Why Would Bigots Attack a Jewish-Arab School in Israel That Teaches...

Now I don't like this school.
Figures you wouldn't like a school that teaches mutual respect.

I Googled "Nakba Day" and it doesn't say anything about Arabs whining about not killing Jews?

Nakba, is the Palestinian's Holocaust.

Not only do you deny them their land, you deny them their history.

There is no reason why any Jew should feel bad about it.
They shouldn't feel bad about driving over 700,000 people from homes they had been living in for generations?

"Figures you wouldn't like a school that teaches mutual respect."

Proves you know jack. I study in a college that is wellknown for its mixture of cultures. We have Christians and Arabs here, as well as other ethnic groups. Some of my fellow students are Arabs. I don't have any problem with them.

I do have a problem with brainwashing Israeli kids to believe they should feel sorry for living here. and Nakba day is just about that. Feel sorry, they rose upon you to kill you and you won. How dare you staying alive.

You know, I am sure my ancestors were fierce Indian fighters, and the day came when we realized we had done WRONG. The Indian nations in the Americas will never recover. So let's feel sorry now before more innocent people die.
Here's the question Lipush:

So returning to the op's comment that this shows how eff'd up a nation is, let me ask you this.
Will someone who distributes this sort of thing or posts it on a school be prosecuted in Israel?
Think how you would feel if the story was a private school with 50% Jewish students in, say, upstate New York, and some jerk posted stickers saying "Don't you dare touch a Christian woman...."
....and then supplied a phone number to facilitate prosecution? Its crazy. Hopefully one of us will keep an eye on this as it develops and see if the folks who distributed this are prosecuted, and if so, criminally or civilly?

facilitate "prosecution"??? what sort of "prosecution"? you must be thinking
of shariah law-----in Islamic law if a non muslim male marries a muslim woman---
he is subject to the death penalty-----in fact such a case was prosecuted in Iran
a few years ago. I doubt that anyone would be prosecuted in Israel for
distributing information about some organization that discourages jewish women
from dating muslim men (that is the issue here) ------pasting them all over a school
wall seems like something like vandalism to me-----like graffiti----other than that---it is
more like an "opinion"---similar to pasting religious propaganda around town or even
onto school walls. What sort of prosecution would you suggest for this opinion
stickies pasted on a school wall operation? ---it seems something like nasty graffiti to me---
about equivalent to someone drawing a swatstika on a wall in the USA------they are all over
my city-----I never heard of anyone being prosecuted for it------I have one on my little
house-----I have no idea how the artist managed to get up there-----you would have to
see it to understand why I say that---the house abuts a ---factory kind of thing---
the artist would have had to climb onto the roof of the factory

irosie, I re-read this. You would be comfortable in the deep south of 1920. Incredible.

your statement is really weird-------and idiotic -----the people of the deep south
were anti-Semites even during world war II-------my mother lived there for awhile---
because my Navy Dad----was stationed in Florida------that was not even the 20s---it
was the 40s I had the impression that you are a southern girl as for me----I have
never been in the south-----except to visit my navy son------one day. My mom had such
a NEGATIVE experience in Florida---------that I was turned off Your comment is so idiotic---
that I get the impression that you are delerious
facilitate "prosecution"??? what sort of "prosecution"? you must be thinking
of shariah law-----in Islamic law if a non muslim male marries a muslim woman---
he is subject to the death penalty-----in fact such a case was prosecuted in Iran
a few years ago. I doubt that anyone would be prosecuted in Israel for
distributing information about some organization that discourages jewish women
from dating muslim men (that is the issue here) ------pasting them all over a school
wall seems like something like vandalism to me-----like graffiti----other than that---it is
more like an "opinion"---similar to pasting religious propaganda around town or even
onto school walls. What sort of prosecution would you suggest for this opinion
stickies pasted on a school wall operation? ---it seems something like nasty graffiti to me---
about equivalent to someone drawing a swatstika on a wall in the USA------they are all over
my city-----I never heard of anyone being prosecuted for it------I have one on my little
house-----I have no idea how the artist managed to get up there-----you would have to
see it to understand why I say that---the house abuts a ---factory kind of thing---
the artist would have had to climb onto the roof of the factory

irosie, I re-read this. You would be comfortable in the deep south of 1920. Incredible.

your statement is really weird-------and idiotic -----the people of the deep south
were anti-Semites even during world war II-------my mother lived there for awhile---
because my Navy Dad----was stationed in Florida------that was not even the 20s---it
was the 40s I had the impression that you are a southern girl as for me----I have
never been in the south-----except to visit my navy son------one day. My mom had such
a NEGATIVE experience in Florida---------that I was turned off Your comment is so idiotic---
that I get the impression that you are delerious

I guess with all her blabbering she is making herself dizzy. Meanwhile in the world of today it is her friends who are the ones who are still keeping slaves. Since she is so busy posting one after one, maybe one of her friends will lend her one of his slaves for a day of cleaning her apartment.
irosie, I re-read this. You would be comfortable in the deep south of 1920. Incredible.

your statement is really weird-------and idiotic -----the people of the deep south
were anti-Semites even during world war II-------my mother lived there for awhile---
because my Navy Dad----was stationed in Florida------that was not even the 20s---it
was the 40s I had the impression that you are a southern girl as for me----I have
never been in the south-----except to visit my navy son------one day. My mom had such
a NEGATIVE experience in Florida---------that I was turned off Your comment is so idiotic---
that I get the impression that you are delerious

so incoherent --- jim crow laws --- no problem with racist stickers --- asinine intimidation --- can't get through ----- all the glue from those stickers defaced the building ---- no comprehension --- about to go on block list ----

try again justifier of the slitting of infants' throats your colleagues in the KU KLUX KLAN---
did the same kind of stuff your pals in the middle east do------they murdered people----they
did not put stick'em notes on walls. ----- I know you well-----I grew up in a town saturated
with islamo Nazi propaganda-----you are nothing new. The islamo Nazi propaganda that I read
was promulgated by the same people who are Ku Klux Klanners in the south. same people----
just like you. I learned the word GAZA-----from Nazi propaganda----way back circa 1955.
The stuff being circulated in that Nazi town was written by people in Syria and Egypt----Nazi war
criminals who fled to Egypt and Syria-----some even converted to islam-----convenient for their
MURDER ThE JEWS mentality-----just like you
Lehava and Yad La'achim are mostly National religious Zionists, and cannot be considered nowdays as "Haredi".

What you say is bullshit, they saved countless of abused women in Arab villages, you obviously don't know much about it, but it's funny because you allow yourself spit so much hatred towards other Jews who are supposed to be your brothers, not the Arabs.

The Arabs are unfriendly cousins, at most. Brothers and sisters? Ha, what a crackup.

And to conclude it all, you bring Ha'aretz reports and articles.

Figures. Typical.
Listen Goebbels your propaganda is wasted on me:badgrin::badgrin: what hatred have I spat at Jews, I reserve that for Hebrew Nazis like you.

ps why do you not respond to my fossil question nudnik.

What was the question anyway? I lost in all the pathetic posts of yours.
ok what does a 10,000 years old fossil represent to you.
These were produced banners not just sprayed graffiti on a wall. Someone organized this so there must be a trail.
It might be news but hopefully these banners and messages were removed before the children felt threatened.
This is about the fear of adults for their children, culture, race. The message was not something to be directed as 5 to 11 yr olds but to adults or sexually active teens.
This was not just tagging the outside wall of a building with a spray can.
There must be some groups involved, but parents with kids in the school would not have had the same fears unless there had been some incident with a child being molested. If parent were against the mix of the students they would just remove their child.
Well said.
These were produced banners not just sprayed graffiti on a wall. Someone organized this so there must be a trail.
It might be news but hopefully these banners and messages were removed before the children felt threatened.
This is about the fear of adults for their children, culture, race. The message was not something to be directed as 5 to 11 yr olds but to adults or sexually active teens.
This was not just tagging the outside wall of a building with a spray can.
There must be some groups involved, but parents with kids in the school would not have had the same fears unless there had been some incident with a child being molested. If parent were against the mix of the students they would just remove their child.
Well said.
I concur

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