Why Would Trump Hold Onto Anything From His Presidency That Would Give ANYONE Grounds to Invade His Private Space With a Search Warrant?

Batcat, remember when Trump ranted about leaks in the Oval Office? Trump was the leak. He likes to talk and impress people. He just doesn't care about classified or top secret information.
Trump had plenty of leaks while in the Oval OfFice that he had nothing to do with.

A new leak of three months worth of President Donald Trump's daily schedules has provoked anger among top White House aides and allies of the president, echoing the early days of Trump's presidency during which leaks seemed to plague the administration on a near-daily basis.
Trump had plenty of leaks while in the Oval OfFice that he had nothing to do with.

A new leak of three months worth of President Donald Trump's daily schedules has provoked anger among top White House aides and allies of the president, echoing the early days of Trump's presidency during which leaks seemed to plague the administration on a near-daily basis.

That's what Trump claimed, but the hard reality is that Trump is an impulsive blabbermouth. Remember he took five hours a day in executive time. He didn't go to the office until lunchtime. He did his hair, watched TV and tweeted.
/-----/ In case you missed it:
"The President, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’" according to Article II of the Constitution, the USSC’s majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant." 1988 USSC Ruling.

Trump is in legal jeopardy having nothing to do with whether the material was classified or not.

Trump is in legal jeopardy because he was in possession of national security and military intelligence documents improperly stored and not secured, documents that would be lost, destroyed, or taken.

Indeed, Trump being in unlawful possession of such documents poses a national security risk the consequence of Trump’s arrogance and hubris, the consequence of Trump’s incompetence and stupidity, the consequence of Trump being a reckless, irresponsible dullard.

Trump is in legal jeopardy having nothing to do with whether the material was classified or not.

Trump is in legal jeopardy because he was in possession of national security and military intelligence documents improperly stored and not secured, documents that would be lost, destroyed, or taken.

Indeed, Trump being in unlawful possession of such documents poses a national security risk the consequence of Trump’s arrogance and hubris, the consequence of Trump’s incompetence and stupidity, the consequence of Trump being a reckless, irresponsible dullard.
/-------/ BREAKING
Critical factor.jpg

Why Would Trump Hold Onto Anything From His Presidency That Would Give ANYONE Grounds to Invade His Private Space With a Search Warrant?​

I heard Donald Trump had informations about ... let me call them "spies" ... of the USA. Hopefully not such informations from any German secret service. In my view to the world this could even give a reason to execute him, specially because he is a friend of Putin and other autocrats in the world. It's dangerous enough what's in his brain ... ¿and what is btw in his cameras? ...
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Mara Lago is a security nightmare so they did upgrade, but not sufficient to illegally take classified documents. All the documents belong to the National Archives. Trump is either extremely stupid or deliberately criminal.
/----/ HTF do you know anything about the security at Trump's residency? You just reject anything that disrupts your side's talking points.
And, who said they were illegally taken when there is a secure chain of custody? Do you think President Trump rolled the documents up and stuffed him in his shoes on the way out? OH WAIT - that would be a democRAT thing.
Bill Clinton’s national security adviser, Sandy Berger, is the subject of a criminal investigation for illicitly removing highly classified documents about the 1999 millennium bombing plot and handwritten notes he took from a secure reading room at the National Archives. Some of the classified documents taken by Mr. Berger are still missing. Mr. Berger (who resigned yesterday as a foreign-policy adviser to presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry) was in the Archives last summer and fall preparing, at Mr. Clinton’s request, the previous administration’s response to questions from the commission investigating the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Yes, too bad Poopeypants dementia has taken away all of his criminal skills.
Yes, it is, dementia has taken away Trump's recognition of crimes.

Officials at the Justice Department later went to the Florida estate in June with a subpoena for any additional classified material. But reviews of security footage and information from interviews with Trump’s aides led them to believe there were even more documents that hadn’t been turned over.

Former White House officials were tasked with trying to return the documents to the federal government, but Trump resisted, calling the boxes “Mine.”

Overall, we rate USSA News Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, lack of transparency, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks. (D. Van Zandt 12/19/2017) Updated (04/26/2022)

Overall, we rate USSA News Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, lack of transparency, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks. (D. Van Zandt 12/19/2017) Updated (04/26/2022)
/———/ “When you can’t refute the message, attack the messenger.” — Saul Alinsky

When Donald Trumpbecame president in 2017, a SCIF was set up at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, which he referred to as his Winter White House. Trump (at the head of the table with various cabinet members, advisers, and staffers) is seen here monitoring the Syrian cruise missile attackfrom the Mar-a-Lago SCIF.
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Maybe I'm just being naive but why give people LEGAL grounds to come after you?

That's like leaving a job, especially if involuntarily and deciding to keep one of the cell phones that you've been using for both work and personal calls and then refusing or not wanting to turn it over when asked for it. I understand that having your own personal items mixed in with your work items presents a dilemma but you don't deal with it by lying about what you're holding and then not turning over everything that is asked for.

Unless I'm missing something, does Trump or anyone else believe he's entitled to keep classified, top secret documents at his home? Why would he not turn these items over? Just general principle?

Former President Trump is asking a federal court to appoint a special master to review the documents the FBI seized from Mar-a-Lago this month during a court-authorized search.​
In a motion filed in federal court in Florida, Trump also is seeking to prevent the government from further reviewing the documents that were taken until a special master is appointed, and he wants the government to provide more details on items that were taken during the search.​
The legal action is the first from Trump's attorneys since FBI agents executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago two weeks ago.​
"Law enforcement is a shield that protects Americans. It cannot be used as a weapon for political purposes," the filing says. "Therefore, we seek judicial assistance in the aftermath of an unprecedented and unnecessary raid on President Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago."​
Trump's attorneys argue that the search raises Fourth Amendment concerns and that the warrant used was overly broad. They also say the department took the unprecedented step of searching the former president's home despite what Trump's attorneys say was his voluntary assistance with investigators over several months.​
In a statement, Justice Department spokesman Anthony Coley reiterated that the search warrant at Mar-a-Lago was "authorized by a federal court upon the required finding of probable cause."​
The department is aware of Trump's motion, he said, and will file its response in court.​
Last Friday, the judge in the case, U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, gave the Justice Department one week to provide a redacted copy of the affidavit used to justify the unprecedented search of Trump's residence. Multiple media organizations had asked the judge to unseal all documents related to the search, notably the affidavit laying out the reasoning and research. At a hearing last Thursday, the organizations said they do not want to release any information that would have a chilling effect on current or future witnesses, endanger people involved in the probe or compromise the investigation.​
Read the full warrant documents from FBI search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago home's Mar-a-Lago home

The Justice Department argued at the hearing that redacting the affidavit would leave no information of substance to release and also noted that the search itself and release of the warrant last week had created a volatile situation where FBI agents have already received death threats.​
The Justice Department must give Reinhart their proposed redacted version by Thursday at noon. The judge has not said what, if anything, he will ultimately order made public.​

While the Justice Department asked the court to unseal the warrant, citing intense public interest, it has argued strongly against releasing the affidavit, saying doing so could compromise its investigation, other probes, the possibility of future witness cooperation and the safety of agents and individuals named in the affidavit.​
The warrant shows that FBI agents retrieved documents labeled classified, secret, top secret and confidential as well potential presidential records. It also reveals that the Justice Department is investigating the potential violation of three federal statutes, including the Espionage Act and obstruction of justice.​
The genesis of the investigation comes from an unlikely source: the National Archives. This winter the agency, in charge of cataloguing and storing important government documents, retrieved 15 boxes of key presidential records that it said Trump was improperly and possibly illegally keeping at home.​
Recycling bullshit now? Man, the left is scared.

Overall, we rate USSA News Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, lack of transparency, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks. (D. Van Zandt 12/19/2017) Updated (04/26/2022)
Overall I rate MBFC a completely biased shill of a site that shouldn’t be considered over the onion in truth.
/———/ “When you can’t refute the message, attack the messenger.” — Saul Alinsky
That's what Trump and his cult are doing.

Attacking the FBI.
Attacking the DOJ.
Attacking the judge.

When Donald Trumpbecame president in 2017, a SCIF was set up at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida,

which he referred to as his Winter White House. Trump (at the head of the table with various cabinet members, advisers, and staffers) is seen here monitoring the Syrian cruise missile attackfrom the Mar-a-Lago SCIF.

Then why didn't Trump use it here?


Aides surround Shinzo Abe after he and Trump are notified of a North Korea missile launch during his visit to Mar-a-Lago on February 11, 2017.
That's what Trump and his cult are doing.

Attacking the FBI.
Attacking the DOJ.
Attacking the judge.

Then why didn't Trump use it here?

View attachment 689102
Aides surround Shinzo Abe after he and Trump are notified of a North Korea missile launch during his visit to Mar-a-Lago on February 11, 2017.

Trump loves spectacle with him in the spot light..

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