Why would anyone from South Carolina actually vote for this guy?


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Who certifies the machines in SC are secure?

Who certifed the ballots in Minnesota?

I dont think these elections are comparible.

The election in SC had a aberrant result that does not compare with the win of someone you just dont like.

What equipment was used in Minnssota?

You are correct they are not comparible, ballots did not turn up after the election was over with when Green won the nomination.
reasons the politics of sc are odd:

anyone remember the phone smear against mccain.....phoning voters and telling them mccain had a black child...(they neglected to mention the child was adopted) all the while thurmond is in office?

gov. sanford is still in office.....the list just goes on and on
There was no fraud in the election. The Democratic Party already had a hearing over Greene's win and determined it was legitimate. Greene won because people do not take the time to educate themselves about the candidates they are voting for.
APNewsBreak: Records show Greene's military flops - Yahoo! News

From Alvin Greenes Military Record

In a performance report two years later, Greene received adequate marks for performing tasks assigned to him, complying with standards and training requirements. But Greene's reviewer marked him as an ineffective leader who lacked organization and was "unable to express thoughts clearly."

Greene is "usually capable of handling mundane tasks with supervision" but is "not able to adapt to any changes to daily routine," the reviewer wrote, also noting that Greene had received multiple disciplinary actions for failing to perform his duties.

Greene was also written up for posting sensitive information on a military Internet server, a mistake that resulted in a three-day work stoppage. Records showed Greene was kept at Shaw while the rest of his unit deployed after leadership "recognized his inability to contribute to the wartime mission."

A year later, Greene was evaluated again, this time in his new job as an analyst working with the weapons of mass destruction section. But Greene's job had little to do with intelligence analysis and more to do with shredding documents and escorting contractors around the base.

Again receiving low marks for ineffective leadership, Greene also was rated as not knowing much about his duties or performing them effectively and not complying with minimum training requirements.

The reviewer also wrote Greene "required a daily to-do list" to perform basic duties and had a "consistent inability to follow instructions or maintain basic job knowledge." Most seriously, the reviewer wrote that Greene would represent "a threat to others" because of his inability to grasp the basics of military training.

This thing gets stranger and stranger....how could he win a primary he didn't campaign in by a landslide?

The funny part is....if you actually listened to his first speech, and could struggle through his unpolished delivery, he sounded like he was an average American citizen and only wanted what was best for average Americans. DOes he have the skills to go to Capitol Hill and get it done? Probably not. However, I sort of liked the fact that he was NOT a career politician and his lack of speaking skills made it seem as if he was closer to you and I, than most of our career politicians.
APNewsBreak: Records show Greene's military flops - Yahoo! News

From Alvin Greenes Military Record

In a performance report two years later, Greene received adequate marks for performing tasks assigned to him, complying with standards and training requirements. But Greene's reviewer marked him as an ineffective leader who lacked organization and was "unable to express thoughts clearly."

Greene is "usually capable of handling mundane tasks with supervision" but is "not able to adapt to any changes to daily routine," the reviewer wrote, also noting that Greene had received multiple disciplinary actions for failing to perform his duties.

Greene was also written up for posting sensitive information on a military Internet server, a mistake that resulted in a three-day work stoppage. Records showed Greene was kept at Shaw while the rest of his unit deployed after leadership "recognized his inability to contribute to the wartime mission."

A year later, Greene was evaluated again, this time in his new job as an analyst working with the weapons of mass destruction section. But Greene's job had little to do with intelligence analysis and more to do with shredding documents and escorting contractors around the base.

Again receiving low marks for ineffective leadership, Greene also was rated as not knowing much about his duties or performing them effectively and not complying with minimum training requirements.

The reviewer also wrote Greene "required a daily to-do list" to perform basic duties and had a "consistent inability to follow instructions or maintain basic job knowledge." Most seriously, the reviewer wrote that Greene would represent "a threat to others" because of his inability to grasp the basics of military training.

This thing gets stranger and stranger....how could he win a primary he didn't campaign in by a landslide?

The funny part is....if you actually listened to his first speech, and could struggle through his unpolished delivery, he sounded like he was an average American citizen and only wanted what was best for average Americans. DOes he have the skills to go to Capitol Hill and get it done? Probably not. However, I sort of liked the fact that he was NOT a career politician and his lack of speaking skills made it seem as if he was closer to you and I, than most of our career politicians.

Wow... you used that very same reasoning to denounce Bush as an idiot.

Nitwit full-of-shit.... EXPOSED.
There was no fraud in the election. The Democratic Party already had a hearing over Greene's win and determined it was legitimate. Greene won because people do not take the time to educate themselves about the candidates they are voting for.

Thanks Taz

Being from S Carolina, do you actually know anyone who admits to voting for this guy? When exactly did they decide to switch their vote to a guy nobody ever heard about?

Was the other Democratic contender involved in any last minute scandle?

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