Why Would a God Care If I Believe In Him/Her?

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You seem to think Christians are perfect or need to be so, that is not the case. We sin, we know it. Sometimes it is the result of another party baiting us over a period of time. Part of that is on you too.

Interesting you have this need to feel superior and attack other's beliefs, yet when yours are challenged that person is a bad Christian. I'm sure you think you are winning some important contest, enjoy the spoils. Doesn't change a thing.

Oh yes, there's that "conservative" personal responsibility I've grown accustomed to. LOL!

Do you normally blame your behavior on others? You're an adult, right? I think it's time you take responsibility for you....


So you accept that you bait others to get an emotional response that builds up your ego? House of cards dude.
You seem to think Christians are perfect or need to be so, that is not the case. We sin, we know it. Sometimes it is the result of another party baiting us over a period of time. Part of that is on you too.

Interesting you have this need to feel superior and attack other's beliefs, yet when yours are challenged that person is a bad Christian. I'm sure you think you are winning some important contest, enjoy the spoils. Doesn't change a thing.

Oh yes, there's that "conservative" personal responsibility I've grown accustomed to. LOL!

Do you normally blame your behavior on others? You're an adult, right? I think it's time you take responsibility for you....


So you accept that you bait others to get an emotional response that builds up your ego? House of cards dude.

I'm saying that you are responsible for your own actions, the same way I am responsible for mine. I'm not your babysitter. This is a public forum. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. That's what I'm saying.

I'm suppose to leave because your uncomfortable? lol

Just what have been my actions?
Hellfire and brimstone are creations of Judeo-Christian Mythology . The only Hell is the one we create for ourselves . How many parents raise a Child - do everything right - yet that kid descends into a life of debauchery, drug addiction, alcoholism - a Life of Hell - self imposed - certainly not imposed by the parent.
Regardless of our debauchery moments and lifestyle, regardless of our denial of Him, as with the story of the Prodigal Son, when we've even reached our lowest points, opened arms by Our Father, are still there for us, when we come home.

I don't think God is this boogey man that people make Him out to be.

Have you read the Old Testament? LOL!


Have you read the Old Testament?

Have You ?

Did You Believe it ?

If you did .... my condolences.
What a silly question. Your life here now is your test and the proof to all creation that GOD is just and fair and the proof of where you should spend eternity. Live wisely,seek TRUTH= GOD!!!
Regardless of our debauchery moments and lifestyle, regardless of our denial of Him, as with the story of the Prodigal Son, when we've even reached our lowest points, opened arms by Our Father, are still there for us, when we come home.

I don't think God is this boogey man that people make Him out to be.

Have you read the Old Testament? LOL!


Have you read the Old Testament?

Have You ?

Did You Believe it ?

If you did .... my condolences.

I have not read it covereth to covereth. LOL!

However, I was raised in a Christian home, and we did attend Church 3 times a week.

Then I think I found the root of our misunderstanding. You say "obviously its been a part of the conversation" (god being evil). But at no time did I say, mention, hint or elude to evil in any way. The conversation has been about "what if we are wrong about our choices and what effect those choices have on us when we die." The fact that you went straight to defending god as not evil, when questioned on the choices of believing or not believing, tells me alot. Because it is obvious TO YOU that I was somehow insinuating god as being evil. When an honest reading of our conversation will shown that I did no such thing. Thus, it was NOT part of the conversation.

As far as my initial question. I appreciate you clarifying your answer as "yes".

/sigh.....look, that was the discussion I was engaged in......you stepped into the argument by quoting me and asking a question......I had been defending God as not evil and pointing out the stupidity of saying he was before you ever showed up......if you didn't want to be involved in that debate don't enter it......meanwhile, fuck off.....

Spoken like a true Christian. LOL!
spoken like a true Christian to a true fool.....yes.....
Strange, everyone else gets it but you. Why would an atheist go to God, when we don't even believe he/she exists.

/shrugs.....I didn't say I cared whether you went to him or not....I merely pointed out you were wrong about what the pope said.....

Yep, and everyone gets what he's saying but you.


not really.....true, there are some atheists out there trying to pretend it absolves them of responsibility for their own actions, but then, they were already wrong when they started.......
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. That's what I'm saying.


this from the guy complaining he might go to a hell he doesn't believe in, just because he misunderstood a pope.....

I don't believe in hell, because that would mean God is an asshole. No good parent would throw his children into a forever hell/fire pit. For the love of Jebus, we already pay consequences for our actions here.

IMO, anyone who believes this should have their children removed from their home. They are unfit.

You are the only one who's having a problem understanding what the Pope said. I've got to go, I'm late for my harp lessons. I've got to get prepared for going to heaven! LOL!

/shrugs.....I didn't say I cared whether you went to him or not....I merely pointed out you were wrong about what the pope said.....

Yep, and everyone gets what he's saying but you.


not really.....true, there are some atheists out there trying to pretend it absolves them of responsibility for their own actions, but then, they were already wrong when they started.......

That's a lie. Nobody said that.

/sigh.....look, that was the discussion I was engaged in......you stepped into the argument by quoting me and asking a question......I had been defending God as not evil and pointing out the stupidity of saying he was before you ever showed up......if you didn't want to be involved in that debate don't enter it......meanwhile, fuck off.....

Spoken like a true Christian. LOL!
spoken like a true Christian to a true fool.....yes.....

Where does it say that in your Bible?

Colossians 4:5-6New International Version (NIV)

5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Then tell them to fuck off. :D
◄ Hebrews 11:6 ►
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
/sigh.....look, that was the discussion I was engaged in......you stepped into the argument by quoting me and asking a question......I had been defending God as not evil and pointing out the stupidity of saying he was before you ever showed up......if you didn't want to be involved in that debate don't enter it......meanwhile, fuck off.....

Spoken like a true Christian. LOL!
spoken like a true Christian to a true fool.....yes.....

1 Peter 3:15New International Version (NIV)

15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, then tell them to fuck off.

/sigh.....look, that was the discussion I was engaged in......you stepped into the argument by quoting me and asking a question......I had been defending God as not evil and pointing out the stupidity of saying he was before you ever showed up......if you didn't want to be involved in that debate don't enter it......meanwhile, fuck off.....

Spoken like a true Christian. LOL!
spoken like a true Christian to a true fool.....yes.....

1 Peter 2:12New International Version (NIV)

12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. Or you could just tell them to fuck off.

Have you read the Old Testament? LOL!


Have you read the Old Testament?

Have You ?

Did You Believe it ?

If you did .... my condolences.

I have not read it covereth to covereth. LOL!

However, I was raised in a Christian home, and we did attend Church 3 times a week.


Thou didst not readeth it cover to cover shame on thee !!

I have , and came to the conclusion that it is not written by the Hand of God . I also read the New Testament cover 2 cover and came to the conclusion that Jesus was not the "only begotten Son of God " .

The Old Testament was written by men ,and quite possibly a Women -who experts believe wrote most of the first 5 books. It was also written in the mindset of the time .
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