Why Would Holocaust Deniers Lie.

History is written by the victors...

No, history is written by historians. Serious historians try to be objective, but I agree, many do have their own agendas, on both sides of any argument. Napoleon famously said, "history is a set of lies, agreed upon" but in the modern age such uniform agreement is rare. It is the responsibility of the student of history to weave their way through the lies of both sides in order to find some element of truth. So far, I'm not convinced you have made a valid argument. Opinion is not evidence, and so far all you have presented is opinion.
No. History is written by the victors. In times past, and probably still in some countries, if you reveal a history that goes against what the government says, you are killed. Maybe tortured first. In this country, if you are paid well enough, you are unlikely to come up with a version of history that goes against the government agenda. If you do, you could very well find yourself unemployed.

Next, I have done nothing but make valid arguments. As for my opinion, scroll up a couple posts. You will see an old and new plaque. Tell me, are they my opinions, or are they plaques. Also, If you find anything I said to be untrue, let me know what it is.
History is written by the victors...

No, history is written by historians. Serious historians try to be objective, but I agree, many do have their own agendas, on both sides of any argument. Napoleon famously said, "history is a set of lies, agreed upon" but in the modern age such uniform agreement is rare. It is the responsibility of the student of history to weave their way through the lies of both sides in order to find some element of truth. So far, I'm not convinced you have made a valid argument. Opinion is not evidence, and so far all you have presented is opinion.
No. History is written by the victors. In times past, and probably still in some countries, if you reveal a history that goes against what the government says, you are killed. Maybe tortured first. In this country, if you are paid well enough, you are unlikely to come up with a version of history that goes against the government agenda. If you do, you could very well find yourself unemployed.

Next, I have done nothing but make valid arguments. As for my opinion, scroll up a couple posts. You will see an old and new plaque. Tell me, are they my opinions, or are they plaques. Also, If you find anything I said to be untrue, let me know what it is.

none of your arguments are valid---------the fact that some details of the history of
the genocides committed by your fellows has been discovered modifying prior
conclusions proves nothing other than the fact that some details were unknown and
later research clarified the situation
History is written by the victors...

No, history is written by historians. Serious historians try to be objective, but I agree, many do have their own agendas, on both sides of any argument. Napoleon famously said, "history is a set of lies, agreed upon" but in the modern age such uniform agreement is rare. It is the responsibility of the student of history to weave their way through the lies of both sides in order to find some element of truth. So far, I'm not convinced you have made a valid argument. Opinion is not evidence, and so far all you have presented is opinion.
No. History is written by the victors. In times past, and probably still in some countries, if you reveal a history that goes against what the government says, you are killed. Maybe tortured first. In this country, if you are paid well enough, you are unlikely to come up with a version of history that goes against the government agenda. If you do, you could very well find yourself unemployed.

Next, I have done nothing but make valid arguments. As for my opinion, scroll up a couple posts. You will see an old and new plaque. Tell me, are they my opinions, or are they plaques. Also, If you find anything I said to be untrue, let me know what it is.

none of your arguments are valid---------the fact that some details of the history of
the genocides committed by your fellows has been discovered modifying prior
conclusions proves nothing other than the fact that some details were unknown and
later research clarified the situation
Maybe you would care to back up what you say. Tell me anything I said in any of my threads that you think is untrue or invalid. I can straighten you out. As to the rest of what you have to say, it doesn't make much sense. Care to be more specific?
History is written by the victors...

No, history is written by historians. Serious historians try to be objective, but I agree, many do have their own agendas, on both sides of any argument. Napoleon famously said, "history is a set of lies, agreed upon" but in the modern age such uniform agreement is rare. It is the responsibility of the student of history to weave their way through the lies of both sides in order to find some element of truth. So far, I'm not convinced you have made a valid argument. Opinion is not evidence, and so far all you have presented is opinion.
No. History is written by the victors. In times past, and probably still in some countries, if you reveal a history that goes against what the government says, you are killed. Maybe tortured first. In this country, if you are paid well enough, you are unlikely to come up with a version of history that goes against the government agenda. If you do, you could very well find yourself unemployed.

Next, I have done nothing but make valid arguments. As for my opinion, scroll up a couple posts. You will see an old and new plaque. Tell me, are they my opinions, or are they plaques. Also, If you find anything I said to be untrue, let me know what it is.

none of your arguments are valid---------the fact that some details of the history of
the genocides committed by your fellows has been discovered modifying prior
conclusions proves nothing other than the fact that some details were unknown and
later research clarified the situation
Maybe you would care to back up what you say. Tell me anything I said in any of my threads that you think is untrue or invalid. I can straighten you out. As to the rest of what you have to say, it doesn't make much sense. Care to be more specific?

yes----you made an issue of two signs which stated the number of people your kith and kin murdered in Auschwitz and made an issue over the fact that over time that number had been altered. Your notion that the fact of DIFFERING tallies over time in the various murder joints created by your kith and kin in this or that murder joint is IMPORTANT and discredits the history of your filth is bullshit.
History is written by the victors...

No, history is written by historians. Serious historians try to be objective, but I agree, many do have their own agendas, on both sides of any argument. Napoleon famously said, "history is a set of lies, agreed upon" but in the modern age such uniform agreement is rare. It is the responsibility of the student of history to weave their way through the lies of both sides in order to find some element of truth. So far, I'm not convinced you have made a valid argument. Opinion is not evidence, and so far all you have presented is opinion.
No. History is written by the victors. In times past, and probably still in some countries, if you reveal a history that goes against what the government says, you are killed. Maybe tortured first. In this country, if you are paid well enough, you are unlikely to come up with a version of history that goes against the government agenda. If you do, you could very well find yourself unemployed.

Next, I have done nothing but make valid arguments. As for my opinion, scroll up a couple posts. You will see an old and new plaque. Tell me, are they my opinions, or are they plaques. Also, If you find anything I said to be untrue, let me know what it is.

none of your arguments are valid---------the fact that some details of the history of
the genocides committed by your fellows has been discovered modifying prior
conclusions proves nothing other than the fact that some details were unknown and
later research clarified the situation
Maybe you would care to back up what you say. Tell me anything I said in any of my threads that you think is untrue or invalid. I can straighten you out. As to the rest of what you have to say, it doesn't make much sense. Care to be more specific?

yes----you made an issue of two signs which stated the number of people your kith and kin murdered in Auschwitz and made an issue over the fact that over time that number had been altered. Your notion that the fact of DIFFERING tallies over time in the various murder joints created by your kith and kin in this or that murder joint is IMPORTANT and discredits the history of your filth is bullshit.
Is it that hard to make sense? About the two plaques, so what. The old one existed and the new one exists. So what's your point. Also, the number of people they say died at Auschwitz went down bt 2.5 million. I doubt if Jew haters were responsible for the change. So again, what's your point. As for the rest, it is a pile of meaningless senselessness. If you are trying to say something, you are going to have to say it better.
History is written by the victors...

No, history is written by historians. Serious historians try to be objective, but I agree, many do have their own agendas, on both sides of any argument. Napoleon famously said, "history is a set of lies, agreed upon" but in the modern age such uniform agreement is rare. It is the responsibility of the student of history to weave their way through the lies of both sides in order to find some element of truth. So far, I'm not convinced you have made a valid argument. Opinion is not evidence, and so far all you have presented is opinion.
No. History is written by the victors. In times past, and probably still in some countries, if you reveal a history that goes against what the government says, you are killed. Maybe tortured first. In this country, if you are paid well enough, you are unlikely to come up with a version of history that goes against the government agenda. If you do, you could very well find yourself unemployed.

Next, I have done nothing but make valid arguments. As for my opinion, scroll up a couple posts. You will see an old and new plaque. Tell me, are they my opinions, or are they plaques. Also, If you find anything I said to be untrue, let me know what it is.

Well it appears we will just have to agree to disagree on this point. History is revised with each new generation of historians and while it is quite true that new information can and does come to light which can contradict the current mainstream, more often than not, the basic events remain unchanged. Even in Stalin's Soviet Union, Academicians were allowed complete freedom to research whatever topics interested them. In the West, once you have academic "tenure" you can write whatever you like without fear of government sanction.

Whether 600,000 or 6,000,000 Jewish people were murdered by the Nazis is largely immaterial, the fact remains the Nazis set out to systematically remove and then eradicate human beings based on their religious beliefs in order to create a more pure society, a more pure "race". That in itself is an obscenity and a crime against humanity. Even if it happened by "the circumstances of war" existing in 1944-45, the Nazis bear the full share of responsibility.
History is written by the victors...

No, history is written by historians. Serious historians try to be objective, but I agree, many do have their own agendas, on both sides of any argument. Napoleon famously said, "history is a set of lies, agreed upon" but in the modern age such uniform agreement is rare. It is the responsibility of the student of history to weave their way through the lies of both sides in order to find some element of truth. So far, I'm not convinced you have made a valid argument. Opinion is not evidence, and so far all you have presented is opinion.
No. History is written by the victors. In times past, and probably still in some countries, if you reveal a history that goes against what the government says, you are killed. Maybe tortured first. In this country, if you are paid well enough, you are unlikely to come up with a version of history that goes against the government agenda. If you do, you could very well find yourself unemployed.

Next, I have done nothing but make valid arguments. As for my opinion, scroll up a couple posts. You will see an old and new plaque. Tell me, are they my opinions, or are they plaques. Also, If you find anything I said to be untrue, let me know what it is.

Well it appears we will just have to agree to disagree on this point. History is revised with each new generation of historians and while it is quite true that new information can and does come to light which can contradict the current mainstream, more often than not, the basic events remain unchanged. Even in Stalin's Soviet Union, Academicians were allowed complete freedom to research whatever topics interested them. In the West, once you have academic "tenure" you can write whatever you like without fear of government sanction.

Whether 600,000 or 6,000,000 Jewish people were murdered by the Nazis is largely immaterial, the fact remains the Nazis set out to systematically remove and then eradicate human beings based on their religious beliefs in order to create a more pure society, a more pure "race". That in itself is an obscenity and a crime against humanity. Even if it happened by "the circumstances of war" existing in 1944-45, the Nazis bear the full share of responsibility.
I told you the reasons behind any lies either for or against the current version of the holocaust. When it comes to reasons to lie by saying that the holocaust happened as is generally believed, historians are as susceptable to those reasons as anybody else. Truth isn't as important as sustaining the status quo system that most intellectuals have invested so much into being a part of.

Next, history and politics often go hand in hand. In Stalin's Soviet Union, there was only one kind of politics. I doubt if any academics were allowed to examine any history that challenged that form of politics. And eved IF they did, I doubt very much that they would be allowed to speak of it.

Next, in the U.S. and elsewhere, professors have been fired for coming up with the wrong answer. It doesn't matter if you have tenure or not. For example, if Monsanto threatens to cut off millions of dollars in donations to some university due to findings that some scientist there came up with, you can bet your ass that the scientist would either be gone or shut up in some other way.

Next, what's the difference between six hundred thousand or six million? Five million, four hundred thousand. Also, have you ever heard of a Jew saying in relation to the holocaust, "Never again!" Would you prefer Jews seeking revenge and reparations for six hundred thousand dead or six million dead.

Also, I was watching part of one of those bullshit history shows a while ago. Though they showed something that I would bet wasn't bullshit. They were talking about and to some German Jews who sought revenge after WW II. They managed to poison some bread that was to be given to ex-SS soldiers who were being held prisoner of ex-war. But I don't think very many of them died. These Jewish revenge seekers also had a plan in the works to poison the water supply of some German cities. The plan was to actually murder 6 million Germans. But for whatever reason, they didn't go through with their plan. Of all the elderly Jewish revenge seekers they talked to, every single one of the filthy scum regretted that they didn't go through with their plan.

Also, according to "The Best Answer" in "Yahoo, answers," the Germany deported 60 to 70% of its Jews to Palestine under the Haavara agreement. Is that the kind of "systematically remove" you were referring to? Next, White people just happen to be superior. No doubt the Germans were more concerned with being White than they were in being of pure blood. Also, I will include the thread of someone else concerning White people. The title of it is, "Is the White species superior?" Tell me what you think of it.

is the white species superior.jpg
No, history is written by historians. Serious historians try to be objective, but I agree, many do have their own agendas, on both sides of any argument. Napoleon famously said, "history is a set of lies, agreed upon" but in the modern age such uniform agreement is rare. It is the responsibility of the student of history to weave their way through the lies of both sides in order to find some element of truth. So far, I'm not convinced you have made a valid argument. Opinion is not evidence, and so far all you have presented is opinion.
No. History is written by the victors. In times past, and probably still in some countries, if you reveal a history that goes against what the government says, you are killed. Maybe tortured first. In this country, if you are paid well enough, you are unlikely to come up with a version of history that goes against the government agenda. If you do, you could very well find yourself unemployed.

Next, I have done nothing but make valid arguments. As for my opinion, scroll up a couple posts. You will see an old and new plaque. Tell me, are they my opinions, or are they plaques. Also, If you find anything I said to be untrue, let me know what it is.

none of your arguments are valid---------the fact that some details of the history of
the genocides committed by your fellows has been discovered modifying prior
conclusions proves nothing other than the fact that some details were unknown and
later research clarified the situation
Maybe you would care to back up what you say. Tell me anything I said in any of my threads that you think is untrue or invalid. I can straighten you out. As to the rest of what you have to say, it doesn't make much sense. Care to be more specific?

yes----you made an issue of two signs which stated the number of people your kith and kin murdered in Auschwitz and made an issue over the fact that over time that number had been altered. Your notion that the fact of DIFFERING tallies over time in the various murder joints created by your kith and kin in this or that murder joint is IMPORTANT and discredits the history of your filth is bullshit.
Is it that hard to make sense? About the two plaques, so what. The old one existed and the new one exists. So what's your point. Also, the number of people they say died at Auschwitz went down bt 2.5 million. I doubt if Jew haters were responsible for the change. So again, what's your point. As for the rest, it is a pile of meaningless senselessness. If you are trying to say something, you are going to have to say it better.

it is easy to make sense -----you kith and kin murdered millions------exactly where and on what day the dogs and pigs and pimps and whores murdered is subject to
some dispute
Also, according to "The Best Answer" in "Yahoo, answers," the Germany deported 60 to 70% of its Jews to Palestine under the Haavara agreement.

You are citing Yahoo "best answers", really?

Really. Go to your browser and enter, "How many Jews were deported to Palestine under the Haavara Agreement." Near the top you will find that question basically asked at a "Yahoo, answers" website. Read it. The guy who gave "The Best Answer" seemed to have his shit together. While your're around there, feel free to look at some of the other websites. I couldn't tell you how many were written by Jews or their supporters. But the fact remains that many Jews WERE deported to Palestine under the Haavara Agreement. That puts a stake through the heart of the idea that Hitlers aim was to simply gas to death as many Jews as he could get his hands on.
No. History is written by the victors. In times past, and probably still in some countries, if you reveal a history that goes against what the government says, you are killed. Maybe tortured first. In this country, if you are paid well enough, you are unlikely to come up with a version of history that goes against the government agenda. If you do, you could very well find yourself unemployed.

Next, I have done nothing but make valid arguments. As for my opinion, scroll up a couple posts. You will see an old and new plaque. Tell me, are they my opinions, or are they plaques. Also, If you find anything I said to be untrue, let me know what it is.

none of your arguments are valid---------the fact that some details of the history of
the genocides committed by your fellows has been discovered modifying prior
conclusions proves nothing other than the fact that some details were unknown and
later research clarified the situation
Maybe you would care to back up what you say. Tell me anything I said in any of my threads that you think is untrue or invalid. I can straighten you out. As to the rest of what you have to say, it doesn't make much sense. Care to be more specific?

yes----you made an issue of two signs which stated the number of people your kith and kin murdered in Auschwitz and made an issue over the fact that over time that number had been altered. Your notion that the fact of DIFFERING tallies over time in the various murder joints created by your kith and kin in this or that murder joint is IMPORTANT and discredits the history of your filth is bullshit.
Is it that hard to make sense? About the two plaques, so what. The old one existed and the new one exists. So what's your point. Also, the number of people they say died at Auschwitz went down bt 2.5 million. I doubt if Jew haters were responsible for the change. So again, what's your point. As for the rest, it is a pile of meaningless senselessness. If you are trying to say something, you are going to have to say it better.

it is easy to make sense -----you kith and kin murdered millions------exactly where and on what day the dogs and pigs and pimps and whores murdered is subject to
some dispute

Fuck you filthy, lying, mass murdering Jew scum. You can't fool everybody. I will include a picture of a Nobel laureate who you didn't fool either. Fuck your imaginary 6 million. I have heard estimates of people who met their ends at the hands of Russian communists that ranged from 80,000,000 to 100,000,000. The better a Jew is depends on how horribly they die!
none of your arguments are valid---------the fact that some details of the history of
the genocides committed by your fellows has been discovered modifying prior
conclusions proves nothing other than the fact that some details were unknown and
later research clarified the situation
Maybe you would care to back up what you say. Tell me anything I said in any of my threads that you think is untrue or invalid. I can straighten you out. As to the rest of what you have to say, it doesn't make much sense. Care to be more specific?

yes----you made an issue of two signs which stated the number of people your kith and kin murdered in Auschwitz and made an issue over the fact that over time that number had been altered. Your notion that the fact of DIFFERING tallies over time in the various murder joints created by your kith and kin in this or that murder joint is IMPORTANT and discredits the history of your filth is bullshit.
Is it that hard to make sense? About the two plaques, so what. The old one existed and the new one exists. So what's your point. Also, the number of people they say died at Auschwitz went down bt 2.5 million. I doubt if Jew haters were responsible for the change. So again, what's your point. As for the rest, it is a pile of meaningless senselessness. If you are trying to say something, you are going to have to say it better.

it is easy to make sense -----you kith and kin murdered millions------exactly where and on what day the dogs and pigs and pimps and whores murdered is subject to
some dispute

Fuck you filthy, lying, mass murdering Jew scum. You can't fool everybody. I will include a picture of a Nobel laureate who you didn't fool either. Fuck your imaginary 6 million. I have heard estimates of people who met their ends at the hands of Russian communists that ranged from 80,000,000 to 100,000,000. The better a Jew is depends on how horribly they die!
View attachment 55366

I am fully aware of the fact that Russians and Ukrainians hate each other --------they have been fighting each other for centuries. Ever hear of the COSSACKS? You have something new?---------islamo Nazi pig son of an easter bunny cotton
tail whore? eastern ortho father stalin knew he could get away with a genocide
of the kulak pigs because the eastern ortho and catholic Russian pigs HATED them
enough--------your fellow Christians watched them drop dead in their tracks of starvation and LAUGHED
Maybe you would care to back up what you say. Tell me anything I said in any of my threads that you think is untrue or invalid. I can straighten you out. As to the rest of what you have to say, it doesn't make much sense. Care to be more specific?

yes----you made an issue of two signs which stated the number of people your kith and kin murdered in Auschwitz and made an issue over the fact that over time that number had been altered. Your notion that the fact of DIFFERING tallies over time in the various murder joints created by your kith and kin in this or that murder joint is IMPORTANT and discredits the history of your filth is bullshit.
Is it that hard to make sense? About the two plaques, so what. The old one existed and the new one exists. So what's your point. Also, the number of people they say died at Auschwitz went down bt 2.5 million. I doubt if Jew haters were responsible for the change. So again, what's your point. As for the rest, it is a pile of meaningless senselessness. If you are trying to say something, you are going to have to say it better.

it is easy to make sense -----you kith and kin murdered millions------exactly where and on what day the dogs and pigs and pimps and whores murdered is subject to
some dispute

Fuck you filthy, lying, mass murdering Jew scum. You can't fool everybody. I will include a picture of a Nobel laureate who you didn't fool either. Fuck your imaginary 6 million. I have heard estimates of people who met their ends at the hands of Russian communists that ranged from 80,000,000 to 100,000,000. The better a Jew is depends on how horribly they die!
View attachment 55366

I am fully aware of the fact that Russians and Ukrainians hate each other --------they have been fighting each other for centuries. Ever hear of the COSSACKS? You have something new?---------islamo Nazi pig son of an easter bunny cotton
tail whore? eastern ortho father stalin knew he could get away with a genocide
of the kulak pigs because the eastern ortho and catholic Russian pigs HATED them
enough--------your fellow Christians watched them drop dead in their tracks of starvation and LAUGHED

You can stick your insults up your ass you moron. This has to do with far more than any differences between Russians and Ukrainians. Most of the Bolshevik leaders were Jews. The Bolsheviks murdered or caused the untimely deaths of millions before Stalin, a Turk, came to power.
yes----you made an issue of two signs which stated the number of people your kith and kin murdered in Auschwitz and made an issue over the fact that over time that number had been altered. Your notion that the fact of DIFFERING tallies over time in the various murder joints created by your kith and kin in this or that murder joint is IMPORTANT and discredits the history of your filth is bullshit.
Is it that hard to make sense? About the two plaques, so what. The old one existed and the new one exists. So what's your point. Also, the number of people they say died at Auschwitz went down bt 2.5 million. I doubt if Jew haters were responsible for the change. So again, what's your point. As for the rest, it is a pile of meaningless senselessness. If you are trying to say something, you are going to have to say it better.

it is easy to make sense -----you kith and kin murdered millions------exactly where and on what day the dogs and pigs and pimps and whores murdered is subject to
some dispute

Fuck you filthy, lying, mass murdering Jew scum. You can't fool everybody. I will include a picture of a Nobel laureate who you didn't fool either. Fuck your imaginary 6 million. I have heard estimates of people who met their ends at the hands of Russian communists that ranged from 80,000,000 to 100,000,000. The better a Jew is depends on how horribly they die!
View attachment 55366

I am fully aware of the fact that Russians and Ukrainians hate each other --------they have been fighting each other for centuries. Ever hear of the COSSACKS? You have something new?---------islamo Nazi pig son of an easter bunny cotton
tail whore? eastern ortho father stalin knew he could get away with a genocide
of the kulak pigs because the eastern ortho and catholic Russian pigs HATED them
enough--------your fellow Christians watched them drop dead in their tracks of starvation and LAUGHED

You can stick your insults up your ass you moron. This has to do with far more than any differences between Russians and Ukrainians. Most of the Bolshevik leaders were Jews. The Bolsheviks murdered or caused the untimely deaths of millions before Stalin, a Turk, came to power.

very very few Bolsheviks were jews--------stalin was a Russian ----his religion was
"eastern orthodox" ------and was so GOOD an easthern orthodox boy that the priests who ran the school he attended had plans to make HIM a priest. Like
most eastern orthodox Russians ----he hated jews and had the few who actually
worked for him and even his own doctors-------murdered. Learn some history-----
"christian' pile of shit murdering scum
Is it that hard to make sense? About the two plaques, so what. The old one existed and the new one exists. So what's your point. Also, the number of people they say died at Auschwitz went down bt 2.5 million. I doubt if Jew haters were responsible for the change. So again, what's your point. As for the rest, it is a pile of meaningless senselessness. If you are trying to say something, you are going to have to say it better.

it is easy to make sense -----you kith and kin murdered millions------exactly where and on what day the dogs and pigs and pimps and whores murdered is subject to
some dispute

Fuck you filthy, lying, mass murdering Jew scum. You can't fool everybody. I will include a picture of a Nobel laureate who you didn't fool either. Fuck your imaginary 6 million. I have heard estimates of people who met their ends at the hands of Russian communists that ranged from 80,000,000 to 100,000,000. The better a Jew is depends on how horribly they die!
View attachment 55366

I am fully aware of the fact that Russians and Ukrainians hate each other --------they have been fighting each other for centuries. Ever hear of the COSSACKS? You have something new?---------islamo Nazi pig son of an easter bunny cotton
tail whore? eastern ortho father stalin knew he could get away with a genocide
of the kulak pigs because the eastern ortho and catholic Russian pigs HATED them
enough--------your fellow Christians watched them drop dead in their tracks of starvation and LAUGHED

You can stick your insults up your ass you moron. This has to do with far more than any differences between Russians and Ukrainians. Most of the Bolshevik leaders were Jews. The Bolsheviks murdered or caused the untimely deaths of millions before Stalin, a Turk, came to power.

very very few Bolsheviks were jews--------stalin was a Russian ----his religion was
"eastern orthodox" ------and was so GOOD an easthern orthodox boy that the priests who ran the school he attended had plans to make HIM a priest. Like
most eastern orthodox Russians ----he hated jews and had the few who actually
worked for him and even his own doctors-------murdered. Learn some history-----
"christian' pile of shit murdering scum

Very few Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. The person who basically founded communism, Marx, was a Jew. Lennin was part Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. At another forum somebody posted pictures of a bunch of top Bolshevik leaders who were Jewish. Also, ever hear of Julis and Ethel Rosenberg? They were American Jews and still supported the commies. Jews and communists are so often linked together that they are almost synonymous. And you expect me to believe that very few Bolsheviks were Jewish? Ha!

As for Stalin, I never said that he was from Turkey. But his ethnicity was Turkish. Apparently in the part of Russia that he was from, there were many of them around. As to him being a Christian and basically a seminary student in his youth, anybody who has heard anything about Stalin knows that. So take that you Jewish pile of shit murdering scum.
it is easy to make sense -----you kith and kin murdered millions------exactly where and on what day the dogs and pigs and pimps and whores murdered is subject to
some dispute

Fuck you filthy, lying, mass murdering Jew scum. You can't fool everybody. I will include a picture of a Nobel laureate who you didn't fool either. Fuck your imaginary 6 million. I have heard estimates of people who met their ends at the hands of Russian communists that ranged from 80,000,000 to 100,000,000. The better a Jew is depends on how horribly they die!
View attachment 55366

I am fully aware of the fact that Russians and Ukrainians hate each other --------they have been fighting each other for centuries. Ever hear of the COSSACKS? You have something new?---------islamo Nazi pig son of an easter bunny cotton
tail whore? eastern ortho father stalin knew he could get away with a genocide
of the kulak pigs because the eastern ortho and catholic Russian pigs HATED them
enough--------your fellow Christians watched them drop dead in their tracks of starvation and LAUGHED

You can stick your insults up your ass you moron. This has to do with far more than any differences between Russians and Ukrainians. Most of the Bolshevik leaders were Jews. The Bolsheviks murdered or caused the untimely deaths of millions before Stalin, a Turk, came to power.

very very few Bolsheviks were jews--------stalin was a Russian ----his religion was
"eastern orthodox" ------and was so GOOD an easthern orthodox boy that the priests who ran the school he attended had plans to make HIM a priest. Like
most eastern orthodox Russians ----he hated jews and had the few who actually
worked for him and even his own doctors-------murdered. Learn some history-----
"christian' pile of shit murdering scum

Very few Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. The person who basically founded communism, Marx, was a Jew. Lennin was part Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. At another forum somebody posted pictures of a bunch of top Bolshevik leaders who were Jewish. Also, ever hear of Julis and Ethel Rosenberg? They were American Jews and still supported the commies. Jews and communists are so often linked together that they are almost synonymous. And you expect me to believe that very few Bolsheviks were Jewish? Ha!

As for Stalin, I never said that he was from Turkey. But his ethnicity was Turkish. Apparently in the part of Russia that he was from, there were many of them around. As to him being a Christian and basically a seminary student in his youth, anybody who has heard anything about Stalin knows that. So take that you Jewish pile of shit murdering scum.

What you are saying is Jews should keep taking the shit that people put them through.
Fuck you filthy, lying, mass murdering Jew scum. You can't fool everybody. I will include a picture of a Nobel laureate who you didn't fool either. Fuck your imaginary 6 million. I have heard estimates of people who met their ends at the hands of Russian communists that ranged from 80,000,000 to 100,000,000. The better a Jew is depends on how horribly they die!
View attachment 55366

I am fully aware of the fact that Russians and Ukrainians hate each other --------they have been fighting each other for centuries. Ever hear of the COSSACKS? You have something new?---------islamo Nazi pig son of an easter bunny cotton
tail whore? eastern ortho father stalin knew he could get away with a genocide
of the kulak pigs because the eastern ortho and catholic Russian pigs HATED them
enough--------your fellow Christians watched them drop dead in their tracks of starvation and LAUGHED

You can stick your insults up your ass you moron. This has to do with far more than any differences between Russians and Ukrainians. Most of the Bolshevik leaders were Jews. The Bolsheviks murdered or caused the untimely deaths of millions before Stalin, a Turk, came to power.

very very few Bolsheviks were jews--------stalin was a Russian ----his religion was
"eastern orthodox" ------and was so GOOD an easthern orthodox boy that the priests who ran the school he attended had plans to make HIM a priest. Like
most eastern orthodox Russians ----he hated jews and had the few who actually
worked for him and even his own doctors-------murdered. Learn some history-----
"christian' pile of shit murdering scum

Very few Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. The person who basically founded communism, Marx, was a Jew. Lennin was part Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. At another forum somebody posted pictures of a bunch of top Bolshevik leaders who were Jewish. Also, ever hear of Julis and Ethel Rosenberg? They were American Jews and still supported the commies. Jews and communists are so often linked together that they are almost synonymous. And you expect me to believe that very few Bolsheviks were Jewish? Ha!

As for Stalin, I never said that he was from Turkey. But his ethnicity was Turkish. Apparently in the part of Russia that he was from, there were many of them around. As to him being a Christian and basically a seminary student in his youth, anybody who has heard anything about Stalin knows that. So take that you Jewish pile of shit murdering scum.

What you are saying is Jews should keep taking the shit that people put them through.
The Jews aren't the ones taking the shit. They are the ones dishing it out. It has been like that from the days of the old testament where it talks of many instances of the Jews wiping other peoples out because they lived on the land their god supposedly told them was theirs. Also, the Jews consider themselves to be the "chosen of god." By default, that makes everybody else shit. If they choose to live among people who they consider to be shit, they deserve whatever shit they're given.
I am fully aware of the fact that Russians and Ukrainians hate each other --------they have been fighting each other for centuries. Ever hear of the COSSACKS? You have something new?---------islamo Nazi pig son of an easter bunny cotton
tail whore? eastern ortho father stalin knew he could get away with a genocide
of the kulak pigs because the eastern ortho and catholic Russian pigs HATED them
enough--------your fellow Christians watched them drop dead in their tracks of starvation and LAUGHED

You can stick your insults up your ass you moron. This has to do with far more than any differences between Russians and Ukrainians. Most of the Bolshevik leaders were Jews. The Bolsheviks murdered or caused the untimely deaths of millions before Stalin, a Turk, came to power.

very very few Bolsheviks were jews--------stalin was a Russian ----his religion was
"eastern orthodox" ------and was so GOOD an easthern orthodox boy that the priests who ran the school he attended had plans to make HIM a priest. Like
most eastern orthodox Russians ----he hated jews and had the few who actually
worked for him and even his own doctors-------murdered. Learn some history-----
"christian' pile of shit murdering scum

Very few Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. The person who basically founded communism, Marx, was a Jew. Lennin was part Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. At another forum somebody posted pictures of a bunch of top Bolshevik leaders who were Jewish. Also, ever hear of Julis and Ethel Rosenberg? They were American Jews and still supported the commies. Jews and communists are so often linked together that they are almost synonymous. And you expect me to believe that very few Bolsheviks were Jewish? Ha!

As for Stalin, I never said that he was from Turkey. But his ethnicity was Turkish. Apparently in the part of Russia that he was from, there were many of them around. As to him being a Christian and basically a seminary student in his youth, anybody who has heard anything about Stalin knows that. So take that you Jewish pile of shit murdering scum.

What you are saying is Jews should keep taking the shit that people put them through.
The Jews aren't the ones taking the shit. They are the ones dishing it out. It has been like that from the days of the old testament where it talks of many instances of the Jews wiping other peoples out because they lived on the land their god supposedly told them was theirs. Also, the Jews consider themselves to be the "chosen of god." By default, that makes everybody else shit. If they choose to live among people who they consider to be shit, they deserve whatever shit they're given.

Please provide some contemporary historical examples of where Observant Jews have dished out shit.

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