Why Would Bigots Attack a Jewish-Arab School in Israel That Teaches...

There's the Lipbush I've come to know and love!..


That wasn't so hard


Well, that didn't last long. You just can't put the shoe on the other foot, can you?

Why whatever it is that you mean

It would be more like average Germans saying, "Would you give the Holocaust a break? That's not who we are now. That's not our identity, today."

Not exactly. Because at many aspects, they're right. The compensation thing is not about revenge, it's about letting the surviviors live the rest of their lives with respect. Once the last survivor closes his or her eyes, there is no point with any further payment from the Gernams. I am against the idea of eternal punishment on the German people. It's pointless and mean.

Which is not at all the situation with us and the Arabs.

That's the equivalent of what you're saying about their Nakba.

It's....really not
do these schools promote harmony?

harmony is understanding of both ways. Nakba day is about war for destruction.

"Hamony" for nakba day? that's rediculous.
do these schools promote harmony?

Are there still people who object to blacks and whites marrying. There are still people who object to gays marrying. Mixing the purity of the races or committing an act they believe is unholy. This is just an example of the same.
The more orthodox would prefer to see separation of the sexes in schools. Many muslims don't believe a women needs more than an elementary education.
These attitudes are global not isolated to Israel. Fortunately people do learn and adapt.
Are there still people who object to blacks and whites marrying. There are still people who object to gays marrying. Mixing the purity of the races or committing an act they believe is unholy. This is just an example of the same.
The more orthodox would prefer to see separation of the sexes in schools. Many muslims don't believe a women needs more than an elementary education.
These attitudes are global not isolated to Israel. Fortunately people do learn and adapt.
I agree with every word.
I know what Israeli kids are taught, and I know that the truth is far more complicated than the simple "anti-Zionist" crap you paint it as.:doubt:
This thread isn't about "anti-Zionist crap".

It's about an attempt to find one issue we could mutually agree on.
"Attack a school"?

Did they kill anyone?

I'd say the title has nothing to do with the context.

"Attacking" with stickers?

I'd say the message is disrespectful and insulting, but "attack a school"? please.
The posters were meant to intimidate so it was an attack.

Attack is physical.

When Arabs attack Jews, it's "freeom fighting", but when Jews hang stickers it's a "national crime" or "attack".

Worse things have happened in Israel.

Let it be that ALL ATTACKS will be only through stickers.

The fact that TheNation DID NOT call the telephone listed on the stickers or identify the Organization who claimed responsibility either means they are incompetent or that those facts would interfere with their fiction that this was "an attack".

Perhaps [MENTION=36574]Lipush[/MENTION] could call the number for us and put a NAME and organization on the "attackers".. USMB gets "stickered" everyday with radical opinions from organized hate groups --- that doesn't mean that actual harm was done...

And yes -- I condone the idea of I/P outreach and cooperation.. EVEN IF -- the rough edges on the rhetoric gets smoothed in the process. (like the perceptions of Independence Day and Nahkbar) The process we hope for is to take the hatred down to dull roar. EVEN IF -- the radicals are offended..

Israeli and Arabs WORK together every day in Israel.. Not a radical idea that they can share a DayCare.
I have no problems with Arabs mentioning Nakba day; They are mourning their loss, which is understandable.

I have problems with those who say Jews should mourn as well. I am worried that in their insistent of "harmony" they'll let go of their identity.

If they want to mention the Ramadan with Rosh HaShana, let them, I see it as a very positive thing. They want to learn about each other's religion and history, let them.
There's the Lipbush I've come to know and love!

That wasn't so hard.
But their Nakba is the Jewish surviving.
Well, that didn't last long.

You just can't put the shoe on the other foot, can you?
What next, Jews mourning being released from Aushwitz and saying "sorry Germans?"
It would be more like average Germans saying, "Would you give the Holocaust a break? That's not who we are now. That's not our identity, today."

That's the equivalent of what you're saying about their Nakba.

More like the NA groups who complain about Thanksgiving, and want the rest of us to stop celebrating it because they wish to consider it a day of mourning.
I know what Israeli kids are taught, and I know that the truth is far more complicated than the simple "anti-Zionist" crap you paint it as.:doubt:
This thread isn't about "anti-Zionist crap".

It's about an attempt to find one issue we could mutually agree on.

I can agree it's disrespectful. However, people tend to blow things way out of proportion.
The posters were meant to intimidate so it was an attack.

Attack is physical.

When Arabs attack Jews, it's "freeom fighting", but when Jews hang stickers it's a "national crime" or "attack".

Worse things have happened in Israel.

Let it be that ALL ATTACKS will be only through stickers.

The fact that TheNation DID NOT call the telephone listed on the stickers or identify the Organization who claimed responsibility either means they are incompetent or that those facts would interfere with their fiction that this was "an attack".

Perhaps [MENTION=36574]Lipush[/MENTION] could call the number for us and put a NAME and organization on the "attackers".. USMB gets "stickered" everyday with radical opinions from organized hate groups --- that doesn't mean that actual harm was done...

And yes -- I condone the idea of I/P outreach and cooperation.. EVEN IF -- the rough edges on the rhetoric gets smoothed in the process. (like the perceptions of Independence Day and Nahkbar) The process we hope for is to take the hatred down to dull roar. EVEN IF -- the radicals are offended..

Israeli and Arabs WORK together every day in Israel.. Not a radical idea that they can share a DayCare.

This is orgainization called "Lehava", which are a 'brother organization' of 'Yad La'achim'. Yad La'achim were responsible for multiple saving of Jewish women who were abused by Arab husbands.
Here's a little wake-up call for those of you who buy into a sticker being an attack on a Daycare..
This little gem is about the VERY SAME PRE-SCHOOL.. Back in 2012.. Under ACTUAL ATTACK...

Update on the Situation in Israel ? Tuesday | The Federation Daily Kibitzer

I would like to share with you a beautiful letter that comes from Hagit Damri, the Executive Director of Hagar, a bi-lingual Jewish-Arab school in Be’er Sheva that is one of our grantees. In the shadow of all the violence and suffering, it reminds us of our common humanity, and of the important work we are doing in Israel to help create a society that is as just and as good as its people.

Dear Friends of Hagar,

Over the last six days a new wave of violence had flooded our region and wounded our routine. The usual Hagar sounds of children’s laughter in our school kindergartens and daycare, the vivid conversations of our community members in Hebrew and Arabic have been replaced by the frightening sounds of sirens and explosions. All schools in Be’er Sheva, including ours, have been closed and Hagar’s children and parents along with all of the families of the Negev are spending their days and nights in bomb shelters and protected spaces.

I am so proud and touched to learn that this wave of violence has not weakened us, and on the contrary, during the last six days Jewish and Arab friends and families are encouraging each other between the explosions, offering to host one another away from the rockets at their family homes in the north of Israel. Jewish and Arab teachers are reaching out to Jewish and Arab children, Arab and Jewish children are making an effort to be in touch with one another through phone calls and e-mails. One of our Jewish parents called and told me that she and her family (including a two-month old baby) were invited to spend the weekend away from the rockets with an Arab family in the northern Arab village of Sachnin; and as she and her family drove back she thought about the fact that before her family joined Hagar she never would have sought haven in an Arab Village.

Now more than ever Hagar’s community is proving its commitment to create a different reality — one where people refuse to define themselves as enemies but as friends struggling to find common ground.

At this time I want to thank all our friends who have e-mailed, posted and called asking about the well-being of our community and offering to help. At this point we don’t know what kind of damages we are facing. We will update and consult with you when the picture will be clearer. And finally your ‘likes,’ posts, letters and donations mean so much. Your support is not just helping Hagar, rather it is Hagar.

Thank you.

L’Shalom, MaaSalame, With Peace,

Hagit Damri

Kinda puts the threats to these folks in perspective -- dont it???
Look up rocket attacks in the Negev in 2012 and see which organization was responsible..
They came at night. When the principal arrived in the morning to open the school, there were scores of stickers covering the outside walls, the main entrance and the surrounding fence. The stickers, like the school’s motto, were bilingual, in Hebrew and in Arabic. In Hebrew they read “Don’t you even dare to think about a Jewess,” while in Arabic the warning was slightly different: “Don’t you dare touch a Jewess.” Under the threats there was also a phone number for people who wish to “report incidents of assimilation and provide donations.”

It's a cruel thing to do.
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^ While some of them blindly hide from the more extremist side of their side.


I know what Israeli kids are taught, and I know that the truth is far more complicated than the simple "anti-Zionist" crap you paint it as.:doubt:
This thread isn't about "anti-Zionist crap".

It's about an attempt to find one issue we could mutually agree on.

I can agree it's disrespectful. However, people tend to blow things way out of proportion.

^ The definitive word?

^ While some of them blindly hide from the more extremist side of their side.


This thread isn't about "anti-Zionist crap".

It's about an attempt to find one issue we could mutually agree on.

I can agree it's disrespectful. However, people tend to blow things way out of proportion.


disrespectful is a good description-----if it was a matter of papers taped to the walls-----
I would call it trivial if the vandals actually painted it on----more serious a crime.
If they carved it into the walls------that is even more serious------I see lots of graffiti
every day------at least half of it is very impolite
harmony is understanding of both ways. Nakba day is about war for destruction.

"Hamony" for nakba day? that's rediculous.
If harmony is understanding both ways, then you certainly don't have any by deliberately demonstrating your mis-understanding of how much that day means to Palestinian's.

I have no problems with Arabs mentioning Nakba day; They are mourning their loss, which is understandable.

I have problems with those who say Jews should mourn as well. I am worried that in their insistent of "harmony" they'll let go of their identity.

If they want to mention the Ramadan with Rosh HaShana, let them, I see it as a very positive thing. They want to learn about each other's religion and history, let them.

But their Nakba is the Jewish surviving.

What next, Jews mourning being released from Aushwitz and saying "sorry Germans?"

Attack is physical.

When Arabs attack Jews, it's "freeom fighting", but when Jews hang stickers it's a "national crime" or "attack".

Worse things have happened in Israel.

Let it be that ALL ATTACKS will be only through stickers.

The fact that TheNation DID NOT call the telephone listed on the stickers or identify the Organization who claimed responsibility either means they are incompetent or that those facts would interfere with their fiction that this was "an attack".

Perhaps [MENTION=36574]Lipush[/MENTION] could call the number for us and put a NAME and organization on the "attackers".. USMB gets "stickered" everyday with radical opinions from organized hate groups --- that doesn't mean that actual harm was done...

And yes -- I condone the idea of I/P outreach and cooperation.. EVEN IF -- the rough edges on the rhetoric gets smoothed in the process. (like the perceptions of Independence Day and Nahkbar) The process we hope for is to take the hatred down to dull roar. EVEN IF -- the radicals are offended..

Israeli and Arabs WORK together every day in Israel.. Not a radical idea that they can share a DayCare.

This is orgainization called "Lehava", which are a 'brother organization' of 'Yad La'achim'. Yad La'achim were responsible for multiple saving of Jewish women who were abused by Arab husbands.
Bollocks, the Haredi are what my family in Israel and in the UK call the crazies. "Lehava" are pure racists as they believe they come from kings so they are superior to everyone else. The real reasons these Haredi nutters do not want any inter marriage is because their sects gene pool is so limited they cannot afford to loose one breeding machine. Remember there are a lot of Jews in the world who want a peaceful co-existence with our Arab brothers and sisters.But also remember if the state of Israel is threatened with war, we rise as one.Kind un kait.
Haredi 'Rabbi' Elior Chen sentenced to 24 years in prison for child abuse Israel News | Haaretz
disrespectful is a good description-----if it was a matter of papers taped to the walls-----
I would call it trivial if the vandals actually painted it on----more serious a crime.
If they carved it into the walls------that is even more serious------I see lots of graffiti
every day------at least half of it is very impolite
Would you call this "impolite"?

"Figures you wouldn't like a school that teaches mutual respect."

Proves you know jack. I study in a college that is wellknown for its mixture of cultures. We have Christians and Arabs here, as well as other ethnic groups. Some of my fellow students are Arabs. I don't have any problem with them.

I do have a problem with brainwashing Israeli kids to believe they should feel sorry for living here. and Nakba day is just about that. Feel sorry, they rose upon you to kill you and you won. How dare you staying alive.
You didn't even bother to read the link I provided.

It specifically addresses what those Israeli kids are taught and it is definitely NOT feeling sorry for living there.

Your own bigoted hatred of others, prevents you from seeing clearly.

I know what Israeli kids are taught, and I know that the truth is far more complicated than the simple "anti-Zionist" crap you paint it as.:doubt:
do you fool, this is one of a number of orthodox schools in the UK that are failing to educate children properly, the curriculum is from Haredi nutters in Isreal Stamford Hill Haredi School Found To Be Providing Inadequate Education - FailedMessiah.com

Lipush what does a 10,000 year old fossil represent to you?
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You didn't even bother to read the link I provided.

It specifically addresses what those Israeli kids are taught and it is definitely NOT feeling sorry for living there.

Your own bigoted hatred of others, prevents you from seeing clearly.

I know what Israeli kids are taught, and I know that the truth is far more complicated than the simple "anti-Zionist" crap you paint it as.:doubt:
do you fool, this is one of a number of orthodox schools in the UK that are failing to educate children properly, the curriculum is from Haredi nutters in Isreal Stamford Hill Haredi School Found To Be Providing Inadequate Education - FailedMessiah.com

Lipush what does a 10,000 year old fossil represent to you?

so ? Haredis are nutters what else is new? They are a very tiny minority in Israel---
they reject "Zionism" tend not to pay taxes and---absolutely will not serve in the military.

we got a little group of them in the USA too. we also have the amish who do not like
telephones so? "a number of schools in the UK"??? how many? thousands?---
or two or three? (if that many) actually----relative to the boys----the girls do end up
literate-----in the USA computers are breaking the nutter groups down. I have had contact---
----they can be quite a hoot-------the boys can barely spell in English so they ask their wives.
They end up being very dependent on their wives

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