Why worship a god that doesn't care?

To the comment below, I await your evidence as well.
An apparently expanding universe. Do you dispute that? And, you quite believably ignorant Canadian, a scientific theory is not 'just a theory'; it is a hypothesis supported by evidence that has been accepted by scientific consensus as the best available knowledge. Your smug ignorance is painful.
The laws of nature were in place before space and time were created, Einstein.
God is as viable an answer as any.
If you're inventing fantasies that do not require evidence, agreed.
He is absolutely correct. The laws of nature were in place before space and time were created. No one knows why they are the way they are or where they come from. That is the realm of philosophy. Top physicists and cosmologists have pondered this and have acknowledged that there is a reason for the laws. Why they may not believe a "personal" God is responsible, they do recognize a first cause and have alluded to consciousness as the source. I on the other hand have studied what has been created and how matter has evolved and can tell you it was consciousness which created existence and that this consciousness is a "personal" God.
The laws of nature were in place before space and time were created, Einstein.
Are you suggesting an expanding universe is not evidence for the big bang theory?
I am telling you that the leading explanation for space and time being created is the inflation theory (super string theory) where energy/matter popped into existence through the laws of quantum mechanics (i.e. never violating the laws of conservation) and created space and time and then began to expand as cool.
If it's Faith to believe in God, what sort of faith does it take to believe that all of the mass in the Universe came a Big Bang that was the size of a pin head?
Faith is belief without evidence. Knowledge is accepting current evidence until there is better evidence.The Big Bang fits current evidence, though I don't know where you get 'size of a pinhead' from. Plucked from your arse?
Faith is having complete trust or confidence in someone or something. I never put complete trust or confidence in someone or something without having good reason to do so.
You seem upset. Did I strike a nerve?
A little bit. I'm tired of ignorant Americans using words they don't understand, or to which they've assigned their very own meanings, in order to make an argument which is incoherent in the real world everyone else inhabits. I should be used to it, I agree.
I can assure you I have a basis for every statement in my signature line and it comes on authority of others which I have vetted before accepting. I believe the cosmic battle between good and evil is being waged between free enterprise which ennobles the spirit of man and socialism which destroys the spirit of man. Free enterprise is losing.

Socialism has always sought to subordinate religion, family and love of country for the express purpose of replacing it with loyalty to state.

Assholes who attack religion and God are playing into their hands and are effectively their dupes.
The concept of the God in modern Philosophy is indeed one of a cold disinterested deity who mainly exists to contemplate his own creations and his own perfection.

The other major Religious God(s) are somewhat different.

Whereas the Jews' "JHVH" is purported to be a "loving God" however he has not done much for the Jews lately (about 2000 years) and he abandoned them to Adolf and his SS back in 1938 during Krystalnacht.

The Christian "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" are ostensibly One but this smacks of polytheism, especially more so if you read the New Testament in Greek -- which has not been Protestant-ized by the Protestants with faulty English re-translations. Supposedly in Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, God (the Father) is your judge, Jesus (the Son) loves you, and the Holy Spirit is your comforter. So there is some love there -- 2 out of 3 is NOT BAD !!!

The Muslim "Allah" (an Arab-ized variation of the Hebrew EL-AL) only loves you if you are Muslim and you kill infidels -- then you get 72 virgins with full breasts and firm. But not here -- only on the other side of death. Keep those plane crashes and suicide vests coming.

Loads and loads of crap.

I am quite happy with the Philosophy God (Deist not Theist).

I prefer Taoism...

Too bad I am horrible at it!
The concept of the God in modern Philosophy is indeed one of a cold disinterested deity who mainly exists to contemplate his own creations and his own perfection.

The other major Religious God(s) are somewhat different.

Whereas the Jews' "JHVH" is purported to be a "loving God" however he has not done much for the Jews lately (about 2000 years) and he abandoned them to Adolf and his SS back in 1938 during Krystalnacht.

The Christian "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" are ostensibly One but this smacks of polytheism, especially more so if you read the New Testament in Greek -- which has not been Protestant-ized by the Protestants with faulty English re-translations. Supposedly in Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, God (the Father) is your judge, Jesus (the Son) loves you, and the Holy Spirit is your comforter. So there is some love there -- 2 out of 3 is NOT BAD !!!

The Muslim "Allah" (an Arab-ized variation of the Hebrew EL-AL) only loves you if you are Muslim and you kill infidels -- then you get 72 virgins with full breasts and firm. But not here -- only on the other side of death. Keep those plane crashes and suicide vests coming.

Loads and loads of crap.

I am quite happy with the Philosophy God (Deist not Theist).

I prefer Taoism...

Too bad I am horrible at it!
I really enjoyed studying Taoism.
You do realize there is only one God, right? He doesn't care what you call Him. He will respond as long as you call Him.
How come you're such an atheist you dismiss Apollo and Loki out of hand?
That is a child's argument.

Explain how is it you believe in one story of a divine while dismissing other mythical stories from other cultures?

Every book about your divine being was written by man, and are stories to teach you right from wrong just like the Norse, Greek and Summarian stories did.

So to dismiss the question no matter what you think show the close minded way you see things.
You do realize there is only one God, right? He doesn't care what you call Him. He will respond as long as you call Him.
How come you're such an atheist you dismiss Apollo and Loki out of hand?
That is a child's argument.

Explain how is it you believe in one story of a divine while dismissing other mythical stories from other cultures?

Every book about your divine being was written by man, and are stories to teach you right from wrong just like the Norse, Greek and Summarian stories did.

So to dismiss the question no matter what you think show the close minded way you see things.
Why? There is only one God. He doesn't care what you call Him. He just cares that you call Him. He will respond to any name you use.
Why worship a God that doesn't care? Would a young man worship a dead beat dad that ran away for the first 20 years of his life? Fuck no. Everyone would stand with him on this too as it is the fault of the dad for fucking up.

God owes us with his presence at least once before people accept him as real. Once he does I'll worship him and respect him...If not then no one should respect him!

I think our Heavenly father should think about this as it is not right what he is currently doing.

Every brain surgeon in the world can accuse me of not caring about brain surgery. I don't know the rudiments of brain surgery, I am never there when it takes place. But would it be accurate, based on these truths, to accuse me of not caring?

Growing up, it quickly became evident God did not care about sore throats, flu, and acne. Yet we are told God loves us. There is more to our make-up than illness and blemishes. A great part of our make up is our soul/spirit. We are taught God is the lover of souls (spirits). This makes sense as God is pure spirit.

Blemishes and illness are temporary, but our spirit is promised eternity--and this is where God's love and care is focused. A person is made up of body, mind, and spirit. Sometimes it seems we forget to take into account our spirit--its care, and God's presence in that aspect of our lives.
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Consider how much we can't explain right in front of our own eyes, and then consider the abstract, unknown of God. It's far too difficult.
So you invent fairy stories about a sky father.

God is as viable an answer as any. If someone can explain with evidence how we have this massive universe, and how it came from nothing apparently, I'm all ears.

If it's Faith to believe in God, what sort of faith does it take to believe that all of the mass in the Universe came a Big Bang that was the size of a pin head?

To the comment below, I await your evidence as well. An explanation regarding how the Big Bang Theory isn't just that, a theory with no practical evidence. Worse, it is in fact a form of Faith, just as my belief of anyone elses belief in God is Faith.

It is essential to the Leftwing worldview that there be no God to interfere with their plans to find Utopia here on earth.

This is the sort of vapid explanation one gets from atheistic 'scientists:'
  1. “We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs,” the geneticist Richard Lewontin remarked equably in The New York Review of Books, “in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories.” We are to put up with science’s unsubstantiated just-so stories because, Lewontin explains, “we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door!”

2. And this is how far the inane 'scientists' will go:
There is prominent scientist, Lawrence Krauss, "... an American theoretical physicist and cosmologist...known as an advocate of the public understanding of science, ...and works to reduce the impact of superstition and religious dogma in pop culture. He is also the author of several bestselling books, includingThe Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing."
Lawrence M. Krauss - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Krauss has said "we all, literally, emerged from quantum nothingness..."
Clearly an attempt to avoid the central question of where did the universe come from. Where are the quantum rules that imply a universe that must appear out of the void? Can any come up with a few examples where something has come from nothing?
Faith is having complete trust or confidence in someone or something. I never put complete trust or confidence in someone or something without having good reason to do so.
Lack of evidence excepted.
Faith is having complete trust or confidence in someone or something. I never put complete trust or confidence in someone or something without having good reason to do so.
Lack of evidence excepted.
But I have plenty of evidence, which is why I said, "I never put complete trust or confidence in someone or something without having good reason to do so."

What evidence do you have for your beliefs?

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