should be used to it, I agree.
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You do realize there is only one God, right? He doesn't care what you call Him. He will respond as long as you call Him.
How come you're such an atheist you dismiss Apollo and Loki out of hand?
Consider how much we can't explain right in front of our own eyes, and then consider the abstract, unknown of God. It's far too difficult.
So you invent fairy stories about a sky father.

God is as viable an answer as any. If someone can explain with evidence how we have this massive universe, and how it came from nothing apparently, I'm all ears.

If it's Faith to believe in God, what sort of faith does it take to believe that all of the mass in the Universe came a Big Bang that was the size of a pin head?

To the comment below, I await your evidence as well. An explanation regarding how the Big Bang Theory isn't just that, a theory with no practical evidence. Worse, it is in fact a form of Faith, just as my belief of anyone elses belief in God is Faith.
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If it's Faith to believe in God, what sort of faith does it take to believe that all of the mass in the Universe came a Big Bang that was the size of a pin head?
Faith is belief without evidence. Knowledge is accepting current evidence until there is better evidence.The Big Bang fits current evidence, though I don't know where you get 'size of a pinhead' from. Plucked from your arse?
At least socialism aims to help people and is real.

You just wish for suffering and believing in lies.

That seems to be among the defining clichés of left wrong-wing ideology—that any policy position is judged by its claimed intention, without any regard for the results which that policy produces or can rationally be expected to produce. Matthew judges socialism favorably because it “aims to help people”, not caring in the least that in every instance where it has been tried, socialism has proven destructive and harmful, as any rational mind would have predicted that it would.
To the comment below, I await your evidence as well.
An apparently expanding universe. Do you dispute that? And, you quite believably ignorant Canadian, a scientific theory is not 'just a theory'; it is a hypothesis supported by evidence that has been accepted by scientific consensus as the best available knowledge. Your smug ignorance is painful.
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Why worship a God that doesn't care? Would a young man worship a dead beat dad that ran away for the first 20 years of his life? Fuck no. Everyone would stand with him on this too as it is the fault of the dad for fucking up.

God owes us with his presence at least once before people accept him as real. Once he does I'll worship him and respect him...If not then no one should respect him!

I think our Heavenly father should think about this as it is not right what he is currently doing.
When you grow up you will understand things better. Your present life journey is like going to grade school You may not going to graduate from this grade and you will repeat it until you learn the lessons presented to you. Then, you move on to the next grade. Simplified but something you should think about.
If it's Faith to believe in God, what sort of faith does it take to believe that all of the mass in the Universe came a Big Bang that was the size of a pin head?
Faith is belief without evidence. Knowledge is accepting current evidence until there is better evidence.The Big Bang fits current evidence, though I don't know where you get 'size of a pinhead' from. Plucked from your arse?

So how big was the initial singularity?

At least socialism aims to help people and is real.

You just wish for suffering and believing in lies.
You have not lived under socialism, have you? Everybody is equal over there but there are those who are more equal than others. Planned economy regardless of demand. It has failed so far everywhere it has been tried. Of course, arrogant people think: "Maybe it failed because the wrong persons were in charge."
If it's Faith to believe in God, what sort of faith does it take to believe that all of the mass in the Universe came a Big Bang that was the size of a pin head?
Faith is belief without evidence. Knowledge is accepting current evidence until there is better evidence.The Big Bang fits current evidence, though I don't know where you get 'size of a pinhead' from. Plucked from your arse?

So how big was the initial singularity?

The solutions of Einstein's Theory of General relativity - which has been confirmed in a myriad of ways - tells us that all the matter in the universe occupied the space a million billion billion times smaller than a single atom and then expanded and cooled.

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