Why Would a Caucasian Person Vote for Obama?

I wonder how many conservatives on this board will mutter the word "******" when Obama wins reelection.

There's a lot of secret racists out there, and a lot of avowed racists as well.

I bet all of us "race traitors" really piss you off, William Joyce.

What could be easier than inventing imaginary crimes and then accusing your opposition of them?

Who said anything about crimes, junior. Listen son, it's not a crime to be a racist.

Run along now, kiddo.
Salt Jones posts here asswipe!

Salt Jones is being sarcastic. Something I wouldn't expect you to pick up on.

Old Salt being sarcastic eh? Was that prostitute/stripper, Crystal Mangum at the Duke U. lacrosse teams party, just being sarcastic? Hows about TAWANA BRAWLEY back in the 1980s? Just sarcasm? How about the case of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom down in Knoxville, Tennessee in 2007? More sarcasm?

This is the kind of bullshit one gets about ANY reverse "sarcasm"...when the victims are white.

Salt isn't being sarcastic, he is a whitey hating nigga.

Lets just call a spade a spade, no racism intended.
Interesting last election 95% of Blacks voted for Obama. Yet they were not accused of being racist, rather they were voting for Obama because they were proud of their race.
Can you imagine that if in this election 95% of whites voted for Romney for the same reason.
I wonder how many conservatives on this board will mutter the word "******" when Obama wins reelection.

There's a lot of secret racists out there, and a lot of avowed racists as well.

I bet all of us "race traitors" really piss you off, William Joyce.

There's a lot of secret racists out there, and a lot of avowed racists as well.

You know this how?

How many exactly?

Are they not "secret"? lol

Or is this more of a reflection of the circles you swim in? You have lots of racists in your midst sharing your life?

I know I do not.
Let's be honest, the only way you would vote for Romney is if you're rich, which I'm betting 99% of the cons on the site are not. OR, you're just not a smart person, which I'm betting describes 99% of the cons on this site.

I'm white and voting for Obama simply because I actually use my brain and can see that while Obama is far from perfect, Romney is clearly not the answer.
It's the food stamps, isn't it?

Well...yeah, along with the free rent, free health care at the local emergency room, and you can get away with shit just because of your skin color. Like ole O.J.

OH yeah! And that earned income credit they give you back when you file a lack of income tax return is really cool...:clap2:
I wonder how many conservatives on this board will mutter the word "******" when Obama wins reelection.

There's a lot of secret racists out there, and a lot of avowed racists as well.

I bet all of us "race traitors" really piss you off, William Joyce.

What could be easier than inventing imaginary crimes and then accusing your opposition of them?

some leftists "see" racism everywhere.. like words that are now
racist eg Chicago

They are almost like "Horse Whisperers "
They can see and feel racism, everywhere

But then again, it may be time for these liberals to adjust their

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I like how conservatives say it isn't about race but then threads like this come up. You fuckers are an embarrassment to this whole country.

You hate whitey kid?

I am whitey boy, and I realize if this country is going to progress we need to drop the whole race thing and move forward. Something a lot of dumb fucking conservatives can't seem to wrap their minds around.

It amazes me that you failures are actually defending racism. At least you aren't hiding it anymore.
I like how conservatives say it isn't about race but then threads like this come up. You fuckers are an embarrassment to this whole country.

You hate whitey kid?

I am whitey boy, and I realize if this country is going to progress we need to drop the whole race thing and move forward. Something a lot of dumb fucking conservatives can't seem to wrap their minds around.

Sorry kid, its a bunch of dumb fucling Libs that need to get over it.

Just like you.
You hate whitey kid?

I am whitey boy, and I realize if this country is going to progress we need to drop the whole race thing and move forward. Something a lot of dumb fucking conservatives can't seem to wrap their minds around.

Sorry kid, its a bunch of dumb fucling Libs that need to get over it.

Just like you.


the left is very racist
it is just racism they can live with
Because, they know what is good for minorities
I am whitey boy, and I realize if this country is going to progress we need to drop the whole race thing and move forward. Something a lot of dumb fucking conservatives can't seem to wrap their minds around.

Sorry kid, its a bunch of dumb fucling Libs that need to get over it.

Just like you.

You're not even making sense.

Don't confuse "making sense" with your inability to understand english.

The Left uses racism to explain away EVERYTHING they don't like...and thats exactly what you do.

Get over it kid....try and think for yourself for a change.
I like how conservatives say it isn't about race but then threads like this come up. You fuckers are an embarrassment to this whole country.

You hate whitey kid?

The racist arse just thinks he knows how
people of different races must think

and yet he knows the race of no one here

Voting based on race is retarded and racist. Sorry, but you're being more than just a failure in life and having a shitty job. You also fail as a human being.
Sorry kid, its a bunch of dumb fucling Libs that need to get over it.

Just like you.

You're not even making sense.

Don't confuse "making sense" with your inability to understand english.

The Left uses racism to explain away EVERYTHING they don't like...and thats exactly what you do.

Get over it kid....try and think for yourself for a change.

This is a goddamn thread getting angry at white people for voting for Obama. Are you a fucking moron? Or like most conservatives are you just projecting your inadequacies and fears onto others?

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