Why Would a Caucasian Person Vote for Obama?

I could list a bunch of reasons why, but instead I'd rather propose another question:

How is it that such an openly racist dickhead like yourself still allowed to post here?

So would you consider a WHITE person who VOTED for Obama SOLELY because the white person DID NOT want to be considered RACIST
by NOT voting for Obama?
There were some Iowans in the 2008 primary that voted for Obama BECAUSE in Iowa the pressure of literally STANDING in the caucus for who you want influenced some Iowans who DID NOT want to appear in front of the mass of MSM that covered Iowa primary as RACIST by NOT standing for Obama!
In other words JUST by standing for Obama showed Iowans weren't dumb racists.
It showed Iowans were sophisticated voters that had no problem voting for a totally inexperienced, incompetent Senator with less the 200 days in Congress with the positive value was he was black!

These Iowans did NOT want to appear racist EVEN though Obama WASN'T qualified! Was inexperienced! Was inept!

ONLY reason people voted for Obama was because he was BLACK which is a RACIST attitude!

Funny....Every time I went into a voting booth, I went alone and closed a curtain behind me....so your premise that people voted for Obama to appear "not racist" is a huge, steaming pile of bullshit.

People voted for Obama because of his platform....a moderate, slightly left leaning one that looked at the issues that face this nation and met thirty years of Corporate Welfare head on and asked "where's the trickling at?"

In those thirty years, we've seen massive government spending to keep the wealthy wealthy, has decimated our middle class, and has gotten us to the point that 47% of the population needs some sort of government assistance to make a go of it. You guys call him the "food stamp" president, but IMO...
that's a hell of a lot better than the"let them starve" president.

Do you guys EVER ask the question, "why are wages and benefits so shitty that people who work full time still need food stamps to feed their kids and Medicaid to get health care?".
....and in your own "intelligent" way you've decided that since you believe yourself to be gods gift to the less fortunate YOU can decide the way everyone else should think, got it.

Frankly kid I am betting you don't know anything about Obama.....I am also betting that your only response to anyone who points out any of his begatives you have maybe two responses.....

1) Nuh-Uh!!!!!


2) Nuh-Uh.

I've pointed out plenty of his negatives on numerous occasions.

Whoops! There goes your entire argument.

I'd like to take your word for that, but do you have any examples of President Obama's negatives that you have pointed out? When I pay attention to your posts, I generally enjoy reading them, but I don't recall any liberals (and I would put you in the liberal (not progressive) camp) pointing out a single negative of Obamas.



1) He didn't close GITMO
2) He supports and resigned the Patriot Act
3) Obamacare gives WAY to much strength to insurance companies
4) Obamacare doesn't do enough to control increasing rates
5) He hasn't been a "strong" leader consistently
I could list a bunch of reasons why, but instead I'd rather propose another question:

How is it that such an openly racist dickhead like yourself still allowed to post here?

So would you consider a WHITE person who VOTED for Obama SOLELY because the white person DID NOT want to be considered RACIST
by NOT voting for Obama?
There were some Iowans in the 2008 primary that voted for Obama BECAUSE in Iowa the pressure of literally STANDING in the caucus for who you want influenced some Iowans who DID NOT want to appear in front of the mass of MSM that covered Iowa primary as RACIST by NOT standing for Obama!
In other words JUST by standing for Obama showed Iowans weren't dumb racists.
It showed Iowans were sophisticated voters that had no problem voting for a totally inexperienced, incompetent Senator with less the 200 days in Congress with the positive value was he was black!

These Iowans did NOT want to appear racist EVEN though Obama WASN'T qualified! Was inexperienced! Was inept!

ONLY reason people voted for Obama was because he was BLACK which is a RACIST attitude!

Funny....Every time I went into a voting booth, I went alone and closed a curtain behind me....so your premise that people voted for Obama to appear "not racist" is a huge, steaming pile of bullshit.

People voted for Obama because of his platform....a moderate, slightly left leaning one that looked at the issues that face this nation and met thirty years of Corporate Welfare head on and asked "where's the trickling at?"

In those thirty years, we've seen massive government spending to keep the wealthy wealthy, has decimated our middle class, and has gotten us to the point that 47% of the population needs some sort of government assistance to make a go of it. You guys call him the "food stamp" president, but IMO...
that's a hell of a lot better than the"let them starve" president.

Do you guys EVER ask the question, "why are wages and benefits so shitty that people who work full time still need food stamps to feed their kids and Medicaid to get health care?".


because Papa Obama's economics are not working and
the left needs to foster dependency on gov't to keep them in power
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Conservatives love propping up racists like the OP. It bolsters their numbers.

Your boy Bammy is a racist, in Dreams From My Father he called his grandfather an Uncle Tom, a House ******.

He called his grandmother a "typical" white person who is afraid of a black man.

Yes, Obama is a Racist.


Where is your proof? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I could list a bunch of reasons why, but instead I'd rather propose another question:

How is it that such an openly racist dickhead like yourself still allowed to post here?

So would you consider a WHITE person who VOTED for Obama SOLELY because the white person DID NOT want to be considered RACIST
by NOT voting for Obama?
There were some Iowans in the 2008 primary that voted for Obama BECAUSE in Iowa the pressure of literally STANDING in the caucus for who you want influenced some Iowans who DID NOT want to appear in front of the mass of MSM that covered Iowa primary as RACIST by NOT standing for Obama!
In other words JUST by standing for Obama showed Iowans weren't dumb racists.
It showed Iowans were sophisticated voters that had no problem voting for a totally inexperienced, incompetent Senator with less the 200 days in Congress with the positive value was he was black!

These Iowans did NOT want to appear racist EVEN though Obama WASN'T qualified! Was inexperienced! Was inept!

ONLY reason people voted for Obama was because he was BLACK which is a RACIST attitude!

Funny....Every time I went into a voting booth, I went alone and closed a curtain behind me....so your premise that people voted for Obama to appear "not racist" is a huge, steaming pile of bullshit.

People voted for Obama because of his platform....a moderate, slightly left leaning one that looked at the issues that face this nation and met thirty years of Corporate Welfare head on and asked "where's the trickling at?"

In those thirty years, we've seen massive government spending to keep the wealthy wealthy, has decimated our middle class, and has gotten us to the point that 47% of the population needs some sort of government assistance to make a go of it. You guys call him the "food stamp" president, but IMO...
that's a hell of a lot better than the"let them starve" president.

Do you guys EVER ask the question, "why are wages and benefits so shitty that people who work full time still need food stamps to feed their kids and Medicaid to get health care?".

but Obama's brand of racism is OK with you if you voted for him
Closet racists tend to come out in places they feel safe, like message boards, where they can stay anonymous while they rant about scary black men.

They don't dare pull this crap away in the real world, as they know it would get them ostracized by all decent people.

tell us why the NAACP, Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson and others can practice their brand of racism openly?

Do tell when has Obama been Raciest or practiced it as a President? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

on numerous occasions, but apparemtly your ignore it

Here is a man whose sole motivation for entering public life was to secure wealth transfer from white to black. He told Chicago public radio that the civil rights revolution in the courts "didn't go far enough", hinting that reparations would have made it complete. He's surrounded by outright white-haters, from his preacher in Chicago to his inauguration preacher, who just said whites were going to hell. Even the whites behind Obama, like Bill Ayers, are self-hating left-wing terrorist whites. The Democratic Party has basically become a haven for white-haters.

But Romney has only 55 percent of the white vote!

That means 45 percent of whites are voting for Obama!

Who the fuck ARE these people?

I chalk it up to whites not getting the message. I actually don't think 95 percent of blacks voting for O is crazy -- that makes sense to me. He's their guy, he's got their backs. He looks like them. Why not? Go with your instincts.

What's happened to white instincts? Whites don't seem to have any. They think "liberal" or "conservative" is the divide. Or red state/blue state. Or union/non-union. Nah...

Congratulations!!!! You won!!!

So would you consider a WHITE person who VOTED for Obama SOLELY because the white person DID NOT want to be considered RACIST
by NOT voting for Obama?
There were some Iowans in the 2008 primary that voted for Obama BECAUSE in Iowa the pressure of literally STANDING in the caucus for who you want influenced some Iowans who DID NOT want to appear in front of the mass of MSM that covered Iowa primary as RACIST by NOT standing for Obama!
In other words JUST by standing for Obama showed Iowans weren't dumb racists.
It showed Iowans were sophisticated voters that had no problem voting for a totally inexperienced, incompetent Senator with less the 200 days in Congress with the positive value was he was black!

These Iowans did NOT want to appear racist EVEN though Obama WASN'T qualified! Was inexperienced! Was inept!

ONLY reason people voted for Obama was because he was BLACK which is a RACIST attitude!

Funny....Every time I went into a voting booth, I went alone and closed a curtain behind me....so your premise that people voted for Obama to appear "not racist" is a huge, steaming pile of bullshit.

People voted for Obama because of his platform....a moderate, slightly left leaning one that looked at the issues that face this nation and met thirty years of Corporate Welfare head on and asked "where's the trickling at?"

In those thirty years, we've seen massive government spending to keep the wealthy wealthy, has decimated our middle class, and has gotten us to the point that 47% of the population needs some sort of government assistance to make a go of it. You guys call him the "food stamp" president, but IMO...
that's a hell of a lot better than the"let them starve" president.

Do you guys EVER ask the question, "why are wages and benefits so shitty that people who work full time still need food stamps to feed their kids and Medicaid to get health care?".

but Obama's brand of racism is OK with you if you voted for him

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrL_M4wv_gI]Are you a good witch, or a bad witch? - YouTube[/ame]

"Are you a good racist or a bad racist?"

Man I must stop using all these Wizard of Oz references! :lol:
I could list a bunch of reasons why, but instead I'd rather propose another question:

How is it that such an openly racist dickhead like yourself still allowed to post here?

So would you consider a WHITE person who VOTED for Obama SOLELY because the white person DID NOT want to be considered RACIST
by NOT voting for Obama?
There were some Iowans in the 2008 primary that voted for Obama BECAUSE in Iowa the pressure of literally STANDING in the caucus for who you want influenced some Iowans who DID NOT want to appear in front of the mass of MSM that covered Iowa primary as RACIST by NOT standing for Obama!
In other words JUST by standing for Obama showed Iowans weren't dumb racists.
It showed Iowans were sophisticated voters that had no problem voting for a totally inexperienced, incompetent Senator with less the 200 days in Congress with the positive value was he was black!

These Iowans did NOT want to appear racist EVEN though Obama WASN'T qualified! Was inexperienced! Was inept!

Did these Iowans admit this was their motivation?

Still haven't gotten an answer to the above.
I could list a bunch of reasons why, but instead I'd rather propose another question:

How is it that such an openly racist dickhead like yourself still allowed to post here?

Gotta love the attitude.

Whites are currently under scrutiny and Internet commenters wonder why they're "allowed" to express themselves.

I was banned from Hannity's chatroom ....

Besides yourself, and other white supremists (and I say that in the nicest way possible) what whites are under scrutiny?
Your boy Bammy is a racist, in Dreams From My Father he called his grandfather an Uncle Tom, a House ******.

He called his grandmother a "typical" white person who is afraid of a black man.

Yes, Obama is a Racist.


Where is your proof? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Just image if a Romney supporter said
"White people know who you are and they will come after you."

The left is very racist; it is just racism they can live with....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkIi8EXoanc]Bill Maher Black People Will Come After Romney Voters - YouTube[/ame]
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Just image if a Romney supporter said
"White people know who you are and they will come after you."

The left is very racist; it is just racism they can live with....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkIi8EXoanc]Bill Maher Black People Will Come After Romney Voters - YouTube[/ame]

Are you saying that now Bill Maher knows what e's talking about?? How curious.

No, whats curious is that people like you don't condemn this kind of speec.

But then you had no integrity to start with.
Did Mamooth leave the building?

I'm sorry. I left the computer. That seems to bother those with control freak tendencies.

Anyone want to offer an answer about Dem racists since you all know so much about Republican ones.

Sure. Not being a Republican, I'm neither dishonest or gutless. Ask away.

Think you all have any racists in your closets at the Democrat headquarters?

Sure. Now, what's that got to do with the rank racism on display on this thread? You didn't have to start running cover for those racists just because you were mad at me. That puts your "moderate" credentials under even more suspicion. If you do want to be thought of as a moderate, you should probably stop carrying water for the most extreme and unhinged members of the GOP.

Anyone, I've learned my lesson. It's just not PC to point out racist garbage, if that racist garbage comes from a Republican. If you dare point out the racist garbage of a Republican, that makes the Republican a victim. And we have the PC police, like Dreamy here, to enforce that policy.

It's not the liberals bringing up race in every other post on this board. It's the conservatives. So they can stuff their big hypocritical lies about liberals playing the race card.
White people that vote for Obamination hate their own skin color. They feel slavery has given them some unfair advantage in life so they need to go through life making up for it.

A black swindler like Obamination comes along acting he is from the hood and will help blacks and whites finally work out this slavery problem got most blacks and many whites to fall for his shit.

He is light skinned enough to dupe white folks compared to Sharpton and Jackson. Of course, Sharpton and Jackson don't speak "good English" according to people like Joe Biden. Obamination was the pefect stealth politician to sneak past dumb white people.

Obama, in a speech is telling his base "VOTING IS THE BEST REVENGE."

Did Mamooth leave the building?

I'm sorry. I left the computer. That seems to bother those with control freak tendencies.

Anyone want to offer an answer about Dem racists since you all know so much about Republican ones.

Sure. Not being a Republican, I'm neither dishonest or gutless. Ask away.

Think you all have any racists in your closets at the Democrat headquarters?

Sure. Now, what's that got to do with the rank racism on display on this thread? You didn't have to start running cover for those racists just because you were mad at me. That puts your "moderate" credentials under even more suspicion. If you do want to be thought of as a moderate, you should probably stop carrying water for the most extreme and unhinged members of the GOP.

Anyone, I've learned my lesson. It's just not PC to point out racist garbage, if that racist garbage comes from a Republican. If you dare point out the racist garbage of a Republican, that makes the Republican a victim. And we have the PC police, like Dreamy here, to enforce that policy.

It's not the liberals bringing up race in every other post on this board. It's the conservatives. So they can stuff their big hypocritical lies about liberals playing the race card.

So you don't mind the kind of voter intimidation Devito used eh mamooth?
White people that vote for Obamination hate their own skin color. They feel slavery has given them some unfair advantage in life so they need to go through life making up for it.

A black swindler like Obamination comes along acting he is from the hood and will help blacks and whites finally work out this slavery problem got most blacks and many whites to fall for his shit.

He is light skinned enough to dupe white folks compared to Sharpton and Jackson. Of course, Sharpton and Jackson don't speak "good English" according to people like Joe Biden. Obamination was the pefect stealth politician to sneak past dumb white people.

Obama, in a speech is telling his base "VOTING IS THE BEST REVENGE."


Damn you find the best pictures ;)

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