Why Would a Caucasian Person Vote for Obama?

I've pointed out plenty of his negatives on numerous occasions.

Whoops! There goes your entire argument.

I'd like to take your word for that, but do you have any examples of President Obama's negatives that you have pointed out? When I pay attention to your posts, I generally enjoy reading them, but I don't recall any liberals (and I would put you in the liberal (not progressive) camp) pointing out a single negative of Obamas.



1) He didn't close GITMO
2) He supports and resigned the Patriot Act
3) Obamacare gives WAY to much strength to insurance companies
4) Obamacare doesn't do enough to control increasing rates
5) He hasn't been a "strong" leader consistently

I have to say that if it was not for Obamacare, I would probably be considering voting for President Obama this time around. Excluding Obamacare nothing he has done has differed significantly from what other Presidents have done in the past.

I will not forgive the Democrats for saddling this nation with Obamacare when we cannot afford it. His anti-business policies cost me my job in January of 2010 and it took me nearly 2.5 years to find another, but I got through that. But, still, I can forgive him for that because I don't see either party doing anything differently during the last four years.

I cannot forgive him for pushing Obamacare through. Although most socialistic policies have good intentions, they always fail and Obamacare will not be any different. Our costs for healthcare are going to skyrocket, jobs have and will be lost because this saddles businesses with more expenses and you are right, it has been a huge blessing for insurance companies. I'm waiting for the other shoe to hit though. If he shoves single payer healthcare down our throats in his second term, those insurance companies are going to get a huge shaft run up their rear ends... not that they don't deserve it.

Everything else is politics as usual and I can live with it. America has already gone to the socialists. It will be a hell of a long time, if ever, before true freedom can be restored, but it is not just Democrats that are responsible for that. Both parties have done their fair share of that. Mitt Romney is not any different than Barack Obama when it comes to favoring the elite which is, when you get right down to it, the evil of socialism and communism. The elite prosper, the middle class dies under socialism and communism. And yes, under capitalism the elite do, in fact, prosper, but at least the middle class survives.

Obamacare is the one thing that I will not forgive him for.

As for Romney, he's an arrogant ass. I will not vote for him. I will vote third party and let the "conservatives" that nominated Willard Romney deal with the consequences in the future.

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Did Mamooth leave the building?

I'm sorry. I left the computer. That seems to bother those with control freak tendencies.

Anyone want to offer an answer about Dem racists since you all know so much about Republican ones.

Sure. Not being a Republican, I'm neither dishonest or gutless. Ask away.

Think you all have any racists in your closets at the Democrat headquarters?

Sure. Now, what's that got to do with the rank racism on display on this thread? You didn't have to start running cover for those racists just because you were mad at me. That puts your "moderate" credentials under even more suspicion. If you do want to be thought of as a moderate, you should probably stop carrying water for the most extreme and unhinged members of the GOP.

Anyone, I've learned my lesson. It's just not PC to point out racist garbage, if that racist garbage comes from a Republican. If you dare point out the racist garbage of a Republican, that makes the Republican a victim. And we have the PC police, like Dreamy here, to enforce that policy.

It's not the liberals bringing up race in every other post on this board. It's the conservatives. So they can stuff their big hypocritical lies about liberals playing the race card.

Work with me here. It was a joke about leaving the building, not to be taken seriously. I hate it when I have to walk people though the most simple aspects of a post.

Please do point out where I carried water for "the most extreme and unhinged members of the GOP".

Read my damn posts on this thread and my comments about racism here or anywhere. It was one poster who created this thread. One. Stop with your wide brush painting.

And do address Obama and his questionable past.
So you don't mind the kind of voter intimidation Devito used eh mamooth?

I love it when the cranks start getting obsessed with me.

But it's funnier that they're obsessed with the thuggery of ... Danny Devito. Yeah, he's quite the terrifying character. I know I often spend my days worrying about what would happen if Danny Devito came after me.

You realize J Christian Adams is one of the worst of the scumsucking GOP liars, right? The guy was caught lying repeatedly about the Black Panther case. Lying about "liberal thugs" is how he gets a paycheck. I know, I know, knowing he's a liar is going to make you want to hand him money. You can't help yourself. I'm just pointing out how rational people don't pay any attention to his fables.
Dreamy said:
Read my damn posts on this thread and my comments about racism here or anywhere. It was one poster who created this thread. One. Stop with your wide brush painting.

And a couple joined in. And in you came to attack the liberals who dared criticize the racists. That would be the running cover part, the carrying of water for the extremists.

And do address Obama and his questionable past.

See, there you go again, letting the charade slip. Actual moderates don't bring up such conspiracy theories.
Dreamy said:
Read my damn posts on this thread and my comments about racism here or anywhere. It was one poster who created this thread. One. Stop with your wide brush painting.

And a couple joined in. And in you came to attack the liberals who dared criticize the racists. That would be the running cover part, the carrying of water for the extremists.

And do address Obama and his questionable past.

See, there you go again, letting the charade slip. Actual moderates don't bring up such conspiracy theories.

Honestly until you can actually be politically honest and admit racism is not drawn along party lines what can I say?

I don't attack anyone Mamooth. Cut the histrionics. I post my honest views. When I have to modify them to sooth your liberal sensitivities I would advise you to glance toward Hell and let me know when you see a solid freeze because I am not likely going to be changing my views because of your misinterpretation on what I believe to be true.

I am responsible for only my posts.
So you don't mind the kind of voter intimidation Devito used eh mamooth?

I love it when the cranks start getting obsessed with me.

But it's funnier that they're obsessed with the thuggery of ... Danny Devito. Yeah, he's quite the terrifying character. I know I often spend my days worrying about what would happen if Danny Devito came after me.

You realize J Christian Adams is one of the worst of the scumsucking GOP liars, right? The guy was caught lying repeatedly about the Black Panther case. Lying about "liberal thugs" is how he gets a paycheck. I know, I know, knowing he's a liar is going to make you want to hand him money. You can't help yourself. I'm just pointing out how rational people don't pay any attention to his fables.

I get it, you are a hack who doesn't care about honesty or integrity...thats all I wanted folks to see.

The Black Panthers DID obstruct voters...are you a po black man who feels "disenfranchised"?
White people that vote for Obamination hate their own skin color. They feel slavery has given them some unfair advantage in life so they need to go through life making up for it.

A black swindler like Obamination comes along acting he is from the hood and will help blacks and whites finally work out this slavery problem got most blacks and many whites to fall for his shit.

He is light skinned enough to dupe white folks compared to Sharpton and Jackson. Of course, Sharpton and Jackson don't speak "good English" according to people like Joe Biden. Obamination was the pefect stealth politician to sneak past dumb white people.

Obama, in a speech is telling his base "VOTING IS THE BEST REVENGE."

Yup, when the guy running against you is telling outright lies at the very end - lies which are so egregious they insult the inteligence of the intended audience, btw - then voting against said candidate is indeed a good form of revenge.
White people that vote for Obamination hate their own skin color. They feel slavery has given them some unfair advantage in life so they need to go through life making up for it.

A black swindler like Obamination comes along acting he is from the hood and will help blacks and whites finally work out this slavery problem got most blacks and many whites to fall for his shit.

He is light skinned enough to dupe white folks compared to Sharpton and Jackson. Of course, Sharpton and Jackson don't speak "good English" according to people like Joe Biden. Obamination was the pefect stealth politician to sneak past dumb white people.

Obama, in a speech is telling his base "VOTING IS THE BEST REVENGE."

Yup, when the guy running against you is telling outright lies at the very end - lies which are so egregious they insult the inteligence of the intended audience, btw - then voting against said candidate is indeed a good form of revenge.

Absolutely right.

Just image if a Romney supporter said
"White people know who you are and they will come after you."

The left is very racist; it is just racism they can live with....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkIi8EXoanc]Bill Maher Black People Will Come After Romney Voters - YouTube[/ame]

Are you saying that now Bill Maher knows what e's talking about?? How curious.

Not at all
He can't be that smart- He gave a lot of money to Papa Obama

It is the double standard
I could list a bunch of reasons why, but instead I'd rather propose another question:

How is it that such an openly racist dickhead like yourself still allowed to post here?

So would you consider a WHITE person who VOTED for Obama SOLELY because the white person DID NOT want to be considered RACIST
by NOT voting for Obama?
There were some Iowans in the 2008 primary that voted for Obama BECAUSE in Iowa the pressure of literally STANDING in the caucus for who you want influenced some Iowans who DID NOT want to appear in front of the mass of MSM that covered Iowa primary as RACIST by NOT standing for Obama!
In other words JUST by standing for Obama showed Iowans weren't dumb racists.
It showed Iowans were sophisticated voters that had no problem voting for a totally inexperienced, incompetent Senator with less the 200 days in Congress with the positive value was he was black!

These Iowans did NOT want to appear racist EVEN though Obama WASN'T qualified! Was inexperienced! Was inept!

Did these Iowans admit this was their motivation?
"I voted for Barack because he was black. Cause that’s why other folks vote for other people — because they look like them,"
Jackson said, according to the New York Post.

Did ANY white Iowans admit the reason they voted for Obama was because they didn't want to be thought of as "racist"?
I don't know of any.. BUT being a former Iowan I can attest to the majority of Iowans who feel very inferior to other states and with the glare of MSM in Iowa primary the LAST thing Iowans want is to be thought of as "unsophisticated", "red necks"... RACISTS... after all there are less then
95,000! My home town for a fact has 11 black people out of 2,152 1/2 of 1%!!!
Iowa QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

WOULD any Iowans declare that they voted for Obama because they didn't want to appear racist? I doubt it!
It would be like admitting you were a racist! Would you admit YOU are a racist when it came to Obama because YOU didn't have ANY qualifications to check that Obama had -- other then he was the first black candidate!
Almost every person except Bill Clinton (according to Bill Clinton!.. admits he might be "the only person in America" who feels this way, but he says he's "far more enthusiastic about President Obama"!

So if Bill maybe the only person WHY in the hell are you voting for Obama???
Remember FOOL YOU ONCE shame on Obama... FOOL YOU TWICE YOU ARE JUST an ignorant FOOL!!!
Whats funny about this is the fact that my Girlfriend is Black and i am White yet we are both Voting Romney I guess Assumptions really don't do that well for the right as of late.
So would you consider a WHITE person who VOTED for Obama SOLELY because the white person DID NOT want to be considered RACIST
by NOT voting for Obama?
There were some Iowans in the 2008 primary that voted for Obama BECAUSE in Iowa the pressure of literally STANDING in the caucus for who you want influenced some Iowans who DID NOT want to appear in front of the mass of MSM that covered Iowa primary as RACIST by NOT standing for Obama!
In other words JUST by standing for Obama showed Iowans weren't dumb racists.
It showed Iowans were sophisticated voters that had no problem voting for a totally inexperienced, incompetent Senator with less the 200 days in Congress with the positive value was he was black!

These Iowans did NOT want to appear racist EVEN though Obama WASN'T qualified! Was inexperienced! Was inept!

Did these Iowans admit this was their motivation?
"I voted for Barack because he was black. Cause that’s why other folks vote for other people — because they look like them,"
Jackson said, according to the New York Post.

Did ANY white Iowans admit the reason they voted for Obama was because they didn't want to be thought of as "racist"?
I don't know of any.. BUT being a former Iowan I can attest to the majority of Iowans who feel very inferior to other states and with the glare of MSM in Iowa primary the LAST thing Iowans want is to be thought of as "unsophisticated", "red necks"... RACISTS... after all there are less then
95,000! My home town for a fact has 11 black people out of 2,152 1/2 of 1%!!!
Iowa QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

WOULD any Iowans declare that they voted for Obama because they didn't want to appear racist? I doubt it!
It would be like admitting you were a racist! Would you admit YOU are a racist when it came to Obama because YOU didn't have ANY qualifications to check that Obama had -- other then he was the first black candidate!
Almost every person except Bill Clinton (according to Bill Clinton!.. admits he might be "the only person in America" who feels this way, but he says he's "far more enthusiastic about President Obama"!

So if Bill maybe the only person WHY in the hell are you voting for Obama???
Remember FOOL YOU ONCE shame on Obama... FOOL YOU TWICE YOU ARE JUST an ignorant FOOL!!!

IOW, you don't know dick and are just parroting a bullshit race-based talking point.

Feel free to fuck off.

Here is a man whose sole motivation for entering public life was to secure wealth transfer from white to black. He told Chicago public radio that the civil rights revolution in the courts "didn't go far enough", hinting that reparations would have made it complete. He's surrounded by outright white-haters, from his preacher in Chicago to his inauguration preacher, who just said whites were going to hell. Even the whites behind Obama, like Bill Ayers, are self-hating left-wing terrorist whites. The Democratic Party has basically become a haven for white-haters.

But Romney has only 55 percent of the white vote!

That means 45 percent of whites are voting for Obama!

Who the fuck ARE these people?

I chalk it up to whites not getting the message. I actually don't think 95 percent of blacks voting for O is crazy -- that makes sense to me. He's their guy, he's got their backs. He looks like them. Why not? Go with your instincts.

What's happened to white instincts? Whites don't seem to have any. They think "liberal" or "conservative" is the divide. Or red state/blue state. Or union/non-union. Nah...

Why would they not? If that is they thought he was doing a good job.

The better question to me is, Why would anyone of any Race, think Obama has done well enough to deserve 4 more years.
Whats funny about this is the fact that my Girlfriend is Black and i am White yet we are both Voting Romney I guess Assumptions really don't do that well for the right as of late.

Assumptions are based on Statistics. It is much more Statistically likely that your GF would vote for a Democrat than a Republican. So people assume.

Me I am lower middle class, to almost poor. Not enough to qualify for any help mind you, but also not enough to live any better than month to month. Yet I am not a Liberal, I don't buy the idea that all they have to do is tax the Rich, and everything will be ok. I am able to see beyond my own Circumstances to the Big Picture.
Whats funny about this is the fact that my Girlfriend is Black and i am White yet we are both Voting Romney I guess Assumptions really don't do that well for the right as of late.

Assumptions are based on Statistics. It is much more Statistically likely that your GF would vote for a Democrat than a Republican. So people assume.

Me I am lower middle class, to almost poor. Not enough to qualify for any help mind you, but also not enough to live any better than month to month. Yet I am not a Liberal, I don't buy the idea that all they have to do is tax the Rich, and everything will be ok. I am able to see beyond my own Circumstances to the Big Picture.

Perhaps and i get what you are saying but to be raciest isn't the right course either. And i know taxing the Rich won't solve all of our issues will probably cause more issues then good.
Whats funny about this is the fact that my Girlfriend is Black and i am White yet we are both Voting Romney I guess Assumptions really don't do that well for the right as of late.

Then you are not an honest person!
I had a black cousin in Iowa in the 50s! I had a black business partner IN DALLAS in the 70s! I had a black boss in the 90s!

So don't give that superiority crap about a black girlfriend today!!!

MY point is there were MANY more qualified BLACKS then Obama.. Herman Cain,
Allen West, J.C. Watts, Mia Love.. Artur Davis... all of these people I would have NO problem in voting for them because they have principles I agree with!

But Idiot Iowans with less then 3% of population BLACK LIKE YOU evidently weren't THINKING about the qualifications of Obama.. just that if they literally didn't STAND up in the caucuses (See you don't seem to understand... the Iowa caucuses are NOT secret ballots!...) then these Iowans that stood for Obama were really STANDING for the Appearance to the MSM that THEY were not racists because look... see.. we Iowans are sophisticated enough to have a black president... we aren't racists!

STUPID reason for putting Obama who served in Congress less then 200 days! Voted Present most of his tenure in Illinois and
still won't release his grade transcripts!!

Just be honest if you voted for Obama the first time I can understand being fooled and wanting to NOT think you were racist if you didn't vote for Obama because YOU certainly didn't vote for him because he was more qualified! Hell at least McCain knew how the military worked and could do a salute with respect and not that wimpy wrist flash of Obama who HATES the flag!
JUST in case some of you don't KNOW who Artur Davis is???
Davis was the person that seconded Obama's nomination at the 2008 convention... NOW he's campaigning for Romney!

Obama's 2008 Campaign Co-Chair Endorses Mitt Romney
“Artur Davis, the former Obama campaign co-chair, will be campaigning for Mitt Romney today in Virginia, according to the Romney campaign.
“In Arlington, the former congressman will "discuss Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s bold ideas to strengthen the middle class and deal with our long-term debt" ...
“Davis has already made a few appearances for Romney in Virginia and in North Carolina this year.

Dems For Romney
White people that vote for Obamination hate their own skin color. They feel slavery has given them some unfair advantage in life so they need to go through life making up for it.

A black swindler like Obamination comes along acting he is from the hood and will help blacks and whites finally work out this slavery problem got most blacks and many whites to fall for his shit.

He is light skinned enough to dupe white folks compared to Sharpton and Jackson. Of course, Sharpton and Jackson don't speak "good English" according to people like Joe Biden. Obamination was the pefect stealth politician to sneak past dumb white people.

Wow are you ever retarded..
What's happened to white instincts? Whites don't seem to have any. They think "liberal" or "conservative" is the divide. Or red state/blue state. Or union/non-union. Nah...

You really are a pathetic fucking coward.

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