Why Would Trump Hold Onto Anything From His Presidency That Would Give ANYONE Grounds to Invade His Private Space With a Search Warrant?

Now we can add kleptomania to Trump's other psychological problems like being deranged, a sociopath & a pathalogical liar.

The guy has issues.

Uhhhh No..
Biden has issues, like shitting his pants and not being able to complete a sentence without a teleprompter and sometimes with a teleprompter.
Now we can add kleptomania to Trump's other psychological problems like being deranged, a sociopath & a pathalogical liar.

The guy has issues.

Trump is all about revenge. Bannon was one of Trump's best people.

That trait, feeling a need to exact revenge upon others for any and every slight, real or imagined, is one of the things that concerned me most about Trump as a United States president.

Honestly, the way he conducts himself oftentimes makes me wonder if he believes that he has, or in fact does have, as a former president, immunity from prosecution. Surely even the most devout Trump support can see that he has done things that the average American would be doing time for had they committed the same offense. We have to look no further than the Jan 6th arrests and prosecutions to see an example of this but that surely is not the only case.
"Grounds to come after you"? Why in the world would a former president of the United States ever think they would want to "come after you"?
In the Trump era, there are two facts every voter should know to enable intelligent decisions.

One, when the powers-that-be granted the President all his powers, they never once considered a President like Donald Trump.

Two, Donald Trump is just plain stupid.

Take, for example, his incredibly stupid decision to take hundreds of pages of classified documents with him to Mar-a-Lago. He has never explained why he did that. It is quite likely he doesn't know. Just something to do? In any case, that remarkably incomprehensible decision has caused him nothing but grief, and he might be indicted.

The Wall Street Journal explains his folly. "Boxes retrieved from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home early this year contained more than 184 classified documents, including some deemed top secret or derived from clandestine human-intelligence sources, according to a heavily redacted affidavit released Friday laying out the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s justification for its extraordinary search of the Florida estate in early August.

"The document spanning 38 pages, 24 of them fully or partially blacked out, said there was “probable cause to believe that additional documents” containing classified national defense information and presidential records remained on the premises and “also probable cause to believe that evidence of obstruction” would be found there. A separate document said investigators relied on accounts from “a significant number of civilian witnesses” before searching the home.

"The affidavit was released on court order almost three weeks after FBI agents searched Mar-a-Lago and carted away more than two dozen boxes including 11 sets of classified documents, some of which were meant to be accessible only in special high-security facilities, according to a search warrant made public by the Florida court that approved it. The search followed months of correspondence by the National Archives and Records Administration to secure Trump administration records."

The Republican Party has captured the minds of those who live in the rural counties of America. The voters are mostly farmers, ranch hands, and rural shopkeepers. They lack education and they are not well informed. Most of what they know about politics is by word of mouth.

"The former president has seen his standing in the GOP strengthen since the Aug. 8 search as he considers a 2024 challenge to President Biden," the WSJ.
Comey used the "this is new ground, and no one has ever been prosecuted for this before," as an excuse not to prosecute Hillary, or raid her home for the illegal server with thousands of highly-classified documents on it
Those shenanigans with that email server and claims that they couldn't/shouldn't/wouldn't hold Clinton accountable in any way whatsoever (thereby declaring her actions as a big "nothing" in addition to claiming that she hadn't violated any laws) is primarily the reason I could not vote for her in 2015.

I worked for the government several years ago on a local military base and I had to sign a ton of paperwork acknowledging that I knew and understood the different classifications of documents, what they meant, how to handle them and what to do if I discovered someone else violating any of the laws regulating their access or especially, dissemination thereof. I was just a contractor on-site for less than a year and if I had to demonstrate knowledge of the seriousness of mishandling government documents with certain classifications, surely a former secretary of the state and potential presidential candidate knew or "should have known" about the laws and repercussions surrounding their violation.

She was simply shielded from punishment for her transgressions, in my opinion.

As nice as the thought of "the first woman president" was, I just didn't think it should have been her especially if that's her attitude and those around her that she could do this and it amounted to no violations of the law (complete BS)

They will be held accountable, yes. If they refuse to allow themselves to be held accountable by hiding information and citing "ongoing investigations," they will be eliminated from law enforcement, as they should have been long ago.

I have seen one agency refuse to turn over information by claiming that their investigation was still open and then once it was closed and all of the damage irrevocably done that the information they were withholding would have refuted, admit that while they did indeed open an investigation that they never actually conducted one. I was stunned and needless to say, they of course were allowed to get away with this.

Nothing surprises me these days.
No where in the affidavit that the DOJ/FBI just released is there 1 mention of 'national security-threatening nuclear Secrets'. Garland said it was THE issue that made him approve the raid....but there was no mention in the affidavit. That's beyond odd...
Did you know the affidavit was heavily redacted?

You sure know a lot about a document that could not be read for the most part.
"Grounds to come after you"? Why in the world would a former president of the United States ever think they would want to "come after you"?
Because that's how some people are. If they have a bone to pick with you and they are unable to get anywhere one way, then they will try a different way, particularly if previously attempts did not result a satisfactory outcome.

I originally thought that one of the main reasons Trump wanted to be president was because of the lifetime Secret Service protection. He has double crossed a lot of people from what I've read of his earlier years and now there are a lot of people with criminal records and/or doing time because they believed Trump personally asked them to join him in his fight on January 6th and fall on their swords on his behalf only to discover that they had been duped and no, he was not "with them" as they face the consequences of their actions that day.

In a way they kind of remind me of the people who took over the bird sanctuary in Oregon several years ago and once they decided they had enough relayed to the authorities that they were ready to "go home now" but didn't want to go to jail and were distraught when the FBI kept telling them that was not an option.
I don't know for sure but I would guess that Trump has broken new ground in many areas and there simply is no legal precedence that they can rely on to tell them what to do.

And because he's a former president and was a sitting president at the time of the Jan 6th attacks on the Capitol, it would seem to me that they wanted to be cautious about their actions so that they weren't setting BAD precedence for any future presidents and appointed officials.

Because face it, due to the cult-like devotion to Trump and the Republican party by some, they may have been afraid that when the numbers change, then they will be retaliated against, just out of spite, for having attempted to hold Trump accountable.
The way I see it I they have no intention of ever prosecuting Trump but they want to worry voters enough that Trump will find it difficult to run for President. The FBI and DOJ will just leak information like a sieve to tarnish Trump’s reputation.

This tactic could backfire and Trump supporters will vote for Trump in the primaries and he will become the Republican candidate for President. Then we will see if they have the balls to indict and prosecute him to prevent him from becoming President.
The way I see it I they have no intention of ever prosecuting Trump but they want to worry voters enough that Trump will find it difficult to run for President. The FBI and DOJ will just leak information like a sieve to tarnish Trump’s reputation.

This tactic could backfire and Trump supporters will vote for Trump in the primaries and he will become the Republican candidate for President. Then we will see if they have the balls to indict and prosecute him to prevent him from becoming President.

Batcat, remember when Trump ranted about leaks in the Oval Office? Trump was the leak. He likes to talk and impress people. He just doesn't care about classified or top secret information.
Batcat, remember when Trump ranted about leaks in the Oval Office? Trump was the leak. He likes to talk and impress people. He just doesn't care about classified or top secret information.


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