Why Would a Caucasian Person Vote for Obama?

Of course not. Are you voting for someone other than the two primary choices?

Yes Gary Johnson. Please spare me the usual rhetoric I get offered when I tell others I have gone off the party plantation.

I see very few Democrats who wander off the party plantation and that is why I like to ride the partisan hacks asses.

No rhetoric. Good for you.

Are you going to remain a good foot soldier for the Democrat party?
Yup, because I am objective and don't think Obama is a communist hell bent on destroying America, I must be a partisan hack. Solid analysis!

....and in your own "intelligent" way you've decided that since you believe yourself to be gods gift to the less fortunate YOU can decide the way everyone else should think, got it.

Frankly kid I am betting you don't know anything about Obama.....I am also betting that your only response to anyone who points out any of his begatives you have maybe two responses.....

1) Nuh-Uh!!!!!


2) Nuh-Uh.

I've pointed out plenty of his negatives on numerous occasions.

Whoops! There goes your entire argument.

Do not deflect, that wasn't what I was pointing out...

I said you don't know anything about Obama, nothing of his background, who his friends and mentors are and were....and further, if you did, or anybody dared to point them out you'd dismiss the truth with a nuh-uh or claim its irrelevant.

You'd deny that any of them helped to shape his belief systems or that any of them contributed to what Obama meant when he said he was going to "fundamentally" remake this Nation.

No....you are indeed a hack and an apologist.
Please all we should not make judgment based on race,,,,,

Which is why Papa Obama recently signed an executive order to hold meetings and mandate racial discipline quotas.
I could list a bunch of reasons why, but instead I'd rather propose another question:

How is it that such an openly racist dickhead like yourself still allowed to post here?

Gotta love the attitude.

Whites are currently under scrutiny and Internet commenters wonder why they're "allowed" to express themselves.

Never mind addressing what whites SAY, you just head straight for, "why should you be allowed to talk?"

THIS IS BASICALLY THE OBAMA NATION'S ATTITUDE TOWARD WHITES. "We'll take your votes and your money, but you can't actually speak your mind. That's only for the precious non-whites."

Lest anyone think that white advocacy is attacked solely by liberals... "daveman" had some involvement with a messageboard called, get this, "Conservative Underground". He took credit for getting me banned from that board.

I was banned from Hannity's chatroom for discussing things like inherent racial differences, Jewish power, etc. Never cussed, never insulted, never spoke in a disagreeable manner. Never said the "n" word. The mods just came in and banned me. Reason given was "racism". One moderator said he was Jewish and didn't like what I was saying about Israel. Wow, lots of "freedom of speech" in Republican land, eh?

The average racist's IQ is 80.
Conservatives love propping up racists like the OP. It bolsters their numbers.
More fundamental than this. Why would anyone of intelligence vote for Obama?

Because Obama is intelligent and not a republican for starters. Why would anyone making under say $200k a year want to vote republican? They consider you the 47%. Of course I'm sure you and most of the "conservatives" posting here make way over that amount, so you should vote republican even though Romney is not intelligent enough to know what he stands for.
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Closet racists tend to come out in places they feel safe, like message boards, where they can stay anonymous while they rant about scary black men.

They don't dare pull this crap away in the real world, as they know it would get them ostracized by all decent people.

Not a Newsflash: Racism exists. So doesn't hypocrisy and a whole bunch of other negative personality traits and isms.

Hey, I wonder if there are any racists who are Democrats on here or in the WH? Whatcha think? :razz:

Hey, I wonder if there are any racists who are Democrats on here or in the WH? Whatcha think?

Did Mamooth leave the building? Anyone want to offer an answer about Dem racists since you all know so much about Republican ones.

Think you all have any racists in your closets at the Democrat headquarters?
These kind of things really help with racists numbers, as well
Oh wait, the left means other races, nevermind

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOtGr1JFCnE]Obama Youth Brigade March in Formation - YouTube[/ame]
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Conservatives love propping up racists like the OP. It bolsters their numbers.

Your boy Bammy is a racist, in Dreams From My Father he called his grandfather an Uncle Tom, a House ******.

He called his grandmother a "typical" white person who is afraid of a black man.

Yes, Obama is a Racist.
More fundamental than this. Why would anyone of intelligence vote for Obama?

Because Obama is intelligent and not a republican for starters. Why would anyone making under say $200k a year want to vote republican? They consider you the 47%, of course I'm sure you make way over that amount so you should vote repub even though Romney is unintelligent.

(smile) He went through Harvard Law and Business concurrently.....sorry.
Closet racists tend to come out in places they feel safe, like message boards, where they can stay anonymous while they rant about scary black men.

They don't dare pull this crap away in the real world, as they know it would get them ostracized by all decent people.

Not a Newsflash: Racism exists. So doesn't hypocrisy and a whole bunch of other negative personality traits and isms.

Hey, I wonder if there are any racists who are Democrats on here or in the WH? Whatcha think? :razz:

Hey, I wonder if there are any racists who are Democrats on here or in the WH? Whatcha think?

Did Mamooth leave the building? Anyone want to offer an answer about Dem racists since you all know so much about Republican ones.

Think you all have any racists in your closets at the Democrat headquarters?

You're asking for a liberal to be intellectually honest. That's a rare circumstance.
Not a Newsflash: Racism exists. So doesn't hypocrisy and a whole bunch of other negative personality traits and isms.

Hey, I wonder if there are any racists who are Democrats on here or in the WH? Whatcha think? :razz:

Hey, I wonder if there are any racists who are Democrats on here or in the WH? Whatcha think?

Did Mamooth leave the building? Anyone want to offer an answer about Dem racists since you all know so much about Republican ones.

Think you all have any racists in your closets at the Democrat headquarters?

You're asking for a liberal to be intellectually honest. That's a rare circumstance.

They never answer the hard questions. :lol:
My image of Onyango, faint as it was, had always been of an autocratic man — a cruel man, perhaps. But I had also imagined him an independent man, a man of his people, opposed to white rule… What Granny had told us scrambled that image completely, causing ugly words to flash across my mind. Uncle Tom. Collaborator. House ******.

— Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father, about his grandfather
Abortion kills more blacks, according to the CDC than heart disease, cancer, strokes, accidents, diabetes, homicide, and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined.

Indeed, blacks could not find a "better friend" than in Papa Obama


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